Flexibility Needed in Budget for Behavioral Health Funding

By James C. Sherlock

John Littel Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources

I used to write and later in my career approve daily air plans for aircraft carriers.

There were a lot of individual rules and dependent variables.

Adding or subtracting the number or sorties, or ordnance, or changing cycle times, or a lot of other things after the plan was written required a restructuring of the entire plan, not just part of it.

Back then we had ten squadrons with nine types of aircraft onboard, each configurable.

The aircraft handler had to make the right aircraft available on the flight deck, crews needed to be ready, the ship’s captain had to plan his course to keep the ship in position to turn into the wind for longer or shorter times, air refueling needed to be re-calculated, training ranges needed to be re-scheduled, the right ordnance had to be built up, divert fields had to be notified.

You get the idea.

The Virginia House and Senate are about to negotiate with one another and with the Governor and his Secretary of Health and Human Resources, John Littel, over how much and how additional state money will be spent in FY 2024 (starts July 1, 2023) for behavioral health.

Nice problem to have, you think.

And it may prove to be, but it is crucial that the budget language not overly restrict where the money is spent.  The current plan will need to be changed and integrated for more or less money and program-specific uses than planned.

As with my earlier example, there are a lot of rules and dependent variables. Virginians want the money spent efficiently and effectively.

Those two objectives are harder than they may sound.

The current plan for spending an additional $230 million in the fiscal year starting in July on behavioral health has been balanced for a three-year rollout, and needs to remain executable with whatever additional funding is appropriated.

Youngkin Administration Three-year Mental Health Transformation Plan

I am here discussing the matter of budget language that may attempt to restructure the executive plan, not just the amounts.

Changes to the individual components of the plan depend on resources that may not respond well to additional, or less, money than requested.

There is specifically the obstacle of a major shortage of qualified providers in most areas of the state.  But the mix of program, construction and personnel funds must also remain balanced.

Given all the moving parts and choke points of the components of the plan, I recommend giving the executive branch more space to work with additional funds than either version of the current budget may allow.

We saw how fund restrictions worked, or didn’t, with COVID funds for schools.

The numbers:  Both Medicare and Medicaid fund behavioral health services, as do private insurers, depending upon the specifics of the plans.

In Virginia, the Governor asked this year for a $230 million dollar increase in the state FY 2024 behavioral health funds provided in last year’s biennial budget. That would bring total state spending on behavioral health care to over $660 million in the next fiscal year.

The additional money is to pay for the transformation shown in the chart above.

The House is proposing a $182.5 million increase, $47.5 million less than the Governor requested, and the Senate $370 million, $140 million more than the request.

No shortage of additional ideas not funded.  Behavioral health needs of Virginians are served by:

  • public sector providers including:
    1. eleven state facilities;
    2. some of Virginia’s federally qualified health centers (federally funded nonprofit health centers or clinics that serve medically underserved areas and populations regardless of ability to pay) and free clinics;
    3. Virginia’s Community Service Boards; and
    4. Local government and community organizations.
  • private facilities and providers paid by government and private insurance.

I offered yesterday some ideas to transform state behavioral health facilities and to improve clinical services at the top of that sector, research hospitals.  Neither is funded in the budget.

Others have written compellingly of the need to better pay private providers through Medicaid and Medicare.

Medicaid funding is not on the table in the mental health budget under discussion.

The Virginia Medicaid behavioral health services dashboard is here.

Medicaid is already in flux as the member count is reduced by the withdrawal of federal COVID rules that temporarily prevented reduction of the rolls for people whose income exceeds Medicaid limits.

A specific plea in that article was for an increase in payment rates for two Medicaid services delivered to children and families, Therapeutic Day Treatment (TDT) and Intensive In-Home (IIH).

Senate and House.  The Senate and House of course have very specific ideas of where new behavioral health money should be spent.

The Senate version, for example, moves some of the chess pieces around the board in addition to providing more money than the Governor requested.

The House version does the same with less additional money than requested.

Shortages of providers.  I have no reason to think any of those are not good ideas, but many of them will be impacted by the shortages and maldistribution of qualified providers.

See below the Health Resources Service Administration visualization of shortages of mental health professionals in Virginia and the Mental Health America ranking of Virginia for youth mental health.

Bottom line.  There are a lot of targets for additional money, some in the budget and executive department plan and some not.  And there are a lot of obstacles to overcome to achieve positive results.

