Governor Youngkin Can Restore Parental Rights in the Treatment of Transgender Children in Schools with the Stroke of a Pen

by James C. Sherlock

Gov. Youngkin criticized after calling on teachers with LGBTQ students to tell parents” is a headline in The Virginian-Pilot.

Apparently, “Gov. Youngkin calls on teachers with LGBTQ students to tell parents” did not make the cut.

Narrative shaping 101.

Now consider these statements of government opinion:

  • “If she has to tell her parents, they might beat or disown her.”
  • “If his parents find out, he might kill himself.”

These are judgments that not only can be made by public school personnel under current Virginia policy, but are actually encouraged by that policy.

Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools (Model Policies) was written pursuant to the 2020 law § 22.1-23.3. Treatment of transgender students; policies. That law was written for action by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who works for the governor. Read it.

Nothing in that law required the DOE to go nearly as far as it did in Model Policies. But it was drafted by a panel dominated by progressive activists who shared their pronouns.

You will note there is not a single word in that law about parents.

All the Governor needs to do is tell his superintendent to revoke that destructive policy document and re-rewrite it requiring parental involvement. (And new rules for bathrooms. You are welcome, Hanover County School Board.)

Elections matter.

So other than that she can, why should the Superintendent of Public Instruction re-write it?

In the examples cited above, government employees have decided that they know far better what is good for that child than the child’s parents or physicians, and that parents may prove to be abusive.

Even more disturbingly, parents are judged in those conclusions without any semblance of due process by school employees, who have neither qualifications nor legal right to make those judgments.

Medicine. Let’s look at the practice of medicine for a guide.

In loco parentis is in the Medical Dictionary of the Health Professions and Nursing, defined as the “legal obligation of a nonparental authority to provide a level of care equal to that of parents.”

So, if a child goes to a government clinic and seeks help for gender issues, he cannot be diagnosed or treated without the consent of the natural parents unless one or both of the parents have been removed from that decision process by a court or by death.

Ask UVa Children’s Hospital if you don’t believe me.

Yet in Virginia, under Model Policies, a kid in a government school can have government employees act in loco parentis — not only in place of parents — but actively denying parents knowledge of matters of their child’s perception of his or her gender identity.

That is the issue here.

In making medical decisions for children, the courts have been clear that the parents must consent unless the child is a ward of the state.

It is a medical decision for which children are given legal protections because their brains and experiences have not developed the risk-reward judgment capabilities of adults.

It is a medical decision that children’s medical caregivers by law are not enabled to make without the consent of the child’s parents, who know them best and are responsible to make judgments in their best interests.

So, somehow Virginia has a policy that subordinates the rights of parents in those matters to school personnel. Seriously? Yes, unfortunately, seriously.

Bottom line. Some things are hard. This one is not.

You will be comforted to know (starting page 3) that such luminaries as:

  • Shannon McKay (she/her), Co-founder, He She Ze & We;
  • Ted Lewis (they/them), Executive Director, Side by Side;
  • Anthony Belotti (he/they), Student Representative;
  • Vee Lamneck (they/them), Executive Director, Equality Virginia IT Infrastructure Partnership; and
  • Emily Sproul (she/her), Executive Director, Shenandoah LGBTQ Center.

“provided input and offered expertise throughout the development of these Model Policies.” It can truly be said that Model Policies could not have been what it became without them.

With a progressive government, we get progressive panels, progressive department heads and progressive model policies that dismiss parents in favor of school officials acting in loco parentis. There are no appropriate roles or even due process for parents.

That is how it is. Or was.

As I wrote, elections have consequences. So it is when Glenn Youngkin is governor.

His Superintendent of Public Instruction should rescind Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools and re-write it to comply with the law.

And make parents integral to the process.

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96 responses to “Governor Youngkin Can Restore Parental Rights in the Treatment of Transgender Children in Schools with the Stroke of a Pen”

  1. Warmac9999 Avatar

    The bottom line is do parents have the right to parent? Take one of the above situations – “If she tells the parents, they might beat or disown her” – or there are a dozen other possibilities both positive and negative. If a teacher, who is a representative of the State, makes the choice without the parents then whatever happens to the child becomes the States responsibility. There is no perfect answer but as with vouchers, 95% of the time parental choice will work. Assuming parental irresponsibility is anti-family.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Dr” Warren supports Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in Virginia’s public schools… who’s surprised…

      1. Warmac9999 Avatar

        Making stuff up as usual.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Not at all…

      2. Warmac9999 Avatar

        You must have had a beaut of an upbringing. Your fear of parents is palpable.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I am a parent, “Dr” Warren… smh…

          1. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Really, you seem to think every parent but you is abusive. I happen to think the opposite.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I agree that you think no parents are abusive. Unfortunately, you are wrong… as usual…

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I do agree that you think there is no such thing as domestic child abuse. Unfortunately, there is.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    No one is talking about making medical decisions. There is no question that teachers cannot make medical decisions without the consent of the parents, except in emergencies. What we are talking about is telling a parent about a child’s gender identity issues.

