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Not EVERYONE who works for MainStream Media is conspiring to increase the rate of consumption.

Check out “Greed In the Name of Green: To Worshipers of Consumption: Spending Won’t Save the Earth.” It is a very good item by “Washington Post Staff Writer” Monica Hesse that ran in the Style section of 5 March issue of WaPo.

Our favorite is the hybrid Lexus but there are a lot of good examples.

We were reminded of this item when we went back to check out the references to “RuralZED” housing that were provided in a comment under the Atlantic Realty backfill project in Falls Church posted on 6 March by Jim Bacon.

The item on “RuralZED” housing was on a website called “TreeHugger.” Talk about Greed in the Name of Green. The site gives new meaning to the word “news hole” vis a vis advertising.

The site must be popular with those who buy a lot because they sell a lot of ads. When you bring up the item on “RuralZED” housing there is a framework of ads that runs for screen after screen. The story itself is very short so the impression you get is “Hey, Tree Hugger you need to buy, buy, buy…” Reminds us of the Ford Motor Company ad on page two of Unte Reader…

By the way the second story of “RuralZED” housing makes it clear that this Unit-scale modular component system is designed to create varied Dooryard and Cluster agglomerations. Since “Zed” is used in Great Britain (and some former Colonies) for Zero, “RuralZED” may mean “Not Rural.” It is all a matter of Vocabulary.


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