The latest bug in budget negotiations is reconsideration of the accuracy of previous revenue projections given the increased potential for a recession because of troubles in the banking system.

It’s always something.

Whatever the final additional appropriation may be, I recommend, because of the interdependence of and obstacles to various pieces of the plan, the General Assembly give the administration more flexibility than is often allowed in how to spend the money appropriated.

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15 responses to “Flexibility Needed in Budget for Behavioral Health Funding”

  1. Lefty665 Avatar

    “I offered yesterday some ideas to transform and to improve clinical services at the top of that sector,. Neither is funded in the budget.”

    My opinion of the wisdom of the General Assembly is going up.

    The Health Resources Service Administration report that lists Hanover County as being almost uniquely alone in being well served by mental health professionals is obvious garbage. Hanover is not exceptional in either quantity or quality of MH professionals.

  2. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Not completely irrelevant to the discussion but something that should be noted is that DBHDS hospitals and I’m assuming the CSBs are being directed to focus on becoming CMS certified. As a result the Federal COVID contemptuous guidelines are still in effect, including all of the abuses that go with it in the form of constant masking, lockdowns, isolation, testing, requirements for the shot (unless requesting a medical or religious exemption). A friend of mine was refused a CSB job because they did not want shot but was not told they could be exempt. This is the kind of nonsense that costs the state money and qualified people and invites further abuse.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    GA flexible? That would require a behavioral change.

    1. And a whole bunch of broomsticks being removed…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Oh god, don’t do that. Their heads will fall to the side.

        1. Good point. I had not considered that.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    This really is an interesting aspect of governance.

    The primary role of the legislators is to decide if they want to fund something or not. Then the secondary role is how much of the actual implementation do they want to leave to the agency and regulatory, verses how much they want to stipulate and limit flexibility.

    We know that the folks who run the agencies often make decisions that are at odds with the legislators intents as well as what the public wants or not.

    But who decides what the organizational chart looks like? The Gov and his cabinet DO play a major role in that.

    I know for instance, George Allen wanted VDOT re-organized as did some who followed him. They used to be one of the biggest employers in the state that subsequently downsized but used contractors.

    The legislature (and likely with Mr. Lane) did come up with SmartScale which fundamentally changed the political aspect of road-building and actually vastly improved the process by
    forcing the use of data, metrics, and prioritization to determine the “build” list much to the angst of those who preferred the backroom political process.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The legislature has the last word. As the late Sen. Hunter Andrews was fond of saying, “The governor proposes; the General Assembly disposes.”

      The amount of detailed instruction that is included in the Appropriation Act will vary with the issue. Sometimes, the General Assembly is very specific as to how funds are to be spent. In other cases, only general language is used.

      In addition, it matters where funds are appropriated in the budget. It is a program budget and agencies cannot spend money that is provided in one program for purposes that are related to another program, without getting authority to move appropriation from one program to another. There is language in the Appropriation Act governing the conditions under which this can be done.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I admit ignorance. The type of changes that Sherlock is advocating… is that something a Cabinet head can do or will it also require the GA?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock


    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Where you be?

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    So here is my honest question. Would the DOD/Navy want Congress “helping” out with figuring out how to do logistics on a carrier?

    Similarly, and I’m sure if this rubs Sherlock the wrong way, he’s say, but I’d ask if the folks in Virginia that do mental health want the Va GA “helping” with the logistics of providing services? No more or less than the way VDOT does roads or the SCC/Dominion do power?

    I’m sure there is a connection but I honestly don’t see that bright line between.

    Perhaps Sherlock does.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I am not sure anyone here understands the question.

      The GA pretty much always constrains spending with budget language to its own requirements for how it be spent.

      This article is a request for the GA to back off a bit for this program.

      There are program interdependencies with issues outside the program’s direct control, like a huge shortage of practitioners. As well as sequencing construction money and personnel money. Those will have to be worked though.

      I am suggesting that the components of the program not be too strictly specified in the budget.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’m trying to understand , in a “good” system where the role of the legislature stops and the role of the folks who carry out the programs funded – begin.

        And I sorta picked how the logistics on an aircraft carrier might work once the Congress
        has done it’s thing. I know it’s never an entirely clean separation.

        Or take something like the State Police or Dep of Corrections.. and compare how they operate compared to the area you are writing about.

        is there any common approach, or is it unique to each agency?

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The language in the Governor’s introduced budget and in the GA committee reports provide plenty of flexibility. It will be up to DBHDS to demonstrate that it can implement the plan.

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