FUCK UVA Redux: The Revolution Consumes Its Own

by James A. Bacon

Militant students and faculty held an online gripe session today skewering President Jim Ryan and Provost Ian Baucom, and their rhetoric — including calls for Ryan’s resignation — is more heated than ever. While I support the actions Ryan and Baucom took to shut down the UVA Encampment for Gaza, where protesters were flouting university regulations and spoiling for a confrontation, I have to say that the failure of University leadership to consistently enforce its rules makes it partially to blame for the mess.

For example, Team Ryan has long tolerated political messaging on Lawn room doors in violation of occupants’ lease terms. We’ve been through this drill before. The infamous “Fuck UVA” sign in 2020 was a trigger for furious alumni to organize and create The Jefferson Council. Ryan allowed the sign to remain on the grounds that taking it down would violate the student’s free speech. But he promised to enforce new lease rules, which limited signage to a small bulletin board on the doors, in the future. Enforcement faltered, and the signs blossomed. Now, just in time for graduation ceremonies, a new “Fuck UVA sign” (shown above) has been taped to a Lawn door.

Ryan defends his action shutting down the pro-Palestinian tent compound last Saturday on the Grounds, maintaining that there are limits to free speech based on “time, place and manner.” I agree. He did the right thing. But why should campus militants have taken him seriously? Lawn room residents had been flouting the rules for months — as Tthe Jefferson Council has repeatedly documented.

We’ve also documented that student guides acting in collaboration with university authorities are giving “historical” tours that amount to half-hour recitations of past evils at the University of Virginia — slavery, racism, eugenics, etc. — with only passing mention of Thomas Jefferson as founder of the University and architect of the Academical Village. At least one person has complained that a tour for prospective students and their parents took on the same tone — even though we were assured that the Admissions Office would clean up the tours for prospective students.

We’ve also documented how Ryan and Baucom have overseen recruiting policies that have allowed the political center of gravity among faculty and staff to move steadily to the left. They applied to the Mellon Foundation, for example, to hire extreme left-wing faculty members under the guise of “anti-racism.” The Education School has gone so far as to create a Critical Whiteness Studies Group to research “how whites operate under white supremacy and how that operation then impacts people of Color.” Militants they hired were denigrating “systemic racism” at UVA — not just in the distant past but today — long before the Hamas invasion of Israel. Perhaps it has escaped the attention of Ryan and Baucom but… they are White.

It should come as no surprise that one or more faculty members hired during the Ryan era acted as spokespersons for the Encampment for Gaza and were swept up in the crackdown.

The revolution consumes its own, as the saying goes. Although they are not bomb-throwing radicals themselves — they enjoy the perks and rewards of high office at UVA too much — Ryan and Baucom helped create the conditions that are now destabilizing the University. Like the Mensheviks of Russian fame, they worked peacefully to bring about revolutionary change. Like the Bolsheviks of yore, UVA militants have turned upon them with a vengeance.

James A. Bacon is former executive director, and now contributing editor, to the Jefferson Council. The views expressed here are his own.

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22 responses to “FUCK UVA Redux: The Revolution Consumes Its Own”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    So… they are “militants” again now… alas…

    We are sure Bert is on his way though…

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Did you listen to the session?
      You advertised it. Perhaps “militant” is accurate, and surely softer than Jew-hating or genocide loving or undeserving spoiled brats accorded the honor of a Lawn room…but that could just be my view.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        You probably had a TJC board meeting for this one, Walt. What was Bert’s input?… Something like “I’ll go get her!”…?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          So I guess you didn’t listen. Do we have to create BDS as a sickness for you?
          And none of the Northam appointed Visitors ever do anything aligned with their political beliefs, amirite?
          There was no TJC meeting for the Jew hater wrap/rap session.
          Unlike the Marxists, TJC people have lives and even jobs outside of the false DEI oppressor/oppressed identity Marxist religion, AND, bonus, we even have differing political stands (unlike the Marxist mob “militants” but I prefer genocidal, Jew-hating, rape excusing, civilization-ending Hamas supporters.) But, again, that’s just me…

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “There was no TJC meeting for the Jew hater wrap/rap session.”

            So, Bert was already on the road then, I guess…

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Definitely BDS there Troll. Bordering on libelous. As I recall, and thanks to TJC the BOV meetings are taped now, it was the man you hate who was calling for an open discussion about the Jew hate on Grounds, and Ryan’s pet Rector, Robert Hardie, cut him off and threatened him… Why are you so full of hate? Have you ever met Bert Ellis? Or do you hold a grudge from college? Did you get blackballed at the KA house? The animus doesn’t add up…except for you just being the committed lemming Leftist? One of those the issue is never the issue, the issue is the revolution guys?

