GOP Clobbered Dems in Primary Turnout

by James A. Bacon

I’m no reader of the political tea leaves, and I will willingly defer to those better informed than I am, but it appears that the presidential primary vote in Virginia showed a greater level of enthusiasm for Republicans than for Democrats. That may simply reflect the fact that in the Republican primary Donald Trump had a credible (or semi-credible) challenger, while the Democratic primary offered no serious alternative to President Joe Biden. But I think there’s more to the story than that.

Top-line numbers: 690,000 votes were cast for Republican presidential candidates compared to only 346,000 for Democrat candidates.

Digging into the details, I replicate here two maps published by the Virginia Public Access Project. (Click here to view the interactive maps with a breakdown of turnout by locality.) The first thing to note is the scale used to measure the turnout in each locality — 1.9% to 20.9% for Republicans and 0.7% to 10.4% for Democrats. That alone tells you that Republican turnout was higher as a percentage of registered voters across the board.

Remarkably, Republican voting (10.6% of registered voters) in Virginia’s most populous jurisdiction, Fairfax County, exceeded that of Democrats (7.5%). The picture was the same in other Northern Virginia Democratic strongholds such as Loudoun County (10.7% to 5.3%) and Prince William (9.6% to 5.8%).

Blue turnout exceeded red only in a handful of localities, such as the peoples’ republics of Arlington and Charlottesville and overwhelmingly Democratic cities with large African-American populations like Richmond, Petersburg and Portsmouth. Even there, blue votes exceeded red by narrow margins.

By contrast, the elephant stomped the donkey in traditionally red jurisdictions — 20.9% GOP in Clarke County compared to 5.3%, 20.8% in Hanover County compared to 4.1%, and 16.6% in Augusta County compared to 2.2%.

Participation in the Republican primary was undoubtedly boosted by Democrats crossing over to cast votes for Nikki Haley. That effect is hard to measure. But if it were a factor, one would expect to see the biggest divergences from past voting patterns in heavily Democratic localities. My hunch is that the crossover effect was modest, but I would be happy to see anyone’s analysis that suggests otherwise.

At the end of the day, Virginia still leans blue in presidential races. I don’t expect 2024 to be an exception. Democratic turnout will surge in the general election when the stakes are much higher. Furthermore, a number of Haley voters are likely to vote Democrat or Independent rather than mark the ballot for Trump in November, while desertions by Williamson and Philips voters from the Democratic ticket would be inconsequential. But the turnout in Tuesday’s primary suggests that GOP voters are more fired up than Dem voters, and the Trump-Biden race could be closer than anyone expects.

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81 responses to “GOP Clobbered Dems in Primary Turnout”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Good post — regardless of the reasons noted which are likely accurate, the enthusiasm is definitely on the side of the MAGA crowd. Biden has to do something to get his base out to vote if he plans on keeping Virginia blue for presidential elections. He has yet to garner that enthusiasm. Perhaps he is waiting so that he is peaking in November but Dems should be concerned. Last night’s SOTU address was certainly a good first step if you are democrat, but you likely hated it if you are not.

    1. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      ….not sure which union Biden was babbling about last night. Lots of anger and dictatorial fiction – not much there for a real American.

  2. B. Powell Majors Avatar
    B. Powell Majors

    Don’t we have to take into account all the Democrats who voted in the GOP primary though?

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Yup. A bunch of them voted for Trump, most likely to make 100% sure he’ll be the republican nominee because they are certain they will beat him in November.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        A bunch more crossovers voted for Haley too to make trouble for Trump.

        Not sure I’d bank on senile dementia/giggling twit prevailing over pathological narcissism. Scary part is that one of them is likely to win.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Well 25% chance if Trump wins we might have a competent successor if something happens. Giggles isn’t competent and highly disliked.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Optimist 🙂

            Although I would not have given you squat for Pence he stood up when it counted. Don’t expect Trump will make that mistake again.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Hey Giggles stood up and Giggled last night. She can be counted on to provide anything coherent. Clearly the UC Hastings ELOP program wasn’t recruiting the most intelligent people, although like the “most qualified” canadiate before her, she failed the bar the first time around.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Yup. A bunch of them voted for Trump, most likely to make 100% sure he’ll be the republican nominee…”

