FOIA Council Responds on Request to UVa for Threat Assessment Team Records on Shooter

by James C. Sherlock

On Sunday I asked the FOIA Council to provide an advisory opinion on the University of Virginia’s decision that information about that school’s threat assessment team deliberations in the case of the November shooter, Christopher Jones, will not be released as I requested.

I received the answer this afternoon, which is far quicker than I anticipated. The Council suggests a more binding route. I quote:

Dear Mr. Sherlock:

In this instance, it appears that there may be some miscommunication or misunderstanding given that it appears that you have asked for threat assessment team information and certain other information pertaining to Mr. Jones, but in reply the University has cited the scholastic information exemption rather than the threat assessment team information exemption.

You also mentioned that the University indicated that redaction of these records would be so extensive as to effectively render them meaningless. You are correct that the threat assessment team information exemption requires that certain information be made available after certain types of incidents, and it would appear to apply to such threat assessment team records after an incident such as this one that resulted in student deaths.

However, the University is also correct that scholastic records are exempt from mandatory disclosure (and although the University did not appear to cite other provisions of law, note that certain student contact information is actually prohibited from release pursuant to subsection B of § 2.2-3705.4, and there are also various provisions of law outside of FOIA that may also affect access to student records).

It is possible that either or both of these exemptions could apply in different scenarios depending on the actual contents of the records, but without knowing those contents, it is not possible to render an informed opinion regarding whether these records are exempt from disclosure or must be produced.

To that end, you asked that this office review the 65 records withheld by the University in this matter and render an opinion based on that review. The Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council is a state legislative branch council that was created to issue opinions on the operation and application of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), to publish educational materials, and to provide training about FOIA.

While we can provide advice and guidance regarding FOIA, this office is not a trier of fact nor does it have the authority to issue orders or compel the production of records. Therefore, this office cannot compel the University to produce the records that were withheld, nor can we make any binding legal determination regarding whether those records are or are not exempt from disclosure.

If you seek such a review, the statutory remedy provided in Va. Code § 2.2-3713 is to file a petition for mandamus or injunction in either general district or circuit court (petitioner’s choice).

The court would then have the authority to review the records in question under seal and make a binding legal determination as to their status. The courts publish a sample form and instructions for use in general district court which we have linked on our Forms and Sample Letters webpage.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information but please be advised, as with any other type of court proceeding, you may wish to consult your own attorney before deciding whether to file a petition.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information.

I have thanked that body for the speed and clarity of its response. It is very helpful. Petitioning a Circuit Court to review the documents and render a decision as suggested by the FOIA Council seems right.  

It is the lowest court of record, and this should be on the record.

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30 responses to “FOIA Council Responds on Request to UVa for Threat Assessment Team Records on Shooter”

  1. Well done! Good luck with it

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yeah. Good plan. Insert yourself into a murder investigation.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The man shot five people, killing three, in front of 25 witnesses. He kept the gun.

      Exceeding the reasonable doubt threshold is unlikely to hang on the deliberations of the threat assessment team in October.

      Those deliberations are, though, material to assess the way UVa protects the safety of its students. I have published my own investigation into the deficiencies of that system in general.

      I seek the records of that specific threat assessment team to illustrate whether or not that specific team process was deficient, how and why.

      On the answer to that question hangs the safety of all the rest of the students.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The man shot five people, killing three, in front of 25 witnesses. He kept the gun and was caught with it.

      Exceeding the reasonable doubt threshold is unlikely to hang on the deliberations of the threat assessment team in October.

      Those deliberations are, though, material to assess the way UVa protects the safety of its students. I have published my own investigation into the deficiencies of that system in general.

      I seek the records of that specific threat assessment team to illustrate whether or not that specific team process was deficient, how and why.

      On the answer to that question hangs the safety of all the rest of the students.

      And the financial liability of the University to the dead and wounded.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You go Quixote.

  3. vicnicholls Avatar

    Alan G is the best! He’s a great guy and very helpful. They’re always fast – at least from what I’ve found.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      What does fiction have to do with this? Seriously, are you that stupid? Remember when the ComPost said religious people were ignorant and easily led?
      Look in the mirror… Your religion is big government – you love Big Brother! And you give us your two minutes of hate in 5 second idiot snark bits…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        sounds a little like those bitter trolls Sherlock was upset about?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Not sure where you’re going there.
          Pursuing truth, like SCIENCE!, requires looking at everything and being willing to have your own thoughts falsified. The J6 report is a partisan work of creative writing. When we get to why Nancy denied the Guard, the FBI provocateurs, why they haven’t found the bomb planters, etc, maybe something resembling truth will be known, but I doubt it ever will. Meanwhile the civil rights abuses should be abhorrent, but you Lefties have no problem with abusing your “enemies,” Americans who disagree with you. Seriously, some quiet and meaningful reflection might be a good idea…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            ” The J6 report is a partisan work of creative writing”

