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is the Subregional print medium of record serving the Subregion that is the location of the capital of the US of A. Fulfilling its role, WaPo serves up a regular diet of federal Agency misdeeds.

Today it is SBA on the front page – billions in contracts awarded to the wrong size Enterprises. Name a federal Agency that has not violated laws and regulations is the past few years – EPA, Interior, Defense, FERC, FEMA, DHS, ICE, the legislature, the court system – the list is exhaustive and exhausting.

These violations of law and regulations are not problems of BIG government, they are problems of BAD government and dysfunctional governance structure.

These violations of law and regulations are not violations of some abstract philosophical ideology of governance, they are violations the laws establishing the Agencies and the regulations they promulgate and are responsible to implement.

Neither the Elephant Clan nor the Donkey Clan have shown they can govern under the current structure. Polls indicate that citizens believe the current administration is the worst in since modern communications made widespread knowledge of “national events” accessible to the majority in the Ziggurat.

Nothing will change until there is a Fundamental Transformation in governance structure and that requires citizen understanding of the organic structure of human settlement patterns so that governance structure can reflect economic, social and physical reality.

Without Fundamental Transformation the future of democracy with a market economy is bleak. The current trajectory is unsustainable.

Did someone say that banks were going to use the bailout money to expand rather than unfreeze credit?


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