Site icon Bacon's Rebellion

From an Undisclosed Location in Henrico County…

The elusive militants behind Bacon’s Rebellion have issued another missive, apparently timing their communication to influence the current session of the General Assembly. Authorities say that the Feb. 25, 2008, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine, which can be found online, made an appeal to elements of the population disaffected with Business As Usual. Particularly insidious, officials noted, was the e-zine’s technique of offering free subscriptions as a tactic to recruit more adherents.

Here is a summary of the contents:

Curriculum VITA
The overhaul of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s antiquated IT system is a textbook study of how government can improve performance and save money — without a dime of taxpayer investment.
by James A. Bacon

Walking Ahead of the Times
Virginia’s stagnation two centuries ago reminds us that true leaders slip the bonds of the present, not just the past.
by Doug Koelemay

Learning from the Mouse
Why do people travel halfway around the world to visit Disney World and Octoberfest? One big reason: Both are places where you don’t need cars to get around.
by EM Risse

Fund the Child, Not the Bureaucracy
Virginia’s formula for distributing state aid to schools is indecipherable. A little common sense would make the system more transparent.
by Chris Braunlich

The Big Lie?
Headlines tie immigrants to sex crimes as politicians like GOP gubernatorial hopeful McDonnell cash in on the xenophobia they stir up.
by Peter Galuszka

The Untold Story
House Republicans warrant much of the criticism they get, but give them credit for this: They share power more fairly with minority Democrats than the Dems ever did with them.
by Frank Kilgore

Nice & Curious Questions
The Physics of Incentives
Or, Enterprise Zones in the Old Dominion
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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