Jason Kamras

by James A. Bacon

Yes, you read that headline correctly. And, yes, that’s Jason Kamras, superintendent of the Richmond Public Schools we’re talking about. Bacon’s Rebellion has been highly critical of Kamras in the past, but we have to support his recent statement that he has no intention to close city schools, even in the face of the hyper-transmissible Omicron variant of COVID-19.

“We are not going to close schools again,” Kamras tweeted Wednesday, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “Our students need us to stay open — perhaps now more than ever.”

“We have vaccines for literally everyone down to kindergarten. We have air filtration units in every building. There are treatments for COVID. So, I just think it’s a very different context,” he elaborated in an RTD interview. “Plus, we know that being out of school is just really damaging to kids academically, and socially and emotionally, so when you kind of weigh the risks of COVID to kids against the risk of social, emotional and academic damage to kids. I think that that calculus has just changed, how it points to keep school open.”

Richmond was the last school district in the state last year to reopen for in-person instruction. The deterioration in academic achievement, as measured by Standards of Learning tests, was among the worst in the state. In theory, teachers will “catch up” students this year, but conditions are trying, and there is abundant anecdotal evidence that things are not going well. Another year of closures would have catastrophic consequences for learning, most acutely for the city’s poor minority students.

Under state law, schools must remain open five days per week, closing only for severe outbreaks. With system-wide school closures off the table, the debate now focuses on what measures schools should take to mitigate the spread of the Omicron variant. Should kids be mandated to wear masks? Should they be compelled to get vaccinated? Should teachers and staff be required to get vaccinated, and if they refuse, can schools dock their pay or fire them?

Whatever the answers to those questions, it is reassuring to see that Kamras acknowledges the terrible downside to school closures. Life is full of difficult tradeoffs. As a society, we cannot focus on mitigating COVID-19 to the exclusion of all else, including the impact on jobs, mental health, K-12 learning, and runaway deficit spending. 

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18 responses to “Good for Kamras”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Should kids be mandated to wear masks? Should they be compelled to get vaccinated? Should teachers and staff be required to get vaccinated, and if they refuse, can schools dock their pay or fire them?”

    And if parents refuse the mitigation measures, how do schools stay open?

    This is the double-edge sword that we cannot seem to acknowledge or agree on how to proceed.

    You really can’t have it both ways… if you believe the epidemiologists but unfortunately many don’t believe them and insists that BOTH schools fully open AND No masks…

    Where does JAB stand on this – as a Conservative?

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      I don’t believe the epidemiologists. A lot of them have useless degrees like public health policy. Now what?

      There’s also no evidence that mask policies prevent the spread of COVID-19. I’m still waiting on the study that could have been performed by now.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so now we have the answer. Open the schools and no masks, right?

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          Or school choice and let schools/communities decide what’s best.

          If you have so much faith in epidemiologists, can you please cite some examples of where they were correct? I haven’t seen much evidence of any good policy decisions that had favorable outcomes. Slow the spread for 2 weeks. J/k! They told us that the vax prevents infection. Wrong. We were told that the vax would prevent people from dying with COVID. Wrong. It could never have have been created in a lab, but oh btw DARPA received a similar GoF proposal AND NIH had funded said research at Wuhan Institute of Virology. Also, once we get to 60% immunized the pandemic will end. Wrong.

          I could go on winning, but if I had to guess, it’s almost like being a battered wife in an abusive relationship!

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The evidence is wide and deep but you won’t believe it. Same thing with vaccines, right?

            This is the state of “conservatism” these days. In the same tent, Haner and JAB will say “wear the damn mask” and “get vaccinated”, but in the same tent are others like Killethrtz and others here in BR, right?

            Non-Conservatives pretty much believe the science – wear masks, get vaxxed, don’t spend a lot of time in congregate settings, etc.

            Conservatives are all over the map and chaos reins. There is no way to meet JUST the Conservative’s disparate beliefs and demands.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            Hah. I haven’t been a conservative since Bush 2. You applied that label to me. I’d consider myself an ancap. Conservatives are essentially moderate progressives. Ultimately both camps are full of mindless NPCs imo.

          3. killerhertz Avatar

            Btw I’m really sorry you feel like you can’t leave your house. But not really. It’s probably for the best.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” I’d consider myself an ancap.”

            might have to explain what that is… but I strongly suspect
            it’s not to left of conservatives and probably to the right.

            I’m not afraid to go out of the house. I do always but do wear
            a mask when I go into concregate settings…voluntarily and to
            the doctor, mandatory or you don’t see him/her. Ever single person in
            the waiting room is masked. Are they all “liberals” and not anti-vaxxers?

          5. killerhertz Avatar

            Ancap is short for anarcho capitalist.

            I don’t care what people do in public mask/nomask on their own accord. Everyone has a different risk tolerance based on comorbidities, political affiliation, age, etc. My parents are in their 70s and I think it’s reasonable for them to get vaccinated for COVID-19, flu, whatever seasonal virus. They’re part of the high risk population. Eventually the aggregate will achieve herd immunity and the virus will mutate to be more infectious/less dangerous or the opposite. The former would seem to be the case with omicron. At any rate it’s endemic now so no vaccination effort is going to change anything.

          6. killerhertz Avatar

            Indeed you found it.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. I understand now. Nowhere on earth, no country does what you advocate, exists as far as I know save for possibly some 3rd world countries.


          8. killerhertz Avatar

            Whether or not it exists is irrelevant. Democratic republics didn’t exist 300 years ago either.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh I think it matters much if there is almost no candidates running for office on that platform.

            The closest you got is probably Ron Paul and last I heard he wants FEMA to “help” and supports public highways and public schools….

            Libertarians live in LA LA LAND and IMHO are deeply conflicted and a would be a disaster at governing… except in 3rd world countries where there are rich and poor and no middle class.

            The main countries who do have a middle class are the industrialized ones with public roads, schools, health, etc.

            Those countries have the highest numbers of literate population as well as the longest living.

            Third world – which is more like libertarian or “anarcho” pretty much suck unless you are rich.

            You were likely very lucky to be born in a country where others paid for you to receive an education – unlike what would happen to you in a 3rc world where you’d be ignorant and poor for your lifetime.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Good for you, Jim–giving credit when credit is due.

  3. Matt Hurt Avatar

    Another policy for which Kamras should receive praise- that of no new initiatives until they get some of the lost instructional time made up. I think our leadership has been adding fuel to the lost instructional time fire by not rolling back initiatives that were implemented just before and even during the pandemic. I also hear more are coming in the next General Assembly session. When there is sufficient chaos to please anyone’s taste for it, why instroduce more?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You might consider doing another blog post to bring us up to date about what is going on…. always helpful.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Intent is easily OBE… the road to Hell and all.
    Speaking of intent, how do you read this?
    Aside from possibly being SOL questions, that is. Parents having more say in K-12.

    BTW, isn’t it spelled Krampus?

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