Bob McDonnell leaves the federal courthouse in Richmond yesterday. Photo credit; Washington Post.
Bob McDonnell leaves the federal courthouse in Richmond yesterday. Photo credit; Washington Post.

by James A. Bacon

A sordid tale grew even more squalid yesterday as Jonnie Williams Sr., the star witness against Maureen and Bob McDonnell, spent the day on the witness stand. Williams, the former CEO of vitamin-supplement maker Star Scientific, declaimed that, despite all the time he had spent with them and gifts he had lavished upon them, the McDonnells “were not my friends.”

Williams also elaborated upon the grabbiness of McDonnell family members, which extended beyond designer clothes, a wedding reception, real estate loans, golf outings, the use of his private jet, landscaping services, a weekend getaway at Smith Mountain Lake and a Rolex watch. At the prompting of her mother, McDonnell daughter Cailin informed Williams that she had picked out a car for him to buy her. A McDonnell finally bumped up against the limits of what Williams was prepared to do to win state support for his Anatabloc vitamin supplements.  “I told her I just couldn’t buy a car,” he testified.

But grabbiness is not illegal. The McDonnells’ behavior was stupefyingly gauche and beyond the pale of acceptable social behavior. It was grotesque to see in the First Family of Virginia. But grabbiness does not, in and of itself, constitute corruption. It’s corruption only if the McDonnells performed substantive official acts in return for his largesse. And so far, the evidence of that is borderline. Williams received remarkably little for his $145,000-plus investment in the McDonnell family: a couple of introductions to state officials, the use of the Governor’s Mansion for a Star Scientific event, and three appearances by Maureen McDonnell at Star Scientific events outside the state. (I expect there to be considerable debate over whether these constitute unusual “official” actions.)

But if Bob McDonnell’s personal reputation was worthy of the Sears scratch-and-dent sale before the trial, it could well end up in the dumpster by the time this is over. To my mind, the most potentially damaging testimony yesterday concerned conversations between Williams and McDonnell to transfer stock certificates to McDonnell that he could borrow against to help with cash flow problems on his beach property. According to the Times-Dispatch reporting, Williams testified that he was concerned that such a deal would have to reported to the federal Securities and Exchange Commission, so he never went through with it. But he added this critical detail indicating McDonnell’s state of mind: He said that McDonnell told him that he had his own disclosure problem.

That revelation — if it goes uncontradicted by McDonnell — seems especially relevant to two of the charges against him. Count Twelve alleges that McDonnell failed to include a $50,000 loan from Williams when listing personal liabilities of $2,075,000 in a financial application to TowneBank. County Thirteen alleges that Maureen and Bob McDonnell omitted mention of what by then had grown to $120,000 in loans from Williams in a loan application to PenFed. (A small digression: The liabilities they listed had soared to $2.8 million by then, an extraordinary increase of roughly $750,000 over four months. That’s a story worth digging into.) If Williams’ story holds up that the governor was acutely aware of his own disclosure issues, it will be difficult for McDonnell to argue that those omissions were an unintentional oversight.

The defense attorneys are sure to paint Williams as a huckster, swindler and self-confessed liar (he admitted yesterday to laying to federal authorities when they first investigated the case) out to save his own skin, which, given his track record, won’t be hard to do. Such a strategy may keep the McDonnells out of jail but it won’t salvage their reputation. Any thinking person would have to ask: How astonishingly poor was McDonnell’s judgment to accept gifts from, and obligate himself to, such a snake?

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5 responses to “From Sordid to Squalid”

  1. Whether or not it becomes evident that McDonnell committed any crime, it is pretty clear that he was not and is not qualified to hold any public office.

    I have to wonder if Johnny Williams is thrilled with all this. This is more publicity for Anatabloc than he could have purchased with 50 jets.

  2. re: ” But grabbiness is not illegal. The McDonnells’ behavior was stupefyingly gauche and beyond the pale of acceptable social behavior. It was grotesque to see in the First Family of Virginia. But grabbiness does not, in and of itself, constitute corruption. It’s corruption only if the McDonnells performed substantive official acts in return for his largesse.”

    why does this sound like a really, really bad excuse for a Governor totally aside from whether he is “technically” “guilty” of corruption?

    and what happened to the narrative about poor old Maureen and family being so ignored that they sought “friendship” from Williams?

    this sounds ever so much like the elite version of white trash.

  3. I think the McDonnell defense team should call Senators Kaine and Warner to the witness stand. Both lined their pockets with gifts. Between 2001 and 2004, Warner received $190,362 in gifts and travel.

    That’s right – a centi-millionaire was pocketing $50,000 per year in various goodies from well heeled Virginians with an interest in having either access or influence over the governor. And make no mistake – that’s the only reason these gifts are given – to secure access or influence.

    McDonnell’s predecessor, Democrat Tim Kaine, accepted a vacation on a private island worth an estimated $18,000 as a gift from Virginia telecom investor James B. Murray, Jr. The fact that telecommunications is heavily regulated and taxed at the state level did not concern Gov. Kaine or Virginia state law. The gift was considered legal. When Murray’s appointment expired, Kaine reappointed Murray to the Virginia Commission on Higher Education Appointments.

    I’d also be very interested in how these gifts were handled from an income tax perspective. I believe the limit on tax-free gift receipts was $12,000 per year when Kaine took the $18,000 “donation”. Did he pay income taxes on the $6,000 above the limit? Did the donor pay taxes? Or is this just another example of how taxes are only for the little people?

    The whole Virginia state government and all its politicians should be charged under the RICO statutes.

    1. that would be the pot, kettle, black defense and probably will be employed.

      there is a difference though – and you missed it – and that is disclosure.

      I’d agree, it does not excuse the lavish gifting… no matter who is Gov.

      and the McDonnells could have walked away with a reputation no worse than Kaine or Warner if they had 1: disclosed or 2. copped a plea that they failed to disclose – and move on.

      who in their right mind – is going to go to trial and have this kind of stuff come out and think it will exonerate them legally or in the public view?

      it’s inexplicable.

      Kaine and Warner – to their credit – know where that line is and don’t cross it.

      You would expect that from any capable politician… right?

      The ” we didn’t do anything any worse than Kaine/Warner did” will only make things worse because it will clearly show that Kaine/Warner knew where that proverbial line was – and McDonnell and family either did not know – or did not care. Makes you wonder what in the dooda was going on
      in the GOv Mansion when you’re surrounded by advisers who, no doubt, know where that line is also.

      I still don’t get the “sympathy” here.. like these “poor” folks just blundered into a bad deal because of that nasty snake Williams.

      the world is chock full of “snakes” trying to influence public officials. Even the lowest level govt worker will encounter it if he/she buys anything for their agency… and it gets more significant the higher up you go but most folks know it’s not only illegal but wrong and manage to refrain from it or at least disclose it.

      What the McDonnells show is that they have no respect for themselves at all. They are poor examples of humanity – and they breed.

  4. JWSevert Avatar

    How many other products got a roll-out at the Executive mansion?

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