Forgive and Forget The COVID Kooks? Nope.

by Kerry Dougherty

This is rich. The COVID extremists who closed schools, mandated masks and vaccines, laid down nutty curfews, dictated the number of guests we could have in our own homes for Thanksgiving, ordered the elderly to die alone and shuttered churches, now want amnesty.

Forgive and forget, they say, nervously. Let’s move on.

Two words: heck no.

Those of us who were right about almost everything concerning COVID want a reckoning. We want political leaders who supported these unconstitutional COVID measures booted from office and we want our former friends and neighbors who called us grandma killers when we refused to tie soggy bandanas on our faces to apologize.

Grovel, even.

This new, forgive-and-forget campaign started when vaccines began to fail. It accelerated with the release of national test scores last month.

Once health officials admitted that the vaccinated were spreading and catching the virus, vaccine mandates were unmasked as useless.

Once test scores plummeted, the selfish, narrow-minded morons who sacrificed America’s kids on the altar of COVID could no longer pretend that remote learning was as good as in-person instruction.

Now those who were behind those catastrophic policies want us to simply move on.

In an article in The Atlantic, “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty,” Brown University professor Emily Oster pretends that all of the COVID restrictions were well-intentioned, but ineffective.

Nice try, lady.

But those of us who had both home ec in high school (yeah, I’m that old) and Biology 101 in college, were familiar with the size of a virus as well as the size of weave of fabric and knew from Day One that cloth masks were nothing but pandemic theater. Yet the governor of Virginia – a medical doctor! – demonstrated how to make a mask out of T-shirts or old scarves as he ordered even 5-year-olds to wear face rags in public.

This is the sort of madness the Oster family displayed during the pandemic:

In April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes. We all wore cloth masks that I had made myself. We had a family hand signal, which the person in the front would use if someone was approaching on the trail and we needed to put on our masks. Once, when another child got too close to my then-4-year-old son on a bridge, he yelled at her “SOCIAL DISTANCING!”

These precautions were totally misguided. In April 2020, no one got the coronavirus from passing someone else hiking. Outdoor transmission was vanishingly rare. Our cloth masks made out of old bandanas wouldn’t have done anything, anyway. But the thing is: We didn’t know.

I don’t blame Oster’s kids who apparently behaved like obnoxious little Karens, shouting at strangers on a hiking trail to socially distance. They were taking their cues from their sanctimonious parents.

The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat…We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge.

Yes, we do want to gloat. We were kicked around for two years by these smug know-nothings.

Problem is, megalomaniac authorities used the pandemic as an excuse to stomp all over the little people. As a result of their raw power grab, the elderly died alone, people lost their livelihoods, the vaccine mandates cost Americans their jobs and eventually these horrific policies led to supply chain problems and runaway inflation.

They wrecked the country over a virus. Vote them all out.

Some of us will never forget. If we do, they’ll try this again.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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140 responses to “Forgive and Forget The COVID Kooks? Nope.”

  1. I don’t know if I want to see the know-it-alls grovel, but I would like them to show some humility. Maybe they don’t know everything. Maybe no one gets it 100% right all the time. Maybe a healthy society tolerates a diverse and open exchange of ideas, even if some of those ideas contradicts the “experts,” rather than shut down unorthodox thoughts as “disinformation.”

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Oh, just “send Nancy back home to take care of Paul.”

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Send Hoyer and Clyburn and Feinstein along to help. Oh, send McConnell and some more of the geezers along with them, but ‘ya gotta remove Kamala first.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Well now, if y’all are comfortable with allowing time for “diverse and open exchange of ideas” while some are dying of a disease, I guess that’s an option. The “I told you so” comments here are merely subtext for complaints about mandates. One may support the unorthodox ideas of the immediate past President but that’s a risk not all wish to undertake.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        “Merely subtext for complaints about mandates”. Yeah, you nailed it. Go with that.

        But many here did, indeed, tell you so while the destruction of the economy and child development were ongoing. We did’t wait for hindsight.

        What you will never understand – We did not wish “all” to undertake anything.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          “Destruction of the economy and child development!!!” The Virginia planet along with the US planet had some tough times. But I preferred my mask and vaccination to your “sky is falling” baloney.

          What will you do to prevent mandated child labor laws and public education from destroying our economy and child development? Must we wait for SCOTUS to determine that those laws were wrongly decided as children belong to parents? Are those changes on your agenda via charter schools? When will you post an article arguing the withdrawal of mandates for early childhood vaccinations? Yes, you and yours did not wish “any” to undertake anything.

          Woke conservatism such as you offer is inane.

    3. VaNavVet Avatar

      Unless the unorthodox thoughts actually pose a danger to others and to society. Real disinformation such as the “big lie” is entirely another matter.

      1. Sure… and how decides what constitutes “disinformation”? You? Donald Trump?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well yes, Trump. Just not what he says for valid info, e.g., NOT(the election was stolen).

