Fredericksburg Schools Need a New Superintendent

by James C  SherlockNote:  I took the unprecedented step of taking a column down ten days ago.  I did so out of an abundance of caution in response to an outpouring of disbelief among colleagues and the readers about the 71% chronic absentee rate posted by Fredericksburg Public Schools in 2020-21. Many insisted the number could not be right. The discussion could not proceed usefully.  VDOE today confirmed to me that the absenteeism figures submitted by Fredericksburg match the ones posted on the VDOE website. That level of chronic absenteeism also aligns with the horrible learning losses demonstrated by Fredericksburg students in the AY 2021-22 SOLs.   Finally, the 71% absenteeism was the subject of a report by Rick Pullen in the Fredericksburg paper in February of this year. It brought no pushback from the school division.  I repost my column below.

Sometimes the adults are absent too.

But in looking at the 2020-21 data chronic absenteeism data, I came across a strange, sad and maddening story.

Of 132 school divisions in Virginia, the one with the worst chronic absenteeism by far was Fredericksburg.

The numbers are beyond appalling.  The percentage of students chronically absent in Fredericksburg City Public Schools in 2020-21 was 71%.  Seventy-one percent.  State average – eleven percent.

That was not chronic absenteeism.  It was wholesale abandonment.

It gets worse.

There is hard evidence that the disaster that was absenteeism in Fredericksburg schools was not just misrepresented, but actively dismissed as a problem by the Superintendent’s office to the school board and the public in January 2021.

That division has a rough balance of White, Black and Hispanic students, with 5% Asian kids.  Thirty-seven percent were economically disadvantaged.  Statewide the public schools were 41% economically disadvantaged.

So Fredericksburg schools demographically were more racially balanced than an average Virginia urban school division, with a lower percentage of poor kids.

Notice the definition of chronic absenteeism is 10% or more of the school year missed.  We don’t know from the data how many days students actually missed, just the minimum number.

Homebound is not the same as remote.  Homebound services are available to students based upon certification of need by a licensed physician or licensed clinical psychologist.

School Board and public misled.  What most did not know is that the Fredericksburg School Board, which presumably had asked, in January of 2021 was told directly in a public session that “student attendance has been good.”

So it wasn’t a verbal misstatement.  The falsehood was on a prepared slide above in a public presentation provided by the Superintendent’s office to the school board – and to the public and press watching on TV .

In April of 2021, the Superintendent’s office presented the plan for transition to 2021-22.  It contained not one word about attendance. Or lack of same.

So everyone involved and interested was misled.

Comparative absenteeism. Seventy-one percent chronic absenteeism. The next highest Virginia school division rate was the 39%, experienced by Franklin. Statewide it was 11%.

Dropouts in Fredericksburg were over 10%.  Statewide dropouts were 4%.

The chronic absenteeism rate in Fredericksburg’s high school, James Monroe, was 53%.  In Walker-Grant Middle it was 74%.   In Lafayette Elementary 77%.  In Hugh Mercer Elementary 81%.

Middle School SOLs.  Walker-Grant Middle SOL pass rates 2021-22:  English reading: 50%; English Writing 38%; Math: 27%.  Walker-Grant is the only middle school in the division.  I have no doubt nearly all of those kids will show up on time at James Monroe High.

High school math SOLs and graduation.  The pass rate on math end-of-course SOLs at James Monroe High this past school year was 25%.  85% of the Black students, 84% of students with disabilities, 85% of economically disadvantaged students and 92% of English learners who took it failed that exam.

Yet 85% of the students graduated.  With only 25% passing the math end-of-course SOLs.  And those were the ones who voluntarily took the test.  There was a waiver.  They are owed an apology by whomever thought the waiver was good for them and their future prospects.

Absentee mitigation in Fredericksburg.  So let’s examine Fredericksburg Public Schools absenteeism mitigation policy indicated by a key figure we have available – referrals of chronic absentees and their families to Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court (J&D court) for truancy in 2020-21.

