Nina Jankowitz

by James C. Sherlock

This blog, while proudly based in individual research, often offers controversial ideas.

Uniform agreement is not expected. Debate is encouraged. We learn from one another and even occasionally change a few minds on both sides.

Yesterday the Biden administration announced the establishment of a federal “Disinformation Governance Board” in the Department of Homeland Security to “combat online disinformation in the 2022 midterms.”

Seriously. It was disclosed yesterday afternoon by Secretary Mayorkas in his testimony on Capitol Hill.

You will not be shocked to learn that neither The Washington Post nor The New York Times has yet covered the story. I just checked. Yet it represents a bigger threat to our nation than Russia and China. And it lives within the Department of Homeland Security.

Who is Nina Jankowitz? Politico reported that one Nina Jankowicz will head the board as executive director. She reportedly was a “a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center.” Excuse me, but what is a disinformation fellow? Was she for it or against it?

I note that before this appointment Jankowicz managed democracy assistance programs (was that disinformation?) for Russia and Belarus at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs.

Fresh from that triumph, she will bring truth to the masses in America.

She will get to set the tone. Only problem there: Jankowitzism doesn’t roll easily off the tongue.

The initiative was said by Secretary Mayorkas to be focused on the spread of disinformation to minority communities. OK, so Ms. Jankowitz will bring truth to minority communities in America.

Her MA in Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies from Georgetown and successes in bringing democratic ideas to Russia and Belarus are the perfect preparation.

So much to unpack here.

First, I am seldom surprised by the left these days, but this made that tough cut. George Orwell predicted such, but I still did not expect it.

The left has done its proselytizing up to now with a combination of tax-exempt non-profits and the vast majority of America’s media outlets. The Musk purchase of Twitter apparently kicked this up to the federal level.

It reeks of panic.


  • who gets to define what content is “disinformation”?
  • what does “combatting” mean in this context?
  • under what constitutional authority does the federal government find defining and then “combatting” “disinformation” to be among the enumerated powers of the executive branch?

Third, the Secretary reports this effort is to be focused on the spread of disinformation to “minority communities.”

I would like to ask Mayorkas to explain exactly how he considers minority communities to be uniquely vulnerable. His appointment would not survive the telling.

Finally, I find this unexpectedly dystopian even from this mob. It offers a real and present threat to constitutional government.

This blog is a platform for the free exchange of ideas — at least for as long as conflicting ideas on the internet remain legal.

Ms. Jankowitz is I am sure very busy. So much to do, so little time. If there is anyone who can answer the questions I have posed in a way that he or she thinks can define this new Ministry of Truth as a good thing for the federal government to do, please get to it.

We are waiting.

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56 responses to “George Orwell Call Home”

  1. The Secretary reports this effort is to be focused on the spread of disinformation to “minority communities”.

    Before activating this “Board”, I think the Secretary should be required to provide five (5) specific examples of disinformation being spread to minority communities, and to explain what [constitutional] actions he would have performed or measures he would have taken if this Disinformation Governance Board had existed at the time the disinformation was being spread.

    Oh, and the examples should be from this century, if possible.

  2. Seriously, though, this looks to me like a rather transparent attempt by the democrats to use tax dollars to quell the opposition. All they’ll need to do is declare anything that makes them look bad “misinformation” and they’ll be good to go.

    I’ve been imagining how the democrats would have responded if president Donald Trump had announced that he was forming a Disinformation Governance Board to “combat” disinformation.

    The phrase “follicles aflame” comes to mind.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Y’all did not offer any controversial ideas nor provide readily available definitions of the term disinformation that could be researched on the internet. The numerous questions raised presume a left wing proposal but are unsupported by any evidence. “Hair on fire” rhetoric does not mean there’s smoke. Clever polemics cannot replace rational cynicism.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      OK, go for it. Oxford defines disinformation as: False information which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media.