    The issues are not as simple as you imply. You seem to believe that, if a kid confides in a teacher about his/her gender identity issues, the teacher should be required to inform the parents. There seems to be a double standard at work here. Many conservatives defended a Loudoun teacher who refused to use different pronouns, saying that his freedom of speech was being infringed. Why would not the same standard apply here? Would not requiring the teacher to tell the parents about their kid’s secret be a violation of that teacher’s freedom of speech?

    How about other issues? Should a teacher have to tell a kid’s parents that her daughter has told the teacher that she is pregnant, even if that information were provided to the teacher in confidence?

    By the way, how would you recommend that the Superintendent rewrite the model policy so as to still be in compliance with the state law?

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The Sherlock has spoken!!! Decision makers must listen.

    2. To answer your last question, Sherlock needs VA Republicans to take the Senate first.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Actually, Rosie, this particular law is law, and it instructs the Superintendent of Public Instruction to write the model policies. That law stands, and it is just an outline.

        The current Model Polices stand at the forbearance of the Superintendent. He can and will write new model policies in compliance with the current law that says nothing whatever about involving parents or not.

        Sorry, the General Assembly does not get another vote until the Democrats take over the Governorship and both houses of the GA.

        So the Governor does not need anything from the General Assembly. Sorry again.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          oozing with autocracy?

          Yep the Gov tells him/her and he writes a new policy and no one has any input .. done deal?

          We know how you roll. Trumpy

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You should familiarize your self with the term chief executive.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            “elections have consequences” = autocracy – a tendency of too many far-right Conservatives these days evidenced by CPAC holding court in Hungary…

            The Governor does NOT get to dictate policy – wrong!

          3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Come on, Larry. “Elections have consequences” is not a hallmark of autocracy. Just the opposite; it is a bedrock of democracy.

            Just as the 2019 elections for the Virgiinia Assembly had consequences, this situation is another example. The statute says that the Department of Education, not the Board of Education, shall develop the model policy. The head of the Department of Education answers to the Governor.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hey, You got it backwards and/or I stated it such that you thought that.

            But, as you cite , when an elected Gov ignores the existing process and decrees policy and justifies doing it by saying “elections have consequences”

            It’s what autocrats often do, i.e. claim they have a “mandate” and “elections have consequences” to justify their arbitrary actions.

            Youngkin has no such election mandate but even if he won by a huge margin – he cannot disregard existing processes and structure and just “rule”.

            But it’s exactly how some folks think… like some right here in BR!


    3. DJRippert Avatar

      The bigger question is why teachers have become amateur psychologists in the first place. As far as I know, the typical front-line teacher is not a credentialed child psychologist. Why should they be counseling children on deep psychological issues like gender identity? How many children does a typical front-line teacher teach at any given time? 150? How many amateur child psychology sessions can a front-line teacher afford to conduct each week?

      Teachers need to get back to teaching. Deep psychological questions need to be referred to trained psychologists.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Teachers have not “become” amateur. They have had a role all along to be available to kids who are having conflicts with their parents and especially so if abuse.

        They don’t diagnose, they refer to the appropriate resources.

        Do you understand how many children get referred to social services because of abuse? Many of them get there via a teacher. The teacher is the only other adult some of them have access to.

        What exactly would you do instead if you take the teacher out of this?

        1. Warmac9999 Avatar

          I would put the parent back in. You must have had a rough childhood. You seem to hate the idea of parental responsibility.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Dr” Warren, you are now suggesting that teachers turn a blind eye to suspected child abuse and instead turn the child back over to the abusive parent. You are soulless.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            this is conservatives problem. The can’t seem to reconcile the real world and how to deal with it. IN their world, there are no bad parents and the state should never be intervening in the first place.

          3. Warmac9999 Avatar

            You are suggesting that all parents are abusive. What a truly ignorant comment

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            How do you get that? He says there is such a thing as parental abuse. What do you do when it happens?

          5. Warmac9999 Avatar

            You sure don’t turn it over to a teacher. If the abuse is criminal and substantiated, the law enforcement should be involved.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            not turned over to the teacher – detected by the teacher and turned over to appropriate ….

            How do you know something should be turned over ? How do you first detect it?

            It’s been a standard duty of teachers… to see signs of abuse or hear from the kid then turn it over.

            How would you do it different?

            Would you do it different without teachers?

