Getting with the Bro-gram


The University of Virginia is the most bro-gressive college in the Sweet 16, according to Andrew Beaton with the Wall Street Journal. Writes Beaton:

There is no standard definition for what makes a person a “bro,” but you generally know one when you see one. They are mostly male students from the East Coast who join fraternities, gravitate to majors in finance and can tell you exactly how many beers they “crushed” last night. They like to wear bow ties in a sort of neo-Preppy way, but oddly, also tank tops. They’ve seen every episode of “Entourage” five times and like to address each other as bro, broski or brofessor.

By Beaton’s reckoning, UVa squeaked ahead of Notre Dame, Syracuse and Duke for the coveted No. 1 spot in bro-dom. It really helps to have a lacrosse program and a J. Crewe store nearby. See the ranking here.


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10 responses to “Getting with the Bro-gram”

  1. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Surely this is a gross Title IX violation, this sexually abusive, intimidating, and exclusionary atmosphere, particularly at UVA and Duke. The outrage! Where are the media? The university faculties and administrations? The Federal Government? We need to teach these guys a lesson. Oh, wait a minute. We already have. Duke Lacrosse. And the Rolling Stone Rape article.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’ll take a guy that worked his way through a no-name college – ANY DAY over one of those snooty UVA cretins.

    1. Of course there’s no way that any snooty cretin UVA fraternity boy could have worked his way through college, right Larry?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I heard that such folk at UVA are considered not “real” UVA guys but rather like emancipated poor boys.. no?

  3. Fascinating article. Those UVA fraternity boys! Even after they graduate they still wear those silly uniforms. A perfect example is Bobby “the bomb” Neller (Theta Chi, ’75). Here is a recent picture of him wearing that uniform:

  4. More Bacon brilliance. Andrew Beaton. No doubt a tough kid from the streets who lifted himself up by his bootstraps. A real Horatio Alger story.

    Actually Mr. Beaton graduated from The Dalton School, an ultra-toffy private school on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. After that harrowing experience Beaton headed for the mean streets of Duke University.

    No doubt a humanitarian who concerns himself only with matters of great importance, Mr. Beaton now makes a living writing about sports for the Wall Street Journal. Perhaps if he would have majored in Finance rather than Public Policy he would be writing about something that actually matters to the readers of that newspaper.

    Here is a recent example of his journalistic prowess:

  5. Happy Easter, Bro’ ! .

  6. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Yo Easter Bunny Bro!

  7. This bro is in mourning over UVA’s Easter disaster. The number 1 seed loses to the number 10 seed? C’Mon! Lose to UNC in the Final 4? Fine. Lose to Syracuse and miss the Final 4? Argh!

    1. Aargh, indeed. Bring back Barry Parkhill.

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