Todd Zywicki

by James A. Bacon

Virginia is now in full-blown panic mode over the Delta variant and the rebound in confirmed COVID-19 cases. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has designated a majority of Virginia localities as “high COVID transmission areas,” and media are reporting outbreaks everywhere from child care centers to summer camps. Cities, universities and employers across the state are enacting mask and vaccination mandates. Governor Ralph Northam is “actively considering” a similar mandate for state employees. 

Against this backdrop, a George Mason University law professor, Todd Zywicki, has filed a lawsuit challenging the university’s vaccine mandate. Zywicki contends that he would have gotten vaccinated had he not already contracted and recovered from COVID-19, reports The Washington Post. But his immunologist says he has a strong natural immunity to the virus, as confirmed by positive antibody tests, and he objects to being coerced.

“I would rather rely on the advice of my doctor,” Zywicki said, “than mid-level bureaucrats at Mason who are designing a one-size-fits-all solution.”

I have been advancing a similar argument for some time now. While mask and vaccination mandates may be legally and morally justifiable in order to protect the public health, the goal should be to make them as non-intrusive as possible. None of Virginia’s mandates allow exemptions for COVID survivors, who ample scientific evidence shows have naturally acquired immunities.

Zywicki’s lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for eastern Virginia provides the most comprehensive argument I have yet seen for exempting COVID survivors from the mandates. I don’t necessarily endorse Zywicki’s views — I would like to see the medical arguments against them before drawing hard conclusions — but I think it important to air them. Remember, his case is not an isolated one. The Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 dashboard has documented more than 700,000 confirmed cases, which is undoubtedly an undercount. Mask and vaccination mandates potentially affect hundreds of thousands of Virginia COVID survivors.

Zywicki’s case. Zywicki fell ill in early March 2020 with symptoms consistent with a COVID-19 infection, including chills, night sweats, fatigue and mental fogginess, according to the lawsuit. He subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies when donating blood at the American Red Cross on four occasions from July 2020 through May 2021.

In June this year he consulted Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, an immunologist, who prescribed a full serological screening. The results confirmed that his antibody reading was “comparable to that possessed by vaccinated persons who share his age and health profile.”

In late June GMU officials distributed an email requiring all employees to share proof of vaccination by August 1 or “receive one dose of a World Health Organization (WHO) approved vaccine by August 14, 2021.” Employees who do not obtain a work-at-home or religious exemption must wear masks, practice physical distancing and undergo frequent COVID-19 testing.

GMU’s policies, according to the lawsuit, were led by David Farris, executive director of safety and emergency management, and Julie Zobel, vice president of safety emergency and enterprise risk management. Neither has any medical credentials.

On July 23, Zywicki applied for an exemption on medical grounds, arguing that the vaccine posed a risk of harm due to his naturally acquired immunity. A week later, GMU denied the exemption. Stated the GMU response: “Mason is not currently exempting individuals who previously had COVID-19 from the vaccination requirement as such an exemption is not consistent with the guidance issued by the CDC.”

What Zywicki says the science says. None of the three vaccines approved for emergency use in the United States has been tested in clinical trials for its safety and efficacy on individuals who have recovered from COVID-19, states the lawsuit. Indeed, trials conducted so far have specifically excluded survivors of previous COVID-19 infections.

Recent research indicates that vaccination presents a heightened risk of adverse side effects — including serious ones — to those who have previously contracted and recovered from COVID-19. …

The heightened risk of adverse effects results from “pre-existing immunity to SARS-Cov-2 [that] may trigger unexpectedly intense, albeit relatively rare, inflammatory and thrombotic reactions in previously immunized and predisposed individuals.” …

Multiple extensive, peer-reviewed studies comparing naturally acquired and vaccine acquired immunity have concluded overwhelmingly that the former provides equivalent or greater protection against severe infection than immunity generated by mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna). These studies confirm the efficacy of natural immunity against reinfection of COVID-19 and show that almost all reinfections are less severe than first-time infections and almost never require hospitalization. … A CDC/IDSA clinical call on July 29, 2021, summarized the current state of the knowledge. … “The protecting effect of prior infection was similar to 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.”