            I’m sorting reading the words of the witnesses, many of them who worked for Trump. “creative”?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yes, Larry.
            Amazing what people will say for fame, money, to avoid prosecution or persecution.
            While you are at it, in your pursuit of SCIENCE!, why not read the Republican report? Answer why no National Guard. Why Bowser, Pelosi and other Fed agencies did not have the Guard there and Trump had requested it. Who is Ray Epps? Why can’t the J6 defendants see the 14000 hours of security video? How come the fake kidnapping FBI guy in Michigan got promoted to DC, in time for the Reichstag Fire of J6? Why did he resign? How come they haven’t found the bomb planters? Geo-fencing worked for trespassers to be denied due process but not for the bomb planters? Why did Nancy Pelosi have her daughter there for filming? If we had a real media that cared about truth and equality and not just being the propagandists for the State you love (which you will regret – see Martin Niemoller), you and others might have heard these questions and might even know some of the facts around them.
            The J6 report is a work of creative writing. It would get destroyed in court.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            can you show me when and where Trump asked for the National Guard?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            These are your sources for the truth?

            How about WSJ?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, where are you getting this “stuff”? Is it from the “Republican Report”? got a link?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        All the testimony and evidence was supplied by Republicans and/or Trump loyalists, so I can see why, at first blush, you’d think it fictitious.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          and then he counsels: ” Seriously, some quiet and meaningful reflection might be a good idea…”

          One can see, that for true Trumpsters, there is no coming back after going round the bend. It’s terminal.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – unlike you, I read even your and Troll’s stupid, supposed refutations that are mindlessly repeated, and it doesn’t take a lot to find the flaws – the J6 story is A STORY. Weaved out of selective, out of context, “facts,” with context and real facts omitted. Reichstag Fire 2, but why not, you guys love authoritarians!
            A travesty.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            ” American Thinker editor and publisher Thomas Lifson posted an online statement saying that the website had received a “lengthy letter from Dominion’s defamation lawyers explaining why they believe that their client has been the victim of defamatory statements.”

            Lifson said that, “Having considered the full import of the letter,” he admitted that several pieces on the website “falsely accuse” Dominion “of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump.”

            Lifson added that the pieces “rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.”

            The opinion website head confirmed, “These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact,” and that “Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.”

            “It was wrong for us to publish these false statements,” Lifson continued. “We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees,” the statement added, along with an apology to readers for what it called a “grave error.”

            In the weeks following the 2020 election, President Trump and his allies advanced unsubstantiated claims of a “stolen” election and widespread voter fraud. The Trump campaign’s challenge of the election results included unfounded allegations against Dominion. The allegations espoused that the company was established in Venezuela as part of a vote-rigging operation in favor of the late socialist leader Hugo Chávez and that Dominion bribed state officials in Georgia to secure its contract.

            Last week, Dominion, which provided vote-counting machines to several states in the November election, filed a defamation lawsuit against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for claiming that the voting machine company rigged the election in favor of President-elect Joe Biden.

            Dominion is seeking $1.3 billion in damages and an order from the court for Powell to stop making false statements about it.

            In a press conference held the same day the lawsuit was filed, a Dominion attorney said that the legal team had not closed the door on potentially suing Trump himself and his allies for their role in advancing false information about Dominion.

            “The short answer is, we have not ruled anyone out,” Dominion lawyer Thomas Clare said at the time. “We are looking very deliberately at the statements and actions of everyone who has been involved in talking about Dominion.”

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Lawfare in action Larry.
            Can you afford to pay a lawyer $850 an hour?
            Do you know how inefficient litigation is?
            Are you willing to bet your life with a judiciary that can also be full of hacks?
            Or just shut up and play it safe?
            If Dominion is so pure, what does it have to hide? Why doesn’t it submit to transparency? Why don’t YOU demand it?
            (Rhetorical question. YOU don’t demand it, along with all other Lefties, because you know the system has been gamed and it works for Dems to hold power, so you stay silent while Lawfare is used to shut people up.)

