Free Stuff for Everyone… Except the Middle Class

by James A. Bacon

Free bus fare for everyone?

Why not? Bus passengers already pay only a fraction of what it costs to operate local and regional transit systems. Ridership is down, thanks to COVID. Besides, it costs money to collect the fares. In the name of “equity” for poor people and minorities, why not just eliminate bus fares altogether?

That idea gets a serious airing in a column published today in The Virginia Mercury.

Virginia is providing free tuition for lower-income students attending community college. The state is jacking up the minimum wage. It is charging middle-class consumers higher electric rates to reduce charges for poor people. It is crushing small businesses with COVID-19 restrictions. Uncle Sam is crippling small landlords with a blanket moratorium on housing evictions, no matter why people are falling behind in their rent. Why the hell not provide free bus service for the poor — even as Virginia flirts with joining the Transportation and Climate Initiative for the express purpose of driving up the cost of driving automobiles?

This, my friends, is a war of the cultural elites upon the middle class. The elites despise us even as they plunder us.

Not only is the Northam administration nickel and diming the middle class in a hundred different ways, it is imposing Critical Race Theory on public schools and telling middle-class families how privileged and racist we are.

Yeah, middle-class families that play by the rules, work hard, pay their taxes, contribute to the community, and pay exorbitant tuition to send our kids to college, we’re all privileged and racist.

Meanwhile, our genius, virtue-signaling elites are wrecking the public schools, making higher-ed unaffordable, releasing murderers from jail, raising taxes, protecting healthcare monopolies, jacking up the cost of living, and doing everything within their power to sever any link between effort and reward.

The supreme irony is that the calamitous rule of the elites won’t even help the poor and minorities they supposedly speak for. Free bus fares can’t make up for lousy educations and stunted job opportunities.

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46 responses to “Free Stuff for Everyone… Except the Middle Class”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Naw. Explain exactly how Virginia is different than most developed countries when it comes to things like transportation, transit, college, health care etc?

    You say “elites” but transportation and education are fundamental to opportunity, no?

    The developed countries have the highest levels of literacy, mobility and life expectancy – BECAUSE they DO invest in transportation, education and health care.

    Conservatives either don’t “get it” or just plain refuse to get it but most middle class voters in this country and Virginia DO “get it” despite the “elite” blather.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Where in the post did you address anything that was posted?

      Infrastructure and Transportation are not free in those “developed countries”. Operations, maintenance and construction cost money, it’s also a niched environment in mass transit so the prices aren’t cheap.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Transporation, health care and education are not “free stuff” as you point out. They are things that are paid for with taxes and they are also fairly common in every developed country.

        AND they provide opportunity to all who benefit from those investments.

        There is nothing “elite” about it – it actually benefits just about everybody.

        This whole shtick about “elites” is grade A cow puddles but those who blather it can’t seem to help themselves in the name of their “philosophy”.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          ” Transporation [sic], health care and education are not “free stuff” as you point out. They are things that are paid for with taxes and they are also fairly common in every developed country.”

          They are not, you still pay to use the London Underground, it’s not “Free” or paid for by taxes. Healthcare is a hybrid market in the UK as well, you can get just the NHS but it’s not going to provide your quality. Finally, University isn’t free in the UK.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You have to “pay” at many/most transits/rail but it’s seldom enough to fully fund the service and so the govt/taxpayers pick up the rest.

            In terms of healthcare in developed countries – everyone has basic coverage with the option of paying more for more/better , but the point is everyone has coverage – i.e. universal coverage.

            NONE of ANY of it is “free” , much less provided by “elites”. Everyone pays for it .
            Most developed countries provide some level of higher ed – higher than K-12 for “free” as the world has advanced and k-12 is not sufficient for most kinds of work. Again, even higher ed is funded from govt and again, it’s not “free”, we all pay for it.

            the whole narrative of “elites” providing “free stuff” is Grade A conservative blather.

            It’s a CHOICE of governance that is responding to realities and citizens.

            If citizens did not want public transit or public education or Medicare , those votes would eventually change what we do.

            It is called elections.

            There is not mass voter sentiment to de-fund transit or public education or Medicare/Medicaid.

            There have been, and continue, to be that kind of sentiment from some Conservatives but the real world is that the vast majority of voters actually do want these things, not just in the US, but in all other developed countries.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            The Tube runs at several billons of dollars profit each year (minus 2020 due to the pandemic).

            NHS doesn’t provide healthcare, it provides Insurance. To which you’re espousing quantity over quality. There isn’t an individual in the US that is denied healthcare if they show up at an emergency room.