      If we were to starting from scratch with what we know now:
      – Would the the Hunter Biden laptop be disinformation? The answer at the time was yes.
      – Was the Steele dossier disinformation? The answer from government agencies at the time was no.
      – Was the “science” that resulted in the closing of public schools for 18 months accurate, or indeed science at all? The answer from the government was yes. It proved a monumental, generational mistake.
      – How about the “science” that sent COVID patients back to nursing homes in New York and New Jersey?

      What would a Disinformation Governance Board have done with naysayers to all of that government disinformation?

      So answer the questions posed in my article.

      – Who gets to define what content is false and is therefore “disinformation”?
      – What does “combatting” mean in this context?
      – Under what constitutional authority does the federal government find defining and then “combatting” “disinformation” to be among the enumerated powers of the executive branch?

      Finally, will you be OK with a Disinformation Governance Board being up and running in another Trump administration?

      You have the floor.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        CRT is Marxism.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Yes, CRT has its foundations in Marxism.

          Marx and Engels focused on economic status. They predicted the violent overthrow of capitalism by the proletariat and the eventual attainment of a classless communist society.

          Lenin orchestrated Marxism in Russia. The classless society part of the vision was not realized. The new ruling class, government officials, was just not quite as hereditary as the old one. But they did destroy capitalism to the limited degree that it was emerging in Russia.

          In Marx and Engels day there was not a universal public education system to leverage for their purposes. And there were few racial minorities in Europe in that time.

          CRT proponents in America also wish to overthrow capitalism but have abandoned the proletariat as the engine for that overthrow. (They may have watched a NASCAR race and come to that conclusion.)

          Their strategy has been to link capitalism to the white race and attempt to orchestrate its overthrow in the name of social justice for racial minorities.

          CRT proponents have chosen to leverage the American education system for their ends. They started with higher education and now have used the graduate schools of education and the teachers unions to penetrate primary and secondary education.

          They are encountering parental resistance, including from racial minorities such as Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans. But, in the thrall of dogma and self-righteousness, they will press on heedless of that.

          Their strategies to overcome that resistance are in full public view. They wave the bloody shirt of the civil war, label anyone who disagrees with them “racist” and try to get them banned from discussions of public policy. (Apparently calling someone “capitalist” does not have the same power.)

          So yes, CRT is Marxism riding a different horse. If you think CRT theorists are not anticapitalist, you have not read them.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Yes, CRT has its foundations in Marxism.

          Marx and Engels focused on economic status. They predicted the violent overthrow of capitalism by the proletariat and the eventual attainment of a classless communist society.

          Lenin orchestrated Marxism in Russia. The classless society part of the vision was not realized. The new ruling class, government officials, was just not quite as hereditary as the old one. But they did destroy capitalism to the limited degree that it was emerging in Russia.

          In Marx and Engels day there was not a universal public education system to leverage for their purposes. And there were few racial minorities in Europe in that time.

          CRT proponents in America also wish to overthrow capitalism but have abandoned the proletariat as the engine for that overthrow. (They may have watched a NASCAR race and come to that conclusion.)

          Their strategy has been to link capitalism to the white race and attempt to orchestrate its overthrow in the name of social justice for racial minorities.

          CRT proponents have chosen to leverage the American education system for their ends. They started with higher education and now have used the graduate schools of education and the teachers unions to penetrate primary and secondary education.

          They are encountering parental resistance, including from racial minorities such as Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans. But, in the thrall of dogma and self-righteousness, they will press on heedless of that.

          Their strategies to overcome that resistance are in full public view. They wave the bloody shirt of the civil war, label anyone who disagrees with them “racist” and try to get them banned from discussions of public policy. (Apparently calling someone “capitalist” does not have the same power.)

          So yes, CRT is Marxism riding a different horse. If you think CRT theorists are not anticapitalist, you have not read them.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I can disprove your incorrect assumption with 2 sentences.
            The primary tenet of Marxism is classless proletariat.
            The primary tenet of CRT is that there are classes.

            Chew on it Boss.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            A primary tenet of both is anti-capitalism. Just two different ways to get there. Consider it chewed.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Negative. CRT seeks to equalize capitalism.

