Free Speech Lives at the University of Virginia!

by James A. Bacon

Former Vice President Mike Pence came to the University of Virginia last night, attended two receptions, and delivered his speech, billed as “How to Save America from the Woke Left,” without a hitch.

The Pence event created a national stir when the editorial board of The Cavalier Daily student newspaper said that Pence should not be allowed to speak because his conservative views would prove offensive and hurtful to many. The editorial generated a tidal wave of response in support of Pence’s right to give the speech and students’ right to hear it. Seventeen faculty members of diverse political views signed a letter in defense of the speech. President Jim Ryan and Provost Ian Baucom published an op-ed in a higher-ed trade journal defending free speech.

Political science professor Larry Sabato, perhaps UVa’s best known faculty member, has been highly critical of President Donald Trump, but he hosted a reception for Trump’s vice president in a pavilion on the Lawn before the speech. The veep attended a second reception across the Lawn, hosted by the Young America’s Foundation, which, in partnership with The Jefferson Council, underwrote the cost of the event.

It was a pleasant spring evening, and throngs of students were hanging out on the Lawn, but there was no unpleasantness to be seen. The University had created an area where protesters could gather, which a modest number did, but they were peaceful and barely noticed by the hundreds of visitors as they lined up for security checks outside Old Cabell Hall.

The auditorium was standing room only. Some people were turned away because they could not obtain tickets. The audience was comprised, in rough proportions, half of students and half alumni and other adults. Judging by frequent and enthusiastic applause, the crowd was very pro-Pence. A small fraction of students refrained from applause, engaging in restrained “golf” claps, but they were polite and respectful.

As for the speech itself, Pence was not nearly as confrontational as the title of his speech suggested he might be. While he did have a few choice comments for “woke” ideology, he focused mainly upon positive themes of defending freedom and faith and upholding the Constitution — all in a spirit of civility. He steered away from culture-war issues in the speech, although he did touch upon them in direct response to questions.

When asked about champion UVa swimmer Emma Weyant’s loss to a transgender athlete in a recent championship race, Pence said forcefully (and to thunderous applause) that Weyant was the winner and the true champion. When asked how he would respond if one of his children told him they were gay, he responded, “I would say, ‘I love you.’”

Both Pence and Trump are openly exploring the possibility of running for president in 2024. Pence’s tone was the diametric opposite of that of his old boss. There was no mockery, no hyperbole, no braggadocio. In contrast to Trump’s demagogic charisma, Pence was measured, civil, and self-effacing. Whether his demeanor proves more in tune with the GOP electorate than Trump’s remains to be seen.

What I found encouraging was the enthusiasm displayed by students in the auditorium. There are three or four conservative/Republican organizations on the UVa grounds but they have little impact on broader university culture. I have heard repeatedly from conservative students who say they withdraw from the public sphere, censor themselves in class, and keep their heads down. Judging by the attendance at the Pence speech, it is clear that a significant percentage of the UVa student population is hungry to hear conservative viewpoints.

I am proud that The Jefferson Council has played a role in expanding the spectrum of permissible political discourse at UVa. When it comes to free speech, expression and inquiry, Mr. Jefferson’s University is freer today than it was a year ago. I am hopeful that it will be freer still — and allow for an even more vibrant exchange of ideas — a year from now.

Full disclosure: I serve as a member of The Jefferson Council board of directors. 

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26 responses to “Free Speech Lives at the University of Virginia!”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Glad it turned out well.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I’ve long thought Pence is a decent fellow, although perhaps not strong presidential timber. He certainly passes Sabato’s famous test about being a person you would be happy to invite to your cocktail party or have as a neighbor. I was especially pleased Larry leaned forward to send a message to the knuckleheads at the CD.

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    This whole story seems like a tempest in a teapot. The Cavalier Daily has had more than its fair share of half-wits since I went to college at UVa in the late 70s / early 80s. The CD published an absurd editorial. Pence came. Went to some receptions. Gave a speech. Pence was polite. The students were polite. The adults in attendance were polite.

    Maybe UVa isn’t as crazy as The Jefferson Council thought.