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Why disinformation can be identified right here in River City. Ooops, BR.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          Much of it is in the form of “Jim McCarthy’s Silly Walks”.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    When responding to a BaconsRebellion article entitled, “School closings reflect ideology not safety”, Nancy_Naive responded:

    Nancy_Naive • 2 years ago
    Is it ideological not to want to drown in your own snot?

    I think Kerry is right. It’s time for the liberals to admit they were wrong.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


      1. DJRippert Avatar

        1.07m people died because some schools were left open? Who knew?

        The topic was about school closings, not COVID in general.

        Do you have ANY evidence documenting that schools which remained open (or opened relatively early) caused significant increases in COVID.

        You know … like your ” … drown in your own snot” comment implied?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          When you die from a respiratory disease the mechanism is drowning… mucus, snot, what’s the difference?

          Trump knew. Trump told Woodward.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          No, 1.5M didn’t die because the schools were closed.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      If you’re expecting him to ever admit his errors, that’s a fools errand.

    3. VaNavVet Avatar

      How rich for the so called “Angel of Death” to say that she was right about everything! It was President Trump that acted to avoid as many as 2.5M deaths via Operation Warp Speed and locking down the country.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    … so says the fully vaxxed and twice boosted Karen.

    1. Thank God the so called vaccinations ensured those who had it didn’t get the C-19 nor transmit it… oh wait.

      Two questions: How many kids who took the polio vaccine only got a mild case of it? Or transmitted it to other kids/teachers? Jus wondering…..

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Different disease. The states with the highest vaccination rates also have the lowest per capita deaths from Covid-19 while the state that were most Covid-19 defiant have the highest death rates and the lowest vaccination rates.

      2. You can get the flu even if you have the flu shot. This is because the flu has multiple variants, and we just pick what is predicted to be the most common variants for the shot. So if you’re unlucky and get an uncovered variant, then you get sick.

        The covid vaccine offered protection against the original strain, and that was diminished as new variants evolved, particularly delta and omicron.

        The new bivalent vaccine is updated for the new variants, but the right decided to spread misinformation about the safety and testing (it’s a modified version of the original vaccine and didn’t require significant testing) so people became reluctant to get it.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          But, but, but… Covid vaccines never protected against infection or transmission. They did, and do, protect against severe disease subsequent to being infected.

          It is disconcerting that the new bivalent vaccine is showing no more effectiveness than the originals. No less either, but it is not a demonstrable improvement.

          ‘Ya still are well advised to get both vaccinated and boosted if you are at risk for severe disease; or for long covid, which apparently most are.

          1. It was effective against the original strain. The vaccine was only widely available around April of 2021, prior to that being limited to high-risk groups. The Delta variant, which DID largely evade the vaccine’s protections against infection, became the dominant variant mere months later, likely causing people to believe it wasn’t effective.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Is there really enough data on the vaccines and the original strain to draw that conclusion? If so please provide a link to it.

            We now do know that Pfizer did not test for transmission after vaccination.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I don’t think Pfizer tested for much, given they wanted 75 years to release their data.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            Nor did they want anyone to know what they did and did not do. We’ll take the immunity from liability for several billion dollars and you don’t worry your pretty little heads about anything.

            75 years to release the data. That was sorta like the (insert denigrated group name here) Million Dollar Lottery wasn’t it? A dollar a year for a million years.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            It was even more nonsensical when they attempted to make it mandatory without any rational.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Reepeated: All prophylactics WORK! Not all prophylactics work all of the time. You are here.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I am not apologizing. I am not groveling. The country was faced with a virus about which almost nothing was known. People were getting seriously ill and being hospitalized. Many of them were dying. What responsible health and political authorities would say, “Just go about your business. Until we figure out what this is, how it is spread, and how to treat it, people will just have to keep getting sick and dying. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the way it is.”

    Kelly might have some valid complaints if she did not engage in so much hyperbole or outright misstatements. For example, who ever said that remote learning was as good as in-person learning? Also, what medical authority has said vaccine mandates are “useless”?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Kerry on the other hand….

      Gottlieb’s argument at the time was a vaccine mandate would be counterproductive, given the likely pushback and the remaining unknowns. Looking at the stats today I see a very high percentage of Virginians have refused the boosters, even one, and only a tiny percentage of the youngest have been vaccinated at all. CDC and FDA have zero credibility with most of those. My doc is now telling folks to get an antibody level test before deciding, and if they are strong he doesn’t see much added value in the booster shot.

      1. My doc is telling me the same things — don’t get another vax until the antigen levels decline.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        BUT, he is not telling you that the vaccines are useless if your antigen levels are low.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        He also said surgical masks were 40% more effective than not wearing a mask.

        All prophylactics WORK! Not all prophylactics work all of the time. You are here.

  5. Teddy007 Avatar

    Then what should be done to the Covid-19 truthers who claim that the pandemic never really occurred, that healthcare workers were lying about patients dying from Covid-19, that no preventive measures were necessary, that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were miracle cures, that the vaccinations that hidden microchips or will kill everyone in less than a year.

    If one wants to talk about foolishness and stupidity, the Covid-19 truthers are at the top of the list.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Render all of them to the Wuhan lab as test subjects. Will that satisfy your blood thirst?