            “NONE of ANY of it is “free” , much less provided by “elites”. Everyone pays for it .
            Most developed countries provide some level of higher ed – higher than K-12 for “free” as the world has advanced and k-12 is not sufficient for most kinds of work. Again, even higher ed is funded from govt and again, it’s not “free”, we all pay for it.”

            I just told you that you pay for university in the UK. It’s approx $10K USD a year.

            “It’s a CHOICE of governance that is responding to realities and citizens.”

            No, it’s not.

            No, people are less than intelligent and they think it’s free because of people like Rep. AOC and Sen. Sanders.

            I don’t think you know what goes on in other countries let alone developed one as I pointed out the fallacies you stated in 30 seconds. Another topic you should spend more time on Wikipedia researching before opining.

            I high doubt you’ve ever been outside of CONUS.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            If we did rail/transit, healthcare, and University the way England does – here , Conservatives would be going ape-crap over claims of “free stuff” and socialism.

            The “tube” IS subsidized in part from road tolls… go read…

            Health care “insurance” pays for health care for all citizens. If we had that kind of “insurance” in the US, and govt-operated hospitals/clinics and govt-paid doctors, Conservatives would call it “socialism”. No?

            In terms of High Ed, I posted upthread how all students get govt loans up front for virtually everything, included housing and don’t have to pay back until they graduate and THEN only 8% of their income and automatically deducted from their paychecks.

            None of it is “free” – everyone does pay but most do not pay the full costs individually, taxpayers pick up the rest of the costs.

            You don’t have to “travel” outside the US to be able to read and understand the facts, donchaknow.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “If we did rail/transit, healthcare, and University the way England does – here , Conservatives would be going ape-crap over claims of “free stuff” and socialism.”

            Clearly you’re not listing to the words that I’m saying. The Tube isn’t funded by taxes nor is University.

            “The “tube” IS subsidized in part from road tolls… go read…”

            The irony of you telling me to read about a subject to which I’m an SME is in a word hilarious.

            Healthcare =/= health insurance. Again, if you want quality health insurance in the UK you buy additional because you’ll wait until your dead to receive care otherwise.

            “In terms of High Ed, I posted upthread how all students get govt loans up front for virtually everything, included housing and don’t have to pay back until they graduate and THEN only 8% of their income and automatically deducted from their paychecks.”

            That’s called student loans and student loan repayment, the same system used in the US.

            Everyone pays the full cost, as their taxes fund some of it and they pay for additional.

            “You don’t have to “travel” outside the US to be able to read and understand the facts, donchaknow.”

            Sure you do, which is clearly why you don’t have a bloomin clue about anything you speak of.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            SME? really? prove it!

            And SME or not, it’s EASY to find out how transit/rail , education and health care ARE funded in the UK.

            You REALLY do not have to go there to find the facts. In fact, some folks could spend their lives their and still not know even if they think they are SMEs because they were there once.

            And if the UK healthcare is so bad, how come this is true: ” The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth among comparable countries” including the UK?

            SME in terms of obnoxious and arrogant behavior, Yes indeed.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            SME? really? prove it!

            And SME or not, it’s EASY to find out how transit/rail , education and health care ARE funded in the UK.

            You REALLY do not have to go there to find the facts. In fact, some folks could spend their lives their and still not know even if they think they are SMEs because they were there once.

            And if the UK healthcare is so bad, how come this is true: ” The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth among comparable countries” including the UK?

            SME in terms of obnoxious and arrogant behavior, Yes indeed.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So I have to prove my qualifications to which you’ll complain that I have an ego because of that? Also, just some background. Once upon a time (my second comment, I asked you what you did. You concluded it was a personal attack, because who knows why).

            I work in Transportation and have done so for my entire professional career. (You’ve claimed to have worked in IT, but couldn’t generate a simple program).

            “You REALLY do not have to go there to find the facts. In fact, some folks could spend their lives their and still not know even if they think they are SMEs because they were there once.”

            Coherent English please. Well it’s fairly clear you haven’t learned anything about the topic because you keep spouting inaccurate statements.

            “And if the UK healthcare is so bad, how come this is true: ” The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth among comparable countries” including the UK?”

            That has what do with your statement, other than being irrelevant?

            “SME in terms of obnoxious and arrogant behavior, Yes indeed.”

            I do enjoy your myriad of personal attacks when your knowledge (or lack thereof is questioned).

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Personal attacks? Lord No, Mr. SME.

            You’re an SME in name only Dude except when it comes to arrogance and obnoxious.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “LarrytheG 4 minutes ago
            Personal attacks? Lord No, Mr. SME.

