A Foretoken of Virginia’s K-12 Catastrophe

Percentage of 4th and 8th grade students offered full-time in-person learning.

The Biden administration surveyed the 50 states (plus D.C., and Puerto Rico) in February and March to determine the number of students offered in-person learning, hybrid-learning and online learning experiences in public schools. Among the 31 states that provided meaningful data, 42.4% of students were offered in-person teaching in classrooms — widely considered to be the best learning environment.

In Virginia, only 4.0% of students were offered in-person learning as public school districts scrambled to respond to the COVID-19 crisis — the second lowest percentage of the 31 states surveyed. (See the complete Institute of Education Sciences survey data results here.)

Here is the detailed breakdown for Virginia:

In person learning
Offered to all — 4%
Offered to some — 19%
Not offered — 77%

Hybrid learning
Offered to all — 57%
Offered to some — 7%
Not offered — 36%

Remote learning
Offered to all — 84%
Offered to some — 5%
Not offered — 11%

Prediction #1: Insofar as there is a correlation between in-person learning and academic progress, we can predict that Virginia students will make significantly less academic progress during the 2020-21 academic year, compared to students in the other states surveyed.

Prediction #2: Insofar as there is a negative correlation between a gubernatorial administration’s educational failures and its appetite for drawing attention to those failures, we can predict that the Northam administration will do everything within its power to obscure the results.

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31 responses to “A Foretoken of Virginia’s K-12 Catastrophe”

  1. sbostian Avatar

    I hesitate to comment, because the personalities here already have entrenched opinions. However, this is a tragedy which hits the downtrodden, who certain politicians claim to support, most cruelly. Who in the public arena has been screaming bloody murder over this? In general, government response to the COVID situation has been stupid, cruel and heartless, Virginia no less than any other state.

    It might be relevant to note that China has not locked down its schools.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “In an interview covering several subjects, (Senator) Trible also talked about an April 15 Washington Post article on Vietnam in which he was quoted as saying: ‘Asians have no value for life.’”

      He later claimed he was misquoted. Except, alas, he said it on the Senate floor. I don’t know of too many misquotes in the Congressional record.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    I believe you have an error in the article. You list remote learning twice in the breakdown for Virginia. I believe the first should actually be In Person Learning.

    Didn’t Northam “order” Virginia schools to reopen by March 15?

    I am seeing TV ads for Youngkin and Snyder on TV up here in NoVa. Both are appealing as outsiders. The Younkin ads are funny.

    The Republicans need to hammer the COVID-19 testing failures, schools remaining closed and the parole board fiasco as they go after McAuliffe, et al.


    1. Thanks for spotting the error.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Oh, don’t forget the VEC f&$%-up. That remains the most embarrassing in my view. Caused real suffering.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Good point. There have been so many scandals during the Northam (mis)Administration it’s hard to remember them all.

      2. John Martin Avatar
        John Martin

        what are you referring to?

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    As more and more comes out about the Anti-racist Parents of Loudoun County (ARPLC) … the Facebook group that seeks to dox parents in Loudoun County Public Schools who disagree with CRT and hack their websites, a new wrinkle has emerged. Parents who disagree with school closings are also on the enemies list of the Chardonnay ANTIFA (Anti-racist Parents of Loudoun County (ARPLC)) is being called.

  4. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Hold on a minute…. that is almost perfect Equity! Almost no one got to go to school and that is Equity!
    I say Dr Governor and the Secretary are living up to their agenda. I commend their commitment to Equity no matter how painful it may be.
    Maybe next year the Equity train will contune full speed ahead and no kids will be reading at grade level.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    More ammunition to support starting the 2021-2022 academic year on Monday July 5th. Lets get moving Virginia!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Once upon a time Northam supported summer school in 2021. Then, I assume, a member of one of Virginia’s teachers’ associations gave him a dirty look and he wet his pants and ran back into the governor’s mansion.

      What are the odds that the teachers’ unions … err …. associations would agree to summer school – for COVID or economic reasons?

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        The recent Biden bill allocates 2 billion dollars to education in Virginia. That should cover the cost of a 6 week early opening.

        Educators used to approach the profession with Ut Prosim. “That I may serve” seems to be a thing of the past. I hope the teachers vote out the union bosses at the local level, VEA, and NEA. They have the power to do so.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Ammunition? Really? How about impetus?

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    Interesting in Florida – Remote offered to 92% of students, in-person offered to 100% of students. Parental choice, what a concept.

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Not clear on the “when” here. Right at the start? As of the beginning of fall? As of early 2021? But very discouraging and revealing that Virginia was so far out of line. It is an area where the nicest words you could apply to Northam’s approach have been equivocal and weak. Better words: cowardly and craven….BUT he and others are responding to the fears of parents, not just of the teachers. Note the number of parents still keeping their kids out voluntarily. The fear was real and easy to see in the polling.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      One reason parents keep their kids out voluntarily is because the school bus service isn’t always restarted. Even parents who are working from home can’t take time out of their schedule to drop off little Johhny and pick up little Jane.

      I’d also like to see some of those polls. Do they ask, “Do you want your kids back for in-person school” or “Do you favor a remote teaching option”? Very different questions.

      Moreover, I’m not sure I care what the parents think. An effective education is mandatory not optional. Vaccines for various diseases are mandatory not optional.

    2. The survey was conducted in February and March. I’ve added that to the post.

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    I must say I learn something new almost every day on BaconsRebellion. Foretoken? I haven’t heard that in years. Since college actually. What’s this bong for? It’s for tokin’. Speaking of which – Dr Gov Northam has until 3/31 to decide what he wants to do with the marijuana legalization bill. I can’t imagine a veto so he either signs it or not. Either way it goes into law as written. Or, he asks for modifications which the GA has until 4/7 to agree to or not. At least that’s the schedule as I understand it. Happy to hear if I have that right or wrong.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      That’s right. He proposes 3/31 and they dispose 4/7. Expect at least some amendments.

  9. John Martin Avatar
    John Martin

    correlate it with covid numbers and maybe I will pay attention

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    I get the distinct impression that teachers in counties like Fairfax and Loudoun are biding their time waiting for the variants that are causing spikes in Europe to get to the US. At that point dropping back to all remote for the rest of the year will be the “answer”. Meanwhile, schools in SW Virginia (and some other areas) will continue to teach in-person with no ill effects.

    Right now, cases (presumably driven by variants) are rising quickly in France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Poland, Greece and Ukraine.

    Can the same thing be far away in the US?

    One bit of good news is that the vaccinations in the US are going much better than in Europe. But my understanding is that the teachers are already vaccinated and they don’t want to reopen in many jurisdictions. So, we’ll see what the next month or two brings.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Maybe they realized that Zoom mass shootings ain’t so bad?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        So now the issue is mass shootings and not COVID? You’ve got to be kidding me.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Side benefit. Ya know, like frequent flyer miles. Hey shouldn’t those be taxed too?

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Depends on who bought the airline ticket. If it was your employer then the FFMs are a form of compensation that should be taxed. If they were from a personal purchase then they are an inducement like with paper towels – buy 2 and get 1 free. No tax.

  11. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Everybody including Jim keeps forgetting that on May 1 state law will allow local school employees to organize into unions, and the VEA and AFT and indeed probably others are competing for the loyalty and affection of those potential dues-providing suckers by trying to out do each other. That may explain why Virginia stands out. These numbers need wider coverage….

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Mr. Haner Loudoun County Public Schools has earmarked 2 million dollars to support collective bargaining in the FY2022 budget. Correction. Make that 3 million. I forgot to add in the labor attorney and staff they will hire.
      It’s on page 4.

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