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        How about send them through the public health 101 class so that they can learn something.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Nah!! Not sufficiently punitive or permanent. THEY are not as woke as the conservative commenters on these pages.

  6. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    Same situation after 911. Government errors galore and trillions wasted.

  7. Deborah Hommer Avatar
    Deborah Hommer

    I was accused of loudly screaming about this – with an overabundance of credible citations, I might add. I was ignored but I was right. Now they want us to forget the biggest transfer of wealth of all time, the loss of jobs, the loss of business, the loss of celebrations, the trauma to our children and the loss of learning for students. Oh, oops, just forget about the irreversible damage. I suggest voting out destructions who violated our constitution, our privileges and rights, our health wearing the face diaper and the harmful vaccines that were not tested to stop transmission. I would like to see prosecutions for these violations. Some had the wool pulled over their eyes. Not me.

    Now let’s get people to realize this Gaia worshiping Earth is another agenda that will not work out well for us led in part by the hypocritical Al Gore who won’t debate scientists who don’t swallow this climate change dramatists, along with others such as BlackRock and the Rockefeller Foundation, the UN,USAID and others spewing out bs such as ESG, SDGs, carbon taxes and carbon trades that they’re pushing heavily for which will lead to higher inflation, higher prices, more poverty a debt, and the collapse of many nations.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      It is amazing when people care more about packing a bar than 1 million dea Americans.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I can report that things in Europe are as relaxed as here. Nobody ever asked to see our vax records, pushed us to wear a mask (the word was “encouraged”) and the cruise employees who had to wear them sometimes had them below their nostrils. 🙂 Few masks on the plane or in the terminals. Did see groups of schoolchildren on outings all masked up.

    I can also report that both my wife and I, within 48 hours of clearing U.S. Customs, had scratchy throats. She tested first and popped a positive, then made me test and I did the same. With basically zero symptoms do I actually “have” COVID or did I just trigger a positive test? Not even cold symptoms for me (five shots must mean something!)

    Amazing how all seem to forget that the first to follow the advice of the lockdown crew was Donald J. Trump, and the chair of the taskforce issuing all the panicked and ultimately bad advice was Mike Pence. Hindsight being 20-20….Granted, by fall of 2020 it should have been obvious 1) the schools could open and 2) only real N95 masks worn tightly had any value at all.

    A doc told me recently that the boxes of surgical masks pre COVID had two statements printed on them: Made in China and Not Effective Against Viruses. The boxes now just say, Made in China.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So they came to realize they WERE effective.

      Remember, that mask isn’t designed to filter an isolated virus. It’s designed to stop aerosol snot carrying the virus.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        But by summer we knew it was truly airborne…you science denier!

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          April 20, 2020.

          I think that was the date that Trump shoved aside the expert from Ft. Detrick, Md., who was explaining that the virus dies within minutes on paper surfaces, to suggest drinking disinfectant or shoving a UV flashlight in the alimentary canal.

          That’s the date we could/should have all known that “Yes, it is scientifically shown that surgical masks ARE effective.”

          Even you cited that surgical masks were 40% more ective than “nothing at all”.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Isn’t 40% of nothing still nothing?

            N95s with their tight weave and electrostatic charge have some utility. Not much of any other masks do.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You ain’t stopping the solitary virus. You is stopping someone else’s spittle.

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            Yeah. but, that ain’t the only vector of transmission. As Haner noted above covid is truly airborne too.

            N95 masks filter down to about .3 microns and covid particles run around .125 microns. Surgical mask weaves are much larger than that and cloth masks hugely larger.

            N95s have some effectiveness against covid particles and more against larger globules as you advocated. Surgical masks and cloth masks are more virtue signals than actual covid protective devices.

            FWIW we’ve done K95 masks right from the get go.

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            How many microns does a pack of Chinese surgical masks from Wal-Mart filter down to?

          5. Lefty665 Avatar

            Dunno. Surgical masks are not designed to stop small particles like N95s are. It’s foolish to expect them to do something they were never intended for.

            ps Thx for your pic of the disclaimer on the box of masks.

          6. how_it_works Avatar

            That’s the issue, aside from N95 masks there are no specifications or performance criteria for the masks people were required to wear. Just wear something, anything. Who cares if it actually works?
            I posted the pic because I’d seen it before and I’d seen similar wording on other mask packaging. But I’m the sort of person who reads that stuff 🙂

          7. Lefty665 Avatar

            Me too, reading is a virtue. I’ve been a pita in several house closings for insisting on reading the docs before signing. What’s even worse is insisting that errors be fixed.

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Nothing at all is not “nothing”. The human body has built-in defenses against infection, mucus for one. So, no mask has some protection, and a surgical mask is 40% better.

          9. Lefty665 Avatar

            Guess it depends on what the definition of “nothing” is 🙂

            I’d suggest that if you wear a mask for protection against covid N95 is the only way to fly. That’s really the only mask argument I’m making.

          10. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Keep it on if you want, fine with me.

