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Football Analogies Run Amok

When ideas and arguments fail, politicians resort to sports analogies. And most of the time, regrettably, the sport they pick is football. Witness the Governor’s press conference yesterday regarding his tax hike plan. Close your eyes, and you can almost hear the crashing pads:

“I’m a good fourth-quarter player,” [Kaine] said of the measure, introduced yesterday at a news briefing at the Capitol, which at times resembled an anemic pep rally.

“Anemic pep rally.” Were Craig and Arianna in the back of the room?

In spite of that, the football lingo kept flowing:

“The time for kicking the can down the road is over,” he said at the Patrick Henry Building. “Adult leadership means taking adult responsibility.”

Kick the can. Maybe this was really just a dress rehearsal for a new “Our Gang” series.

As for the adult leadership thing, well… the less said about politicians and adult behavior the better (particularly on a family blog).

But right when it seems as though the football imagery was spent and we were consigned to another Hal Roach short, Ward Armstrong boldly leaps into the gap:

“I’m ready to carry the ball, coach.”

Just like Roy “Wrong Way” Riegels.

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