            You’re an SME in name only Dude except when it comes to arrogance and obnoxious.”

            Larry that’s an ad hom attack as well.

            Here is how the London Underground is funded, all of it.


            However, the London underground is also the Government. That is not the case in the United States.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Mr. SME and never ad hom attacker… poor boy… such an innocent you are.. but I digress.

            are you saying that the LU is actually subsidized?

            Would you think that kind of funding for the US would also be fine?

            n addition to fares income, we generate income from the Congestion Charge and road network compliance charges. From April 2019, this will also include the new Ultra Low Emission Zone which will help reduce the most harmful emissions generated by road transport in central London.

            We also generate income from commercial activities such as advertising, property rentals and property sales as well as third-party sponsorship for Cycle Hire and the Emirates Air Line.

            Other income makes up around 12% of our funding in 2019/20.

            Grants including Crossrail funding (£3.4bn)
            Grants (including Crossrail funding) make up 33% of our funding in 2019/20 and are received from central and local government. The main sources are:

            Business Rates Retention, which is funded from a proportion of local business rates and paid to us from the GLA. Introduced in 2013/14, this replaces money previously paid to us by the DfT as investment grant
            Other capital grants, principally for the Northern line extension. This is provided by the GLA and financed from incremental business rates generated and retained within a new enterprise zone, and developers’ contributions, raised by Wandsworth and Lambeth boroughs
            Funding from the GLA for Mayoral priorities which include a scheme to help scrap older vans for the Capital’s microbusinesses and charities, and help low-income Londoners scrap older cars
            GLA precept – this is funded from local Council Tax receipts and is set annually by the Mayor
            Crossrail funding from the GLA which goes towards the project to build the infrastructure for the Elizabeth line. It is the responsibility of Crossrail Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ours. The project is jointly sponsored by us and the DfT

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams


            Just stop. All you’re doing is making yourself look like a petulant child.

            For something to be subsidized it would not be a function of Government.

            None of what is contained in that funding breakdown validates your statements.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            More lying and dishonesty from SE man… eh? Why don’t YOU just STOP, nimrod?

            do you even know what “subsidize” means? Oh wait, you’re a SME… right?

          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So now I’m “lying”?

            Umm yes, to support financially. Via financial aid or support from the Government. The London Underground is the Government, they are not a private entity.

            WMATA and the like are not Government entities, they are private businesses with Boards of Directors and Shareholders.

            Are you capable of engaging in a discussion without acting like a childish ass?

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep, more feckless blather from the piehole of Mr. SME.

          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Lets break down the inanity of that comment:

            1) You called me a “liar”, however without proof or such you transferred that to “feckless”.
            2) Feckless means weak or ineffective

            Larry I am an SME in transit, it’s my job.

            “LarrytheG 6 minutes ago
            Yep, more feckless blather from the piehole of Mr. SME.”

            Statements like that make me want to berate you and dox you for all the internet to see just how little you actually know, but I don’t because I’m an adult. Not something that can be said about you.

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    This is called Anti-racism… get with it already. The Dems didn’t hide it and they we overwhelmingly voted in.
    This is the US and Virginia now. Get used to it.
    But with rising costs and soon to be exploding taxes the middle class white women who are beholden to democratic socialism will one day have to face the reality there won’t be leftover money for Lululemon, Tahoes, iPhones, and Starbucks… but who cares?

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      And tune up your fiddle… Rome is already smoldering! It’ll be blazing by the end of summer.. especially in Virginia where the gubernatorial race will be a contest to be as woke as possible.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I love my friends in Turnbull, VA. Many of them do not have cars and it is a 5 mile walk to Warrenton. I picked up Lloyd just yesterday drove him from the CVS to his grandmother’s house in Turnbull. I asked Lloyd, “Why don’t you ride the Circuit Rider the fare is only 50 cents?” He said, “now why would I want to do that? Folks like you pick me up everyday and take me to my doorstep for nothing”. Plus he loves that old VW bus I putt around in. Fauquier still has that good old home town looking after each other spirit. Hope we never lose it. The Circuit Rider cruises around empty or near empty all day long.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      In the early 1990s I managed a construction project for a small elevated water storage tank in Turnbull. We asked the congregation of the church whose land the tank sits on to choose the color. I thought they chose well.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Small world Mr. Wayne. That neighborhood dates back to the Reconstruction era. Lots of great history there.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      The problem with these small transit systems if that they do not have enough money to run full-up service so they run truncated service which is more useless tit than anything.

