Former Roanoke Mayor Switches Parties

From The Roanoke Star(Editor’s Note: Below is a Set. 11, 2023 statement released by David Bowers, who served as the Democratic mayor of Roanoke from 1992 to 2000 and from 2008 to 2016. He ran unsuccessfully for mayor as an independent in 2020.)

On this Patriot Day, September 11, 2023, after months of reflection, consultation with my wife, Margarita, family, friends and supporters, and much prayer, I have decided that my conscience compels me to join the Republican Party.

It may be considered “inconsiderate” by some longtime supporters and Democrats who have stood by me in the past. To all who have supported me, you really do have my sincere and heartfelt thanks. Together we have done a lot of good for our city, but I believe, as a citizen, that switching now is the right thing to do. Please be assured that I have made, in my own opinion, and that of my wife, a thoughtful and conscientious decision.

Today’s Democratic Party is not the party which embodied those historic and inspiring words of President John F. Kennedy, one of my heroes, in his 1961 Inaugural Address: “Ask not what your country can do for you… Ask what you can do for your country!” Today’s Democratic Party is all about: What can the government do for me!

On the national level, I’ve met Joe Biden many times and he’s one of the friendliest people I’ve ever met. However, I am very disappointed that, instead of healing our nation, President Biden moved left toward the liberal Democrats and created a greater rift among our people. He should have brought us together, not divided us more.  Also, I can’t understand how he can continue to neglect the migrant and border crisis our country now faces. And, by the way, I would not vote for an 82-year-old for President.

On the state level, I’ve become very impressed with Governor Glenn Youngkin as our Commonwealth’s leader. He’s very personable and has shared with us his vision, which is progressive and expansionist for Virginia, as we must do better competing in education and economic development with NC, SC, TN, GA and FL. I support our young Governor Youngkin.

Locally, I stand with many Roanoke citizens who believe that our current super-majority Democratic City Council has a mind of their own, has their own ideological strategy and is most interested in “Identity politics.” My focus, and that of the many Democrats and Republicans with whom I had the honor to serve as Mayor for 16 years, was, and still is: “Good Jobs, Good Schools, Good Neighborhoods.” My focus is different from theirs.

Local Democrats today are “nationally” oriented, and frankly, have not been personally friendly with my wife and me, with the exception of my longtime colleague, Mayor Sherman Lea, whom I will always honor as our mayor. I have to say that the Democrats, once a “big tent” party encompassing and respecting divergent views, has now become a party demanding strict adherence to liberal ideology… and if you’re not one of them, then they count you out!

Like many Roanokers, I’m dismayed at the current divide between our citizens.  The super-majority Democrats on City Council, as I’ve stated above, are interested in promoting their liberal ideology. Don’t believe for a moment that they will act to serve the best interest of us homeowners, home renters, small and local business owners. City Council should be dealing with local issues like the murder rate, crime, homelessness and economic development in Evans Spring.

Margarita and I have been welcomed at several GOP events this summer. The Republicans seem to prioritize God and country (patriotism) first, which are especially important to us. We have become very comfortable with these local folks and the political positions for which they stand.

I’ve made this conscientious, thoughtful and prayerful decision because I believe the Republican Party is a better choice for my wife, my family and our city.

On this Patriot Day, God Bless America and our city.

– David Bowers

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85 responses to “Former Roanoke Mayor Switches Parties”

  1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock


  2. DJRippert Avatar

    The political pendulum in the US and Virginia swings back and forth. From Clinton’s election to the contract with America and George W Bush to Obama to Trump to Biden.

    In Virginia, Northam begat Younkin and the man in the sweater vest might well pull the entire legislature over to the red side this Fall.

    However, this too shall pass.

    Virginia’s 2025 elections will follow the presidential election year of 2024.

    Given the two likely presidential candidates, whoever wins in 2024 will have a catalyzing effect for the other party in Virginia’s 2025 matchups.

    1. I hope you are right – or I hope you are wrong. It will depend on who wins the presidential election…


    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      So true Mr. DJ. The trend appears starting with Clinton followed by George Allen. 2025 is far out. Hard to say what is around the corner for the next round.

      1. Seems likely the Lt. Gov. will run for Gov, and it looks like people like Spanberger are jousting for the Dem nomination. Now there’s a contest, a Marine vs a quitter of a CIA operative. But as you note, it’s a long time from now to ’25. Who knows what evil lurks?

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    They are jumping ship. As I just said elsewhere, the signs are getting waaaay better for the November election. Still a long way to go. (Disclaimer: I went to high school with Bowers. He was my student body president before he was Hizzoner. Further deponent sayeth not.)

    1. That’s one [locally] prominent democrat who switched parties (he jumped ship).

      I’ll start to believe they are jumping ship when I hear that 8 or 10 more [locally] prominent democrats have done the same.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Do we even want them? Didn’t they contribute to the mess we are in? Surely conservatives can find some new blood and not transfused blood.

        1. If I was a member of the republican party I would welcome them and adopt an attitude of “forgiveness”.

          I think it would be refreshing, to have some “liberal republicans” (formerly “conservative democrats”) in the mix.

