General Assembly Committees Approve Bill That Would Allow Even Serial Killers to Seek Release

from Liberty Unyielding

When Virginia abolished the death penalty in 2021, Virginians were assured it wasn’t needed, because the worst killers could be given life sentences without the possibility of parole.

But now, even the worst killers could eventually be released. Committees in Virginia’s Democratic-controlled legislature have approved bills to allow all inmates serving long sentences to seek release after specified periods — even serial killers and others who committed aggravated murders who once would have been eligible for the death penalty. HB 834 and SB 427, known as the “second look” bills, have been amended to create three tiers for release. Most inmates could seek release after 15 years, while those who commit the most serious offenses would have to wait 20 years or 25 years, depending on their offense.

For Virginia inmates whose prison sentences are shorter than 15 years, this legislation would change nothing. Most rapists who are first-time offenders, and many second-degree murderers, receive sentences of less than 15 years to begin with.

But for serial killers and others who commit aggravated murders who are serving a sentence of life without parole, the passage of this “second look” legislation would be a big change. It could give them even more than parole. Inmates released on parole are subject to the supervision of a parole officer, and if they misbehave or evade oversight, they can be sent back to prison for a long time. By contrast, an inmate who has been released under the “second look” legislation lacks these guardrails, and is not accountable to a parole officer, because his release marks the end of his sentence.

This is worrisome, because the inmates who can be released under the legislation include those who have “any conviction” or “a combination of any convictions of (i) a Class 1 felony; (ii) aggravated murder in violation of § 18.2-31 or first degree murder or a second or subsequent conviction of second degree murder.” Those murderers are the inmates who would have to wait longest to get out — 25 years — but they would still be eligible to seek release, even if they tortured to death multiple victims — which would constitute a Class 1 felony — or otherwise killed large numbers of people.

To get Virginia to abolish the death penalty, anti-death-penalty activists claimed that it was unnecessary to keep killers off the streets, because they could just be given life without parole instead. Dale Brumfield of Virginians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty argued against the death penalty, telling Virginians that “life in a Supermax prison with no possibility of parole” was a good alternative to the death penalty. To keep Virginians from worrying about those committing aggravated murders being put back on the street, the Democratic legislature made the two remaining men on Virginia’s death row ineligible for parole when it abolished the death penalty in 2021.

But the second-look bills would allow even the worst killers to seek release, such as Anthony Juniper, who “committed a quadruple murder in 2004, during which he shot a 2-year-old in her mother’s arms four times and her 4-year-old sister, along with their mother and uncle.” He could seek release soon under the second-look legislation, even though he was once sentenced to death for his crimes, a death sentence canceled by the 2021 law that abolished Virginia’s death penalty.

Offenders who are released could go on to commit more crimes. The Virginia second-law bills are modeled on Washington, D.C.’s existing “second look” law. Under DC’s law, many murderers, such as a criminal who killed two people, have been released, and some released offenders have reoffended and had to be arrested again even in the short time since they were released. In February 2023, The Washington Post reported that 135 out of the first 164 inmates who sought release were in fact released, of whom “the majority had been convicted of murder.” The Daily Caller reported in early 2023 that 28 of the 135 who were released had already been arrested again. D.C.’s second-look legislation appears to be part of its lackadaisical approach to crime: In 2023, Washington, DC experienced a 36% increase in murders, and a doubling in car-jackings. The Virginia legislation is actually worse than D.C.’s law, because it does not require judges to find that an inmate “is not a danger to the safety of any person or the community” before releasing an inmate or reducing their sentence, the way D.C.’s law does.

In her remarks to the House subcommittee that passed the bill, Delegate Rae Cousins said that the legislation was needed because “long sentences” don’t make us safer. But long sentences do reduce crime, as studies and a comparison of Maryland and Virginia show. A 2014 study in the American Economic Journal found that early releases of prison inmates increased Italy’s crime rate. (See Barbarino & Mastrobuoni, “The Incapacitation Effect of Incarceration: Evidence from Several Italian Collective Pardons,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Volume 6, no. 1, February 2014 (pp. 1-37)).

