Flushing the Sewer at VDOE

Jillian Balow, Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction

by James C. Sherlock

I have reported for four years on the unrelentingly woke and destructive Board of Education (VDOE) and Superintendent of Public Instruction (SOPI) memorandums, instructions, guidance, model policies and reading lists.

I do not exaggerate, the last SOPI published his personal reading lists to an audience he clearly thought hungry for them.

VDOE engaged in a full-court attempt to define education down and create “training” that was effectively state-enforced reeducation of teachers to enforce dogma. The panelists permitted in the development of instructions and guidelines were exclusively hard left academics, consultants, division superintendents and special interest activists. They, too, shared reading lists.

To report on this dangerous rubbish, I had to read the VDOE website. Regularly. There was never enough hot water in my shower to wash those experiences away. But it is being expunged.  Finally.

This work is, of course, characterized as “ending equity initiatives” by most of the press.

The governor has a date certain in July for rebalancing the Board of Education.

Jillian Balow, the new SOPI, is leading an effort to flush the sewer that is the VDOE website. In a letter to the Governor and the Secretary of Education, she reported:

Executive Order One charged the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SOPI) to begin the work of identifying and addressing inherently divisive concepts – including Critical Race Theory and its progeny – in public education. It defined inherently divisive concepts to mean advancing any ideas in violation of Title IV and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Specifically, Executive Order One required the SOPI to identify policies, programs, training or curricula that fall within the definition of divisive concepts. I respectfully submit this interim report to you and the Citizens of Virginia.

This interim report rescinds certain policies, programs, and resources that promote discriminatory and divisive concepts as directed by Executive Order One. It also contains a sampling of critical race theory-based materials. However, the concepts have become widespread in the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and in Virginia school divisions and we will need to proactively review policies, practices, and pedagogies around the state to uphold the Civil Rights Act and comport with Executive Order One.

We must continue to ensure that no student in Virginia is taught to judge or treat others differently solely on the basis of their race, skin color, ethnicity, sex or faith. As the work continues, we will engage stakeholders in an ongoing dialogue about how all resources and initiatives from the Virginia Department of Education must permit and encourage school divisions to build a culture of compassion, acceptance, opportunity, and positive change.

The Civil Rights Act codified the principles of equal protection and nondiscrimination found in the 14th Amendment, principles that all Virginians and Americans hold dear and wish to see passed on to the next generation. With this interim report, along with another at the 90-day mark, we want to spur productive dialogue across the commonwealth and create a teachable moment for us all – educators, the Citizens of Virginia, and concerned American parents.

Her letter provides examples. Take a look. She is just getting started. Trust me, cleaning up that dreck is a major undertaking. It remains absolutely everywhere on that site.

Perhaps next she can alter the outsized roles within VDOE of radical left members of the education academic and consulting communities. They ran the place for four years.

Unlike that cult, conservatives want to hear dissenting views.

Consider the infamous Star Chamber of activists (including, of course, their preferred pronouns) that developed the VDOE mandatory “Model Policies” on LBGTQ student accommodations and protections.

That panel purported to be acting in response to a half-page Virginia law that provided bullet list what was to be addressed, but not how. Responding with a 24-page document, Model Policies directed schools to be very careful when and if giving information on six-year-olds to their parents. Read Model Policies and assess for yourself if parents or groomers are better supported.

So keep the progressive left, or at least those that can conduct themselves as adults, as members of advisory panels. Just balance them with active classroom teachers and the parents and grandparents who have fought so hard to reach this moment. Reject professional activists posing as consultants.

And perhaps we can get a new, three-page, Model Policies that protects student and parents. And leaves the groomers to fend for themselves without the shield of policy.

Thank you, Governor Youngkin and Ms. Balow.

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26 responses to “Flushing the Sewer at VDOE”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Let’s start with the basics – the opposite of “woke” is “socially and politically oblivious” and “Progressive Left” is “Regressive Right”. Now carry on.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Ok. Your point? Are those the only two categories of people in America?

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        It certainly appears to be the description of anyone who doesn’t fall in line with angry right. If by ‘woke’ you mean ending racism and inequality, reforming our curriculums so that they are factual and representative both of historical truth and how America is changing, and striving for a world where your chances in life are determined as little as possible by your birth, then sign me up.

        1. Matt Hurt Avatar

          Unfortunately, recent actions by the Board of Education seem antithetical to ending inequitable outcomes, at least in real terms. Lowering the cut scores for proficiency in Reading (2021) and Math (2019) lowered standards that were already the lowest threshold for proficiency among the 50 states. While this will help to lower the achievement gaps on paper (as measured by our SOL tests) this will likely produce increased gaps over time in terms of NAEP testing and other measures as well.

          Plus, when we see how the inequitable outcomes have manifested over the years, why would the Board of Education decrease the impact student outcomes play in teacher and administrator evaluations as they have done in recent years? Aren’t teachers and administrators responsible for student outcomes? If we lower the expectations for students and educators, how can we expect to ensure more equitable outcomes for students?

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Ah, a lone voice talking common sense among the clutter!

    2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      Humbly, I fall somewhere other than Progressive Left and Regressive Right. Not sure – but somewhere in the middle. I think the middle should have a place of their own – we don’t appear to be considered and yet I think we are a pretty large group.

    3. Yes woke actually means to “be aware”. Some are woke on the right only about regressive things.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Although I don’t disagree with what was “rescinded,” my only hope is that what was rescinded was not something “approved” by the Board of Education, bringing into question if rescinding was legal. I have been going through the list and looking back of Board of Education agendas. I’ll let you know what I find.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You are right about the definition of the work rescinded. Let us know if you find anything that is not just removed from the VDOE website, but actually rescinded. Model Policies is still available there.