          The “our way or you’re a traitor to the cause” attitude of the leaders in both political parties is the primary reason I do not choose a party designation when registering to vote.

        2. If I was a member of the republican party I would welcome them and adopt an attitude of “forgiveness”.

          I think it would be refreshing, to have some “liberal republicans” (formerly “conservative democrats”) in the mix.

          The “our way or you’re a traitor to the cause” attitude of the leaders in both political parties is the primary reason I do not choose a party designation when registering to vote.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            Since when did Virginia allow you to choose a party designation when registering to vote?

          2. Oops. It appears I would have been unable to register by party even if I wanted to.

            I have never wanted to, and I just incorrectly assumed it was possible. Sorry about that.

            In any event, I am not a member of either party.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            The inability to register by party in VA is …interesting…

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            Ideological purity has this been the most recent downfall. It all started in 1804 with Jefferson and Adams.

      2. Not Today Avatar

        Lemme know when *SHE* jumps ship.

  4. StarboardLift Avatar

    A friend has an intriguing proposal to make the middle louder than the right/left extremists: all the moderates abandon their party registrations for Independent. Make the Rs and Ds come-a-courting what would a very large voting block.

    1. I’m already there.

    2. Make ’em renounce their party affiliation first. Indys rock, partisans walk.

    3. dave schutz Avatar
      dave schutz

      Starboard, my prior assumptions are that ranked choice voting is a superior mechanism for finding voter will, it does tend to make moderates more likely winners than the current first-past-the-post system..

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Ranked choice voting FTW!

  5. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Where are Eric the Half a Troll and Larry The G? 🙂

  6. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Where are Eric the Half a Troll and Larry The G? 🙂

    1. Don’t ask, don’t tell.

  7. Not Today Avatar

    Oh look, another old white dude finds more common ground with the party of white grievance than American values (WHICH INCREASINGLY REPRESENT ALL). Shocking.

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Care for some popcorn?

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Only when prepped by my DH or son. I have standards.

        1. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          (Insert laughing hilariously emoji here)

          1. Not Today Avatar

            IKR! It’s hilarious that some women and girls can be bought/traded and even sadder that some men choose to try to procure them. Don’t count me in their number. TYVM.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            IKR! It’s hilarious that some women and girls can be bought/traded and even sadder that some men choose to try to procure them. Don’t count me in their number. TYVM.


      All what?

      1. Not Today Avatar


        1. Not all living people, but only all living, breathing people. What living people groups are excluded?

          1. Not Today Avatar

            People groups who have not yet drawn a breath and/or may never b/c biology? Believe it or not, the US Evangelical Christian view of humanity isn’t the only one on offer. I subscribe to a view that prioritizes a first breath as the marker of individual humanity, not conception.

          2. Would a fetus fall into that category?

          3. Not Today Avatar

            Do fetuses breathe independently? Do they pay taxes or vote? Do they have the same rights as a woman or girl involuntarily impregnated? Yes or no?

          4. Those on ventilators don’t breathe voluntarily – do they not have rights?
            Do those who don’t vote or pay taxes have rights?
            If your mother hates my father, does she get the right to kill me? Yes or no.

          5. Not Today Avatar

            THEY BREATHE(D) and have heirs/designees to make choices FOR them. They have established rights BY LAW. If your father rapes my mother, sister, or niece (b/c that’s the only way any of these folks would have sexual contact) any of them can kill him dead and I won’t bat an eyelash. You don’t need to worry about me b/c *I* would kill ‘im and leave my heirs a tidy sum (if the former justification were unsuccessful in a court of law). This is 2023, not 1880. You wanna play the woulda-coulda-shoulda game? You’ll lose that too, on TOP of the election.

          6. Not Today Avatar


          7. Not Today Avatar

            Dude…you’re losing the plot. Those on ventilators are AT THE END OF LIFE…after they breathed, after they lived…for however long. Those who don’t pay taxes or are not legally entitled to live in the U.S. have *some* rights, not all. I am not going to further entertain your ridiculous hypothetical(s). I answered with a response you didn’t prefer. Too bad, so sad. Grow up. Life is messy and complex. It doesn’t fit into your narrow ideas of what is/isn’t just.

          8. Sis,
            You asked “Do fetuses breathe independently?”
            There was no mention of prior breathing. Having been caught in a basic inconsistency, you now add qualifications. What of the fetus in the last month of pregnancy? It has no reason to breathe inside the womb and is surrounded by liquid making it a practical impossibility, but can breathe outside the womb if born prematurely. Can we ban its abortion because it has the ability to breathe?

            You said: “Those who don’t pay taxes … have *some* rights, not all.”
            A 21 yr old college student living at home whose parents are paying her expenses has no income and pays no taxes. What rights does she not have?

            The problem with your absolute statements are that they are absolutely wrong. My “hypotheticals” are reality entering your fantasy.

          9. Not Today Avatar

            Sir, I’M NOT YOUR SIS. Mind the gap/tongue. My brothers (I have many) would NEVER be so dismissive of me as a woman, a childbearing woman, about my experience living in the U.S. as a woman and, before that, girl. Everything else you wrote is irrelevant and hypothetical. Good luck to you. May you be granted as much dignity and autonomy as you offer WOMEN and GIRLS.