        They could have just done nothing then. Nobody doubts that Trump will be the nominee. They voted for Haley to accentuate Trump’s weakness.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I’d say Donor Barbie’s roughly 250k was 80% Ds, so 490K for Trump and D 346K plus Nikki 200 who were really for the dictator who ranted last night and was single-handedly going to fix the whole world – more Messianic than his boss Obama ever was…and that’s saying a lot!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The bar is set so low for Biden that if he doesn’t engage in any “Code Red Scre Ups” like calling out greetings to dead people, falling asleep at the podium, going into a prolonged brain freeze, tripping and falling, or getting lost trying to get to or from the stage … it’s a good night.

      Biden did avoid any Code Red ScrewUps.

      However, he committed quite a few Code Yellow Screw Ups, including gaffes (like confusing murdered student Laken Riley with USC’s football coach, Lincoln Riley), and obvious lies like:

      1. Boasting that under his leadership “wages keep going up.” But over the entirety of Biden’s presidency, wages are down when adjusted for inflation.

      2. Saying billionaires pay an average federal tax rate of only 8.2%, but that’s a White House calculation that includes earnings on unsold stock as income.

      3. Claiming that the more recent U.S. inflation rate of about 3% is the “lowest in the world!” But several nations reported lower rates than the U.S. in December.

      There are many more lies.

      Unfortunately for the country overall, the bar is set so low for Biden thay avoiding Code Red Screw Ups makes Biden look good relative to his usual performances.

      I also wonder what drugs they give the man for those speeches.

      I think it would be a good idea for both Biden and Trump to take random drug tests during the campaign – like members of our military.

      Why should the Commander in Chief be exempt?

      1. WayneS Avatar

        I also wonder what drugs they give the man for those speeches.

        I’d guess a big ol’ dose of Adderall along with an extra booster shot of his normal Alzheimer’s drugs…


        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Hey man, why’s my puddin taste funny?”

          1. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            That ain’t puddin, Mr. President. Somebody should have put Commander outside sooner.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Gonna be old stuff, Commander needed rehomed for biting like all others before them.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          No sign of him today now that last nights speed has worn off. Want to start a pool to bet on which of his Delaware homes he is snoozing at?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Disappearance three days before and three days after, as much as they’d like they won’t be able to get away hiding him in the basement like last time.

            He’s the incumbent, he’s going to have to campaign and explain his record if he wants votes.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        How about all of Congress, too?
        And audits of their campaign finance spending.
        Did you see Letitia James’ spending? $7k at a NYC night club = “office” A Woman – one in NC – is doing the job the “journalists” should be doing – she is also big on ghost donors in ActBlue and WinRed, but far worse in ActBlue. But LJ charges Trump with fraud for non-fraud, while she commits pretty blatant fraud…
        But HOW DARE YOU assert truth? There is only MY TRUTH for our beloved government overlords…

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Calling Haley “donor Barbie” just cements my firm resolve to stay away from you and your toxic mob. I am an ex-Republican, Smith. Call me “donor gone.”

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            What toxic mob? She stayed in long after it was over based on many big donors. Ego? Or for a higher purpose? I think mostly ego. And Donor Barbie was Charlie Kirk’s nickname. I just thought it accurate.

          2. KnowNothing Avatar

            Nimarata was the AIPAC-backed choice to continue supporting Israel’s forever war strategy at the expense of America


          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Gotta have a degrading name for every possible challenger. It is the Trumpian method. Mr. Smith is all in.

  4. UVAPast Avatar

    Why not have a single ballot for R and D. I was bothered by having to ask for a party ballot from people I knew checking me in. Now they know my preference. There is no need for this.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Ranked choice voting with a single ballot containing all candidates regardless of party.

      That might be fun…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        So the folks who though the last elections were “rigged”, do you think those same folks would have trust in ranked choice?

        1. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          Ranked choice achieves moderate candidates (more) people can live with.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            but computer based which is all some folks need to start thinking conspiracies.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        California uses this approach without the ranked choice. The two candidates getting the most votes go on to the general election. That method could result in two candidates of the same party facing each other in the general election. This, in fact, has happened. Adam Schiff went to unusal lenths to ensure that he did get not get a Democratic opponent in November.