Those seventy-one percent chronic absentees totaled 2,555 students.  The school division made not a single truancy referral.  Not one.

Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County to its immediate south along I-95 had 9,927 chronically absent students in 2020-21.  A total of two of those students, both in Spotsylvania County, were referred to J&D court for truancy.

It causes me to wonder:

  • How long it took the parents and students to figure out that there was virtually no risk of going to court or getting a visit from child protective services if they skipped school?
  • If absent children’s homes were even called by the schools at that level of abandonment?  Are their records?
  • What the children were doing instead?  Taught at home without registering for home schooling?  Parents paid for online schooling?  Parents hired teachers for private pods?  Online social media? Nothing?

We don’t know what they were doing instead.  But neither does Fredericksburg Public Schools.

The children didn’t move out of the school division.  Enrollment in fall of 2020 was 3,545; fall 2021 3,624.

Bottom line. The chronic absenteeism in Fredericksburg schools in the critical learning loss year of 2020-21 amounted to abandonment.

There are three things that cannot be forgiven:

  • failure to act effectively to mitigate chronic absenteeism;
  • public misrepresentation of absenteeism by the superintendent’s office in February of 2021; and
  • graduating students out of James Monroe this past year without assuring they were at least basically proficient in math. A waiver does not mean it is the right thing to do.

Marceline R. “Marci” Catlett has been Superintendent of Fredericksburg City Public Schools since November 2019.  She has 40 years experience in that system.

That school division must not keep senior management in place after such a dreadful series of events.

Fredericksburg needs a new Superintendent.

I hope the school board make that move soon, and without repeating the clown show that is going on in Spotsylvania County to their immediate south.


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75 responses to “Fredericksburg Schools Need a New Superintendent”

  1. Richard Genetalia Avatar
    Richard Genetalia

    Nothing like this surprises me anymore except the willingness of the taxpayers to pay for it.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      The taxpayers probably don’t know or care.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        $12,500 dollars per kid per year and a newly announced $20 million budget shortfall to pay for a new middle school to replace the current on are very large numbers for a population that small (28,000).

        1. It may be a $20M shortfall, but it’s a $65M school as Pullen pointed out in his article. That’s a lot of middle school.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          The taxpayers in Fred DO care and the school is one of 3 big tickets they have to deal with and significant property tax increases are on the horizon and they fear people leaving for the adjacent counties.

        3. It may be a $20M shortfall, but it’s a $65M school as Pullen pointed out in his article. That’s a lot of middle school.

    2. Rick Pullen Avatar
      Rick Pullen

      The Free Lance-Star no longer has a reporter to cover the city, so the citizens are uninformed about what is going on. City Council and the school board understand this, so they remain quiet when issues are raised and simply do what they want to do with no consequences. The school board is clueless. It believes building a new school will fix all of its problems even though it has built two new schools in the last 15 years and has remained the 8th worst school system in the state academically during that time. So city officials pay no attention to history. Instead, they react to white parents who want the new school. Two years ago the city manager told city council it could not afford to build a new school. It’s building one anyway. Meanwhile, it has no money to improve student test scores or absenteeism. Once the city builds the new school, there will be no money for anything. Taxes and utility fees on a median valued home will rise about $1,000 in the next 3-4 years to pay for all of this (a renovated sewage treatment plant, new fire station and lots of utility work are included in this). More than 50% of city residents are considered financially at-risk and cannot afford this. They will be displaced by people who can. This is Fredericksburg’s future. Student achievement will continue to languish. Unless the state or some consultant is hired to change this, there will be no real change. There is no hope for our kids.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Fxburg looks boxed in. So many needs and only so much bread to spend. I will say that sewage plant needs some help. I have no idea how they keep it running. An ancient, rusted heap of metal that somehow still works.

