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Google Censorship

The Washington Times lead editorial today (June 3, 2006), “Conservative sites un-Googled”, exposed a problem I heard about two weeks ago. Two web sites that carry my ‘nationally-focused’ op eds, and New Media Journal, were told by Google that they were removed for ‘hate content’.

“The offending material cited by Google were articles criticizing radical Islam and Islamists. Upon review, the articles contain language no more – in some cases far less – inflammatory than the numberous Muslim web sites a user can find when searching Google News.”

Google’s bowing to Islamists isn’t “any less cowardly and, as we’ve seen in Europe, dangerous to a free society. “

“Islamists have exploited Google’s seemingly well-intentioned business practices to silence critics. Because if you can’t find it using Google, chances are you won’t find it all.”

In light of the civil suit here in Virginia against anonymous blogger – Black Velvet Bruce Lee – and comments about blogging at today’s State Central Committee, RPV meeting, it brings the issues of free speech, responsibility and rights up again for Virginians.

Google shouldn’t edit for ‘hate speech’. Neither should others. If the speech is hateful and stupid enough, it will be self censoring because no one will read it or care. The laws for slander and libel should still apply. But PC speech codes, especially when they are manipulated by Islamists, should be discarded.

I’ll never forget when a lawyer (U Va Law) told me that if I said, “Homosexual behavior is sinful,” then I had committed hate speech which should be made into a hate crime, prosecuted and punished.

Freedoms require ever-lasting vigilance.

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