          7. Warmac9999 Avatar

            I wouldn’t have teachers trying to convert to some lgbtq agenda item. That is child abuse – and yet that is happening regularly without punishment.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            would you have teachers that saw signs of parental abuse report it? The comment about LGBTQ is just idiocy and deflects from the issue IMO.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            would you have teachers that saw signs of parental abuse report it? The comment about LGBTQ is just idiocy and deflects from the issue IMO.

          10. Warmac9999 Avatar

            A teacher should report suspected abuse to a higher authority. Unlike you, I am actually certified in child health and safety. This is required of anyone who works officially with children. The protocol is to bump your concerns up the line not to become insubordinate.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            So the teacher is qualified and authorized to make the initial determination as to whether or not an issue should be reported? We agree?

          12. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Notice that the action is limited to reporting not interfering. This is standard procedure in non-emergency situations. A teacher doesn’t get to play God.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            no one has claimed that. Do you agree the teacher is the appropriate person to determining if it needs to be reported? Would the teacher just report any suspected to LEO and no one else?

          14. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Report it to whom. A teacher doesn’t get to play God.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            okay – to who? what should be the standard. Any/all to LEO?

          16. Warmac9999 Avatar

            The process requires the teacher to consult with higher authority not to try and solve it independent of consultation with that higher authority. Even in that case, things go wrong. See transgender rapist here recently where everybody tried to cover up two rapes.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            when you say “higher authority” – is it LEO only?

            re: the transgender rapist –

            have you read the truth of that or are you just promoting more false things like other Conservatives?



            this is the problem with conservatives – they don’t care if they lie about issues… the same folks who blather on about principles and character.

          18. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Larry: You need to acquaint yourself with child health and safety protocols. There is a course that fully outlines how to proceed. If you do any voluntarism with children, you have to pass a background and take the course. You then have to go through an annual update.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            No rough childhood but VERY AWARE of teachers who get involved in parental abuse issues.

            You need to acknowledge that there IS parental abuse. It DOES exist. NOw ask yourself how it’s actually been handled all along and continues.

            Do a google search on the number of cases of parental abuse each year. Ask yourself how it gets reported initially.

          20. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Of course there is parental abuse, but there is also teacher abuse. You want to take parents out of the equation but at the same time make them responsible for every other parental action. Who does a teacher call when a child becomes sick, gets injured, forgets their books, loses a shoe, gets assaulted, – a parent. You somehow think a parent can be trusted in these things but can’t be trusted when lgbtq is involved.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            Did not say ANY of that! I said that there is such a thing and how does it get handled?

            Want to try again?

            you’re deflecting from the central issue.

            Do teachers have a role ?

          22. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Teachers have to trust parents not blindside them and then punt when things go wrong. You have specifically selected lgbtq issues for parental exclusion. Once you go down that road then you might just as well get rid of the adult-child laws and concepts. Hitler took babies away from their mothers – didnt work out well.

          23. LarrytheG Avatar

            The child is a human being not property.

          24. Warmac9999 Avatar

            And who brought that child into the world and has the greatest stake in their well being. Clue, it isn’t a teacher.

          25. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is really not about teachers having a role in this area. Note what the good “Doctor” and other Conservatives want is to force the teacher to report any child who they know to be lgbtq to their parents whether the child wants to come out or not. The teacher should be allowed to simply do nothing. It is really not their business what sexuality a student is. According to Conservatives sexuality has no place in schools to begin with.

            Suspected child abuse… the teacher has a responsibility to report such suspicions, end of story, whether the good “Doctor” agrees or not.

          26. LarrytheG Avatar

            If the kids KNOW the teacher will do nothing or worse, report them back to their parents, the kids will no longer communicate that way – and apparently that is what Conservatives want…..

          27. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Exactly… but we are only one step away from forcing teachers to report suspicions. How long until we have anti-homosexual sodomy laws in Conservative states again…? Guaranteed the good “Doctor” and others here support them.

          28. Warmac9999 Avatar

            There are 84 million parents in the USA and about 70% are in two person families. There were something like 440,000 claims of abuse substantiated. Of those 440000, about 9% involved families. -thus 40,000. Of the 40,000, some are associated with lgbtq but at least 70% to 80% (or higher) involve male female or female male. Thus maybe 8,000 involve lgbtq – and I suspect that is a high number. In other words, trusting a parent is a good idea.

          29. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            By far, the large majority of parents know their child is lgbtq before the school knows. If a child does not come out to their parents, there is a reason. A clear signal the child is at risk.

          30. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Now you support my point. I trust parents but you have been arguing that you shouldn’t trust parents. So, if what you say is correct, how kany such children are there. 10, 100, a thousand? You made this into a giant issue but can’t even come up with a number. How many lgbtq children are subject to parental abuse?