The implication of the research is that naturally acquired immunities confer more protection than other WHO-approved vaccines — permitted by GMU — such as the Chinese Sinovac Vaccine or Sinopharm Vaccine.

There is an open scientific question as to whether naturally acquired immunities degrade more quickly than vaccination-acquired immunities. Israeli data, says the lawsuit, suggest that the Pfizer vaccine protection is short-lived compared to that conferred by natural immunity. In fact, it suggests, the recent resurgence in infections may be attributable as much to the waning effects of the Pfizer vaccine as to the spread of the Delta variant. An analysis of an outbreak among a small group of mine workers in French Guiana found that 60% of fully vaccinated miners suffered breakthrough infections compared to zero among those with natural immunity.

Bacon’s bottom line: Some have argued that uncertainty about the longevity of naturally acquired immunity justifies the vaccine mandates. But, as the lawsuit argues, that is specious logic. We don’t know how long the vaccinated immunities last. Indeed, Pfizer is already suggesting that a third-shot booster may be advisable.

As I have with the University of Virginia, I call upon George Mason University to present the scientific basis for refusing to exempt COVID survivors from its vaccination mandate. Simply citing CDC guidelines is a copout. They are guidelines, not mandates. UVa has spurned Freedom of Information Act requests for documents that would illuminate the basis for its decision. It will be interesting to see how GMU responds to Zywicki’s lawsuit. Offering no response beyond “the CDC made me do it” does not inspire confidence.

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79 responses to “Free Zywicki!”

  1. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    It strikes me that he might have been looking for a reason to sue. I say this because he could have submitted a letter from his immunologist that was part of his application. He could have also offered to be tested periodically.
    In other words, it is not clear that he has exhausted all of his options.
    Given the number of covid patients who have not received a vaccination, CDC should offer specific guidance that is supported by science that can be replicated.

    1. I say this because he could have submitted a letter from his immunologist that was part of his application.

      Are you certain he didn’t?

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Of course, the greatest irony is when the jury awards the widow…

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        Clearly you never passed biology. Go read Haner’s citation, you might learn something.

    3. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Well, he is not in the engineering school. Carpenters use hammers. By this point, there has to be data on the incidence of reinfection following a first case. It cannot be zero, never is. The guy I trust (gotta trust somebody) says there is sufficient doubt to go get at least the first shot to boost your immune response.

      This is fairly recent:
      Does indicate a very low risk, but again, not zero. The only reason it states not to get a shot is to not to use up short supply, no longer an issue.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I never took biology, but the study dates “March 12, 2020 to August 30, 2020,” indicates it would not have included the Delta variant.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Delta invited itself to the Party in late 2020.

          If you never took Biology you would’ve never graduated High School.

  2. We’re at 70% vaccinated — THE GOAL OF HERD IMMUNITY!!! unless that too was a lie.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Not a lie. It depends are the variant, no? How come what the CDC says is a LIE if it turns out to not be what they said?

      Does it mean they actually knew the truth but purposely lied?

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Well, with shots and previous infection, probably well past that, but the case count is exceeding last summer’s. Why do we still get flu and colds all the time? Viruses mutate. Smart little buggers. Overwhelming data that with the vaccines, still protective against severe illness from variants. I mean, that little insight alone should have these (censored) in line. It is great news.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        But when they mutate – and CDC has to change – it means they “lie”. And how many expect all aspects of this to be static and unchanging?

        It’s hilarious listening to people spouting stuff that is no longer true – and blaming the CDC for it!

  3. Publius Avatar

    The mandates are illegal. What do you not understand about that? Does anyone care about following the law? Or is all law to be suspended during a pandemic or other emergency? (Because the politicians will then declare everything an emergency – gun violence, white supremacy, name your shibboleth.)
    Who voted for Rachelle Walensky as property czar to specifically overrule a Supreme Court ruling? Where is the outrage?
    Let’s go over the mandate – ignoring for now all the so-called “science.”
    First, it is unconstitutional – remember 50 years of my body, my choice? The vaccine mandate, for an experimental drug, violates the Constitution. In fact, a vaccine mandate for APPROVED vaccines violates the Constitution, and that is why all of the statutes have religious and medical exemptions. Virginia did not have a mandate until 1986 and has had those exemptions all along.
    Second, it violates the Nuremberg Code to FORCE someone to be involved in a medical experiment. Sorry, requiring people to be vaccinated with an EUA drug IS a medical experiment. Do you really think the masking, weekly testing, social distancing, threats to dis-enroll aren’t coercion? Given the atmosphere on campuses (Grounds in UVA speak)?
    Third, there is no VA Statute calling for Covid vaccination.
    All of the mandates are illegal AND unconstitutional. All law students can read General Herring’s bogus opinion and find the sleight of hand.
    This is LAWLESS in a breathtaking way.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Federal mandates applying to the States would be Unconstitutional on the grounds of the 10th Amendment, correct.