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Just easier to paste in this answer to Larry.
          A work of historical fiction, except the historical fiction guys try to stay plausible to what happened.
          Yes, Larry.
          Amazing what people will say for fame, money, to avoid prosecution or persecution.
          While you are at it, in your pursuit of SCIENCE!, why not read the Republican report? Answer why no National Guard. Why Bowser, Pelosi and other Fed agencies did not have the Guard there and Trump had requested it. Who is Ray Epps? Why can’t the J6 defendants see the 14000 hours of security video? How come the fake kidnapping FBI guy in Michigan got promoted to DC, in time for the Reichstag Fire of J6? Why did he resign? How come they haven’t found the bomb planters? Geo-fencing worked for trespassers to be denied due process but not for the bomb planters? Why did Nancy Pelosi have her daughter there for filming? If we had a real media that cared about truth and equality and not just being the propagandists for the State you love (which you will regret – see Martin Niemoller), you and others might have heard these questions and might even know some of the facts around them.
          The J6 report is a work of creative writing. It would get destroyed in court.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, how many Trump loyalists subsequently lied for fame and glory?

            And Trump called out the military when?

            One conspiracy theory after another guy.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – you are blindly consuming propaganda.
            Either you are stupidly, blindly loyal to evil or you are evil. Which is it?
            Give me the power of prosecution, an unlimited budget and let me call and blackmail witnesses. Except I won’t have to force people to lie. The Dems will lie because that is what they do to pursue power. But the truth will out eventually. It is why cross-examination is necessary. It is why we have, except in the Kangaroo Court J6Committee, things like due process, rules of Court, a fair judiciary (which we largely don’t have anymore)
            Trump asked for the National Guard 2 or 3 days prior to J6. Bowser and Nancy Pelosi vetoed it. That is fact. You might want to try it sometime, instead of being a mindless parrot.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            So, you’d be in favor of the Justice Dept proceeding next?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            The Justice Dept to UVA or on J6? The Justice Dept is corrupt. You don’t see it? Harrassing abortion protestors, but ignoring attacks on pro-life facilities? Ignoring Floydapalooza “protesters,” but going after J6 trespassers? Going after Moms and Dads for protesting insane school policies?
            Meanwhile, here are some links for you – the official J6 report is creative fiction. They will not release facts that hurt their narrative. They did not call witnesses who they knew would hurt the story.
            It is a partisan hack joke, being voraciously consumed by useful idiots – do you really want to remain a useful idiot? Apparently so…
            The truth is out there… I’m not afraid of it. Your beloved party in power is corrupt, immoral, illegitimate and evil. And it has to suppress speech and violate all norms to remain in power. The Covid policies were wrong scientifically AND immoral. Why did we even fund “gain of function?” Why lie about it? How come the CDC now acknowledges myocarditis? And on and on…

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            so who would you want to investigate?

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    Having had some experience years ago with the Advisory Council, my impression was/is that they can weigh in and do but they have no enforcement powers at all and even if they say a request should be fulfilled, it is just an opinion.

    On a wider scale, there ARE “failures” that occur with state agencies and people working for those agencies.

    We can go back to Va Tech and then go forward to things like deaths in the correctional system to others like the recent deaths in Virginia Correctional Facilities , the failure to properly vet the State Trooper and the subsequent Sheriff’s Dept for fitness as a police officers.

    All of these things deserve an investigation to determine facts and to hold people accountable if they did not follow the law and procedures and as well, a look at the law and the procedures to see if they need further changes.

    The law that created the TATs came as a result of the Va Tech shootings and findings that not only implicated the University but a failure to have a process to identify threats and respond before they get carried out.

    The TAT applied not only to higher ed but to K12 and I believe Mr. Sherlock opined the other day that he felt they
    should not apply to K12 and he cited reasons of resources and Law Enforcement redundancy if I recall correctly.

    There is now an active investigation of the UVA incident and like prior incidents, they will do their thing and generate a report and recommendations.

    Beyond that, I’m not sure why there is a need for citizens to essentially do their own additional not only in this case but the others where there are also other investigations ongoing.

    I’m pretty sure the official investigations will get access to the documents that citizens have to try to use FOIA to get.

    And if there are lawsuits, they will probably be able to use discovery to get those documents

    So I’m not exactly sure what the motivation of Mr. Sherlock is in his endeavor if we know the ongoing official efforts will eventually get the documents and generate a report detailing the facts and recommendations.

    I trust the process ongoing. It likely will not be fast, may not get all the detail that some want and may even not provide all the facts gathered to the public but like the process that took place for Va Tech – changes do happen and in this case, we have an opportunity to take a closer look at how the TAT law works, how the TAT functioned and beyond accountability of individuals, whether the TAT law needs to be updated

    It probably don’t hurt to have some citizens nipping at the heels of the process to urge them on…. 😉

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Wow. bad stuff all over and fertile ground for more investigations:

    If someone other than the local CA asks for the State Police to investigate – sorta sounds not good.

  6. FWIW, a decade ago in a FOIA dispute with a county I filed for mandamus. The judge was persuaded and ordered the county to be responsive. He also encouraged me to come back before him if they further resisted. The law allows for violators to be held personally liable and fined. To my regret the judge declined to do that.

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