          4. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy


      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Disinformation is not limited with respect to originating with government. Here are a few examples: 1. Donald Trump won the 2020 election; 2. Kevin McCarthy never said what he said; 3. J.D. Vance never criticized DJT; 4. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is a documentary supporting Trump’s testimony; 5. All media except Fox, Newsmax, One America, Washington Times, and Bacon’s Rebellion, are biased; 6. Presidential debate moderators are biased; 7. Alternative facts are true; 8. Election integrity is about integrity; 9. Putin never attempted to influence the American election; 10. MGT never uttered an anti-Catholic sentiment.

        These may help frame a reference for your questions.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      By the way, thanks for the “clever polemics” nod. Probably grist for the Disinformation Governance Board.

    3. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      So you are in favor of the government to form an agency to tell “minority communities” what is true?
      You see no danger from that?
      where is your rational cynicism?
      And doesn’t this reek of racism?
      The minority communities need the white saviors to tell them what is true and what isn’t? Why not the poor whites? Heck, why not the unhappy college-educated white women who are the most mindless supporters of BLM and other indoctrinated ideas from all the college debt they incurred to get their Womyn’s Studies degrees (and REALLY want their college loans to be forgiven because nobody wants to hire them)
      Two days after Musk reaches a deal to buy the govt agitprop control mechanism (and I think there are decent odds it won’t close)
      What exactly “true” has the government gotten right lately? And it should be the ref of true and false?
      If the Leftists were loyal Americans (obvious hypothetical), they would have impeached Biden long ago for the border policies and now for the GLOBAL SNAFU he has created, but they won’t – Power at all costs, by any means necessary…

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Just read his past articles on CRT if you want examples of disinformation. Well, “uninformation” really.

    5. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “James McCarthy • 17 hours ago
      Y’all did not offer any controversial ideas nor provide readily available definitions of the term disinformation that could be researched on the internet. The numerous questions raised presume a left wing proposal but are unsupported by any evidence. “Hair on fire” rhetoric does not mean there’s smoke. Clever polemics cannot replace rational cynicism.”

      Lots of words that say thing, your usual. As an alleged Lawyer you should be aware of Whitney v California.

  4. New York Daily News: October 15, 2020:

    “Disinformation experts questioned whether the email promoted by Giuliani was legit, noting multiple red flags around the case — most importantly, whether the laptop even belonged to Hunter Biden.

    The laptop was supposedly dropped off at the Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019, and sat there for the next 18 months until Giuliani went public with its contents.

    “We should view it as a Trump campaign product,” said Nina Jankowitz of the nonpartisan Wilson Center in Washington.”


    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Somebody needs to tell Biden’s handler that he screwed the pooch with this appointment. I’d say “tell Biden” but there is no time between his pudding snack breaks and regular naps.

      Look into Biden’s eyes. You can see the back of his skull. He’s gone.

    1. If only we had such great USG interference to clean up the grocery store aisles from the National Enquirer.
      Or to keep the influence of ‘Curveball’ from getting us into the Iraq War. Or to stop the creation of the ‘Steele Dossier’ which was used to spy on American citizens without a warrant [the USG knew about this effort as the D/CIA briefed POTUS Obama and VPOTUS Biden on the disinformation/misinformation/lie used by the FBI and CIA and DoJ.

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      So, that’s from our new Disinformation Czarina? Biden is even more out of it than I thought.

      The good news is that this Czarina’s efforts at detecting disinformation will only embarrass the Biden Administration further (if that’s even possible).

      Mid-term elections are six months away.

      1. Will she arrest Disney execs and MSM pundtis for their ‘misinformation’ about the new Florida Parental Rights Act?

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This raises serious First Amendment issues.

    Of course, the prospect of everyone and anyone turned loose on Twitter under the auspices of free speech should send shudders down your back.

    1. More speech is always bad

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      I used to use Twitter a lot. More reading than Tweeting. Over time the percentage of useless garbage increased. When it crossed 99% of Tweets I stopped using Twitter.

