Flag Vandalism at UVa a False Alarm, Ryan Says

by James A. Bacon

A few days ago I reported an alleged act of vandalism against 2,977 tiny American flags planted in the ground as part of a 9/11 commemoration at the University of Virginia. The evening after the service, which was sponsored by the conservative Young Americans for Freedom and attended by President Jim Ryan, it was discovered that hundreds of the flags had been knocked over. A preliminary review of surveillance tapes suggested that unidentified individuals had flipped over a table with a banner.

A more in-depth review by UVA police now says that wind might have blown over the flags and that the person in the video might have been trying to set the table right.

The incident had drawn considerable attention at UVa. Two days ago Ryan updated the Board of Visitors about the incident. I republish it here;

You may have heard allegations that a 9/11 memorial in the amphitheater, erected by students, was vandalized last weekend. The memorial consisted, in part, of small flags stuck in the ground — each representing a life lost. There were also signs, and a table that was used during the ceremony, which I attended.

[University police] just finished an investigation yesterday, which was slightly delayed given all of the recent and pressing efforts on their part to increase our capacity to keep our students safe in light of the uptick in gun shots fired and suspicious activity. Long story short, there was no vandalism to the memorial. An officer reviewed complete video footage of the scene, beginning with the ceremony in the morning of 9/11 until the pictures were taken of some flags strewn about the amphitheater. At no point does anyone knock over flags. Several people picked up flags that had blown over from the wind and stuck them back in the ground. It was also fairly breezy at various points during the day and early evening. As the officer reports, “it appears that the flags were knocked over by the breeze that was occurring on that day.”

There was also a suggestion that the table used in the ceremony was flipped over in anger. The video instead shows someone picking up the table long after the ceremony was over (which means there was nothing on the table), putting the table on its side and folding down a leg. As the officer reports, the person “lifted the table in a gentle manner and did not forcefully flip the table.” The table does not appear to have been damaged.

There were also two signs hanging up in the amphitheater for the ceremony on Saturday. Those two signs were still hanging as of Thursday morning.

In other words, this was a false alarm — and a good reminder, to myself included, not to jump to conclusions before having all of the facts. If you have additional questions, Chief Longo, copied here, would be happy to answer them.

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39 responses to “Flag Vandalism at UVa a False Alarm, Ryan Says”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Interesting that YAF jumped right to playing the victim on several posts on their site. They are still up and not retracted publicly. I wonder how many of the other so-called vandalisms at other colleges claimed on the site are also “false alarms”…??

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Eric the half a troll • 40 minutes ago
      Interesting that YAF jumped right to playing the victim on several posts on their site. They are still up and not retracted publicly. I wonder how many of the other so-called vandalisms at other colleges claimed on the site are also “false alarms”…??”

      Yeah that’s false, also if you’re expecting retractions form others you might want to start issuing them yourself for false statements. Instead you down-vote and run like the coward you are.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Don’t worry, Sport, I am not actually expecting a retraction form (or even from) YAF.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          Nothing contained in the article previously posted, showed anywhere where YAF blamed anyone for anything.

          Your problem as with a vast majority of you comments would be you don’t read, you only read what you want to see. Much like Larry and when you’re called on it, you run like the yellow coward you are.

          Hence, why you’re moaning about a retraction you’ve not done so yesterday when you were hoisted by your own petard. Instead you down-voted and ran away, again like the coward you are on the internet as well as real life.

    2. Since all evidence indicates there was no vandalism at the UVA memorial, the YAF should state so on their web-site.

      As for incidents at other college campuses, in at least one of those cases a student government official was caught on videotape vandalizing a memorial. But, if others turn out to be false alarms, YAF should address those as well.

      I am glad that things turned out the way they did at UVA. It saddened me to think that someone in the C’ville/UVA community might be callous, intolerant and hateful enough to try to diminish the loss our nation suffered on September 11, 2001.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I am as disturbed by YAF turning 9/11 into a bit of political theatre as I am that a leftist student would rise to their bait. The glee they demonstrated in their response to the so-called vandalism events was palpable.

        1. Perhaps it is a matter of perspective.

          I did not detect palpable glee on the part of YAF.

          I think the YAF overreacted and I think they exacerbated their overreaction by not waiting until all the evidence was in before reacting in any way. I also think people on both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of doing that same thing all the time.

          It is a basic human instinct to jump to conclusions based on assumptions, and to immediately act on those assumptions. Thousands of years ago, when humans were not at the top of the food chain, that instinct probably saved a lot of lives. Even now it takes a lot of self- discipline for an individual to avoid immediately reacting to a situation based on initial assumptions or appearances. It is near impossible to keep a group of people from doing it.

          As far as your statement about leftist students “rising to their bait” goes, if those on the the left consider 9/11 memorials “bait” then I think it says more about them than it does the YAF.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Hint: You don’t see leftist students rushing to desecrate the Pentagon, Twin Towers, or the Flight 93 memorials…

          2. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Eric the half a troll WayneS • 11 minutes ago
            Hint: You don’t see leftist students rushing to desecrate the Pentagon, Twin Towers, or the Flight 93 memorials…”

            All items you described are Federal Property and you’d be subject to federal law.

            Well the first one there would be no due process you’d just be shot on sight.

          3. I don’t understand. What part of my comment led to you feeling the need to post your “hint”?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The characterization of YAF’s publicity stunts as “memorials”.

