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A Footnote

The RTD’s Jeff Schapiro has a write-up on 68th HOD district candidates and the television ads they are now running. There’s nothing too flashy here, as well-funded candidates in tight races are bound to pour some of that cash into TV.

What’s somewhat striking about this piece is its last two paragraphs:

Meantime, Equality Virginia, a gay-rights organization, is running telephone banks in the 68th House District on Waddell’s behalf, hoping to identify and mobilize her supporters.

Homosexual rights emerged as a central issue in the Waddell-Marrs race after Marrs, in a fund-raising letter, told donors that one of Waddell’s biggest backers — a Republican car dealer — is gay.

Aside from reliving the last race, where Jeff’s coverage managed to become an issue, I’m struck by the fact that while he mentions Equality Virginia’s activism in the current contest, he fails to mention that Mrs. Waddell also voted for the 2006 marriage amendment. In spite of her rather pious denunciation of the amendment before election day, the fact remains that she cast a vote that allowed a mean-spirited and unnecessary amendment to go before the voters. One might think that contradiction would lead a reporter to consider why Equality Virginia has decided to ignore that and still support Mrs. Waddell.

Perhaps that will appear in a follow-up piece. But most likely it won’t.

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