by Kerry Dougherty

Uh-oh. Looks like Louise Lucas is a little rusty when it comes to campaigning for office.

The powerful Democrat from deep blue Portsmouth is used to steamrolling any hapless Republican who gets in her way and sashaying into Richmond where she serves as the president pro tempore of the Senate and gets the juiciest committee assignments.

Thanks to redistricting, however, the queen of Portsmouth finds herself inconveniently lumped into the same district as another Democrat. That’s Lionel Spruill, who appears to be out-hustling her on the campaign trail and out-raising her in campaign funds.

As of March 31, Spruill had $659,915 on hand and poor Louise had just $569,506. The Democrat primary is June 20.

Spruill also has a built-in vote advantage. The newly configured district takes about 71,000 voters from his old stomping grounds and only about 61,000 from Lucas’, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

The senator from Chesapeake has an impressive line-up of Democrats who are attending his Northern Virginia fundraiser next month.

And Louise Lucas is not happy about that.

How dare they come out for Lionel? Don’t they know who she is?

She — or whoever is writing her Tweets for her these days — went on a crazy Tweet tirade this week. In it, she accused her fellow Dems of — wait for it — RAAAAACISM.

Surely she’s noticed that Lionel Spruill is also African-American.

The power she’s accumulated.

That’s what it’s all about. And since the moment Gov. Glenn Youngkin was elected, Lucas has been abusing hers to erect a “brick wall” in the senate, preventing Republicans from passing any meaningful legislation.

She’s rebuffed good-natured overtures from the affable governor and engaged in petty sniping at Youngkin almost non-stop.

Now Lucas has turned her venom on Northern Virginia Democrats whom she accuses of wanting “her” seat on the Senate’s finance committee.

“They messed with the wrong bitch this time.”

What eloquence!

Has it ever occurred to the lady from Portsmouth that maybe they’re canoodling with Lionel Spruill because he’s so much nicer to deal with than she is?

Just a thought.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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32 responses to “Geez, Louise”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    Lionell Spruill is a gentleman. He’s someone that Ptroiters can ID with – he came from the projects and has worked his way up. He does his job, quietly and efficiently.

    She’s more hot because she’s so bloody toxic to everywhere. Most who + her are not in her district. She had her campaign manager bugging people. Her whole deal was ME ME ME and her power and Don Scott. Don Scott has gotten hit 2x at least by the bar.

    People are sick of it – and Ptroit should have a chance to know some peace and upbuilding. Lionell Spruill is all about that.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Ptroit! I love it. Like Central Pennsylvania (between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia) being called “Pennsyltucky”.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        You need an “h” on that there Burgh city.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Thanks, done.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Careful, don’t confuse with Ptown.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        What a shock! A long time politician opening a CBD store that could become a retail cannabis shop whenever the General Assembly finally gets around to finishing the job of making recreational marijuana sales legal in Virginia.

        Interestingly, Maryland – a state that passed the recreational marijuana legislation after Virginia – will open their recreational dispensaries on July 1 of this year.

        Tax money that should go to Virginia (from Virginians buying recreational marijuana) will now go to Maryland. I guess that’s better than the money continuing to go to drug dealers and cartels.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “I guess that’s better than the money continuing to go to drug dealers”

          Dunno, with the taxing and inefficiencies of state regulated pot sales around the country, local drug dealers seem to have thrived. In many cases loyalties earned and services provided on a community level over many years and competitive pricing apparently outweigh the certifications coming from govt licensed operations. Curious.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            When does the government ever do anything right, especially at first? The taxes are too high for the legal stuff and the number of dispensaries (hence, competition) is too low. Meanwhile, the enforcement against “traditional suppliers” is ineffective.

            Like liquor, over time the government will eventually stumble into reality.

            You can still buy illegal moonshine in Virginia but it’s not a huge problem – even with Virginia’s socialist approach to state-owned retail liquor stores. Most people in NoVa just drive over Key Bridge to the oddly named Dixie Liquor store in DC and stock up.

            There’s a reason that Dixie Liquor is situated as close to the Key Bridge exit in DC as an establishment can be. There’s probably also a reason why it’s called “Dixie Liquor”. But don’t worry about parking, Dixie offers curbside pickup!

