Fredericksburg Schools Ban Cell Phones

Another Virginia public school division — Fredericksburg — has joined the growing movement to ban cell phones in schools. Last night the city School Board unanimously approved a policy forbidding students from operating PCDs (personal communications devices) including tablets and smart watches during the school day, reports the Fredericksburg Free Press.

“It’s time for all of us to tackle this issue of students who are either addicted to social media or flagrantly disregard the rules,” Deputy Superintendent Matt Eberhardt said in a press release. “Teachers want to teach and don’t want to police students and cellphones.” 

Devices will be locked in Yondr storage pouches. Exceptions will be granted for heart and diabetes monitors or other health-related reasons.

Fredericksburg, a low-performing school district where fewer than half the students passed their English Standards of Learning exam in 2022-23, has many other problems to tackle, such as an exceptionally high absenteeism rate. But banning cell phones, which reduces distractions and helps restore teachers’ authority in the classroom, is a good start. — JAB

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10 responses to “Fredericksburg Schools Ban Cell Phones”

  1. Marty Chapman Avatar
    Marty Chapman

    This should be an interesting experiment.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    One of the hidden reasons behind ban the cellphone movement is simple. The kids are filming each other and the teacher. Social media is flooded with all sorts of embarrassing and damaging moments caught on the cell phone camera. School boards are doing this to protect themselves.

    Don't forget to have the school teachers put their cell phones away too. Many are no better than the kids and are incapable of restraint.

    My 16-year-old does not have a cell phone. She can get one when she turns 18. She does not need a cell phone. She is in military school. Only kid I know of that is without a phone. If she needs to call me she can use the school phone, or the bus drivers' phone, or one of her pals can let her use their phone since they all have one. Only kid I know of that is not a cell phone zombie.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Stafford did a few days earlier. I think the momentum is rolling across the state.

    On academic performance – Fredericksburg has a large number of economically disadvantaged…. There is some hope in that they are
    building a new middle school in the middle of an upscale neighborhood.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    One of the hidden reasons behind ban the cellphone movement is simple. The kids are filming each other and the teacher. Social media is flooded with all sorts of embarrassing and damaging moments caught on the cell phone camera. School boards are doing this to protect themselves.

    Don't forget to have the school teachers put their cell phones away too. Many are no better than the kids and are incapable of restraint.

    My 16-year-old does not have a cell phone. She can get one when she turns 18. She does not need a cell phone. She is in military school. Only kid I know of that is without a phone. If she needs to call me she can use the school phone, or the bus drivers' phone, or one of her pals can let her use their phone since they all have one. Only kid I know of that is not a cell phone zombie.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Does she drive? Get her the cellphone. And yes, it is more than acceptable to install “track my phone”, but pick carefully on which mountain your parental oversight will die.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Not yet and not anytime soon. She thinks the upside down triangle sign means go. By the time I cut her loose behind the wheel she will be close to 18.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Better. Besides, that’ll save $1500 on insurance.

      2. how_it_works Avatar

        Tmobile sync and drive, plugs into the OBD-II port, can be tracked using an app.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I like. At least you can get the car back.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    ”Exceptions will be granted for heart and diabetes monitors or other health-related reasons.”

    More than a woman can expect.

    (The experiment was letting kids have cellphones. It failed. Now, about pocket calculators… )

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