      But James, for you friends in Turnbull, can they get access to the vaccine?

  4. Penrosian Avatar

    1) Middle class people also ride the bus.
    2) The majority of time buses spend stopped isn’t in traffic, it’s picking up and dropping off passengers. Not charging fares would significantly speed up that process also making the buses faster, getting people where they need to go more quickly.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Well run bus systems use automated cards for payment. They take no more time than it requires to walk by the driver.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        yeah, it’s not the cards or payment, it’s how much money it costs to run a system that can service a lot of stops AND deliver relatively quick trips.

        It takes a lot of buses and drivers – and money to pay for both.

        The Feds front some of the money but the locality has to come up with the rest and many smaller communities will not… they take the Fed money and deploy a piss-poor system.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    Jim, what part of socialism don’t you understand? Fidel Castro died with a net worth of $900m. His brother Raul is a relative piker with a net worth of only $100m. Meanwhile, the average Cuban earns $443.02 per year.

    Vladimir Putin is rumored to own a massive residence on the Black Sea worth $1.3B. Yes, you read that right – billion. Putin is surrounded by 13 key oligarchs. Lesser oligarchs become powerful through their relationships with Putin. Per Wikipedia, “Between 2000 and 2004, Putin apparently engaged in a power struggle with some oligarchs, reaching a “grand bargain” with them. This bargain allowed the oligarchs to maintain their powers, in exchange for their explicit support of – and alignment with – Putin’s government. Many more business people have become oligarchs during Putin’s time in power, and often due to personal relations with Putin, such as the rector of the institute where Putin obtained a degree in 1996, Vladimir Litvinenko, and Putin’s childhood friend and judo-teacher Arkady Rotenberg”. The average Russian worker earns $7.445.60 per year.

    What would be an oligarch in Russia is a crony capitalist in the United States. See also: GreenTech.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      Yep… the NAH, LLC guy is just getting started!

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      Every developed country on the face of the earth provides transit/rail, education and healthcare. One can call France, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, Spain, Italy, etc – “socialist” as if they are China or Russia but all it really is , is ignorant blather.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        You have lost your focus (again). America also provides transit/rail, education and healthcare. Do you think the trains are free in Australia? There are free trams in in the central parts of Melbourne and Perth plus one free bus route in Sydney. There are free buses Aspen/Snowmann/etc in America too. There is a free motorized trolley that links the grounds of UVa with the downtown area. Free transportation exists in the US and elsewhere but it is very limited in scope.

        Britain offered free college for 40 years. That ended in 1988. As of 2019 tuition was about $11,000 per year in the UK and students left college with an average of $60,000 in debt. Facts are stubborn things. France, Germany and most Scandinavian countries do offer very cheap / free education but that’s about it – 6 countries.

        Also as of 2019 the US government now pays for nearly 50% of health care spending. In the UK that number is 79%.

        So, I guess we can argue about 29% of healthcare spending.

        Your unending thesis that every country outside of America is a land of milk and honey with mountains of “free stuff” is pretty absurd.

        You need to travel more.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          What are the things that are “public”?

          Education, Transportation and Health care.

          That’s in common across ALL developed countries. It’s not about “free stuff” nor “elites”.

          Yes, it’s NOT “free”. It’s paid for by taxes so why in the world would anyone claim it’s “free” and “elites” are giving it away to start with?

          Focus? ha ha ha… yes.. indeed.

          Transportation – yes , the TAKING of land from private owners to build rights-of-way for the public – ANY/ALL whether they are in a car or a train or a bus. Public Education – K-12 but in most other countries – some basic college – again, not “free stuff” but paid for just like we all pay for K-12.

          and finally Health Care – other developed countries make no bones about it – everyone gets some basic level of it and yes, everyone helps pay for it.

          In this country, we have this convoluted “system” that essentially “pretends” – people have to “earn” it but it’s just total hypocrisy because whether they “earn” it or not , we end up doing what all the other deveoped countries do – pretty much make sure everyone gets in – EXCEPT in this country – we insist on paying TWICE as much as other countries so we can maintain the “lie” that we “earn” it.

          1. CJBova Avatar

            Larry, a Taking of land is not allowed. Ever hear of Consent of Landowners? It’s one way land for new public roads is given to the state. Prior to the Department of Highways, roads were under the county courts and landowners presented a petition for new roads granting their permission to use it after they cleared the land 30 feet wide and providing drainage. If any one along the route would not give the land without payment, the court decided how much that would be. It’s still in the Code of Virginia; § 33.2-709. Consent of landowners.