        1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

          Whatever your opinion of Adam Schiff, he is certainly not stupid.

      3. Lefty665 Avatar

        Whew that’s a funny sense of humor. You don’t look much like you’re from California 🙂

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Simply put, the law requires there be separate ballots for each party. See Sec. 24.2-529. In the polling place where I worked, we explained it this way to voters: “There are two primary elections being conducted. Which ballot do you want?”

      By itself, that is not so bad. What most voters don’t know, however, is that their choice of ballot was recorded in the poll book. The reason is that Sec. 24.2-406 entitles a political party to a list of persons voting in any general, primary, or special election. Therefore, if the Democratic chairman in Henrico County asks for a list of persons who voted in the Democratic Presidential primary, the only way the registrar could provide that list is from the names noted on the poll book as having requested a Democratic ballot.

      There is also a practical reason for having two ballots. Having a single ballot with two sets of names, one for each part, with instructions that a voter could vote only for one candidate in one set of names would lead to significant confusion.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    First, as I noted before, the crossover vote was substantial, and I can testify to it with Democrats I knew in my precinct Tuesday who asked me for the R ballot instead. Some voted for Haley and some for Trump, I suspect, but there was no contest on the D side and no drama. Second, this means nothing and doesn’t change the calculus for November at all, when there will be plenty of coverage and messaging. I’ll let the “semi credible” wisecrack pass. A former 2-term governor and UN ambassador is “semi-credible”?

    1. I voted for Haley. I meant “semi-credible” only in the sense that she was a longshot challenger. I had no expectation that she would win in Virginia.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        It really was as simple as the R’s had something going on and the D’s didn’t. Trump and Haley came here and ginned up some interest and Biden did nothing to spur Virginia turnout. So some D’s felt free to crossover and make mischief (again, knowing the R outcome was not in doubt.) Our precinct was about 4 R votes for every D vote, but will be highly competitive in November.

        1. Ken Reid Avatar
          Ken Reid

          There’s no empirical evidence to support your claim of crossover voting — and why would Democrats vote for Haley in sufficient number if Trump is the weaker candidate for Biden to beat? Secondly, of course there was more voting in the GOP primary — because of the Trump/Haley contest. But as I wrote in my analysis, a good 13 percent of dem voters voted against Biden, but it’s not as much as the amount of peopole who voted for Haley “against” Trump. Finally, people don’t often vote in the other party primary ebcasue they fear getting hit with mail, texts, emails,e tc from candidates they dont agree with

          1. ” There’s no empirical evidence to support your claim of crossover voting . . . ”

            Right you are.

            Republicans love to rave about “crossover voting” to cover the fact that their front-runner is a threat to our republic.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The real fun starts Friday September 20th. Early voting for the presidential election. For an appetizer we have Friday May 3rd early voting for US Senate/Congress primaries.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      I don’t know if you’ve heard, but City of Manassas wants to buy the old Marsteller Middle School site and build a fire station on it. Guess it’s going to have a date with the wrecking ball more sooner than later.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        At first my reaction was sad. But then I remembered those tortuous years called middle school. It would have been a dream come true in 1982 to see a wrecking ball work on that school.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          Having spent 3 years at that school…I know why Manassas has the reputation it did/does. I don’t think many of the kids there had parents who were too interested in their upbringing.

  7. Jim Loving Avatar
    Jim Loving

    I would like to see the data in Virginia and other states like Vermont where Haley did better ivolving voters like my wife and I, who both voted for Haley, and who plan to vote against the GOP nominee in the fall.

    There were quite a few Democrats that did this, but I have not seen an analysis of the numbers.

    These are truly patriotic voters showing the courage lacking in nearly all GOP leaders, including the latest sycophant, vested Guvna Youngkin.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Yeah, it’s really patriotic to vote for a warhawk. Did you find it equally patriotic to vote for someone who cheated on her deployed spouse?

      1. KnowNothing Avatar

        Apparently supporting Israel matters more than supporting America. Unsurprising since the majority of the cabinet are dual citizens.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Apparently supporting Israel matters more than supporting America. Unsurprising since the majority of the cabinet are dual citizens.”