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Why? I’m impervious to disease. My mother dipped me in a pile of STYX LPs.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        That box is not a procedure mask used in hospitals nor is an KN-95 masks that many people were wearing. I also see no manufactures marks. This has all the earmarks of being fake.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          You clearly don’t know what a “procedure” mask purpose is, nor what it is capable of doing.

        2. how_it_works Avatar

          It’s not fake. I’ve seen similar disclaimers written on the packaging of masks sold at retail.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’ve seen disclaimers on peanut packaging about not eating the shells…


          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            But they’re so crunchy and salty, albeit a little dry.:(

      2. As Nancy has said repeatedly, the masks protect others by limiting the range of the aerosols containing the virus. It does not protect the wearer much should the virus come in contact with the mask.

        That we have to explain this nearly three years later is fun and in no way getting old.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          Who is “we”? What group do you represent and what is that group’s qualifications to explain anyone to anything?

        2. killerhertz Avatar

          3 year later still no RCTs done to show the clinical efficacy of masking the general public, school children, etc. You lose. They’re done more harm than good. It was obvious 3 years ago!

    2. VaNavVet Avatar

      Yes thank your 5 shots for no or mild symptoms.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        I do, as I did in January with case number 1 after three shots. But they did oversell the public on the shots preventing this, and now confidence in CDC/FDA is abysmal.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          You’re being too kind with “abysmal”. Amazing how CDC went from being the standard of medical authority to an ongoing hot mess of conflicting and mis information. Sad really.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          If they oversold the public it is because Pfizer and Moderna oversold them…

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Ah, NO. CDC has screwed up massively on its own. They went from decades of being the epitome of medical science right straight into the toilet.

            Much of it was from becoming responsive to political pressure. Part of it seems from a lack of will to call the science as it is. Some of that may indeed have come from pressure from mfrs.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Could CDC’s trip into the sh!**3r be the result of political appointees?

          3. Lefty665 Avatar

            They have not helped. That’s true of appointees from both parties.

        3. VaNavVet Avatar

          It would appear that Covid disinformation also has a lot to do with this loss in confidence.

    3. Teddy007 Avatar

      You are wrong about respiratory protection and you are wrong about the schools. Opening the school before vaccination should have caused a huge labor shortage and many teachers would have refused to go back to work along with staff. Even after vaccinations became available school districts suffered from a shortage of teachers, bus drivers, and support staff.
      And the procedure masks saying “Not Effective AGainst Viruses” needs a cite or picture. Because the mask is effective against a particle of a certain size. The virus does not come by itself but is carried by a particle. Look it up.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        “And the procedure masks saying “Not Effective AGainst Viruses” needs a cite or picture. Because the mask is effective against a particle of a certain size. The virus does not come by itself but is carried by a particle. Look it up.”

        Procedure Masks are not effective in flu transmission and the coronavirus is significantly smaller.

        “Surgical masks are made in different thicknesses and with different ability to protect you from contact with liquids. These properties may also affect how easily you can breathe through the face mask and how well the surgical mask protects you.

        If worn properly, a surgical mask is meant to help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter that may contain germs (viruses and bacteria), keeping it from reaching your mouth and nose. Surgical masks may also help reduce exposure of your saliva and respiratory secretions to others.

        While a surgical mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, a face mask, by design, it does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face.

        Surgical masks are not intended to be used more than once. If your surgical mask is damaged or soiled, or if breathing through the mask becomes difficult, you should remove it, discard it safely, and replace it with a new one. To safely discard your surgical mask, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the trash. Wash your hands after handling the used mask.”

        If you take issue with any of those factual statements, take them up with the FDA.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          I guess all of the Covid-19 defiant people would not care if their surgeon did not wear a mask in the operating room.
          And the virus is carried by a particle (or droplet) it almost never floats around by itself. Look it up.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Teddy007 Matt Adams • 7 minutes ago
            I guess all of the Covid-19 defiant people would not care if their surgeon did not wear a mask in the operating room.
            And the virus is carried by a particle (or droplet) it almost never floats around by itself. Look it up.

            Clearly you don’t know what was just provided to you, nor do you understand why a “procedure” mask is worn.

            Your last statement is completely and unequivocally false.

            Viruses are most asdurdly airborne as is COVID-19.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            But viruses are not airborne as just a virus by itself. What is floating around are small particles that are actually carrying many viruses on each particle. Think about what comes out of a person when they cough or sneeze: small particles of bodily fluids that at as carriers for the virus.

            “A surgical mask only provides barrier protection against large-particle droplets and does not effectively filter inhaled small particles, fumes, or vapors.6-7 A surgical mask is primarily used to protect patients and healthcare workers from people who may have a respiratory infection or to protect sterilized or disinfected medical devices and supplies.”

            Every mask offers a protection factor. The protection factor can be small or large. The claim that masks offer no protection unless the protection factor is above 10 is wrong.