          5. I have no idea what their motives were/are.

            There ARE some people out there who actually still love this country, though, so I choose not to be too cynical about it.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I would be as well… except for the way they gleefully lept on reports of so-called vandalism and rushed to not only play the victim but repeated and promoted the coverage. Sorry, it is all too cute by far. They were fishing and they definitely got a hit.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Matt Adams:
    “Instead you down-vote and run like the coward you are.” Does this count as ad hominen attack? Maybe you could through a few Latin verses our way.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Be careful, Pete. Matt has a quick wit. So much so that he need only show half of it.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Psssttt…. down-voting and running seems to really bother the poor kid….

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Oh? Well, lemme do a “running down-vote” then.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar

          Not really, I know that when my comments get them it’s from you two. It’s not based upon the substance of my comment but rather your own personals issues with admitting you were wrong.

          Like I said before NN is a Narcissist and for the matter so are you, both are equally cowardice as you both use fake names.

      2. Matt Adams Avatar

        If I’m a “halfwit” does that make you a “quarter wit” as you’ve displayed the same behavior as Eric.

        I’d more liken you a Narcissist given a good number of your comments and behaviors.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Hey, hey! Remember the 4th rule of Debate Fight Club!!

    3. Matt Adams Avatar

      The latin sound more eloquent then the butchered Franklin quotes.

      tu quoque and as that an ad hom attack. You’re a writer Peter, you should know an ad hom attack by now.

      Edit: Also, if you’re going to interject into a conversation you should at least have a grasp of it. Eric likes to make statements contrary to fact, he did so just yesterday and when I confronted him on it, he ran.

  3. I’d still like to see the tape…
    If UVA has concluded it exonerates, why not?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Call ’em and ask. What? Are they suppose to just put it online or pay for commercial time on Channel Whatever?

      1. No, I would suggest that UVA let YAF see the tape.
        If someone robs your house Nancy, and a neighbor’s camera catches it, would you be satisfied if just the police saw it and you didn’t?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Oooh, I could tell ya story about that. It had to do with a neighbor who insisted on relieving his sexual tensions in his backyard within view of the fellow behind him. And no, nobody but the cop answering the call needed or even wanted to see the video. BTW, the cop sent was a young woman. She were set up because the situation was fully explained to the desk sergeant.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Jumping to a conclusion? Adolph Coors?

    Now about election fraud and security…

    Working late Matt? Making up for effing off on the clock?

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Be careful, Eric!. I wouldn’t provoke the “Jefferson Council” too much. They are likely to show up and start taking snapshots of your front door.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Of course, the allegation, now proved false, about vandalism will continue to circulate through the Twitter and Facebook world, but not the truth.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      which won’t exactly improve the standing of YAF on campus…

    2. Unfortunate, but true.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    Give JAB credit for acknowledging………. I wonder if YAF or the numerous other Conservative media sites that jumped on this also, have the backbone to also acknowledge.

    But I think YAF might have pushed the envelope a little because:

    From YAF Press Release (https://www.yaf.org/news/uva-flag-display-vandalized-on-20th-anniversary-of-9-11/):

    “The students called campus police who reviewed the surveillance footage. Police saw two vandals flip the table on the camera, according to the chapter members.”

    So YAF reports that it was the Police that saw two vandals doing the deed but the police are NOT saying that at all. In fact, the police are saying that the video shows something else entirely.

    So if YAF doing what JAB did and acknowledge?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “So if YAF doing what JAB did and acknowledge?”

      Ummmm… nope…. Same with their “newspaper” the Jefferson Independent which The Jefferson Council promoted in their email to ‘University of Virginia administrators September 16 asking that they “Publicly denounce the destruction of the YAF flag tribute”’ which YAF in turn promoted…. quite an incestuous crowd there….

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Credit? Attaboys and Awshucks are not equally weighted. What’s that old chestnut about looking dumb or speaking and removing all doubt?

      I want more groveling and a real apology. “False alarm” is a tad too unapologetic.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Maybe a follow-up letter from The Jefferson Council is due:


        Do you know anyone in that group…??

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Specifically? No. But far too many like ’em. While once stuck on the tarmac in the 80s, I read a wonderful article titled something akin to “America: A Nation of Meddlesome Busybodies” that predicted well the rise of the new Republican Party. It’s always their intention to promote personal liberties (theirs) by making sure that it is only their morals and mores that count.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I guess that comes from character and principles?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll
          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, not in the Biblical sense then…

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          The intro to a one-hour sermon to which every Republican should listen. Of course, if they did, there’d be no GOP no more.

          “Meddling or being a busybody is a sin, as serious as murder or robbery. We must learn as Christians to operate in our appointed spheres of responsibility and not to meddle in someone else’s—taking the job or prerogative of another. Jesus and the apostle Paul give us sterling examples of refusing to assume responsibilities not expressly given to them. We must learn to exercise judgment in helping others, but not to judge them now, not yet being qualified for or appointed to that weighty responsibility. Idleness is a major contributory cause of meddling, and gossip and tale-bearing are frequent accomplices. Meddling in another’s affairs may actually complicate or interfere with God’s capable work in them, so we need to apply the Golden Rule when seeking to help another. In working out our own salvation, we have enough do to without trying to meddle in someone else’s.”


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