          That has what to do with my comment?

          1. KnowNothing Avatar

            Who are Haley’s donors? Where do you think her hawkish stance comes from

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Haley’s biggest donors were as follows:

            Reid Hoffman =/= Jewish
            Jamie Dimon =/= Jewish
            Frank Laukien =/= Jewish
            Americans for Prosperity Action =/= Jewish

            Israel has nothing to do with her being a warhawk, it has a lot to do with you being an anti-Semite. Her wanting to continue funding Ukraine is being warhawk, because we would never put soldiers in Israel, we would Ukraine.

          3. KnowNothing Avatar

            Being critical of a nation that is the largest recipient of American aid is perfectly legitimate. We’ve supported their proxy engagements in the Middle East at the expense of American taxpayers forever, and the younger generation is sick of it. If you haven’t looked around, there are plenty of problems domestically that need attending to.

            Also, your list is not even close to correct. First of all, Elliott Management (Paul Singer) was the top donor to Haley. You picked an article that named a few billionaires that contributed to Haley last year. Here’s a quote from an actual Israeli publication – “the coalition of billionaires backing her is a who’s who of Jewish pro-Israel money.”


          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            But you’re not being “critical” of a nation, you literally said Dual citizenship which would mean they were Jewish. So, you can deny being a antisemitic all you’d like, but you outed yourself.

            “We’ve supported their proxy engagements in the Middle East at the expense of American taxpayers forever, and the younger generation is sick of it. If you haven’t looked around, there are plenty of problems domestically that need attending to.”

            Since when? What proxy war have we engaged at Israel’s behest?

            No I listed all her top donors, none of which were Jewish. As for your article, heavy on opinion short on facts. As for your attempt to pivot to issues at home, you don’t say. Where did my comment indicate otherwise, if you didn’t have a strawman, you’d have nothing.

            “First of all, Elliott Management (Paul Singer) was the top donor to Haley.”

            Umm they weren’t, it was Americans for Prosperity.

          5. KnowNothing Avatar

            Calling me a name is not an argument, nor do I care. That’s typical left-wing framing, and your moral evaluation is outdated. If you’re seriously claiming that Israeli military conflict is not supported by American money, then you’re being disingenuous. And yes, being a dual citizen and representing the highest levels of government raises questions of divided loyalties for any nation. This is also not hard to wrap your head around.

            If you have a source that verifies your claim about donors, I’d love to see. I’ve cited numerous donors that contributed to Haley because of her support for Israel, and there are numerous articles that state it.

          6. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Pointing out your antisemitic leanings, isn’t “calling” you a name.

            “. If you’re seriously claiming that Israeli military conflict is not supported by American money, then you’re being disingenuous.”

            You said proxy, your example isn’t a proxy conflict. A proxy conflict is what is occur in Israel, Yemen and a host of other places. Groups engaging in conflict at the behest of Iran and funded by them.

            “And yes, being a dual citizen and representing the highest levels of government raises questions of divided loyalties for any nation. This is also not hard to wrap your head around.”

            Instead of sweeping generalizations name, names.

            “If you have a source that verifies your claim about donors, I’d love to see. I’ve cited numerous donors that contributed to Haley because of her support for Israel, and there are numerous articles that state it.”

            No you haven’t, you again made sweeping generalizations without being backed up by your citation.

  8. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    North Carolina figures for comparison (Note that NC has party registration such that a voter automatically gets the ballot for his/her party. A registered independent can vote in a primary by asking for one party’s ballot.)

    D President 694,323, of which 12.68% were marked “no preference.”

    R President 1,070,656. Trump got 73.86%. Haley 23.32%

    D Governor 684,147.

    R Governor 1,020,782

    No hotly contested races (President or Governor) on the Democratic Party side, which likely contributed to the lower turnout. Total turnout was 24.02% of registered voters. In contrast, the turnout for the 2008 to 2020 primaries was over 30% each election.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      y’all got a WINNER for GOP gov though!

      1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        It should be an interesting race.