      Stare decisis states that individual States can mandate vaccines or said individual must pay a penalty (with respect to any accepted religious or medical exception) . However, the manner in which the COVID vaccines are being administered, an EUA probably would not hold up as it would remove informed consent.

      Once the vaccines have received FDA approve they can and most likely will be mandatory in states that pass laws accordingly.

      You have a similar situation with the DOD, where the SecDef is rumored to be mulling the idea of a Presidential Waiver invocation to mandate the vaccine to the troops, IOT bypass the EUA status.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I am not aware of any place not offering medical or religions exemptions, and the Governor just did that with his order to state employees. But no shot and you submit test results. Judges get to decide what is and isn’t legal. Go find one.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        These guys are in your tent – Haner!

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Riiiight. The Mayor of Richmond just resorted to an order to get all the white nationalist Republicans on the city payroll to get their shots…..uh, no. That’s not who he’s talking to.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” As I have with the University of Virginia, I call upon George Mason University to present the scientific basis for refusing to exempt COVID survivors from its vaccination mandate. ”

    How would ANY College or University much less Virginia ones actually have the expertise to do what you say?

    Isn’t the CDC is the proper agency to look to for guidance and if the truth is – we simply don’t know all we want to know about the virus and if that’s true what is a conservative approach for what you don’t know?

    If you don’t know – what should you assume? A conservative view until you know more or just assume a best case until worst cases appear?

    I’m amazed at the number of people who just reject the CDC on covid and wonder if they also reject the CDC on things like small pox or HIV or ebola?

    who do you trust for smallpox? “smart people” , bloggers, Jim Bacon pontificating his own logic?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Jim chasing clicks. I watch the readership. It brings clicks. Ads on the site now… 🙂

      Northam just had fun pointing out that he signed a Republican Senator’s bill mandating that 1) schools must open and 2) must follow CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines say, kids and teachers wear masks. Hoisted on their own petard! Don’t like the masks? Henrico Republican Siobhan Dunnavant’s phone number is…..

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “Due to the circulating and highly contagious Delta variant, CDC recommends universal indoor masking by all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.”

        If you think you’re getting a 2 year old to wear a mask, you clearly are to far removed from child rearing.

      2. Publius Avatar

        Was the “must follow CDC” a legislative compromise to get the schools open?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Well, duh, that’s how bills pass. No Republican voted no. Nary a one. Zip, zilch, zero. SB1303, I think….Now they caterwaul (not Doc Dunnavant.) Nothing is more important than schools being open.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            seems to be a difference between how they act legislatively and what they say publically for their chattering class…

          2. Publius Avatar

            I thought there were no stupid questions?
            Schools should be open – we agree.
            I also think the law should be followed and every person ignoring that is being willfully blind. Rule of law matters…and every day we accept totalitarian abuse. Some rioters are OK. Some laws aren’t enforced, until they are against your political enemies…
            I’m not a fan of the legislative compromise here – the schools should be open – period. Which is why I could never be elected to anything…

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            And you do exemplify gridlock on this issue. It’s a contest between folks like you and those who are willing to try to find a compromise path. You guys are not about making things work. If everyone did what you do, we’d have anarchy. You advocate rule of law unless you disagree.

          4. Publius Avatar

            Larry – what in the world are you talking about???
            I want the law followed. By everybody. For everybody.
            I wouldn’t vote for opening the schools by agreeing to masks. That’s my opinion. (And I’m right. It’s theater. They don’t work. But if it makes you feel better, knock yourself out.)