      Therefore, “everyone and anyone” will not be turned loose on Twitter since, at least, I won’t be there.

      Anyone who believes what they read on Twitter without some serious additional research is too dumb to worry about.

      Let the disinformation flow.

      The world is flat!
      The moon landing was staged!
      Hillary Clinton is running a pedophilia ring from the basement of pizzeria in DC that doesn’t have a basement!
      Professional wrestling is real!

      You can’t stop stupid people from posting stupid things.

      However, you can stop reading the stupid things that get posted.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Disclaimer: I have never used Twitter and never intend to do so.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Had I followed your example I would have saved many hours of futility.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Dick Hall-Sizemore • 16 hours ago
      This raises serious First Amendment issues.

      Of course, the prospect of everyone and anyone turned loose on Twitter under the auspices of free speech should send shudders down your back.”

      Why? Twitter isn’t a Government entity and therefore it’s governed by TOS, which should be enforced equally. However, that still sails in the face of Counterspeech Doctrine.

  6. David Wojick Avatar
    David Wojick

    Hopefully (hopelessly?) disinformation will be confined to that directly funded by foreign governments, but even that is too broad.

    One thing is certain, this will be the most closely watched election in history. With hundreds of House and Senate seats to contest. In principle every winner can be challenged. After all, Congress runs the country, not the President. With luck we will know who won each seat by January. With luck.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The administration, as I pointed out, has yet to define the terms of the hunt. Who defines disinformation? When the government says that it will “combat” it, what exactly does that mean. Will it award points, stars, Pinocchio’s? Will it sue? File treason charges?

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        “When the government says that it will “combat” it, what exactly does that mean.”

        Lots of the people at DHS have guns. Seems they’re likely to be the enforcers. What could go wrong?

    2. Remember Moscow’s oligarchs have been sending money to US eco-idiots to stop natural gas pipelines in the US to further Russia’s dominance in providing natural gas to Europe… foreign government interference is not always easy to identify, nor willingly done.

      1. David Wojick Avatar
        David Wojick

        Also to stop fracking. But these are not election disinformation. I doubt it is easy in any case.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Confined? Trump won. The election was stolen. Confined?

      People died for those lies. Now you have to believe them. 2020 WAS the most closely watched election in history. There is no evidence of any, not one, of Trump’s allegations.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        It certainly was the most secure election with mail in voting wasn’t it? We need more divisive, less secure methods to vote in the future that don’t require voter ID.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You mean NC-9?

          To date, the only fraudulent mail-in ballots were for Trump. But, if you can find one for Biden, I’ll wait.

          1. killerhertz Avatar

            It doesn’t matter. It’s a stupid idea with no traceability. It’s 2022 and we still rely on boomer methods of voting. There could easily be a blind blockchain method of voting that would allow voters to verify their vote while remaining anonymous. Research has been done on this topic, but politicians are scum. The ONE time I ventured into local politics I witnessed scantron paper ballot voting manipulation. Election integrity is a joke.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No traceability? Then, how did they catch those that were fraudulently cast for Trump? BTW, classified documents are transported by the USPS every day.

  7. So Bug-out Biden who stated ““What you’re seeing is enormous growth in the country. . . ” after announcing an economy contracted by 1.4% is allowing Whipper-snapper Mayorkas who stated that Border Agents who were whipping migrants “”met with our nation’s horror because they do not represent who we are as a country,” and “The border is secure.” will oversee and stop misinformation/disinformation….. this is comforting.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Leave Slow Joe alone. He’s easily confused and reading those words on the teleprompter is hard. Jill ought to tell he teleprompter people to use smaller words, take bigger breaks and set the teleprompter to mover more slowly.

  8. Maybe the Youngkin administration should respond by creating its own Disinformation Governance Board. I would heartily endorse the creation of such a beast on the condition that we name it the Ministry of Truth. Imagine how busy the Youngkin-ites would be quashing all the disinformation that emanates from the Washington Post, Richmond Times-Dispatch and Virginian-Pilot!

