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The front page of today’s WaPo Business section has a graphic that should become the screen saver for every politician and every advocate for Fundamental Change.

The graphic portrays federal spending as a percentage of GNP — history and projections to 2050.

The article has the “positions” of six of the 37 people who has declared an interest in being the next president.

Read it and weep.

Then figure out how much new spending will be needed in Virginia to fix the mental health system to avoid more VaTechs.

In the Metro section there is an article on how much paying low wages to teachers costs in recruiting and retraining.

Then there is the Mobility and Access Crisis and the Affordable and Accessible Housing Crisis and the Energy Crisis and the Food Security Crisis and the….

If anyone thinks that in 2007 or 2008 the “do not raise taxes” crowd will get a word in edgewise with all these “needs” …

The only answer is Fundamental Change.

Sorry, you are going to have to come to understand the meaning, scope and path to implementation of Fundamental Change of human settlement patterns and Fundamental Change in governance structure.

There is no other exit.


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