            When the state wants to build or expand roads, VDOT asks for donation of rights of way and easements and negotiates payment where necessary. And if the landowners object to giving the right of way, the courts still decide if it is in the public interest and if so, can allow it to be taken by eminent domain AND the court determines the value if the owner cannot come to an agreement of the amount with VDOT.

            But the land cannot be taken without compensation.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Land taken WITH compensation does not mean they cannot force you off the land nor that you get for it what you think it is worth – you get what others think it is worth.

            But the essential point is , your land can be taken – for a public purpose – to benefit other people. And what might have been a relatively quiet location may well be transformed into a busy and noisy highway, essentially ruining the qualities you might have valued yourself that others who decide the “value” don’t put a cost on.

            Not only roads, but other uses, like pipelines, transmission lines, schools, military uses, etc, etc AND other taxpayers PAY the gasoline taxes to buy it!

            My point is that anything that is “provided” to citizens is not “free stuff” much less given by “elites”.

            It all costs money and we all pay for it and it IS a choice we’ve made as a country to operate this way.

            And we are more like other developed countries with elected representative government making these choices about taxes and infrastructure and service provide by taxation than we are like dictatorships which truly do have real elites who take whatever they want from whoever without “just” compensation and then “give” to others.

            Conservatives talking about “elites” and “free stuff” is just Grade A partisan poppycock but it plays well for some folks.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            Buses are not paid for by taxes in London. They are paid for by those who ride the bus.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            so is this wrong: ” Buses play a major role in the public transport of the United Kingdom, as well as seeing extensive private use. While rail transport has increased over the past twenty years due to road congestion, the same does not apply to buses, which have generally been used less, apart from in London where their use has increased significantly. Bus transport is heavily subsidised, with subsidy accounting for around 45 per cent of operator revenue,[1] especially in London.[2]”

            so if something is “heavily” subsidised does that mean it’s “free stuff” , wealth transfer, socialism, and all that ?


          5. DJRippert Avatar

            Buses are not paid for by taxes in London. They are paid for by those who ride the bus.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: ” Also as of 2019 the US government now pays for nearly 50% of health care spending. In the UK that number is 79%.

          So, I guess we can argue about 29% of healthcare spending.”

          The UK is actually a govt-run healthcare system with Doctors as govt employees.

          How does that square with your claim that the UK only pays 79% ?

          Are we comparing apples to apples here?

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          so cherry-picking to foster disinformation is not a good thing:

          ” A critical feature of tuition fees in the English system is that no student has to pay anything up front: the full amount can be financed via government loans (in other words, fees are effectively deferred until after graduation). Thus, while college is no longer free in England, it remains free at the point of entry. And even though tuition has risen, students have access to more resources than ever before to help pay for all the other costs that might stand in the way of enrollment (e.g., housing, food, books, and transportation).

          Second, the income-contingent loan (ICL) repayment system put into place in 1998 is what makes it possible for students to safely borrow much higher amounts than they could in the U.S. system. Monthly repayments are calculated as a fraction of income earned above a minimum evel (currently, 9 percent of income above £21,000) and collected via the payroll tax system, so payments are manageable in size, the administrative burden is low, and the risk of default is minimized. In the U.S., student loan limits are too low to cover even tuition at the typical public four-year institution, let alone the non-tuition costs of attendance, and many students default on debts well below the maximum levels. ”

          But the funnier thing is to compare the US to Russia or some other 3rd world or dictatorship to illustrate the “elites” while ignoring the developed countries that are far more LIKE the US in these things called “socialism”.

          Most of the developed countries actually are “socialist” if you rate them how Conservatives rate the US in terms of “free stuff”.

          But all of it just goes off the rails when they bring in the “elites” stuff.

          The developed countries in the world are by far the most egalitarian in terms offering opportunities and benefits to most of their citizens – transit, and rail, health care, education, etc.

    3. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      It’s rather clear that he doesn’t research much nor has he ever been outside CONUS.

  6. More free stuff by way of the Martinsville Bulletin:

    “Federal program offering $50 discount on broadband internet for low-income residents”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I wonder if all these folks blathering about the “free stuff” have sent their stimulus checks back as a protest.


    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      I wonder if all these folks blathering about the “free stuff” have sent their stimulus checks back as a protest.


  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    I thought this was interesting:

    How Lower-Income Americans Get Cheated on Property Taxes
    Many homeowners are paying a total of billions of dollars extra because of inequities in assessing property values.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    I thought this was interesting:

    How Lower-Income Americans Get Cheated on Property Taxes
    Many homeowners are paying a total of billions of dollars extra because of inequities in assessing property values.

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