  2. Maybe the school has just using a backdoor policy that school attendance is voluntary and if the student does not show up, who cares. In some states, there is a negative financial impact of chronic absenteeism. Does that apply in this case.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I know of no law or budget language that allows state aid to be reduced if chronic absenteeism is above a certain level. I suspect strongly that if there was one, the worst school divisions would submit false numbers. I have caught the City of Richmond Public Schools doing that on more than one occasion.

  3. Now that the veracity of the 71% absenteeism rate has been confirmed, let me be the first to chime in here to say that the figure is a statewide disgrace — indeed a national disgrace. Not only should the superintendent submit his resignation in shame, the entire school board should as well. Between the absenteeism and the collapse and SOL scores, it appears that Fredericksburg schools have set a new standard for dysfunctional administration.

    We can console ourselves that through all the trials and tribulations of COVID-19, Fredericksburg public schools managed to uphold its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. How unfortunate, though, that Fredericksburg’s DEI initiatives didn’t include teaching students how to read and do math!

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      This is nothing less than government and parental child abuse.

      How, exactly, do Fredericksburg public schools constitute a public service at $12,500 per year per student?

      We have to think outside the box about what we are going to do to change our worst public schools.

      Way outside the box.

      1. Maybe Fredericksburg could do like Spotsylvania County and hire the buddy of the head of the school board to run the schools even if that person has zero experience and whose children never attended public schools.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Now. Now…. though I AM curious how Sherlock feels about this guy’s non-woke qualifications…

          Totally wild there is an Option 4 for Superintendents, especially after one reads Option 1, 2 and 3.

  4. Phew! Agree with RG above — but do the taxpayers know about this? That is, is the Fredericksburg press reporting this? Is there a Fredericksburg press?

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yep, he nailed it.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          And he did not even have the SOL results that I referred to above.

          In a miracle of timing, the Fredericksburg paper has an editorial today decrying the clown show that is the Spotsylvania school board.

          I plan to send the editor this article.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Unless there has been some rapid turn around, have to agree heads might need to roll. Now the question is why isn’t the State Department of Education crawling all over them for that level of failure. Thanks for making the effort to confirm.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      VDOE does not have the authority to punish them. Neither does the Board of Education. The only thing I know that either can do is deny the Superintendent her state superintendent’s license next time she needs to renew it. I suspect she will retire before that happens.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Does this not tie into accreditation? VDOE can shine a spotlight and shame, if nothing else. But my recollection is refreshed:

        Accountability? Fugeddaboutit.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The only thing I can come up with to combat this outrage is vouchers.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Vouchers won’t likely fix the problem unless those voucher schools know how to deal with the problems that the public school is dealing with.

            I’ve said before many times, if publicly-funded alternative schools can perform better than the public schools , I’m all for it but:

            1. – they need to accept the same demographics – that are “failing” in public schools

            2.- they need the same level of transparency for reporting results so that we can objectively compare and judge their performance.

            You’re gonna find in Fredericksburg there is a large number of kids from low-income circumstances. If not mistaken 2/3 are free and reduced and ESL.

            There are multiple private schools in the Fredericksburg Area that higher income parents send their kids to.

            I think there is more to this story than this soundbite.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Accreditation has been suspended since the start of COVID. but interesting idea. I’ll check it out.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Accreditation denied? Not gonna do it. The closest you will ever get is Accredited with conditions.
            Denial has too much of an influence on a zip codes property values and where new families will move to.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            what would happen if accreditation was denied?

            close the school?

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Memorandum of Understanding from VDOE is the remedy.

            School divisions that do not demonstrate evidence of progress in adopting or implementing corrective action plans for one or more schools with indicators at Level Three will be required to enter into a memorandum of understanding between the local school board and the state Board of Education defining responsibilities and essential actions to improve performance.
            Sounds like more education code speak to me. Lets form a steering committee and talk it to death until the problem is solved.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            VDOE sent a take-over specialist to one of Spotsy’s schools.

            It was a disaster and eventually she got the boot but then the county had to put things back together.

            Maybe it did work in a weird way. After she was booted, the county put in a new Principal and some specialists and now that elementary is number 1 or 2 in the county and it’s demographic is largely rural kids on free and reduced.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “The only thing I can come up with to combat this outrage is vouchers.”