            Intentionally trying to misunderstand something never makes a person look smart.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You are not just trying to teach a pig to sing, but this particular pig has a Bachelors degree in science.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s not me with whom you will wrap around the axel

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “But viruses are not airborne as just a virus by itself. What is floating around are small particles that are actually carrying many viruses on each particle. Think about what comes out of a person when they cough or sneeze: small particles of bodily fluids that at as carriers for the virus.”

            Yes, yes they are.


            “Every mask offers a protection factor. The protection factor can be small or large. The claim that masks offer no protection unless the protection factor is above 10 is wrong.”

            No they don’t and that was evident in the FDA information you were cited and ignored.

            “Intentionally trying to misunderstand something never makes a person look smart.”

            You should heed your own advice, because you’re in way over your head and parroting disinformation.

          6. Teddy007 Avatar

            What part of “The biggest reason for that is the presence of infected respiratory droplets emitted from those infected with a virus, usually through coughing or sneezing.” is so hard for you to understand. Intentionally trying to misunderstand something for partisan reasons make you look stupid.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            What part of you not fully reading anything you have been provided or that you provide is hard?

            “Intentionally trying to misunderstand something for partisan reasons make you look stupid.”

            There is absolutely nothing “partisan” about my statements, they are facts.

            You also continue to call others stupid which is counterproductive.

            The only person who clearly has a hard time understanding, is yourself and you’ve made that evidently clear over and over with your incorrect statements.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Thank god there isn’t a teacher shortage! Man, not closing the schools might have exasperated that.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          Sarcasm never solves anything. Part of the teacher shortage was the idiot convid-19 defiant response of too much of America.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            We’ve had a teacher shortage for decades. Not closing would have caused some to quit or retire early rather than risk death.

            Kerry (the authoress) once claimed that children were immune.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            The pandemic did cause some nurses to quit or retire early. People have already forgotten how hard it was to get masks in March-May 2020.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            MOST workplaces went remote. DMV went remote. The State govt went remote. Restaurants closed and did deliveries. Nursing homes were locked down. Elective surgeries were stopped. Airlines had strict protocols. Cruise ships were shut down. The GA went remote. Even many private schools went remote.

            It’s like all of that was wrong and teachers should have taught in person no matter what.

            Kerry is representative of the ignorati that ran amok and still is.

  9. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
    Joe Jeeva Abbate

    The writer of this article clearly did not visit a Covid ward at UVA or any other hospital to interact with the doctors and healthcare workers on the front lines busy saving peoples lives who contracted Covid, required ventilators, and were gasping for oxygen. My healthy uncle contracted Covid before there was a vaccine available and died on a ventilator. My son contracted Covid, survived in his apartment with spiking fever and breathing limitations, and now has some long term respiratory Covid symptoms. He has a degree in microbiology and has researched Covid, and along with 98% of the scientific medical establishment, he recommends vaccination, boosters, and masking where appropriate. While I recognize your right to choose to be ignorant of specific actual facts, the facts are readily available for any that can read and perform some basic critical analysis of the source and the data. We can certainly perform a more complete analysis of which administration was able to perform, implement an effective health response, distribute a working vaccine, and provide supplies to hospitals and health facilities.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      She also published that children were naturally immune.

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Forgive and forget? That you undermined our very healthcare system for political gain while thousands of Americans were dying each and every day from the pandemic? Hell, no! You should be begging for forgiveness but that would require you to show some sort of humanity so we know it is simply not going to happen.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    Can’t get much more hypocritical than accusing liberals of a pandemic hoax all while all vaxxed up…just in case and you know what… they probably had to actually wear a mask to get those shots! What hypocrites! And they talk about know-it-alls!

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Foolish man!!! Did you not read Sherlock’s apology for Youngthing’s callous remark about the Pelosis? They can never steep too low.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Stoop? Steeping low is cold brewing.

  12. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    No…you will be made to grovel
    You violated the Nuremberg Code. I have a problem with that.
    You were wrong about the dangerousness of the virus.
    You suppressed early treatments. Increasing deaths greatly.
    You bankrupted millions.
    You screwed kids over for 2 years.
    Learning loss.
    Speech difficulty for newborns.
    “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (deaths from the clot shot)
    Delayed treatments.
    Elderly dying alone.
    AND YOU WERE WRONG! And people like me, a history major who can read and think, tried to explain it.
    Meanwhile, we still don’t know the long term dangers of the mandated “vaccine” (a therapeutic product that is not effective).
    Lost jobs. Destroyed families. Violation of religious liberty.
    Treating unvaxed as Yellow Star Jews.
    Corruption of the CDC and FDA and regulatory capture by Big Pharma…
    The lockdowns made you more likely to get infected, and the breathing your bad air through the masks that don’t work also made things worse.
    Sorry… you wouldn’t even listen to legitimate concerns and you want “amnesty?”

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      It would not matter a whit if Dr. Fauci were to immolate himself on the steps of the CDC. Reality denial or citation to alternative facts is now the conservative norm. From characterizing Jan 6 as a peaceful soirée to disinforming your legions about the assault on Paul Pelosi you have a perfect storm. Your anger because your “legitimate concerns” were not obeyed is on you. As you like it, we will be made to grovel before y’all will concede any positive outcomes from the Covid pandemic.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        “It would not matter a whit if Dr. Fauci were to immolate himself on the steps of the CDC.”