          10. Not Today Avatar

            Sir, I’M NOT YOUR SIS. Mind the gap/tongue. My brothers (I have many) would NEVER be so dismissive of me as a woman, a childbearing woman, about my experience living in the U.S. as a woman and, before that, girl. Everything else you wrote is irrelevant and hypothetical. Good luck to you. May you be granted as much dignity and autonomy as you offer WOMEN and GIRLS.

          11. Not Today Avatar

            Sir, I’M NOT YOUR SIS. Mind the gap/tongue. My brothers (I have many) would NEVER be so dismissive of me as a woman, a childbearing woman, about my experience living in the U.S. as a woman and, before that, girl. Everything else you wrote is irrelevant and hypothetical. Good luck to you. May you be granted as much dignity and autonomy as you offer WOMEN and GIRLS.

          12. Not Today Avatar

            Sir, I’M NOT YOUR SIS. I’ve devoted entirely too much time to your disingenuous and flawed arguments. Mind the gap/tongue. My brothers (I have many) would NEVER be so dismissive of me as a woman, a childbearing woman, about my experience living in the U.S. as a woman and, before that, girl. Everything else you wrote is irrelevant and hypothetical. Good luck to you. May you be granted as much dignity and autonomy as you offer WOMEN and GIRLS.

          13. Madam, I’m not your dude. You got back the respect you offered.

          14. Not Today Avatar

            No, Sir—I reacted to your presumptions. There were MANY. You may have never ridden a horse but you have proven yourself VERY comfy with donkeys.

          15. Not Today Avatar

            No, Sir—I reacted to your presumptions. There were MANY. You may have never ridden a horse but you have proven yourself VERY comfy with donkeys.

          16. No, you did not respond. You made presumptions that fit your fantasy.

          17. Not Today Avatar

            Nope. I did not respond to your idiocy. I had/have better things to do. Goodnight. My spouse and I have plans. 🙂

          18. Not Today Avatar

            I think I have been VERY clear about prioritizing and privileging the lives of BORN people. There are many whose needs aren’t currently being met.

          19. Those who don’t pay taxes or are not legally entitled to live in the U.S. have *some* rights, not all.

            Interesting. That statement, coming from you, was a bit of a surprises to me.

            Do you think the groups you mentioned should have the right to vote?

          20. Not Today Avatar

            If they’re living breathing, sentient, citizens and can pull the lever? Why not.

          21. On the original point, while you claim to support traditional American values, you now have to modify the preamble to the Constitution to read: We the living, breathing people…

            Are there any other groups you would exclude from American society? Whites, Christians (seems necessary after you throw the unborn out of the country it would be hard to keep their defenders), capitalists, etc. all are fair game – yes? And how will you police these inclusive policies – with thought police? How traditionally American value is that? I think you failed your own standard.

          22. Not Today Avatar

            No, I need only RESPECT the diversity and church-state separation contemplated by the founders/drafters of the U.S. Constitution. WHITE MEN HAVE **NO CLAIM** ON THE U.S. writ large that I need to respect. I have no desire to exclude anyone. I also have no desire to privilege anyone, or hold their views sacrosanct. The appropriate venue to negotiate leadership is the ballot box. See you there!

          23. The best arguments against abortion are the secular ones. Those who argue in favor try to avoid answering the secular ones and focus on the religious straw men they create – like the Handmaidens tale.

          24. Not Today Avatar

            So says you. As a WOMAN who has and knows women who’ve experienced pregnancy complications…Tom, is that you? I beg to differ. Women largely know and understand that our lives are at risk during pregnancy. Yours isn’t. Those of us who are unwilling to sacrifice ourselves, our fertility, or our lifestyles to privilege your *opinions* will continue to seek healthcare that preserves our health, welfare, and fertility (b/c we actually love our born kids).
            Thanks for your input on my/my kid’s uterine proceeds. UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOU, YOU DO NOT CONTROL US. YOU WILL NEVER CONTROL US.

          25. The best arguments against abortion are the secular ones. Those who argue in favor try to avoid answering the secular ones and focus on the religious straw men they create – like the Handmaidens tale.

          26. WHITE MEN HAVE **NO CLAIM** ON THE U.S. writ large that I need to respect.

            Neither does any other homogenous demographic group you might identify – including women.

            We all (at least those of us who are citizens or legal alien residents) have a claim on the U.S. ‘writ large’. Or we all don’t. Take your pick – but it is an everyone or no one preposition.

          27. Not Today Avatar

            I don’t disagree. In practice, however, some people think they are absolutely, 100% ENTITLED to shape it in their image and it’s NOT women.

  8. Now if we could just get RPVA to fight for those values, we would really have something.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “According to the registrar’s office in Campbell County, Del. Matt Fariss filed paperwork on Tuesday, June 20, to run as an independent candidate for the House of Delegates 51st District.”

    1. He seems more like a “Richard” to me than a “Matt”…

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