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Stones, glass houses…. Be sure the Ministry of Truth has a sunset provision timed to coincide with this administration.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “James McCarthy James A. Bacon • 17 hours ago
        Stones, glass houses…. Be sure the Ministry of Truth has a sunset provision timed to coincide with this administration.”

        Learn what sarcasm is, dumbas$.

  9. SOOOOOO…. to counter/combat foreign [Russian] disinformation from adversely affecting minority communities, immigrants trying to illegally enter our country, and our elections, ‘China’ Joe has given the mandate to an internal ONLY law enforcement agency which has no powers/mandates/directives to operate overseas against foreign governments/entities. Sounds a little fishy to me. If these Democrats had really wanted to counter dis/misinformation from abroad the he would have directed such actions to the CIA and NSA — the only USG organizations empowered to counter foreign threats overseas. Interesting this was announced after white supremacist Elon Musk started to clean up the DNC’s mouthpiece — aka Twitter.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Has JFK risen yet, Boss? The funny thing about the internet is that everything, EVERYTHING, is time stamped and recorded. It is possible to trace anything to its origination time and IP (including CPU ID).

    The humor in BitCoin is that a vast majority of people believe there is anonymity in the transactions. It’s the most traceable currency there is.

    Thought you was in Intel?

    CRT is Marxist?

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      “CRT is Marxist?”

      Congrats you are learning!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        No. You’re not.

    2. killerhertz Avatar

      Also Bitcoin transactions are fairly anonymous. While you can trace all transaction history via the ledger, you’d have to relate a physical address to a wallet, which isn’t baked into Bitcoin itself. Of course, there are ways to avoid using your physical address that can identify the individual.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You go for it. Buy some cocaine.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “Champagne don’t drive me crazy, cocaine don’t make me lazy, ain’t nobody’s business but my own” or so Taj Mahal’s tune goes.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Some they may go for a cocaine
            I’m sure that if I took even one sniff
            It would bore me terrifically too
            Yet I get a kick out of you

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Cocaine’s for horses, it ain’t for men
            Doc says it’ll kill you, he don’t say when
            Cocaine, running round my brain

            The coke man came by, he left a note
            Said I’m sorry, ain’t got no coke
            Cocaine, running round my brain

            Come here baby, come here quick
            this old cocaine’s made me sick
            Cocaine, running round my brain

            Went to the corner, Foushee and Main
            Lookin’ for the man, who’s got cocaine
            Cocaine, running round my brain

            Cocaine Mary, morphine Sue
            Walk down the avenue, two by two
            Cocaine, running round my brain


            Susie Belle. came through the barn
            Can’t get to heaven with a shot in the arm
            Cocaine, running round my brain

            refrain, repeat 1st verse & out

            A tune from back in the days when cocaine put the coke in coca cola.

  11. Matt Adams Avatar
    Matt Adams

    The solution to disinformation was established in 1927 in Whitney v California. It not censorship but rather more speech that corrects the errors. When you censor and drive an idea underground you only make it more powerful.

  12. Here’s some insight into our DOMESTIC law enforcement overlord in charge of truth:

    “To be a woman online is an inherently dangerous act.”

    “I have hope we can change the norms by which our online ecosystem is
    governed…” [so she’s looking for something other than the 1st

    [The US must] “lead in regulating and conduction oversight [of the digital realm]” —– WOW! Nothing like supporting USG censorship!

    She also criticized Poland for establishing its Ministry of Digital Affairs
    to counter censorship online, adding that the US should “…lead in
    regulating and conducting oversight…”

    “We are not even sure facts can prevail over disinformation…”
    So she, and Biden and our very own Department of Asylum and Amnesty Director, thinks giving the largest DOMESTIC LAW ENFORCEMENT agency the ability to arrest people is the solution — even though those it is supposedly targeting do not reside within the US.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Jankowicz is nothing more than an appointment made by Biden to please the far left psychopaths in his party.

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