          31. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If a child does not wish to come out to their parents, there is a reason. Why do you wish to force teachers to out them against their will. The number is not important.

          32. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. there is a lot weaseling around here on responses to this specific question.

            Not how many but what do you do about the ones that do happen.

            Sounds like he wants the kids “reported” to their parents…

          33. Warmac9999 Avatar

            Well, at least you admit you don’t trust parents.

          34. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            No, I don’t blindly trust all parents. Why would you? To do so puts children (especially trans children) at risk. You are perfectly fine with that.

          35. LarrytheG Avatar

            I agree. What do we do about the ones we trusted that abused anyhow?

          36. Warmac9999 Avatar

            If the abuse is physical, law enforcement needs to be involved. Once you get into trying to read minds, then you should consult a psychic or maybe a pastor.

          37. LarrytheG Avatar

            You got the cart in front.

            How do you KNOW there is abuse of any kind to start with?

            what starts the investigation?

          38. Warmac9999 Avatar

            It starts with discovery and that doesn’t just mean a teacher. For example, If a volunteer, – could be a parent, coach, childcare provider, – suspects or sees something odd, they are supposed to report it to the next higher level authority (principle?) Often people don’t believe what they see so they don’t act – but, again, they are not supposed to take charge unless violence is occurring. Too many of these leftist teachers usurp the role not only of the parent but the higher level authority – and they do so to advance a particular agenda. such teachers are villains not heroes.

          39. Warmac9999 Avatar

            If the abuse is physical, the answer is obvious. If it isn’t, then leave it alone. Teachers aren’t psycoanalysists, psychics, or pastors

          40. LarrytheG Avatar

            how do you KNOW if you don’t detect it to start with?

            no one is claiming that teachers are anything but the ones who see the kids every day and in a position to see or suspect it.

            If you don’t want teachers doing this then how do you want to do it instead?

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          “They don’t diagnose, they refer to the appropriate resources.”

          That’s what should happen. Presumably, the “appropriate resources” are licensed child psychologists. In other words, providers of medical care (yes, mental health counseling is a form of medical care). And that care should be reported to the parents.

          You have, once again, gone off topic with your reference to abuse. This is about children who question their gender and school officials who want to counsel the child without their parents knowing.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            “it’s what teachers do and have done for quite some time – AND it includes how parental abuse is also handled – the same way .

            The kid goes to the teacher. The teacher listens and then depending on the specifics, refers and yes, they do it without the knowledge of the parents sometimes ESPECIALLY when there is evidence of abuse.

            How would you do this differently?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            They want the onus to be on the teacher or counselor. If the teacher is aware of a child being lgbtq (or even suspects?) they MUST report this knowledge to the parents regardless of the impact on the student. That is the Conservative approach.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. But if potential abuse.. what do Conservatives say? Not have the teachers do that role?

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I have a feeling that the issue is not teachers being confided in, but school counselors. If a kid is changing into dresses at school and then changing back into “male” clothes to go home, an example cited by Kerry, I can’t believe that behavior will not get back to the parents somehow. Other kids talk.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yes… but in general… the other kids don’t know the parents… unless they are friends with the kid and if they are they know how that kid feels about his/her current relationship with their parent.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          If a child is trans and the parents are not aware, there is a reason for that. By and large, the parents are the first to know.

  3. Moderate Avatar

    Human development research has long validated that as kids mature part of what they need is support of other significant adults. Their developmental tasks require some separation from the family of origin. That isn’t erasing parents, but it’s kids moving toward adulthood and being able to function on their own. As I read some of this, it seems that folks are so worried about the rights of the parents that they are ignoring the needs of the kids. Neither can be erased. Making teachers the enemy hurts their credibility with their students. Can’t we find some reasonable balance among kids, parents, and teachers?

    1. Warmac9999 Avatar

      When a child is sick, the school calls the parent to come and pick them up. But the left wants a carve out when it comes to lgbtq interests. The left wants this carve out down to 3 year old pre-school kids. That is absurd and dangerous for all involved.

    1. Warmac9999 Avatar

      Their job is first and foremost to educate. Some teachers use caring, others use reasoning, and some others just try to get through the day.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Okay, so these kids tell their teacher something in confidence, and you want the teacher to be required to inform the parent?

    And as for the effectiveness of online learning…

    Then too, teaching takes a toll…

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Oh wait. Disregard my previous posts. Clearly I was taking one or two examples and blowing them out of proportion. Imagine trying to establish, or debunk, a policy based entirely on one incident. That would be stupid.

    1. They’re using “soft power” to influence gullible Americans – for now…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Opiate of the masses. If I can get you to believe the absurd…

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