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Great Moments in Virginia Governance: Norfolk Edition

burfoot under indictment for corruption

From the Virginian-Pilot: An employee of Norfolk Treasurer Anthony Burfoot testified in U.S. District Court Monday that she waived penalties and fees for local developers at the direction of her boss.

Prosecutors allege that Dwight Etheridge, Tommy Arney, Ronnie Boone Sr. and others paid Burfoot more than $400,000 in kickbacks and bribes between 2005 and early 2011. In exchange, prosecutors say, Burfoot helped, or at least promised to help, their various projects through the city bureaucracy.

The office of Treasurer is not one I think of as influencing development decisions. Treasurers don’t even influence real estate assessments — that’s the job in Virginia of commissioners of revenue. It will be interesting to see, as this trial unfolds, what kind of favors are within the purview of a city or county treasurer to grant. If Burfoot turns out to be guilty, other jurisdictions might think of turning over the same rock to see what kind of nastiness resides beneath.

Update: Oh, brother, now accusations of corruption extend to Norfolk Sheriff Bob McCabe. Quoth the Virginian-Pilot: “Businessman Ronnie Boone Sr. told federal investigators he bribed longtime Sheriff Bob McCabe in addition to Treasurer Anthony Burfoot, according to two sources familiar with the interview.”

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