        We can dream can’t we?

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I didn’t mention Dr. St. Fau(x)ci, but he was not to be deified and why was he funding gain of function research?
        J6 is a joke. I’m all for having a real investigation. The 14,000 hours of video that hasn’t been released. Ray Epps? Were there agent provocateurs? And why haven’t the Floydapaplooza real rioters been pursued with the same zeal? And prosecuted with the same zeal?
        Paul Pelosi? Really? Story stinks. Let’s try transparency. Was this some gay bar thing gone bad? Just too weird. And yeah, nothing says right wing crazy like BLM and nudist and hemp jewelry maker, from a Canadian who overstayed his visa and hasn’t been kicked out and Pelosi referred to him as a “friend” in his call…
        Please tell me one positive outcome from the governments’ handling of the Covid fear porn. Just one. I would have said acceleration of approval process, but that does not seem true now. Just one. Name one thing the government got right.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          It’s getting so that I believe I am developing the capacity to author inane rants such as yours. Lord save me.

          The govt did not listen to you or your rabid caucus – the best thing it did.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            If Kerry is the Angel of Death (and she is) then old Walt is the Fourth Horseman himself.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            You are a past master at inane.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still waiting for the one positive thing…or was that supposed to be it?
            Wow! Man, you rocked it!
            One positive thing the Govt did in Covid policy.
            And if they actually did do something right, I’d say so.
            Social distancing = wrong
            Masking = wrong
            Lockdowns = wrong
            “Vaccine” safety and efficacy = wrong
            Denying early treatment protocols of HCQ and IVM = wrong (but the FDA had to deny there were effective treatments available, otherwise they couldn’t do EUA with the clot shot)
            Shutting down Great Barrington Declaration = wrong
            Censorship = wrong
            See how to play?
            Now, just ONE thing they got right. Unlike you and Larry and the Troll and the other Lefties, if they actually did get something right, I’d say so, but offhand, I can’t say I know of one in the Covid response.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter – when you talk of this stuff it sounds like a giant hairball. Do you not think that millions of people who did not die from COVID is one thing?

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So let me examine your “logic.”
            Because millions of people died, shut up?
            What if a million or so less would have died if the Govt had not F-Ed everything up?
            Like the Great Barrington Declaration?
            Like early and aggressive IVM or HCQ?
            What if Govt policy actually caused more people to die? Is it OK to be mad about that? To question it?

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            govts around the world?

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The US Govt Larry.
            But almost all Western governments screwed up. Is it true that African countries had the lowest fatality rates? Lots of factors involved, but the so-called smart countries seemed to bungle it pretty badly…

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Black is white with old Death here. All the things he said were wrong, actually saved countless lives. All the things he promoted killed people.

      3. What are alternative facts?

  13. You democrats should all apologize. Not for being wrong, but for being arrogantly wrong. It was a new disease, but your insufferable hubris and arrogance led you to treat anyone who disagreed with you with contempt and ridicule; you had them fired, and their credibility destroyed if they didn’t kowtow to your will. It was a new disease, but you not only claimed to have an answer, but the ONLY answer. It was a new disease, but you used it as a means to settle political scores and accrue power, not to find a cure. COVID exposed the shortcomings in our medical knowledge and the evil in you and your party.
    Yes, you all should apologize. You should beg forgiveness from the good people whose lives you ruined with your narcissistic cruelty. But you won’t. You haven’t changed at all. We see the same arrogance, the same hubris, the same win-at-all-costs attitude on BR every day in your ad hominum attacks against anyone you disagree with and in the lies told by your party.
    Don’t waste your time apologizing; coming from you, it isn’t believable.

    1. StarboardLift Avatar

      Whom are you addressing? Reads both ways.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        With intent.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          The arrogantly Right—-on Monday morning.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Only the Right have the right to violence.

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The GOOD news… apparently it was taking Tylenol while pregnant that caused autism. So you antivaxxers were risking your kid’s health for nothing.

    And yet, China’s (the source of the virus, remember?) policy remains lockdowns and hazmat suits, decontamination washes, quarantines, etc., etc. Makes me go, “hmmmm.”

  15. democracy Avatar

    It’s just amazing — and terribly disappointing — to see all the conservative Covid talking poinsettia regurgitated here. But not really surprising when Mr. Big Jimmy claims – falsely – that this regurgitation is merely “a diverse and open exchange of ideas, even if some of those ideas contradicts the ‘experts’.” Dear god.