Shortening inmates’ sentences lets them loose to commit more crimes. Most inmates commit more crimes after being released from prison. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 81.9% of all state prisoners released in 2008 were subsequently arrested by 2018, including 74.5% of those 40 or older at the time of their release. (See Bureau of Justice Statistics, Recidivism of Prisoners in 24 States Released in 2008: A 10-Year Follow-Up Period (2008-2018) (Sept. 2021), pg. 4, Table 4, “Cumulative percentage of state prisoners released in 24 states in 2008 who were arrested following release, by sex, race or ethnicity, age at release, and year following release”).

Even after a decade in prison, inmates are typically arrested again after being released. 57.5% of federal inmates imprisoned for violence for ten years or more were arrested yet again after being released, according to a 2022 report from the U.S. Sentencing Commission. (See Recidivism of Federal Violent Offenders Released in 2010, pg. 33 (Feb. 2022)).

Maryland and Virginia are similar states, but Maryland has a much higher crime rate, due to its giving criminals shorter sentences. In 2020, Maryland had a violent crime rate nearly twice Virginia’s. Observers tend to attribute the higher crime in Maryland to its soft-on-crime policies — such as the the fact that “Virginia has stricter laws on the books” and “harsh sentences,” which are “a huge deterrent” to crime. “Criminals know if you commit crime in Virginia you might get whacked, while in Maryland, you might just get slapped on the wrist.” The differences in crime rates are especially large for offenses that Virginia punishes more severely compared to Maryland, like robbery. Maryland has a robbery rate more than three times Virginia’s.

Think-tanks and law enforcement sources have long argued that Maryland’s crime rate is higher partly because it is softer on offenders than Virginia, and gives them shorter sentences. (See, e.g., Kevin Lewis, Why is Montgomery County’s violent crime rate twice as high as neighboring Fairfax County?, WJLA, Dec. 5, 2019; David D. Muhlhausen, Ph.D, ED120999: Crime in Two Counties, Heritage Foundation, Dec. 9, 1999).

Back when Virginia was a bit tougher on crime compared to Maryland than it is today, the differences were even more stark. In 2018, Maryland had an overall violent crime rate of 468.7 per 100,000 people, according to USA Today, compared to a violent crime rate of only 200 per 100,000 in Virginia.

These “second look” bills would not require a judge to release all the inmates who seek release. But they would create a huge amount of work for judges ruling on inmates’ petitions for release, by micromanaging how judges rule on those petitions, and placing a cloud of uncertainty over some orders denying petitions.

The bills list 12 factors to be considered in deciding whether to release an inmate, most of which are the sort of factors inmate advocates cite for releasing inmates (such as the inmate’s growing “maturity” and whether the offender once had a “youth brain” but no longer does), and only one of which (victim impact) typically weighs against release. The bill does not list most of the factors that justify a long sentence, such as the need to deter crimes and make the punishment fit the crime, although it does not explicitly bar judges from relying on such factors. The Supreme Court has said that deterrence, proportionality, and even retribution are all constitutionally valid reasons for punishment, but that does not mean a state has to rely on all such reasons in sentencing.

More vexingly for judges, the second-look bills not only give most inmates the right to a taxpayer-funded lawyer for their release — which will cost taxpayers a lot and flood the courts with petitions — but also force judges to say how much weight they give each factor, even though the bills give them no guidance whatsoever about how much weight they actually should give each factor. The bills say that when a judge rules on an inmate’s petition for release, “the written explanation shall address each of the factors in subsection K and indicate the weight given to each factor.”

The bills would then let inmates appeal denials of their petition, on the ground that “such decision was contrary to law.”

So, if the inmate believes that a judge gave too much weight to a factor, or that the judge misapplied any of the dozen factors, the inmate will cite that to try to get the judge’s decision reversed, even if there is clearly at least one valid reason for denying the inmate’s petition. The inmate’s lawyer could charge the taxpayers many thousands of dollars to fight for his release. In addition, the Commonwealth Attorney’s office would have to devote valuable time to responding to the inmate’s petition and any appeals, diverting attention away from the core function of the Commonwealth Attorney’s office, to fight crime by prosecuting criminals.

