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The GOP Transportation Package: The Good

Before launching into criticism of the funding proposals in the GOP transportation package, which I regard as an unmitigated disaster, let me say something positive. The compromise contains some very promising ideas for reforming land use, aligning transportation and land use and overhauling the Virginia Department of Transportation. It represents only a start, but the proposals, if enacted, would move Virginia in the right direction.

Some of the highlights:

While this package addresses the problems of fast-growth counties, it is incomplete. It does nothing to stimulate re-development and revitalization of Virginia’s cities or its older, urbanized counties. It does nothing to create communities with a balance of jobs, housing, stores, services and amenities. It does nothing to address the beggar-thy-neighbor competition between counties for commercial tax base or the hostility to permitting affordable, accessible housing, which isn’t perceived as “paying its own way.” Even if this package passes, an iffy proposition at best, there still would be lots of work to do.

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