Governor’s Chronic Absenteeism Task Force – Part Two – Restructure for Balanced Debates

By James C. Sherlock

Lisa Coons, Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction

I have watched the public sessions of the Governor’s Chronic Absenteeism Task Force.

The structure of the task force, and its proceedings, have been fatally flawed.

That panel has been dominated by the progressive worldviews of Attendance Works and FutureEd.

I offer as evidence the “resources” for the first meeting on October 24th.  Every single one uses Attendance Works or FutureEd for its expert assessment.

Then consider the agenda, discussion guide and this slide deck used on November 7th to set the stage for deliberations.

Such meetings have not encouraged debate, but rather have seemed to suffocate it.  The process as it exists seems destined to coronate failed progressive ideas.

Progressive pressure reached the point that a member of the panel, Dr. Keith Perrigan, Washington County Public Schools Superintendent and President of the Coalition of Small and Rural Schools of Virginia, on November 7th felt it necessary to apologize in advance for seeming to be an “ogre” to the rest of the panel.

Because he spoke in favor of enforcement of truancy laws.

The Task Force needs to change that environment and the makeup of the task force or they will get more of what Virginia has already experienced using progressive approaches: chronic absenteeism.

A compilation from

The scale of the problem.  In Virginia in the 2022-23 school year, the parent or parents or guardians of 1,263,580 public school students each made decisions, or failed to make decisions, for or against sending those children to school on each of 180 school days.

At the 19.3% statewide rate, nearly 244,000 of those kids were chronically absent – each missing more than 18 school days.

That defines the scale of the problem in the Commonwealth.

Each of those decision points that resulted in an absent child faced different types of issues.

  1. Value judgment. Did parents lose confidence in schools?  Did they as a result value getting to their kids to school less than other things in the lives of themselves and their children?
  2. Impediments.  Did they fail to get the kids to school because of something out of their control, like transportation or the health of the child or parent? Lack of clean clothes? Alcoholism?  Drug addiction?
  3. Refusal.  Did the child refuse? Did he or she refuse at a higher rate after Covid than before?
  4. Abuse. Was there something darker and illegal going on at home?
  5. Fear: Were they or their kids scared for their children to go to school?

Covid changes.

 Chronic absenteeism, as seen in the spreadsheet above, doubled after Covid.  And the absenteeism internal to those subgroups changed in lockstep.  Why?

Certainly some of all of those five factors were in play.  But they were all in play before Covid.  So what changed?  What will it take to fix it?

Much of the public discussion of the massive increase has been centered around:

  • Covid broke generational patterns of going to school, and
  • experiences during Covid lessened parents’ view of the value of schools.

Schools should not be expected to deal with those problems alone.

Schools doing more of what was done before Covid as recommended by Attendance Works, some of which may have been useful for other reasons but failed to change attendance patterns, is unlikely to move the needle in the right direction.

Dr. Frederick Hess.  Someone of considerable gravitas in the field offers groundbreaking suggestions that the Governor’s task force must consider.

Those interested in this subject owe it to themselves to read Frederick Hess’ landmark article Education After the Pandemic.

Dr. Hess has a PhD and MA in government and an MEd in teaching and curriculum, all from Harvard.  I am pretty sure the Harvard faculty broadly does not share his perspectives.

But his field and academic experience in education is broad, deep and distinguished.

What Works Clearinghouse.  One of Dr. Hess’ observations is that waves of change from 2000 until Covid had no attendance impact.

That matches the results of the absenteeism intervention assessments of Institute for Education Sciences (IES) What Works Clearing House (WWC) reported here yesterday.

Hess is a big fan of IES, as I am, and wants to increase their funding.

“It’s also essential for funding language to make clear that funds are to be expressly directed to gold-standard learning science, not the mediocre ideological research that’s all too common in the field.” (emphasis added)

(No offense.)

Doing more of what was already being done to prevent absenteeism before Covid does not seem to Hess likely to meet the new challenges.  Virginia’s experience suggests he is right.

Hess’ assessments of what to do are very much worth considering whether the reader, and the Governor’s task force, ultimately agrees with him or not.

He first offers detailed suggestions for improving both the inadequate teacher talent pool and technology assistance to teaching.

He then tackles real-world transformations.

“In practice, the web of rules and regulations, cultures and contracts, and policies and practices that entangle American schooling makes any kind of re-invention extraordinarily difficult.”

“When one considers the constraints imposed by collective-bargaining agreements, federal mandates, state assessments, parental expectations, and more, any talk of transformation can start to sound naïve at best.”