        How does a high absenteeism rate harm the kids who are attending (i.e., the ones who would opt for vouchers)? If the parents can’t bother to get their kids to school, why would they move them to another school?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yes, there is a logic issue here.

          Unless he’s saying that voucher schools will have “rules” and if you don’t follow them, they’ll boot you out..

          oh wait…..

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The answer about how chronic absenteeism hurts the kids who do show up is that, from a teacher’s standpoint, she is teaching a different group of kids virtually every day. Hard to maintain lesson plan continuity and class participation under those circumstances.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes, but how does a different school fix that?

        3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Intervention is how you do it. Now this is 20 years ago but I taught at the FXburg Regional Alternative High School. One of my pupils just would not come to school. He was at the end of the line. One more foul up and it was jail time plus expulsion. He lived with his overworked grandmother in Mayfield. So I arranged with the grandmother to have a key to the house. I would roll by, go in, kick “Pooh” out of his bed, swing by Mr. Dee’s for a cheap egg sandwich and black coffee and then off to old Walker Grant School we went. The boy graduated. He works for UPS now. Makes more money than I ever did. I was only paid $6.30 an hour in that year. So worth it.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You went over and above James.

            Ironic that UPS is just down the road from there (Landsdowne).

            And now you’re working at Bowmans at the old Avisco place?

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            On graduation day I took Pooh down to the old school Burgesses Barber Shop. Shaved that massive hairdo down to something high and tight. It did wonders. Next we went to Tim’s Men’s Clothing behind the Baptist church on Caroline Street. New suit and shoes. Pooh now looked like Sidney Poitier’s double. And then we pounded pavement until UPS hired him on the spot and he started working 2 days after graduation. He has held the same job since 1995. He is lucky too. Pooh is going to get the golden ticket UPS pension that is not around for new hires today.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            James, I’m super honored to know you and I thank you and am wondering why, if what you did worked so well, WHY it’s not the way schools should work institutionally?

            IOW, why does it take someone who really goes over and above to accomplish something that is accomplishable and if you had not done it, what would have happened to this kid?

            And happens to many of the other kids like him that did not have someone like you.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            My old boss at the Regional Alternative School empowered me to achieve results by any means necessary. Nick Mamarella. He was a retired Marine F-4 pilot. Super competitive guy. He wanted to win and he wanted real results. He could care less about the politicians and bureaucrats.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Maybe that’s a career-switcher success story…………

          6. Mr. Mamarella is to be commended, too. I’ll bet the two of you made one hell of a team.

          7. Mr. Mamarella is to be commended, too. I’ll bet the two of you made one hell of a team.

          8. You were a very special kind of public school teacher, sir. I believe that if just half of our public school teachers were just half as dedicated to their students as you, we’d have 90% fewer problems in our public schools.

      3. But, but, but, she’s got Virginia education chops from Va State, UVa and VPI along with post grad certificates from Oxford, Harvard and Howard and a reported 2nd Masters from VCU.

        Surely you don’t mean to imply that our wondrous state higher education education is less than impeccable preparation for running Virginia’s schools and teaching Virginia’s kids?

        Maybe BR could do a post on Virginia’s higher education education racket. The F’burg Superintendent might make a good case study.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Parents are the ultimate authority, remember? If they can ban a book, they can “declassify” their kid. It’s a storage problem.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Parents are the ultimate authority, remember? If they can ban a book, they can “declassify” their kid. It’s a storage problem.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Refresh my memory. FSD is home to Thomas Jefferson HS, right? This is the place where the BoBs and their parents would figuratively (maybe even literally) kill to get their kids accepted.

    Well? Don’t you get it? If a kid isn’t accepted, you’ve given him a case of derpitude. Your kid has failed at the only thing that gave him a chance at success. All is kaput. Might as well let him crash in the basement, vape, and succeed at World of Warcraft.