      In July that will no longer be an issue. The BOE will repeal everything that needs to be repealed.

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        I think it is okay. The Math Pathways Initiative was only approved as a timeline, not as a course of action. The Virginia LEARNS and the Culturally Responsive Website are just that, websites. The Board did not approve. However, the Board’s strategic plan needs to be addressed — they do mention tools that support equity. I hope teacher evaluation and Equity requirements within those regs will be addressed next.

      2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        From the Jan 22 Board Agenda Item F – for First Review, approval to follow in March:

        Created a new performance standard as required by House Bill 1904 and Senate Bill
        ○ Principals: Culturally Responsive and Equitable School Leadership
        ○ Superintendents: Culturally Responsive and Equitable Division Leadership

        This is a very difficult standard to include and merits a revisit. How to measure is my question?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Subjective measurements are an easy refuge of bureaucratic scoundrels.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            The law requires that evaluations include “evaluation of cultural competency.” So, how else would you evaluate this, if not subjectively?

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock


  3. Amidst the wreckage, I think the Virginia Math Pathways Initiative is an unnecessary and unwise casualty. This was not an affirmative action style project but a Virginia response (like similar projects in many other states) to the appalling inadequacy of math competence among college admittees these days. If we’re going to kill that program off, let’s see what is proposed to replace it. And if it’s being killed because of a misguided perception of what motivated it, let’s get that clarified and remedied.

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      There is still time for that remedy. The SOL review for mathematics still has the same timeline. Maybe new board members to review, but the actual review isn’t complete.

  4. Cathis398 Avatar

    i agree with you that at least some parts of what was recommended earlier and what is now apparently rescinded represented a colossal overreach that likely violated many aspects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    but let’s raise another issue that I’ve raised many times here before and that the Senate Democrats raised recently: should the “Lost Cause” myth about the Civil War be taught in Virginia Public Schools? what about the “happy slave” myth? Do those not also clearly violate the principles of the Civil Rights Act?

    because I routinely ask my undergraduates, most of whom were educated in public schools in Virginia, and many of them openly say that they were taught these ideas. Only in the past few years have I gotten fewer hands being raised.

    If the SOPI is going to be true to her word and if she really takes “divisive concepts” that make people feel bad about their race seriously, will she also make clear that neither the “Lost Cause” nor the “happy slave” myths should be taught in Virginia schools? (other than as false ideas that the south generated to justify slavery after the fact)?

    I doubt it. But I’ll be happy to be proven wrong. Doing that would show that she really means her words and cares about the Civil Rights Act, rather than–as I suspect–just ensuring that Virginia students are not allowed to learn about the history of Black people in Virginia and the rest of the US.

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      You make a good point. Learning about history should include honesty and reality. I am not sure you call that CRT, just common sense.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Kathleen, I disagree. She makes not a single good point in the “issue” she raises. See my response to her.

        1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
          Kathleen Smith

          Your response to her is what I was trying to say. I was taught in 7th grade in the 60’s from the little green history book that was brought to light earlier in the 80’s as teaching myths about slavery. I had already figured that wasn’t true in 7th grade. Just teach history as it should be taught.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I would be interested to know why you “suspect” that this is an attempt to ensure “that Virginia students are not allowed to learn about the history of Black people in Virginia and the rest of the US”.

      The Governor has made clear that he wants all American history, good and bad, taught in Virginia public schools.

      Certainly you cannot think Governor Youngkin wants the teaching of history in Virginia to include glorification of the “lost cause” and “happy slave”. Nearly everyone is smarter than that.

      So why bring it up?

      Those are shibboleths employed by the far left to deflect attention from their dangerous educational dogma.

      Is that your intent?

      1. Cathis398 Avatar

        it’s hard for me to think of it as a shibboleth when I hear it so often from students.

        why do I suspect this that Youngkin & the SOPI aren’t thinking about it? Because the Lost Cause has been taught for decades in Virginia schools and I’ve yet to hear any politician mention it. Certainly not as a deeply divisive concept that violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and therefore needs to stop. That sort of deeply divisive content was not mentioned by Youngkin when he talked about education. Instead he talked about much more recent concepts and events. And let’s face it, CRT and “divisive concepts” are the talk of the nation, and “Lost Cause” rarely if ever comes up, and then only from people of the other party from Youngkin.

        You say “nearly everyone is smarter than that.” I hope you’re right. But again, in my very unscientific and anecdotal selection of K12 students who choose to attend college, I continue to hear the Lost Cause being taught regularly.

        1. Cathis398 Avatar

          I should say something else: the number of students I have who know what the “Lost Cause” is very high. For some reason they seem to know it’s false, but most of them report being taught the myth as fact–and this very much within the past 10 years.

          the number who have ever heard of Ibram X Kendi is very low.

          so in terms of what’s happening in Virginia schools, getting rid of the Lost Cause myth would have far more impact.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          By whom is it taught?

    3. vicnicholls Avatar

      Never has my generation or the next generation ever been taught “Lost Cause” or “happy slaves”. Ever. No one I know was. So where was this taught? Not in Hampton Roads schools – at least a couple of cities weren’t.

  5. Got a good laugh that “conservatives want to hear dissenting views”. It sure appears that “flushing the sewer at VDOE” is the appropriate language to encourage dissenting views. Name calling always precedes a civil discussion.

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