Gottschalk Got Game

For my current contribution to the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine, I interviewed Patrick Gottschalk, Tim Kaine’s secretary for commerce and trade. Kaine campaigned for governor promising continuity with the Warner administration, and that’s clearly what we’re getting. But there are some new wrinkles.

First, the Kaine administration is tackling a problem that confounded both the Gilmore and Warner administrations: streamlining Virginia’s redundant and tangled workforce training programs. Kaine has appointed Daniel LeBlanc as a senior advisor with cabinet-level status in charge of workforce development. (After all the hoo-ha regarding LeBlanc’s rejection by conservatives in the House of Delegates as Secretary of Commonwealth, did the MSM ever report this? If so, the story was buried.)

Second, following up on legislation enacted this year, the Kaine administration will be conducting a 10-year comprehensive energy plan to address off-shore drilling for natural gas, as well as alternate and renewable energy sources such as solar energy, biofuels and tidally generated power. Read the full story here.

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One response to “Gottschalk Got Game”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Sure the Mainstream Media reported it. LeBlanc was appoointed almost immediately after the General Assembly refused to confirm him. Kaine put him in a position that did not require General Assembly approval.

    Ironically, LeBlanc was rejected as Secretary of the Commonwealth–a largely ministerial positon with no policy implications and pretty far removed from anything to do with labor-management relations. However, in the workforce training position, he is much closer to that subject.

    Looks like the Republicans were once again “hoist by their own petard.” Just not ready for prime time thinking….

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