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For the Record: Kaine’s Latest Transportation Enactments

Ya leave town a couple of days to visit to the in-laws, and what happens? The Governor sneaks in a couple of announcements regarding transportation and land use policy! Good thing I eyeballed the Governor’s latest press releases, or this news might have slipped by me completely.

Actually, it’s pretty boring if you’re not a transportation junky, but here it is for the record.

First, on Dec. 8, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine appointed 20 members to the newly created Transportation Accountability Commission — the existence of which I was previously unaware. Established by Executive Order, the commission will “ensure that the state’s transportation agencies deliver maximum value for taxpayers, implement rigorous management standards, and promote wise investments.”

Said Kaine:

We remain committed to a comprehensive strategy for transportation that includes a continued focus on reform and increased accountability for our transportation agencies. This [is] part of an overall emphasis that includes improving the coordination between land use and transportation planning, and providing additional needed resources required to build, operate, and maintain a modern transportation network.

Norfolk Southern executive James A. Squires will head the commission.

Second, on Dec. 29, Gov. Kaine announced publication of a final traffic impact analysis regulation designed to improve the coordination of transportation and land use policies. States the press release:

The regulation establishes statewide standards to ensure that a traffic impact analysis is performed when land use decisions with potentially significant impacts on the state-controlled transportation network are being considered by local governments. It also formalizes the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) role in working with localities to analyze regional traffic impacts as local officials consider land use proposals. …

An extensive program of outreach and training for state, local and industry stakeholders will begin next spring, and VDOT will implement the regulation on a phased basis beginning next July. Full implementation of the regulation will occur over the course of the next two years.

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