Requiring a judge to “indicate the weight given to each factor” is not the norm in judging. Virginia law is full of multi-factor balancing tests, in areas such as child custody and whether to award spousal support and how to distribute marital property, and judges generally need only consider and apply the relevant factors, not specify the weight given to each. This is not unique to Virginia law, but is true of federal law as well. An LU blogger who was once a federal court clerk drafted the court rulings in AST v. Texas Instruments, a multi-million dollar patent lawsuit. The rulings applied various factors mandated by federal case law and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, but did not indicate the weight given to each or any factor.

Republished with permission from the Liberty Unyielding blog. 

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20 responses to “General Assembly Committees Approve Bill That Would Allow Even Serial Killers to Seek Release”

  1. Surprising that the party which created the KKK to commit crimes against blacks now wants to release killers to threaten all races.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    In addition, the impact to the Criminal Fund for appointed counsel representation for appeals heard within the Virginia Court of Appeals, is estimated at $1,900 per appeal.

    That sentence in the FIS is the key to killing the bill. With 5,000 potential appeals that is $10M right there, and the petitions will so clog the circuit courts that added judges and clerks will be needed to provide due process. This is a lawyer bill, a bonanza for that profession. Only a small % of these appeals will likely succeed. The Dems can’t have a Parole Board doing the work of early release, so now they want judges they elect to do it.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I hate this bill but don’t you have to weigh the decreased costs of incarceration for those who are released against the increased costs of legal representation for those seeking release?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        That is a good point. The medical costs for elderly inmates is quite large.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      How many lawyer bills are on the books? Don’t tell me. Let me enjoy the bliss of ignorance.

      1. How many lawyer bills are on the books?

        All of them?


    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “The Dems can’t have a Parole Board doing the work of early release, so now they want judges they elect to do it.”

      This has nothing to do with parole and is instead a sentence modification process. Returning a very tiny fraction of discretion to the judge (where it should be). I hope it passes (it won’t) and then they eliminate three strikes as well (they won’t).

      Aside: It sure looks like Dems are drafting a bunch of legislation designed to distribute power and control to local representatives and away from the State legislature and Republicans are fighting that tooth and nail.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The author of this post makes a claim that is highly misleading, at best: “Most inmates commit more crimes after being released from prison.” The evidence provided to support this claim deals with released offenders being arrested after release. Being arrested does not mean someone has committed a crime. There are three methods of measuring recidivism: arrest for a new offense, conviction, and incarceration. The arrest rate is always higher than the other two. The best measure of redivism is conviction. That indicates that someone committed a new crime (at least, the court found that he did). But, to get a true picture of redividism, the next question needs to be: convicted of what? Was the released offender convicted of a violent crime or for being drunk in public? In other words, was the new offense significant enough that the court imposed incarceration? If so, the last question is whether the sentence was for jail time or prison time. In Virginia, after three years from being released , only 22 percent of offenders were reincarcerated in prison for a new crime. That is the second lowest recidivist rate in the country.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…the worst killers could be given life sentences without the possibility of parole.”

    As were those guilty of robbery or felony assault, hence the need to return even this little bit of discretion to judges…

    1. As were those she guilty of robbery or felony assault

      For armed robbery, but not felony assault. These are the crimes for which three convictions can result in a sentence of life without parole: (i) murder, (ii) rape, (iii) robbery by presenting a firearm (53.1-151.B1).

      But the person must be convicted three separate times for offenses not part of a common act.

      And even then, In the event of a determination by the Department of Corrections that an individual is not eligible for parole under this subsection, the Parole Board may in its discretion, review that determination, and make a determination for parole eligibility pursuant to regulations promulgated by it for that purpose. Any determination of the Parole Board of parole eligibility thereby shall supersede any prior determination of parole ineligibility by the Department of Corrections under this subsection

      The law currently also makes those convicted three separate times of dealing drugs ineligible for parole (53.1-151.B2).