    1. Maybe UVa isn’t as crazy as The Jefferson Council thought….

      Or maybe our efforts (along with those of Rector Whitt Clement and the election of Glenn Youngkin) have changed the tenor of the dialogue at UVa. Trust me, a year ago, you didn’t hear anyone talking about free speech. Ryan (for whatever reason) has seen the light.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        You could be right. I just think it’s important to distinguish between a small group of loudmouths making noise (and being over-reported in the media) and systematic problems.

        The school boards and commonwealths attorneys in many Northern Virginia jurisdictions are systematic problems. It’s not just over-reporting by the media. Youngkin has amended HB1138 to move up the election of the Loudoun County School Board from 2023 to 2022. We’ll see how it does in the GA. That’s the kind of action I’d expect to see attempted if Youngkin really thought the UVa BoV were systematically quashing free speech.

        However, in fairness, there was no Jefferson Council – like organization watching the Loudoun County School Board until very recently. Maybe the JC’s watchfulness did create a change in attitude.

        My youngest son is a sophomore in high school. He took a mask to school after they were made optional despite the fact that he hates to wear the masks. Turns out, he feared possible reprisals from some of the teachers for students who opted not to wear masks. Hmmm ….

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So, no problem, eh? Just all foreplay.

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    Sounds like maybe Pence learned something from his years of close proximity to Trump. Perhaps he will even feel able to criticize his old boss in the future. Conservative ideas might get a warmer reception at UVA if those expressing the ideas would refrain from constantly demeaning the opposition and would instead seek actual common ground.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The loftiest ideas come from standing on others shoulders and not their toes.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      “Conservative ideas might get a warmer reception at UVA if those expressing the ideas would refrain from constantly demeaning the opposition and would instead seek actual common ground.”

      That would work well for both sides. There is no monopoly on political virtue these days.

      Were I feeling fragile I might comment “‘Ya triggered me bro, now I need a safe space to recover from your hate speech and microaggression.” but I’ve never been that kind of wuss so I won’t.

      I am not willing to concede that “free speech” is a “conservative idea” as you imply. It is the bedrock foundation of our American experiment.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Sounds like free speech is on the rise at UVA and constructive comments are hardly “hate” speech. Microaggression appears to be in the eye of the beholder.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          And we can thank McAuliffe for that. Way to go Terry for giving us an administration that has some standards and is changing the woke religious cult environment.

          Hey, in woke land “hate speech” is what we say it is and microagression is indeed “in the eye of the beholder”.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar


          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            There you go again, that exclamation point is another microaggression. Oh I feel faint, get me a safe space. Will you wokesters never cease your hateful speech?

          3. VaNavVet Avatar

            Based upon our “likes” I am actually seeing that we do have quite a bit of common ground but apparently not on microaggression and “wokeism”. Don’t really think that you are the “snowflake” that you are putting on to be but we can agree to disagree.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          And we can thank McAuliffe for that. Way to go Terry for giving us an administration that has some standards and is changing the woke religious cult environment.

          Hey, in woke land “hate speech” is what we say it is and microagression is indeed “in the eye of the beholder”.

  6. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Blessed are the guardians of free political speech on public soil. Three VA not-for-profits – UVA, YAF, and TJC – with incomes protected by government regulation stood against wokeists and cancel culture vandals. What a wonderful fabric!! What Leftist, woke, cancel culture, virtue signaler personality will they welcome to that venue?

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Did you go to UVA? Do you get the daily propaganda? Do you think 94% political contributions to Dems indicates maybe things are slanted? Have you noticed all the recent hires that UVA brags about seem to have some tie to the Obama administration? What do you think about the DEI requirement in faculty peer review? Would you be OK if I ordered opposition to abortion as part of your review? How come nobody on the BOV or in the Great and Good administration can admit that Emma Weyant is the woman’s 500 freestyle champ?
      One good event does not indicate “problem solved.”
      It was a start.
      And your problem with non-profits? So, you’re going to protest the 2020 election and the $400 million from Zuckerberg to take over the election machinery in swing counties? Great! Welcome to the fight!