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            No you really don’t. If there was a law for masks that you disagreed with you’d not follow it. Right? Whatever you consider “theater” is not a law you’d follow, right?

            And when we add up all the folks like you who disagree with various things they don’t agree with what do we have? We have no laws or rules that everyone agrees with and follows.. We have anarchy.

            You are the guys that raise hell at Walmart.

          6. Publius Avatar

            Larry – were you in favor of the “mostly peaceful protests?”
            How about actual peaceful protests?
            Does civil disobedience have a role in society to protest what you think unjust or immoral?
            Masking is theater. Arrest me. I don’t have to agree with you.
            Were you in favor of the tank drivers in Tiananmen Square?
            The masks are a symptom of a much bigger issue. People have a natural liberty right to refuse vaccines – they have autonomy over their bodies. Most people CHOOSE vaccination. We need to get back to a sane world where people didn’t care and congregated and didn’t wear masks… If you were sick, you stayed home… It’s called liberty and it works better than government mandated, one-size fits all.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. You’re picking and choosing what laws you will obey, no?

            I think you do not understand what “liberty” is when you live in a country – that “liberty” is not unfettered and unlimited.

            We are literally governed by laws.

            When you come to a traffic signal – you will stop or you risk being dealt with for exercising your “liberty”.

            When the state REQUIRES you to have a drivers license – it’s a restriction on your liberty. When the law says you have to buckle up – it’s a restriction on your liberty.

            All you are doing is picking and choosing what laws you want to obey – based on the concept of “liberty” – sorta like the folks who claim they are Sovereigns, no?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            So Liberty is not your “right” to engage in behavior that harms others. We have laws about that. Right? Your “liberty” can be taken away if you are a threat to others. Right?

          9. The key phrase in your comment: “I want the law followed”

            I have not seen a single LAW concerning C-19.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            vaccine mandates? You’re playing games with the word LAW. If a government can mandate and the can , it IS rooted in law.

            And if you disagree, then you challenge it but you follow it until you are successful in the courts.

            We got a bunch of folks in jail over the view that the law is wrong and needs to be overturned but hasn’t.

          11. mandate = a command, not a law. To understand the difference, may I suggest a refresher:

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        If duct tape can control an unruly airline passenger, it’ll keep a mask on a child.

        “It ain’t broke. It just lacks duct tape.”

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    As long as his doctor puts it writing… hey, maybe he’s Trump’s doctor.

    Exempt him with the provision that he provide monthly antibody test results. The delta variant wasn’t about in March 2020 so this’ll be a good test for the immunity provided by an eariler variant.

    No shortage of guinea pigs… or lawyers for that matter.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      TDS is strong in this one.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Truth is a feeling in that one.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          Did you pick that up in your CRT training?

  6. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    I have this issue in my community group.
    I wish the antibody test could be considered substitute for vaccine for some of the people who are avoiding the shot.

    The problem I face is divided opinions: I will lose some members if I mandate vaccine, and if I go the other way, I will lose members who will not tolerate vaccine hesitancy. So in restarting the activity, I will lose those who moved, those who got sick, those who lost interest, and I will lose people who will not tolerate whatever vaccine policy we adopt.

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Hmmm. VDH reports 7 day average vaccine doses now tops 13,000 per day, up about 20 percent from the bottom and trending up. Only good news on the whole data set. Actually, no, that’s not true. The deaths so far are not rising. Virginia hospital count is heading for 700….

    SSDD. Hope it works out for these people who fear the shots. Jim revels in their courage and selfishness (but got the shots himself.) I remain confident that my own vaccination will protect me from anything beyond cold symptoms. Incredible good news this morning about how well the Moderna shot holds up after 6 months. My wife is enjoying lording it over me with my Pfizer shot. The Moderna CEO apparently was rather sly, implying his patients won’t need boosters, but Pfizer patients should make the third shot his….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Got any idea what the cost of a 20-day stay on a ventilator might be?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Make is so only vaccinated folks can charge it to Medicare or private insurance, and see what happens. THAT’s the lawsuit we need – protecting the smarter taxpayers and insurance clients from the morons. (Dammit, no, I mean those exercising their libertarian instincts. Slipped, sorry.)