  9. Not Today Avatar
    Not Today

    I guess folks need to find solace where they can. Better than the bottom of a bottle. IMO Kiggans is toast. Too many local folks with $$$ are jacked up by her support for Tuberville and the abortion ban. She has no independent ideas, purely a follower. Also, she endorsed Trump.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      but she was so promising…. 😉

      1. Not Today Avatar
        Not Today

        …and so weak in the end. Barely any coverage, locally or otherwise. Practically invisible and a total hop-along. No one representing the 2nd should be so timid. I don’t like half of what Haner says but at least he has principles separate from party ID.

  10. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    I have more faith in the Old Dominion. Despite the rampant invasion of carpetbaggers and recent weed-like sprouting of so-called intellectual basket weavers (sorry UVA, we all once loved you…), President Trump will win the day in Virginia. Let us sing, “Carry me back to Ol’ Virginny….”

    1. American Cavalier Avatar
      American Cavalier

      Virginia, or UVA, as the come-heres have branded it, is an occupied entity like the rest of the Commonwealth. It used to be filled with the sons of the Old Dominion; now Grounds are overrun with nouveau riche, Northern Virginia transplants and the offspring of malcontented civil servants masquerading as intellectuals. This deracinated, pedigree-less contingent should be forced to pay out-of-state tuition as far as I’m concerned.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…pedigree-less contingent…”

        Bring back that old UVa, eh…? Yearning for the days of pure-bred blue bloods…

        1. American Cavalier Avatar
          American Cavalier


          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Well, okay then… 🫤

          2. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Let them dig their own graves and die mad in peace. Exposure is enough.

          3. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Let them dig their own graves and die mad in peace. Exposure is enough.

          4. disqus_R9x8HYaR62 Avatar

            It’s understandable for people to become frustrated when the demographics change so rapidly in their state and monopolize the political landscape (among other things).

          5. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Understandable, sure. The blatant racism and desire to return to a slave state w/o female enfranchisement? Anathema and pathetic.

          6. disqus_R9x8HYaR62 Avatar

            ….and where did any of that come from? (…I don’t think the OP said anything about any of those topics. )

            The Left has been compiling this straw man argument for years that any anti-immigration stance (or desire to preserve the historic American nation for the descendants of those that created it) must necessarily correlate with every other “bad” opinion they can think of. Of course, this leftist intersectionality mentality has a hard time computing that someone might disagree with them at all so it’s like it short-circuits.

          7. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Stick around: their content is deleted. Act fast and read before it’s gone.

          8. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            I get the whole notion of freedom is upsetting to white old men (and some women) these days but openly arguing that one ‘shouldn’t play by the rules’ is pretty darn scary…and bold.

          9. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            Stick around: their content is deleted. Act fast and read before it’s gone.

          10. Not Today Avatar
            Not Today

            States don’t choose their residents. Freedom of movement and association is a thing. If you’re losing it’s likely because you’re unpersuasive and/or your ideas are unconvincing.

    2. KnowNothing Avatar

      People coming to Virginia and pretending like they’re Virginians is the problem. A donkey in a horse stall is not a horse.

  11. dave schutz Avatar
    dave schutz

    “Participation in the Republican primary was undoubtedly boosted by Democrats crossing over to cast votes for Nikki Haley. That effect is hard to measure. But if it were a factor, one would expect to see the biggest divergences from past voting patterns in heavily Democratic localities.”

    Here’s lookin’ atcha! (I took a Republican ballot and voted for Haley in Arlington…)

  12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Referring to this BR piece:

    95% of Virginia Republicans back the Confederacy… any questions…?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      It hasn’t been the party of Lincoln and Grant for a long, long time….not in this state.

  13. disqus_R9x8HYaR62 Avatar

    What a complete joke that the takeaway from both party primaries was that no one took the contests seriously. Both parties – and I include Trump’s R wing in this – are shells that only bolster the interests of corporate donors. Talk to anyone under the age of 50 and you’ll see that they have no trust in the political system. Civic trust is practically non-existent. Once the boomers. Ease to be a significant voting bloc, at least the collapse of the American political system will be interesting.

  14. It was a primary.

    Studies have shown time and again that “crossover” votes have little to no impact.

    Why was there greater R than D turnout? Simple: Dems are happy with Biden, no need to get out and vote in the primary. Republicons are unhappy with Trump, searching for a savior, so, they turn out and vote for Haley.

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