    Mr.Big Jimmy et al pretend that these things never happened:

    * “appointees under former Trump regularly bragged about their efforts to alter staff scientists’ reports on the coronavirus…Officials tried to rewrite the weekly scientific reports so Trump could use the data to support his political positions on wearing masks and reopening the economy”

    * “interviews, emails and text messages from former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield and former top deputy Anne Schuchat, among others, exposing the Trump administration’s efforts to ‘control the CDC and politicize public health.’ ”

    * there was a “plan to require masks on public and commercial transportation in the summer of 2020, with Martin Cetron, director of the agency’s division of global migration and quarantine, citing evidence that the requirement would reduce covid risks to travelers…The plan was backed by the travel industry and ‘could have made a significant contribution’ by curbing infections and deaths ahead of a fall and winter virus surge that year,, but Trump officials blocked the measure.”

    News flash: reciting lies a LOT does not make then true. They are still lies.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Lies, outright conspiracy theories and what-about-isms make up a large portion of most conservatives these days whether it’s about Covid, or climate or elections …. Walter really does cover the gamut almost every post but there are numerous others who also “share” such views here in BR these days. It’s like their version of the Lord’s Prayer!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Combined with denial pretty much covers it.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        One thing the Govt got right in Covid policy. Still waiting. Just one, if you can find it.
        I think my batting average on Covid was pretty good, since what I said back then is now being agreed with.
        So tell me what the Govt did right in its Covid policy. And no Larry, the one with the false religion is you with scientism. Real science, not your SCIENCE!, questions everything and everything is challengeable. It is not a conspiracy theory to say the mandate of an experimental medical product violated the Nuremberg Code. It is basic reading comprehension. HCQ and IVM work when used aggressively at the start. The CDC designed its “trials” to fail. I could read them and spot the loopholes. Not one of you authoritarian a-holes engaged – you just called names and spouted the mainstream lies.
        So, back to the still un-answered challenge – one thing the Govt got right in Covid policy.
        We’ll ignore for now why was Fauci funding gain of function research in Wuhan.
        And then maybe we can talk about censorship, and moving to de-license people, and excess deaths. Maybe one day we will even get to the people denied early treatment therapies and the deaths caused there, and the learning loss, and the oldsters who died alone, the regulatory capture, the Leftist obeisance to the teacher unions…
        The truth will come out Larry, and there should be a reckoning at all levels. Sorry, not sorry.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The “reckoning” among sane and reasonable people is that the govt got it right enough to save millions from dying from Covid. Every state in the Union, Every developed country on Earth.

          And most sane folks also follow the science on monkey-pox and now RSV for children.

          Went today and got COVID booster as well as flu shot and return next for shingles.

          All science that I trust as do most other sane folks.

          The loon crowd that believes the govt and science has to be 100% bullet-proof or else and slurps conspiracy theories like m&ms will continue the way they’ve always been, wackadoodles on steroids.

          And yes, ordinary Conservatives will still love you cuz they need you even as they do believe in the shots , took them and will continue to and will continue to get other recommend vaccinations also.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still waiting Larry.
            Show me your accounting that says the Govt saved millions. Real science. Not repeating what you are told to say.
            Can you explain how the unvaxed at UVA, even though required to be tested weekly, had a lower case rate than the triple jabbed? That is a scientific question with a size of 25,000 students. Is it OK to ask that question, or am I violating your SCIENCE! (scientism) by asking?
            You can get as many shots as you want for the Covid. Your choice. Called freedom. IF it is to be mandated, then a legislature needs to pass it, and there must be the usual exemptions, which had always worked and no one cared.
            How many people lost their jobs because of people like you?
            If you are so sure of the propriety of your so-called findings, why would there be any need to suppress a dissenter?
            Why did Fauci and Collins sic the mainstream media on the Great Barrington Declaration? File complaints against the doctors?
            (Because they were covering up their funding and protecting their regulatorily captured turf)

            One thing Larry – name one thing our beloved bureaucrats got right in Covid policy besides calling people who are right and have been right all along “kooks” and “wackadoodles.”

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            We got a lot more ‘right’ than the wackadoodles and what-about-ers have.

            It was way more than govt that reacted to Covid and way more than just one state or the US.

            You’re basically blaming not only govt but corporations like GM and Toyota and institutions like Churches for a disease that we knew little about at the start.

            And for all the hue and cry from the wacadoodles, a large number of folks DID get the shots including many Conservatives and in including folks who were condemning the govt out the other sides of their mouths while they still got shots and wore masks.


            I give you credit for being consistent but otherwise, youse guys are nutty as fruitcakes IMO.
            You’re basically your run-of-the-mill anarchists… it don’t matter what govt does, you’d still kill it.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      And citing mainstream news stories does not make them true.
      Hunter’s laptop is a Russian dis-information ploy.
      Are you just a different BOT for Larry to pull up stories “proving” his (always wrong) point?
      Trump’s efforts to control the CDC…is the CDC an “executive” branch? Isn’t the chief executive supposed to control the executive branch?
      The CDC is out of control. It is a politicized bureaucracy hack. Like the FBI and DOJ have unfortunately become.
      So let me repeat my earlier challenge – name one thing the Government got right in its Covid policy.
      I can name plenty wrong. You name one right. I’ll even admit it was right, if it was and you can find it.