        1. and smokers, and obese people, and alcoholics, and dangerous sports athletes…….

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Smokers pay a 50% premium penalty on medical insurance. I would also like to see such a penalty on obesity and lack of vaccines.

            Hit people in the wallet and you change their habits… fast.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Will you include those who consume alcohol as well?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          If it weren’t for Obamacare, you can bet your sweet bippy that the insurance companies would be sending “denial of claim” forms like crazy.

          Sadly, these morons, er, Libertarians, are likely uninsured and the premium hikes coming are gonna be sooooo much fun.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            What do you mean “coming,” Kemosabe? My Medigap went through the roof July 1, like 18%.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            What do you mean “coming,” Kemosabe? My Medigap went through the roof July 1, like 18%.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I won’t see it until 4/1/22 on my supplement.

            Hey Steve, repeat after me, “It’s only money.”

          4. R. Kooi Avatar

            Time to go shopping…cause my just added benefits…a few…but no increase $

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            government subsidized?

        3. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          That’s a lovely discrimination lawsuit you’re working towards.

          It makes you no better then denying coverage and or pay on the grounds of preexisting conditions.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    I went to WalMart today. They asked me to wear a mask. I did. I’m not 100% convinced I need to but in the interest of going along to get along and not be one of those who wants to cause trouble, I “complied”.

    Why others cannot do this is beyond me. It’s like we’re become a bunch of blithering idiots who can’t or won’t just behave until things get better.

    This takes me back to the fools in high school that seemed bound and determined to cause trouble and raise hell except now we got supposed adults doing it.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      For 12 years I defended the property rights of that little shipyard in Newport News, especially against the folks wanting have guns in their parked cars….WalMart can set reasonable rules for admission. It is going with the rule it thinks satisfies the highest % of customers.

      But note: Northam made it clear today he is WAY more interested in shots than masks. Even the advocates understand the masks are of limited value, even the N95s.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’m not near as cynical as you. I think Walmart took a stand – AND they KNOW there is going to be trouble from some customers even if they are in the minority.

        Northam is navigating between the politics and is perceived duties. He is not alone. His predicament is playing out with leaders across the country.

        In New York, you have Deblasio and in Florida you have Desantis… and others in between and the school districts – who has their back?

        What are they supposed to do? No matter how they go forward, all hell is going to happen.

        It’s lose-lose.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        There was, by all accounts, like zero flu this year. Apparently social distancing and masks are effective against viruses.

        1. Unless the Covid 19 virus also kills other viruses…


          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            probably no more than if flu vaccines killed covid… beyond that even covid vaccine becomes less effective to downstream variants – the same way that flu vaccine loses effectiveness for next year flu variants. At least that’s my understanding from what I’ve read.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Or they happen to have the flu and COVID at the same time, precedence.

            Please excuse my dear aunt sally.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar


    2. Why others cannot do this is beyond me.

      Others can and do, Larry. Now that I have been vaccinated I do not think I should have to wear a mask and I will continue to state as much. But the fact that I oppose having to wear a mask does not mean I will not wear one if asked to. Expressing opposition to a law or rule does not automatically equate to a refusal to follow said law or rule.

      I’ve tried to explain this to you before, but you seem to have so little regard for those who disagree with you that you simply won’t recognize it. You act as if you and those who agree with you are the only people who have any virtue or any regard for others. But you are wrong.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        This reminds me of a line from Point of It All by Charles Krauthammer regarding abortion.

        Good book if you haven’t read it.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        same church – different pew Wayne. Same essentially issue – you just chose a different point to make your objection.

        When the CDC advises that people who are vaccinated should consider masks, I take that advice the same way I do their advice to get vaccinated and not congregate. I trust them in their advice – all of it not just some of it.

        In terms of little regard, that’s your problem once again. I believe in the science – even when the science is uncertain and shifting MORE than I believe in people’s own personal beliefs that seem to rejct science. Again – that’s YOUR problem not mine as per usual. You want to personalize things to individuals. You seem to enjoy that. I’m sorry for you guy… it’s not a good trait IMHO of course.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          No, you don’t believe science. You don’t understand science and that statement has been validated on this blog repeatedly.