“While many of schooling’s familiar routines are the product of statute and regulation, others are the product of inertia.”

“Given that fact, it’s helpful to look at some practical ways in which policymakers, philanthropists, or tough-minded system leaders can start to move the needle.”

He offers recommendations for transformations of schooling to meet the new challenges.  Paraphrased, they are:

  1. target the latticework of anachronistic routines;
  2. explore new staffing configurations;
  3. support schools of choice that emphasize innovation;
  4. stop asking local school systems to re-invent the wheel;
  5. start gauging education technology based on whether it makes it easier for teachers to teach well;
  6. embrace learning science (the IES section);
  7. insist on redesigned teacher roles as part of any deal to raise teachers’ wages;
  8. build ecosystems to tackle the chicken-and-egg dilemma of new roles. Schools can’t start redefining roles until people are trained for them, but it makes no sense to train people for positions that don’t yet exist. The best way to escape this impasse lies in building partnerships between training programs and a select few school systems.

Those are found nowhere in the newly revised Attendance Works/FutureEd Attendance Playbook. And they are unlikely to ever be seen there.

Playbook recommends more intense pursuit by overburdened schools of the same approaches that failed to improve attendance before or after Covid.

Sorry, but schools are stressed beyond limits.


The Governor’s Task Force should reconsider its structure to entertain a different viewpoint than they have been presented to this point by asking Dr. Hess or a conservative of his stature to support its deliberations.

In upcoming parts I will discuss, among other subjects:

  • the marketing challenge in changing parents perceptions about school.  I will recommend the employment by the state of a professional marketing organization to create a campaign with regional and demographic group messaging to help deal with it.  The schools cannot; and
  • the question of who should investigate individual cases of chronic absenteeism and apply supports and/or sanctions.  The schools have demonstrated they cannot (and many do not, at the advice of progressives want to) do that effectively. I will recommend the state Department of Social Services take over that job, including buying some of the time of school system support staff to assist.

Update:  This was updated on Dec. 18, 2023 to align with this section of the book on this subject to be published before the end of the year.  Some information was moved both to and from this section, but all of it was retained in the series.

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37 responses to “Governor’s Chronic Absenteeism Task Force – Part Two – Restructure for Balanced Debates”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I realize that Dr. Coons has been in the position only since last spring, but I am wondering what she has done to merit the confidence of your conservative friends. It would seem that her first big test was the task force on chronic absenteeism, which is the governor’s newest “top priority”. In your view, she has flubbed it. You would advise her to scrap it and start all over. I happen to agree with you, but I did not have high expectations for the task force.

    I see no movement on what the Governor declared in Oct. 2o22 was his “top educational priority”: establishing the highest passing threshold in the country by the time the next SOL tests rolled around (spring 2023). Maybe one of the problems is that the governor jumps from top priority to top priority before accomplishing the first one.

    So, tell us, what has Dr. Coons done to merit this confidence in her?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Beats me. But I trust a couple of my friends who know her far better than I. So I softened by commentary about her. We’ll see if I made the right choice.

      I give this governor props for recognizing big problems and trying to deal with them actively. If she disappoints him, she will be gone.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I hope you are right about Coons. Frankly I was shocked at the appointed members of her so called task force. The very first person I would have appointed is an attendance secretary from any school district afflicted with outrageous chronic absenteeism. In fact, I would have as many front line people as possible on the task force. I don’t want to hear anymore from the so called informed and properly anointed PhDs.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I really could not have hurt her any worse than this with the Governor, to who I sen this. If she does not get it together, he will find another Superintendent.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “If she does not get it together, he will find another Superintendent”

            Was that his response to your communique?

  2. Progressive pressure reached the point that a member of the panel, Dr. Keith Perrigan, Washington County Public Schools Superintendent and President of the Coalition of Small and Rural Schools of Virginia, on November 7th felt it necessary to apologize in advance for seeming to be an “ogre” to the rest of the panel.

    Because he spoke in favor of enforcement of truancy laws.

    I predict his days as a member of the panel are numbered.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      What would be useful would be if we could see the absentee data for his school and the small and rural schools of Va.

      I don’t know how to get that data except on a per school basis and that assumes I know the schools that he represents!

      But I hope that he stays, myself, and represents the approach they use to deal with the issue.

      Absenteeism from rural schools has typically been a different issue than for more urbanized schools IMO.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I have found, Larry, that each school and school division and region is its own ecosystem.

