Freitas Introduces Higher-Ed Transparency Bill

Delegate Nick Freitas

by James A. Bacon

Delegate Nicholas J. Freitas, R-Culpeper, has introduced a bill, HB 1800, that would bring much needed transparency to the governance of Virginia’s public higher-ed institutions. The bill was cited in a list of priority legislation backed by Attorney General Jason Miyares.

The bill contains several elements:

  • Governing boards of public colleges and universities must report the number and salaries of diversity officers and government-relations officers employed by their institutions;
  • Governing boards must report the total value of contracts with outside individuals engaged in lobbying on the institution’s behalf;
  • Boards must record videos of their meetings and post them prominently on their websites on a timely basis;
  • Boards must hold public meetings to solicit public input before approving the renewal of a university’s chief executive officer;
  • Boards must post an annual report on university-affiliated foundations that detail expenditures on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, lobbying, and CEO compensation.

One can only surmise what incidents gave rise to the Freitas bill. However, some informed speculation is in order.

With no public input the University of Virginia Board of Visitors approved an extension of UVa President Jim Ryan’s contract years before it was due to expire. The Freitas bill would have required a public hearing.

The Virginia Military Institute Board recorded video of one of its meetings, provided a copy to a Washington Post reporter, but denied access to alumni who have been critical of VMI policies, according to dissident VMI alumni. I have not independently verified their claim, but the allegation might have inspired the video requirement in the Freitas bill.

Dissident VMI alumni also have charged that VMI funded the hiring of a DEI director with private funds, thus circumventing restrictions in the state budget. The Freitas bill would make such expenditures transparent.

A recently released study by the Virginia Association of Scholars (VAS) has highlighted the swelling costs of the DEI bureaucracy in public colleges and universities. Salaries for DEI administrators alone in 2020 exceeded $15 million, according to VAS, and that was almost certainly a low estimate. DEI hiring surged in 2021 and 2022, and total expenditures could easily be double that. No official figures are available because Virginia colleges and universities have never broken out the numbers.

Bacon’s bottom line: each of these measures is worthwhile. However, there could be complications. Given the political incentives universities have to minimize reported expenditures of their DEI staffs, it is questionable how accurate any self-reported numbers would be. VMI and its dissident alumni have gone back and forth, for example, over the definition of which employees should be classified as “DEI.” It might be advisable for a state entity — perhaps the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission — to draw up definitions that apply to all.

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5 responses to “Freitas Introduces Higher-Ed Transparency Bill”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    I predict this bill not go far and the only question is how long.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Care must be taken with concentration only on costs lest one become aware of the price of everything, and the value of naught.

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Higher-Ed Transparency? Cellophane cap and gown.

    Why not reporting salaries for all staff & faculty? Also, as long as you’re totaling costs, probably should have them total grants, contracts, and other revenues from each department as well.

    Then we can eliminate any departments that can’t carry their weight. Art History *poof*. History *poof*. Journalism *poof*.

    1. U.Va. Faculty & Staff Salaries 2022

      Data is as of August 2022, via a Freedom of Information Act request by The Cavalier Daily.

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      (More than a few!)

  3. Cathis398 Avatar

    if anything, I would like to see these proposals expanded to include all contracts with outside entities, and all foundations that have direct financial relationships with colleges and universities, and much finer-grained reporting on what all administrators (or at least employee classes within administration) do. All or most of Virginia’s public colleges and universities (as in other states across the US as far as I know) use complex foundation structures as part of their financing and at least in the cases I’m familiar with, make understanding how these institutions operate from the outside very difficult.

    your concerns about self-reporting are reasonable, but it seems worth noting that they apply pretty much across the board to public institutions, all of which should be subject to periodic audit.

    I am fairly sure that audit requirements already exist for many if not most of our public institutions, and there is no reason they should not apply to these additional measures. Although I’d also support JLARC study and oversight of these measures as you suggest.

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