  9. Theron Keller Avatar
    Theron Keller

    How much are the city taxpayers paying for these results? The salary of Ms. Catlett’s predecessor was widely known, as he was paid FAR more per-student than any of our surrounding jurisdictions. I have been unable to discover if our current superintendent’s salary is similarly out-of-proportion.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Refresh my memory. FSD is home to Thomas Jefferson HS, right? This is the place where the BoBs and their parents would figuratively (maybe even literally) kill to get their kids accepted.

    Well? Don’t you get it? If a kid isn’t accepted, you’ve given him a case of derpitude. Your kid has failed at the only thing that gave him a chance at success. All is kaput. Might as well let him crash in the basement, vape, and succeed at World of Warcraft.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Ok. I know better, but I’ll bite. What the hell are you talking about?

    2. Wrong. Fairfax County, not Fredericksburg City.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Whew! Well then, never mind.

        1. F’burg’s HS is James Monroe.

  11. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    What better way to celebrate chronic absenteeism? How about early release for all schools.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Fredericksburg City Schools have some serious problems. I do not dispute that. The SOL numbers for elementary are atrocious.

    But in reading the Rick Pullen article , I can find but one mention of chronic absenteeism and it looks like this:

    ” More than 40 percent of our English-as-a-second-language students drop out. The dropout and non-graduation rate for our entire school population is 15 percent, more than double the state average. Some 70 percent of our students are guilty of chronic absenteeism.”

    That’s the same number that Sherlock is using and I think both of them came from the same School Quality Profile.

    It may well be correct, but I don’t think quoting Pullen who looks like he is looking at the same source is really confirming the number via a different source.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Bacon wondered the value in studying outliers. Here’s one. The number may be accurate, and all other SDs are misreporting.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Well, at least NOW, they’ve found a new SD to attack besides Richmond PS!

        I don’t defend Fredericksburg but they have a similar problem to Richmond in that they have a large number of kids from economically disadvantaged households. It’s bad.

        More than a few higher income folks in Fredericksburg send their kids to private schools, so different from the white flight from Richmond to Henrico/Chesterfield.

        They can blame the schools and they do but the reality is these kids are much harder to educate than kids from households with higher income and education levels.

        If a non-public/voucher school can do a better job with these kids, I’m all for it but those schools have to be dedicated to this demographic and subjected to the same reporting rules for their performance.

        Why Sherlock and JAB won’t clearly and openly agree to that concept is a “tell” to me.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          “Why Sherlock and JAB won’t clearly and openly agree to that concept is a “tell” to me.”

          When did they ever say that Mr. Larry? Maybe my Geritol intake is low but I cannot recall such a thing. Can you?

          “the reality is these kids are much harder to educate than kids from households with higher income and education levels.”

          Each group has challenges. Often times I preferred the challenges of the “sweathogs” over the entitlement and arrogance of 2nd group.

          My observation of Virginia schools reveals a generational change of institutional leadership. The new leaders are out of touch with reality and are less able. The data proves that. How in the hell can the superintendent of FXburg schools release kids early so that teachers can learn about Illuminate, a stratagem to connect academics to social emotional learning. The treasure spent on Illuminate should have been invested in improving attendance. What is the point of staff development if 71 percent of the students don’t show up to benefit from it?

        2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          “Why Sherlock and JAB won’t clearly and openly agree to that concept is a “tell” to me.”

          When did they ever say that Mr. Larry? Maybe my Geritol intake is low but I cannot recall such a thing. Can you?

          “the reality is these kids are much harder to educate than kids from households with higher income and education levels.”

          Each group has challenges. Often times I preferred the challenges of the “sweathogs” over the entitlement and arrogance of 2nd group.