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            There will always be an issue as Federal Law still classifies it as a scheduled drug. Until that is reversed it will forever be murky and a pain.

            There are a host of items on that schedule that shouldn’t be at least in my personal opinion.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            When I was a kid we would head for Dixie Liquor. We would throw one guy out of the car at the light at the end of the bridge to go shopping at Dixie, turn right on M street, then left on 3x street between the Cellar Door and Ray’s Pipe and Drum, bounce up the hill on the cobblestones, left at the intersection (N st?), then left again bounce down the cobblestone hill on 3x+1 street and stop at the curb next to Dixie’s front door. We would do our own version of curbside pick up of our buddy standing there with several cases of beer and be back in Virginia with less than 5 minutes elapsed time in the District.

            One weekend evening, I think it was Friday, they closed at 9pm. Often around 8:30 someone would go “Oh S***, the liquor stores are about to close”. We’d hop in a car and go like hell to get in under the wire. The bends on Spout Run Parkway could be exciting and the stop lights in Rosslyn anxiety producing if we were close to 9.

            I’m sure the NoVa kids are much better behaved these days.

          4. And one can always grow one’s own.

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            4 plants at a time in Virginia. I wonder how that works with Virginia’s 4 oz limitation on how much pot one can legally possess. Is it legal while on the stem while still planted in the ground and over the limit when harvested?

            4 plants with only an oz apiece would be pretty small. Banzai works of art?

          6. If you’re ending up with excess, maybe you’re not smoking/ingesting enough.


          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            4 big plants can produce a lot of pot, at least compared to a 4oz possession limit. I’ve heard it grows like a “weed”. 🙂 That leaves me with cognitive dissonance. Were they stoned when they wrote the law?

            Speaking of cognition, it being what it is, declining as I get older, the downside impact of drugs and alcohol is harder to offset. Doing less means being able to do more, Cosmic, dang it.

  2. She seems like a pleasant person…

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Took me a while to translate Ptroit… That’s a good one. As someone who would never vote for either of them, at least Spruill appears to be sane.
    It’s really hard to look at Congress and the General Assembly and think these are the best and brightest “public servants.”

    And don’t get me started on the bureaucracies…

    1. I think I could bring myself to vote for Mr. Spruill, if I lived in a district where the choice was between him and Louise Lucas.

      If Louise Lucas was my state senator I would be doing everything [legal] within my power to get her out of office.

      She represents everything that is wrong with government, and she gets away with her undisguised corruption, nepotism and cronyism because she can (apparently successfully) screech “racist” at the top of her lungs at anyone who openly criticizes her.

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        Wont fly in Chesapeake.

        1. I hope you are right.

      2. VaNavVet Avatar

        Which would include the “racists”.

        1. You know exactly what I am talking about.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            Many men feel threatened by strong women in positions of power especially black women. It does not help that such women can often be out-spoken and even abrasive, but that is really the man’s problem.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Fingers crossed. As fellow members of the “shipbuilder” community, Louise and I could always strike up a friendly conversation. Her emergence as the Queen of Angry Twitter actually surprised me, and frankly disappointed me. We’ll find out soon enough if that saves her in a district that includes more population from Lionel’s previous district. This attack on Northern Virginia is politically shrewd, short term anyway.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      She’s been that way for a LONG time. People in Peake see how she’s done her own folks, and they do not want that mess. Ptroiters want a break too.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        So are you crossing over and voting in the D primary? Do you think other conservatives will? I’d be tempted if that were my choice. No way any R’s have a chance there.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        So are you crossing over and voting in the D primary? Do you think other conservatives will? I’d be tempted if that were my choice. No way any R’s have a chance there.

        1. vicnicholls Avatar

          Flat out we do need a balance. Seen far too often, give one the power and its a mess. Both sides.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Recently the Repubs around here have been doing “Firehouse Primaries” where they can restrict attendance to party members like with a convention. Dunno if the Dems will pick up the tactic.

        3. VaNavVet Avatar

          Same thing in SD 19 where there will be a Republican primary for voters of all stripes to cast ballots in.

        4. VaNavVet Avatar

          Same thing in SD 19 where there will be a Republican primary for voters of all stripes to cast ballots in.

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    Takes one to know one.

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