        If a single school’s attendance can be adjusted statistically for differences in its demographics (race, ethnicity, economic status, English learners, IEPs, etc.) to its division norms, and is a statistical outlier from its division good or bad, the principal has likely made that difference.

        Beyond that, I have found it nearly impossible difficult to compare divisions. There are too many variables.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I get what you are saying but build-a-table and school quality profiles are often used to portray
          problems at specific schools compared to others. Also , most proposed changed, even reforms,
          seem to often be one-size , even top-down one-size “solutions”.

          If each school is it’s own “ecosystem” what would we propose on an individual school basis unless
          we did significant research into each school first and why would we have someone outside of
          that school actually telling that school what to change unless that person telling them had a
          significant record of success with other schools?

      2. He supports a rational, legal, proactive approach to truancy which is already available, has no impediments to being implemented immediately and doesn’t require a PhD in “Education Management” (or whatever) to understand.

        He is obviously not suitable material for a “task force” whose primary objective seems to be to “study” the problem to death…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m ALL FOR ANY approach that is proven to work and I’m all for any proposals that have never worked to be tried in pilot programs including individual schools rather than top-down from the State.

          But no matter what we do, we do need the data so that we actually do know what performs
          or not.

          I’m a skeptic of individual approaches that have no proven record and no real up front commitment in their proposals to collect the data.

          1. Enforcing Virginia’s truancy laws has had a proven record.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            How about schools that do this? Do we know which ones and what their absentee rate is?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Post-covid? Are we to conclude that they have simply stopped enforcing truancy laws in Allegheny County then?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “…which is already available, has no impediments to being implemented immediately…”

          Actually we don’t know this at all. As far as written policies go, enforcement practices have not been changed. Further, it is unlikely that they have been abandoned across the board in nearly all local systems. There look to be other variables at play here and one very well could be resources available to implement enforcement.

          1. You are correct. I made the apparently incorrect assumption that those who run our school systems are competent. However, if as you allude to, some school systems have been negligent, then someone needs to be held accountable.

            The law is there. The law has been there. The fact that school systems throughout the Commonwealth have ignored it does not justify a new “Task Force”.

            Until they can demonstrate that enforcing the laws we already have does not work, they should not be looking at “new” methods to solve the problem at hand.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            there are more than 13,000 school districts in the US -130,000 schools.

            It’s hard to believe that most all of them have “failed” approaches and none have any that work. We KNOW that’s likely simply not true.

            We could START with the ones that do work IMO.

            re: ” The fact that school systems throughout the Commonwealth have ignored it…

            I dunno. To think that no school in Virginia has an approach that works and all are failures would be pretty broad IMO.

            Virginia ranks 6th nation-wide on this.

            That’s the aggregate of all it’s schools and hard to label as a “failure” IMO.

          3. If we have an epidemic of chronic truancy then it is self evident “most all” school systems have “failed approaches” to truancy.

            Whatever they are doing is not working. That is the definition of a failed policy.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            all schools everywhere across the US? nothing is working at any school in the US?

            is this a problem in society that the schools can’t fix?

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “However, if as you allude to, some school systems have been negligent…”

            Not what I alluded to.

            If petty theft was on the rise because cops don’t have the resources to enforce adequately would you also call that as ignoring the law. Especially if the incidence of petty theft doubled due to other influences and the number of cops stayed the same or decreased?

            “Until they can demonstrate that enforcing the laws we already have does not work, they should not be looking at “new” methods to solve the problem at hand.”

            That doesn’t really follow either. If (to stretch the example above) law enforcement could find another way to reduce petty theft that did not rely upon extra cops (that aren’t available anyway), would it not be a good idea to explore that option as well?

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “However, if as you allude to, some school systems have been negligent…”

            Not what I alluded to.

            If petty theft was on the rise because cops don’t have the resources to enforce adequately would you also call that as ignoring the law. Especially if the incidence of petty theft doubled due to other influences and the number of cops stayed the same or decreased?

            “Until they can demonstrate that enforcing the laws we already have does not work, they should not be looking at “new” methods to solve the problem at hand.”

            That doesn’t really follow either. If (to stretch the example above) law enforcement could find another way to reduce petty theft that did not rely upon extra cops (that aren’t available anyway), would it not be a good idea to explore that option as well?

          7. If (to stretch the example above) law enforcement could find another way to reduce petty theft that did not rely upon extra cops (that aren’t available anyway), would it not be a good idea to explore that option as well?