      I think that part of the law should be repealed, but the rest of it is fine with me.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        All the statutes mentioning eligibiity have to be read in the context of
        Sec. 53.1-165.1. That section says that none of the parole eligibility provisions applies to any offense committed after Jan. 1, 1995. The only inmates eligible for parole are those incarcerted for offsenses committd before that date.

        1. Good point. Thank you.

          I thought that had been done away with when the democrats controlled the entire state government, but apparently not.

          That being the case, I think 53.1-165.1 needs to be repealed, and whatever other needed changes adopted, so we can go back to using a slightly modified Section 53.1-151 for all incarcerated persons.

          I guess my bottom line is that only the worst of the worst should be sentenced to life without parole, and those persons who are sentenced to life without parole should never be eligible for parole.

          Everyone else should be eligible at some point in time.

  5. Assuming this passes, I think the governor should veto it.

    If it is modified so that persons sentenced to life without parole are ineligible to apply for sentence modification, and if the restrictions placed on judges’ decisions are removed, then I could be talked into supporting such a law.

    Correction: I just revisited Code of Virginia Section 53.1-151, Eligibility for Parole, and it looks fine to me, with the exception that I think 53.1-151.B.B2 (no parole for multiple drug dealing offenses) should be removed.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Assuming this passes, I think the governor should veto it.”

      Do you really have any question that he wouldn’t? He gets to prance around in glee claiming he kept serial killers behind bars when Dems wanted to set them free. Luckily, it seems most halfway intelligent people see that tripe for what it is.

      1. I made my case above for why I think this is a bad bill, and why I think an alternate route is better. You apparently have no reasonable counter-argument in support of the bill because the sole purpose of your response was to insult my intelligence.

        I don’t think this is a bad bill because I like governor Youngkin. I think it as a bad bill because it has no realistic chance of becoming law, and there is a better and easier way to get most of what the democrats want in regards to parole reform and garner enough support from republicans to actual get it passed and made into law.

      2. I made my case above for why I think this is a bad bill, and why I think an alternate route is better. You apparently have no reasonable counter-argument in support of the bill because the sole purpose of your response was to insult my intelligence.

        I don’t think this is a bad bill because I like governor Youngkin. I think it as a bad bill because it has no realistic chance of becoming law, and there is a better and easier way to get most of what the democrats want in regards to parole reform and garner enough support from republicans to actual get it passed and made into law.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I am not insulting YOUR intelligence as it seems clear that you don’t buy into the argument that Dems want to release serial killers into the community as put forth by the article. That part of my comment was directed at the article itself and Youngkin as that will be how he plays it. You are clearly intelligent and have researched your position and supported it. My apologies for an unintended insult.

          As to your position, I looked into the history of Va three strikes laws and when it was originally passed, there was no requirement that the offender be convicted separately of the three offenses and serve time for the first two. Apparently, multiple individuals were sentenced under the law when they committed three offenses (like three robberies) concurrently by zealous prosecutors. They apparently are still serving that sentence even though the law was changed to disallow such (in 2018, I think). I am not sure but it looks like this is the Dems attempt to provide a second look at those sentences by the courts. I could be wrong here but it seems to be the case to me.

          Bottom line is there are always over zealous prosecutors and the courts need tools to compensate for that. The “Dems just want to free serial murderers” or even “serial murderers will go free if Dems have their way” are not serious arguments – again I am directing that criticism to the article itself and not saying that is your position.

          1. Thank you for the explanation.

          2. I think retaining the following from the proposed legislation (and placing it in the appropriate place within Section 53.1) would solve the issue you raised in your comment:

            S. A person convicted of a crime that is subsequently repealed or for which the penalty or sentencing range is subsequently reduced may petition the circuit court that entered the original judgment or order for modification of his sentence pursuant to this section at any time, and such person shall automatically qualify for modification of his sentence, regardless of whether good cause is shown. The court shall modify the sentence to be in compliance with the penalties for the offense in effect on the date of the hearing on the petition for modification of a sentence.

            And I would support such a measure.

  6. KalevEfrayim Avatar

    More Progressivism from Virginia Democrats. Democrats ruin law and order everywhere they have a majority. Criminals love and protect fellow criminals and this proposed “law” is proof.

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