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Flood Control — Fatal flaws in Virginia’s Approach

Hampton Roads Federal Installations

by James C. Sherlock

It is hurricane season, if you had not noticed.

This is the first of a multi-part series of articles on flood control in Virginia.

This first one will provide a brief overview of where we stand in flood control planning and construction in the Commonwealth with an emphasis on Hampton Roads.

The next three will discuss the federal role, the Commonwealth role and the regional/local roles in more depth.

The development of a Virginia Coastal Resilience Master Plan is the responsibility of the Commonwealth’s Chief Resilience Officer, the Secretary of Natural Resources. So far, it looks like it.

The current path the Commonwealth has chosen has fatal flaws.  A discussion of those flaws follows.

First some background.

“Castles” and others

There are two major kinds of flood control projects, what I personally refer to as castles — my term for engineered flood defenses — and natural defenses.

Castles are necessary and appropriate for highly threatened, high-value areas.

All castles and natural defense projects exceeding $7 million in federal funding are subject to federal cost-benefit assessments. Those assessments are carried out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

The National Capitol Region (NCR) is a large castle still building, but that is not a state initiative. Congress works in Washington and uses National Airport.

Pretty much everything else you have ever noticed about in flood control in Virginia is a small castle — a solution involving engineered structures planned and executed by USACE with a local nonfederal sponsor.

Prominent castles in Virginia

For reference, the most prominent flood control projects in service in Virginia are U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) projects, including

They are all castles.

Large castles

The nation requires some very large castles like the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System (HSDRRS) that protects Greater New Orleans and the one building on the northeast coast of Texas around Houston.

HSDRRS is perhaps the preeminent civil engineering project of this century. It just successfully protected  the parts of southern Louisiana inside the castle walls from flooding consequent to Hurricane Ida.

The next two areas from a national viewpoint that require massive castles are generally considered to be Miami and Hampton Roads, in no particular order.

Large, multi-jurisdictional castles require the state to serve as or designate the single non-federal sponsor. That entity must control multi-jurisdictional participation and funding decisions.

Or the federal government won’t participate.

That is exactly what the feds told Louisiana in the wake of Katrina.

Louisiana complied by creating a new state agency called the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana (CPRA), much to their subsequent benefit. Every state agency and local government had a voice inside of CPRA, but CPRA spoke with one voice to the federal government.

There were only two players and decision makers for HSDRRS, USACE and the state’s CPRA. It was completed in record time and it works.

Texas designated the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) as the nonfederal sponsor for its own massive project. That flood district has been in existence since 1937, governed by Harris County Commissioners Court, and has its own taxing authority. Harris County has 4.7 million residents.  HCFCD’s 2015 budget was $155 million.

No similar authority with the resources to deal with the federal government on flood control projects exists in Virginia.

Virginia has chosen not to do it that way. Interesting, but fatal.

Hampton Roads

Until Virginia law changes, it is leaving Hampton Roads defenseless against major flooding without a competent nonfederal sponsor for flood control in this area.

Hampton Roads Planning District includes Isle of Wight, James City, Southampton, and York Counties and the Independent Cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach and Williamsburg.  Good luck.

There are many municipalities in Hampton Roads of greatly different sizes and wealth but no Houston to anchor it.  Each of the municipalities is of course run by politicians. Who are never going to accomplish something like two integrated flood control castles and a single budget for those two projects on their own.

They recently spent two years trying, sort of, to establish a single flood planning cooperative and failed.

The state will have to step up.  It currently does not plan to do so.

The DoD interests in flood control in Hampton Roads are so high that a proper framework for Virginia’s approach would mention leveraging that interest to get Congressional authorization and funding for that area.

It does not.

Virginia’s Fatal Flaws

The Commonwealth Flood Protection efforts are led, by Virginia law, by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). DCR works for the Secretary of Natural Resources.

I use the term “led” loosely, because Virginia law only authorizes DCR to coordinate, not direct such efforts. The very large number of other state agencies and local jurisdictions with roles to play make that concept fanciful at best.

  1. Such coordination represents another series of miracles enshrined in state law. That is the first fatal flaw.Lack of centralized decision authority.
  2. DCR is a conservation agency without construction expertise, a second fatal flaw.
  3. DCR does not have experience dealing with USACE on major projects.
  4. Virginia law does not authorize DCR to be the nonfederal sponsor of flood control projects. Instead Virginia’s law centers the nonfederal sponsor responsibilities with localities. That is the fourth fatal flaw, at least relative to Hampton Roads. One is enough.

To punctuate the “series of miracles comment,” DCR lists the

“partners in this work, in addition to the numerous local governments and planning district commissions”:

DCR will “coordinate” all of that when pigs fly.

The only state agency that has the capabilities and expertise to begin to fulfill the requirements of the job is VDOT, and that agency was not chosen for the role.  Under the current rules, they would not want it.

The Virginia Coastal Resilience Master Planning Framework

DCR nearly a year ago published a Virginia Coastal Resilience Master Planning Framework. That document was two years in the writing. We are talking about the framework for the plan, not the plan itself.

The Executive Summary of the Framework says that “more work is necessary to identify the suite of possible solutions to specific problems posed by coastal hazards.” It continues:

“Virginia needs to decide how to best integrate nature based or green infrastructure – including protection of floodways through strategic coastal relocation – with structural flood control, considering both the direct and indirect benefits. … These objectives will be accomplished in the Virginia Coastal Resilience Master Plan”.

Really? When I read the Framework itself — twice — there is no indication of that. The truth is that DCR did not in two years discover “how best to integrate” and never will. USACE will have to do that. It is what they do.

In that document and state law:

I will wait until another part of this series to discuss in detail the Framework ideas on financing.

Suffice it to say that section never addresses federal long-term financing of the state’s cash share of the costs. Or that the nonfederal share is nominally 35%.

Or that the nonfederal sponsor’s costs can include the value of lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, and dredged or excavated material disposal areas, not just cash and in-kind work.

Those facts are hiding in federal law. Who knew? Not DCR.

The framework does not feature the economic benefits, just the costs. Again, USACE models costs and benefits.

And, finally, state law designates the federal government as a potential partner, not the leader in these efforts. Cart before the horse.

It’s a Waters of the United States thing.

Elections have consequences, and Virginia’s fatal flaws in flood control are among them.

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