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Oh, Walt, did you not read the piece? It is in the title – the “(too offensive for comment section) UVA Redux”. How can you have a redux of that infamous incident without revisiting the central character himself…? Why would his actions this time differ from his last? Is he so less offended now that he doesn’t feel driven to embark on a road trip to confront the offender…? If so, what has changed? JAB seems to be reacting in consistent character after all.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So Troll. What did Bert do that was so offensive that you have BDS? He objected to an immature sign from a spoiled brat who didn’t get Cadillac treatment for her disability, and UVA was actually right in how it handled her disability. The sign violated the rules and Jim Ryan hid behind “free speech” and the rules needed to be changed. The rules were changed, and not enforced. This is the consequence of the policies that the Ryan Admin has allowed.
            It’s not Bert’s job to enforce the rules. It is Jim Ryan’s. I will go back to the anti-Klan law – you are against the Klan aren’t you? – enforce the mask laws. Make these agitprop Jew-hate genocide supporters learn there are legal consequences to breaking the law (which they have learned never apply to them cuz Left) and then go for actual civil, discourse, not mindless, paid for, indoctrinated chants and red hands. Hey, wondering here, what’s their position on baby killing? Red hands likely appropriate there.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “It’s not Bert’s job to enforce the rules.”

            Bring that up in your next TJC meeting, Walt…

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You obviously know nothing about governance, but since you seem to favor mob rule, that makes sense.
            Jim Ryan is the equivalent of the CEO. The Board is his boss. The Board is 17 people. Bert is one member. You have BDS bad.

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            One member prone to long road trips, apparently…

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No wonder you believe the Hamas death counts…slurping propaganda from his favored news sources. I bet you’ve crossed State lines with a razor before…oh, the horror!
            And you know he owns a piece of the White Spot (clearly racist, amirite? The Gusburger may as well be the Klanburger!) so he actually had reasons to be in Cville, besides terrorizing poor little Hira Asher (who was wrong) and all the other snowflakes, privileged, pampered, ignorant. And still so after four years of education…oops…indoctrination At UVA.

    2. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      That’s it? That’s the best retort you have?

      Why am I not surprised. You’re not even a full troll.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        It’s like getting your angel wings…I think he is now around 3/5ths to 2/3rds…

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        You see the irony of your comment… right…?

  2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Excellent article, Jim.

    You gave Ryan and Baucom credit for acceding to Youngkin and Miyares’ mandates, taking down the illegal tent encampments then forcibly removing the protesters who refused to leave. You also rightly cited Ryan’s hypocrisy in setting the precedent for NOT enforcing UVA regulations by continuing to allow profane signs on Lawn room doors, which is unequivocally prohibited by the contracts that the student Lawn residents signed.

    Ryan and Baucom are trying to mimic Switzerland during WWII. That doesn’t work as a campus President. The President of Cornell “resigned” today, following her equally spineless Harvard and Penn counterparts. She allowed anti-Semitism to thrive, just as Ryan has.

    Now the UVA Left – faculty and students – is incensed that Ryan is trying to assume at least the appearance of leadership. Today during a faculty webinar that excoriated Ryan and Baucom for their actions on May 3rd, many faculty are calling for him to resign. Some of the faculty webinar participants said they are considering sending Ryan a collectively signed letter of “no confidence.”

    Your last paragraph nailed it. I suggest President Ryan dust off an old history book in Alderman (oops….sorry….Shannon) Library. He should read what happened to Menshevik leaders when the Bolsheviks defeated the Russian White Army after WWI. Needless to say, they weren’t given state pensions and nice dachas off the Baltic Sea.

    It will be interesting to see if the enraged militants among the UVA faculty attempt a coup d’état to overthrow President Ryan. Stay tuned.

  3. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Excellent stuff, Jim. Let’s see how many Virginians are willing to subsidize this with their tax dollars.

    If UVA wants to go woke, it can go private.

  4. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Enlarging the first picture…it is hard to read…does anyone have a legible copy?
    It looks like nearly every Lawn room signed. If there were a few brave enough to resist the “tolerant” Left here (how do so many on the Lawn be so one way in politics? Asking for a friend…), wanna take a bet that the non-signers were Jewish or not Leftists or both?

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      I’ll bet lots of students would pay top dollar for a Lawn room.

      If the current crew of Lawn residents are so arrogant and self-absorbed, then it might be a good idea to teach them a lesson and make them pay for their senior year housing out on the economy with the hoi polloi.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Nothing is going to happen to anyone. VT and Mary Washington are dropping charges. Discipline review boards will give a pass. Faculty will be given a warning. Ryan will keep his job. 9 days to graduation and this blows over.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Sad, but probably true. Probably no firings for the faculty or staff who were among those who refused lawful orders to disperse, an even worse precedent than failing to punish the students. It is fair to expect more of the employees. Frankly, it has become clear the heart of darkness here is the faculty and the students are just pawns. It is the faculty who can cow the president on most campuses.

      1. Carter Melton Avatar
        Carter Melton

        I think there are two additional dimensions to the presidential issue. First, too many of these college presidents are naive and weak (or in the case of Harvard, also dishonest); secondly, where you have strong, centered presidents, you encounter weak, scared Boards who won’t support their CEO. That was certainly the case at VMI, when a feckless BOV allowed Northam and company to throw perhaps VMI’s finest Superintendent under the bus.

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