Flee Any Public School Resisting Parents’ Rights

Loudoun County parents pack a School Board meeting. Photo credit: Idiocracy News Media

by Kerry Dougherty

Four years ago no one was talking about parental rights.

Now everyone is.

It all began with the covid lockdowns. Once schools were closed parents got a look at what was and wasn’t being taught in public schools.

And the scales fell from their eyes.

Parents began to see school administrators and some teachers not as allies who were trying to educate their kids and fill them with a love of country, but as indoctrinators filling their heads with gender theories and a skewed view of American history through a modern prism of critical race theory.

The Founding Fathers were no longer taught as enlightened men of their times determined to create a country where individual liberties were protected from the heavy hand of the state, but they were made small, reduced to nothing more than slaveholders.

On top of that, parents found that some middle and even elementary school libraries contained graphic books that celebrated masturbation, sex, gay and trans lifestyles. They learned that some school administrators – in Loudoun, for instance – were not reporting cases of sexual assault but were covering the incidents up. Even from parents.

The outrage in Virginia was so widespread that voters in what had become a reliably blue state elected Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears and Attorney General Jason Miyares, who ran on a GOP platform of restoring parents’ rights.

Democrats lost by doubling down on the exclusion of parents from schools. On the eve of the election Terry McAuliffe blundered by campaigning with the loathsome teachers’ union boss Randi Weingarten, who almost single-handedly was responsible for lengthy and damaging school closures during covid.

As public school enrollment plummets and more parents than ever are homeschooling, the parents rights movement has gone national and mainstream.

Last week the GOP-led House of Representatives passed a Parents Bill of Rights on a vote of 213-208, without the support of a single Democrat.

Despite demagoguing by Democrats this is really just a simple, common-sense measure that would require schools give parents access to curriculum, reading lists and school budgets. It would require schools to promptly notify parents about violent incidents in the schools, give them advance notice of plans to eliminate gifted and talented programs and give parents the right to speak at school board meetings.

It would protect student privacy by forbidding schools from selling student information and by not allowing medical exams of students without parental permission.

It would also require schools to notify parents if a child begins to transition to a different gender.

It’s that last component that has Democrats clutching their pearls.

A hysterical Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said this about the measure: “This Republican bill is asking the government to force the outing of LGBT people before they are ready.”

Is she nuts?

A child who is transitioning at school has outed him or herself. The only people who may not know are parents. They have an absolute right to know what’s going on with their kid.

The reason Dems give for wanting to keep secrets from parents is that they fear some won’t react with appropriate government-approved acceptance and celebration of the trans lifestyle.

Frankly, unless parents engage in child abuse, it’s none of the government’s business how they react to news their child thinks he or she is trans.

To believe otherwise is to believe that children are property of the state.

And that’s exactly what many Democrats believe. They forget that schools are government institutions, in government buildings, which are paid for by taxpayers. The children in them belong to their parents, not the state.

Given their votes last week, let’s quickly review some basic principles that Democrats hold dear.

Democrats don’t believe parents have a right to see the curriculum in public schools. Nor do they have a right to speak at school board meetings, or to meet with teachers twice a year for conferences. They believe schools should have the right to sell personal information about your child and they want to allow medical exams on your kids without your permission..

They believe parents shouldn’t know about violent acts taking place in the school. They believe that if your child is transitioning at school and changing his pronouns teachers and administrators have a right to keep that secret from parents.

Polling would show that most Americans agree with the Republicans on this issue. Democrats know their positions are un-American, but they’re counting on their devotion to abortion to carry them through the next elections.

Good luck with that, Democrats.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unedited and Unemployed. 

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20 responses to “Flee Any Public School Resisting Parents’ Rights”

  1. How can anyone support this bill which kill students because it outlaws teaching about the Holocaust?

  2. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Very good article. I have to say the bill that passed the House without a single Democrat is intriguing. Democrat leadership says it’s an extreme MAGA bill, yea right.

    And the argument about outlawing the teaching of the holocaust is an eye opener, if this was true, how did it pass without amending it? Anyone know what they are talking about? seems bizarre.

    1. student_of_zot Avatar

      I just searched the bill – https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/5/text?s=1&r=1&q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22HR5%22%5D%7D – and it makes no such restriction/outlaw

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Thanks, not surprised, but didn’t have time to look myself. So weird.

  3. How can anyone support this bill which kill students because it outlaws teaching about the Holocaust?

    1. Have you read the bill or just want to repeat the lies that are spread online and in the MSM?

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Oh and don’t forget on BR!

      2. Those statements were not ‘reported’ – it was video of the House debate. Are you saying that those Dems speaking on the House floor were telling lies with their hyperbole? Oh — the inhumanity…..

      3. Those statements were not ‘reported’ – it was video of the House debate. Are you saying that those Dems speaking on the House floor were telling lies with their hyperbole? Oh — the inhumanity…..

  4. Moderate Avatar

    Democrats don’t believe parents have a right to see the
    curriculum in public schools. Nor do they have a right to speak at
    school board meetings, or to meet with teachers twice a year for
    conferences. They believe schools should have the right to sell personal information about your child and they want to allow medical exams on your kids without your permission..

    They believe parents shouldn’t know about violent acts
    taking place in the school. They believe that if your child is
    transitioning at school and changing his pronouns teachers and
    administrators have a right to keep that secret from parents.

    Really? I don’t think many, if anyone, believes these things as stated.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      Kerry is just pushing her narrative once again. There is no way that she could possibly know what millions of Democrats think! It is doubtful that she even knows what one Democrat thinks.

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    Facts are hard to refute even for Kerry although she tries her best. This includes historical facts. Why is it so difficult for members of the US House to come up with an approach that would draw bi-partisan support? Speaker McCarthy needs to dispense with the virtue signaling and get on with the work of governing.

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      I recall many bills passing the Pelosi/Dem run House that never saw the light of day in the Senate.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        In the past two years Biden did sign at least 5 bi-partisan pieces of major legislation. Thus, it can be done.

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          Its going to have to be, we have a split Government, so nothing gets passed that doesn’t have an element of bi-partisanship. This bill should have element s of bi partisanship in it, but doesn’t help when Schumer says its DOA.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            McCarthy needs to work with Schumer to find common ground. There are plenty of Republicans in the House that are willing to work across the aisle.

          2. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            Why do you say its up to McCarthy to work with Schumer? I am in favor of bi-partisanship too, but it goes both ways. Schumer, Jefferies and Biden need to act like a statesmen, but they aren’t. If they want bi-partisanship, stop with the ultra MAGA rhetoric.

          3. VaNavVet Avatar

            The rhetoric goes both ways too. McCarthy is the one passing these “nowhere” bills to put on a show and to live up to the promises he made to be Speaker. Do you see Schumer even attempting to do the same? Are there any “statesmen” in Congress? Jefferies should be talking with McCarthy and may well be doing so.

  6. Teddy007 Avatar

    The point of such laws is to introduce enough risk and uncertainty that teachers will just take many issues out of the curriculum rather than get into a political fight.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Once again Conservatives show they support top down, one size fits all edicts from the federal government to locally elected school board policies. They love sidestepping the voters whenever they can.

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