          My observation of Virginia schools reveals a generational change of institutional leadership. The new leaders are out of touch with reality and are less able. The data proves that. How in the hell can the superintendent of FXburg schools release kids early so that teachers can learn about Illuminate, a stratagem to connect academics to social emotional learning. The treasure spent on Illuminate should have been invested in improving attendance. What is the point of staff development if 71 percent of the students don’t show up to benefit from it?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The “tell” is that they do not openly and strongly agree that voucher schools should:

            1. cater only to the ED demographic as opposed to enrolling the easier-to-teach and some ED and then do what the public schools do – cater to the easier to teach.

            2. – have complete and comprehensive transparency on their performance the same as public schools.

            If they said that – we’d be in strong agreement !

            But instead, they seem more inclined to continue the attacks on public schools and advocate “voucher” schools without also agreeing to the demographic and transparency conditions.

            On the 71%. How would voucher schools deal with that?

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            The Fredericksburg public school kids are very average in Virginia in every demographic aspect except for their numbers of English Learners, which is higher than average but not th ehighest. Their economically disadvantaged percentage is actually lower than the state average. Racial mix is balanced. With only four schools in the division, they should know every kid very well.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar


            I think if you compare this demographic with Fairfax or others, you’ll see they also have issues with SOLs with that same demographic.

            and like I’ve said,

            If you want to propose a voucher school for these kids, I’m all for it as long as it meets the same transparency and accountability standards as public schools.

            I have no problem admitting that some schools are not effective at educating some of the more difficult demographics but voucher schools open to all will only end up duplicating the problem in the public schools.

            The voucher schools would need to specialize for kids that are harder to educate.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “Why Sherlock and JAB won’t clearly and openly agree to that concept is a “tell” to me.”

            “When did they ever say that Mr. Larry? Maybe my Geritol intake is low but I cannot recall such a thing. Can you?”

            I think we have a communications problem here. Larry’s point is that they haven’t said something, and you’re asking when they said the thing they haven’t said.

  13. What I don’t understand is why there is not more discussion in Fredericksburg. That one article was all I could find.

    Are there some BR habitues from F’burg who could enlighten us on why there is nobody screaming up there? There are a lot of folks there who care about their kids education. Why have those dogs not been barking?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      It is an excellent question. I forwarded my article to the Fredericksburg paper and they indicated they will follow up. I am doing so also. I’ll update the readers when there is news.

      1. Unfortunately the Free-Lance Star, like most papers, ain’t what it used to be. Since they were not reporting on this long and merry ago I wouldn’t hold my breath while waiting for a response.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          A local family, the Rowe’s, owned the paper from 1917 to 2014. Sold to Warren Buffet’s BH group and then sold again to a media holding group in 2020. The paper has been essentially dead for the last 8 years. If not for the captain, this story would never see a sunrise.

          1. Yeah, it’s been a sad road for America’s local papers. Not that it matters, but I was who picked up the link to the Pullen story. I’m glad Sherlock brought it to wider attention.

          2. Rick Pullen Avatar
            Rick Pullen

            Not sold. Went bankrupt. Big difference.

    2. Rick Pullen Avatar
      Rick Pullen

      I’ve written several articles about city pubic schools. Search my name on

  14. DJRippert Avatar

    “More than 40 percent of our English-as-a-second-language students drop out. The dropout and non-graduation rate for our entire school population is 15 percent, more than double the state average. Some 70 percent of our students are guilty of chronic absenteeism.

    Our academics are near rock bottom in the state, and our schools are overcrowded.”

    I have to say that I literally laughed out loud at that. A 71% chronic truancy rate and the schools are still overcrowded?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        What does that have to do with my comment that a school system facing a 71% chronic truancy rate being overcrowded is a puzzling fact?

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          What do Mr. Spam’s comments every have to do with anything. If it’s not spam it’s him and his pals hurling ad hom’s at posters and stopping discord.

  15. Theron Keller Avatar
    Theron Keller

    Speaking of Spotsylvania County, a lot of noise is being made about their new superintendent having no background in education.

    Of course that begs the point that Ms. Catlett has FORTY YEARS of background… and she can’t even get the kids to show up.

    Time will tell how Spotsy does with their new guy, but it certainly can’t be much worse!

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