  9. Journalist Sharyl Attkinson summarizes a slew of studies that show that naturally acquired immunity to COVID-19 provides a high degree of protection against subsequent infections for long periods of time.

    Hat tip: Bill Tracy

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Ms.Attkinson is not a scientist and she, undoubtedly, is curating what she is printing to bolster a viewpoint.

      This is the same Jim Bacon who most often impugns the media for lying and bias until of course it says something he likes!

      Sorry, I will put my faith in the CDC that looks at ALL studies – objectively – and then provides their current assessment – that can and will change as much studies are done.

      Attkisson if folks remember, published stories suggesting a link between vaccines and autism.

      1. Publius Avatar

        How about this one, Larry, Mr. Scientism as a religion from the High Priests of the CDC, who have been pretty much wrong about everything so far…
        Does a Johns Hopkins doctor meet your great standards of objectivity and SCIENCE!?
        You know, some people don’t buy that Covid is a death sentence. Some people understand it poses real risks to some people. Some people wonder why we, as a society, are treating this so differently. Some people, quite rationally, think that an acquired natural immunity is better than the non-vaccine vaccine, and surprise, surprise, SCIENCE! is bearing that out. Some people look at the span of human history and choose not to live in fear. Some people wonder why our government would fund gain of function research. Some people wonder if masks are so great, how come our so-called betters keep getting caught violating their own rules.
        I’ve said this all along, and I will be saying it until I die because it is true and will be proved true – lockdowns were worse than the disease, masks don’t work, and an ignorant, propaganda media made things even worse spreading fear of something that deserved considered action, not panic driven suspension of reason.
        By the way, who elected the CDC? How did it do in its job? How come we didn’t have stores of PPE all ready? Where does the CDC get the authority to declare a rent moratorium? Where does it get the authority to do it again after the Supreme Court has declared it illegal?
        The bureaucracies have gone wild. We are not to be ruled by bureaucracies. You may wish to be, and you will regret it.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          As flawed as the CDC is , and it is and as flawed as GOvt is, and it is, I’ll take it over the likes of the wacadoodles…who believe whatever they want to believe without regard to anything in particular other than their own whims.

          1. Publius Avatar

            And how is that a reply to the John Hopkins Doctor’s findings?
            Is it “wacadoodle” to think it possible that natural immunity is better than the “vaccine” which is not a vaccine? Which is in fact a “leaky” vaccine? If you are a youngster without any other risks, is it possible that someone not named Larry the G has a right to choose differently from Larry the G?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Like I said , the CDC considers all the studies from various including John Hopkins and then gives their considered view. I’ll take that any day over one individual or wacadoodles who fixate on individuals….

            There are all kinds of individuals who do “studies”. It’s the larger body of science that consider all those studies in total that I trust more than any individual study.

            It’s the accumulated body of knowledge not one person or one study.

          3. Publius Avatar


    2. R. Kooi Avatar

      Yes and NO!

      You cannot make a claim the Protection is for “long periods of time”.

      We simply do not have relevant data to even guess at that!

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “R. Kooi James A. Bacon • 42 minutes ago • edited
        Yes and NO!

        You cannot make a claim the Protection is for “long periods of time”.

        We simply do not have relevant data to even guess at that!”

        Same statement is true for the vaccine, try again.

        1. R. Kooi Avatar

          SO MUCH FOR CLAIMS OF LONG TERM EFFECTIVENESS…for the vaccines or natural immunity.

          ALL the Manufacturers are recommending BOOSTER SHOTS in the future… MODERNA so far seems to be the most stable..and it is already showing a slight drop for 94% to 93% effective in just 7 months.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That’s because beyond the spike protein that our body doesn’t know how to handle (the crux of the pandemic) the virus similar to all others of it’s genesis.

          2. R. Kooi Avatar

            and nearly all are resistent to treatments and preventatives.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Common colds? Not really, there therapeutics that is about it.

          4. R. Kooi Avatar

            REALLY. THE COMMON COLD…with many viral causes.

        2. R. Kooi Avatar

          THAT TOO, is what I was saying.

  10. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The medical exemption should be expanded to include anyone providing proof of four separate COVID antibody tests and a letter from an immunologist certifying that the individual has an antibody level comparable to someone who has been vaccinated.

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