      As a political science, consent of the governed matter, I do not agree to be governed by bureaucrats. VDH and UVA just blindly followed CDC. So CDC might not “set” vaccination policy, but when States and Health Systems blindly follow CDC guidelines, CDC in reality “sets” policy.
      CDC did itself no favors during Covidiocy. I, a history major, could read its bogus reports and find the many loopholes in the headline, but the headline would get repeated by the mainstream propagandists, and then repeated ad nauseam by the Larrys and Trolls of the world, with their loyalty oaths of fidelity forever to the inept bureaucracies they love and trust so much (when controlled by Dems)…

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I’m gonna guess that regurgitating poinsettia is probably a good idea. Many houseplants have deleterious effects if consumed, but I’m also prone to believe that JAB would try it.

      The pandemic was proof that Republican staffers with free trial VPNs were far better prepared to disseminate than the official sources and that MSM has forgotten how to verify National Enquirer type stories.

      As for me, smoking banana peels might work at preventing Covid.

  16. democracy Avatar

    It’s just amazing — and terribly disappointing — to see all the conservative Covid talking poinsettia regurgitated here. But not really surprising when Mr. Big Jimmy claims – falsely – that this regurgitation is merely “a diverse and open exchange of ideas, even if some of those ideas contradicts the ‘experts’.” Dear god.

    Mr.Big Jimmy et al pretend that these things never happened:

    * “appointees under former Trump regularly bragged about their efforts to alter staff scientists’ reports on the coronavirus…Officials tried to rewrite the weekly scientific reports so Trump could use the data to support his political positions on wearing masks and reopening the economy”

    * “interviews, emails and text messages from former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield and former top deputy Anne Schuchat, among others, exposing the Trump administration’s efforts to ‘control the CDC and politicize public health.’ ”

    * there was a “plan to require masks on public and commercial transportation in the summer of 2020, with Martin Cetron, director of the agency’s division of global migration and quarantine, citing evidence that the requirement would reduce covid risks to travelers…The plan was backed by the travel industry and ‘could have made a significant contribution’ by curbing infections and deaths ahead of a fall and winter virus surge that year,, but Trump officials blocked the measure.”

    News flash: reciting lies a LOT does not make then true. They are still lies.

  17. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Aw dang it! What numbnut scheduled Halloween 4 days before my annual blood test, and how long does it take for massive quantities of chocolate to clear the blood stream?!

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      glucose will vary but A1C is longer term and more representative of trend.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Okay, got it. Ignore A1C results this test.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          opposite. A1C represents the longer term level between blood tests. Glucose is short term.. influenced by hours/days before test.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            See? There is one effect of massive quantities of chocolate — impulsive irrationality.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It does raise an interesting question about all these “the kids are becoming dumber than a box o’ rocks” SOL gurus… have they considered seasonal effects on scores?

  18. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Wow, 124 comments mainly relitigating the mask debate. I’m sure glad I didn’t mention that in the same conversation about masks with that doctor, he was also pointing out that (ahem) Ivermectin actually worked(s) and pre Paxlovid was the best treatment… 🙂

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Glad it’s getting out, and really glad he felt he could say it!
      They are a little terrified of being “out” as heretics to admit it… again, the treatment needs to start early, but it stops you from it progressing to the really bad part.
      That is actually an encouraging sign if this was at one of the major systems.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Nah, just a GP in my practice I’m switching to as my regular guy retires.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          I have concierge and my guy just kind of whispers it…

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I really think that the push to put all the eggs in the vaccine basket was a disservice. They could’ve concurrently worked on therapies, which is what they typically do. Instead it was just a political battle back and forth, which didn’t serve anyone well.

      The mask debate has been silly since the outset. Unless it’s a respirator style, you’re virtue signaling. Otherwise, the hospitals wouldn’t have been sanitizing their employee’s N95’s and instead gave them procedure masks.

  19. Forget, hell!
    Post from another forum:

    The best response I have seen to this inane piece brought
    to us by The Atlantic and Brown University (what a shocker) comes from
    Claremont Institute Senior Fellow Matthew J. Peterson (@docMJP) as

    “Hey—sorry you lost your job b/c of the vax that doesn’t work and
    your grandmother died alone and you couldn’t have a funeral and your
    brother’s business was needlessly destroyed and your kids have weird
    heart problems—but let’s just admit we were all wrong and call a truce,

    It’s too bad we shut the entire economy down & took on tyrannical
    powers that have never been used before in this country—looking back,
    you should have been able to go to church and use public parks while we
    let people riot in the streets—but it was a confusing time for everyone.

    Hey I’m sorry we scared the hell out of you & lied for years
    & persecuted & censored anyone who disagreed but there was an
    election going on & we really wanted to beat Donald Trump so it was
    important to radically politicize the science even if it destroyed your
    children’s lives.

    OK, yes we said unvaccinated people should die & not get
    healthcare while never questioning Big Pharma once but we are
    compassionate people which is why even though we shut down the entire economy we also bankrupted the nation & caused inflation. You’re welcome! Let’s be friends.”

  20. killerhertz Avatar

    These people knowingly did everything out of greed and power. Screw amnesty. They should be prosecuted.

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