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Good grief!! Perceived repression of speech feels like a mortal malady. Instead of silly moral equivalencies try reason. Sputtering broadsides are truly unproductive and boring. In your mind you can order anything you wish. Advise all when TJC sponsors or pays for AOC to speak. How come it has not? Have you noticed tat UVA academic freedom is compromised by AG’s authority to appoint counsel? Have you noticed your allegation against Zuckerberg fails to include George Soros?

        Perhaps faculty cannot afford political contributions; or those who can and do are exercising free speech.

        I can’t imagine even interviewing with you if you were to order me to state who won the 500 free style swim meet. PTL we have only a keyboard connection.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          They are exercising free speech. Which I find the numbers kind of hard to comprehend in a school whose non-discrimination statement says UVA does not discriminate based on political affiliation. Wouldn’t disparate impact analysis be all I need? TJC has featured liberals who objected to what was being crammed down their throats. But why would we need to bring AOC to Grounds? UVA has $14 billion, being “invested” as Jim Ryan wishes. Have you looked at any of UVA’s “events?” UVA calls balanced 10 hand picked Leftists, one conservative and one more acceptable Bush appointee. That’s as far as “generous and empathetic” listening extends.
          I’ll tell you what – let’s swap – I’ll let UVA pick for TJC and UVA let me pick for it. The programs would be substantially better…
          You need to up your prayer game if only exchanging texts with an evil Rightie is what you are thankful for…

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Disparate effect analysis might sustain your suspicion—however, Righties are wed to the notion that facially neutral laws and policies are perfectly acceptable no matter their disparate impact upon a group.

            BTW, since we have never met, y’all need to temper your vituperative rage directed at strangers. I can handle the truth –you need to handle your outrage against the world.

            I am not at all thankful for the exchange; only willing to engage in discussion.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            My outrage at the world? I have no outrage at the world. I have outrage at stupid policies destroying society.
            And I leveled no vituperation at you for your unicameral suggestion. I thought it was fairly written; I just disagreed with all of it, even the apparent approval of the 17th Amendment. I think that has led to expansion of the power and reach and waste of the federal government.
            How does a facially neutral law have a disparate impact? Does human agency count for nothing? Does behavior matter? Do different people have different abilities? You can’t legislate equality of outcomes, and the world would suck if there weren’t people who did astounding things. The bell curve and the achievements of the extremely talented need to be encouraged, not pulled down.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Just read the recent piece by by Philip Leigh asserting that the poll tax initiated in the 1901 VA constitution applied also to whites. Then read Carter Glass’s statement that the poll tax and literacy tests were meant to disenfranchise the negro vote.

            The remainder of your rant equals the earlier ones. The faux questions resonate in a vacuum. Likewise the closing line about bell curves from which your screed slipped.

            Try narrative and declaratory statements instead of meaningless questions full of fury signifying nothing. “Expansion, power, and waste of the federal government are as empty as other allegations. Finally, thank you for recognizing the article was well written. However, I could not identify your reasons for disagreement which was drowned out by absurd questions.

            I will likely no longer reply to any of your comments other than up or down votes.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Great. Please convince Larry and Nancy, and thanks for not answering any of the questions, just showing your opinion not based on knowledge…

          5. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Just read the recent piece by by Philip Leigh asserting that the poll tax initiated in the 1901 VA constitution applied also to whites. Then read Carter Glass’s statement that the poll tax and literacy tests were meant to disenfranchise the negro vote.

            The remainder of your rant equals the earlier ones. The faux questions resonate in a vacuum. Likewise the closing line about bell curves from which your screed slipped.

            Try narrative and declaratory statements instead of meaningless questions full of fury signifying nothing. “Expansion, power, and waste of the federal government are as empty as other allegations. Finally, thank you for recognizing the article was well written. However, I could not identify your reasons for disagreement which was drowned out by absurd questions.

            I will likely no longer reply to any of your comments other than up or down votes.

  7. killerhertz Avatar

    How can one be offended by Pence? He’s the definition of milquetoast. What does he even stand for?

  8. beachguy Avatar

    I’m glad college could actually be collegial.

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