            As well, yes. Instead, no.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            As far as well can tell, it is not an either/or thing for truancy enforcement.

          9. If petty theft was on the rise because cops don’t have the resources to enforce adequately would you also call that as ignoring the law.

            Yes. If police departments had spent the last 5 years or so finding “alternatives” to enforcing the law and removing enforcing the law from their budgets I would call it ignoring the law.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “..,and removing enforcing the law from their budgets…”

            Missed the part of this series that demonstrated that enforcement of truancy was removed from budgets…

          11. As far as written policies go, enforcement practices have not been changed.

            You know this for a fact? In all Virginia school systems?

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Seeing as how this series started from the CCS system as the worst example out there, we know it is fact for that one at least.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    A couple of things to notice.

    First, the claim that schools that did in-person fared better than schools that did remote and especially Virginia with blame on Ralph Northam.

    What the data shows is that virtually every state had enrollment impacts from COVID regardless of how the schools operated.

    And on a national basis, Virginia fared much better than 40 other states, ranking 6th best in attendance.

    Next, the pandemic harmed education on a worldwide basis, not just the US or Virginia, again despite claims that other countries did not go remote and as a result experienced less harm, the opposite is true based on the data from PISA:

    The US actually GAINED in the worldwide rankings because other countries had even more severe learning losses that dropped them in the ratings.

    Third, having read Dr. Hess article and his recommendations, they appear to be not that much about attendance as they are about massive reform, “transformation” of public education in general so no wonder they were not part of the State discussion about absenteeism.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Attendance is a choice.

      Choosing not to attend for any but compelling reasons not having to do with school means school is not attractive to the kid or the parents or both.

      We need to change that value judgment. Hess’ recommendations can be huge steps in that direction.

      The baby steps they are discussing from the Attendance Works list have not impacted attendance.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I don’t disagree, but that is a huge jump from direct responses to absenteeism. He’s talking
        about massive reforms that are way beyond just absenteeism.

        It always helps me if I can see some existing examples of what is being proposed as a practical thing and to recognize if there are no existing examples, that it’s truly “out there” in the realm of potential
        changes and no shortage of others who have equally innovative “ideas” of massive changes and reforms.

        So for absenteeism , I see two states , ID and WY with low numbers although WY “blew up” after
        COVID. I’d be curious to know what their approaches are and whether they used Attendance Now or not and for that matter, what other states also do not use Attendance Now.

        Finally, I do not disagree at all with Mr. Whiteheads view that “old school” approaches need to
        be on the table for discussion especially if they show better numbers.

        What I suspect but cannot show with data is that kids who do well at achievement, i.e. get SOL socres in the 80s/90s are probably not “absentees” and it’s kids who do not do well at achievement that are. If true, I’d ask if the nature of the problem has to do with lower achieving kids who are economically disadvantaged.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          Hess believes that if a parent went through the pain of a college application like process to get their kid into kindergarten, then the parents would work harder to ensure that their kid attends school. That is the point of arguing for 100% school choice.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            any/all parents? Sounds like the same parents that get their kids to public school … no?
            what’s the advantage of that if the choice school is similar curriculum?

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            Once again, one seems to be trying to missing the point. School choice means that the schools get to pick their students much like universities do it today. That means unless one wants something for one’s children better than the bottom of the barrel must admit public school, then has to apply and get one’s child accepted to the K-12 school. A good example is NYC’s middle school choice program that has been reported in the NY Times under the title “Nice White Parents.”

            When it comes to school choice, even the best public schools will be over prescribed and the worst public schools will be struggling to gain students and stay open. Rick Hess thinks that they would be better even though it becomes much harder for single mothers, the children of the military, and people who move for job prospects.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            why would we use tax dollars to pay for exclusive schools that deny attendance to some ?

          4. Teddy007 Avatar

            One needs to ask states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona with their school voucher programs. Or ask the Supreme Court in Carson v. Makin. Of look up how school voucher programs work in places like Milwaukee.
            Full school choice or backpack funding means the student can go anywhere and the state either pays the full tuition or a partial tuition. Why doing some reading on school choice programs.

  4. vicnicholls Avatar

    Thanks Capt.

  5. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    In addition to enforcing truancy laws I suggest that school districts tell parents that kids will be prohibited from attending school for the balance of the school year once they are classified as chronically absent. There could be exceptions. Excused absences, for illness, wouldn’t count. And kids could test back into school by demonstrating the ability to read and do math at grade level. Parents will make sure their kids get to school if the penalty is the loss of free daycare.

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