Five Far-Left Virginia Democrats Vote Not to Deport Illegals with DUIs

by Kerry Dougherty 

If you hobnob with prominent Democrats and find yourself in the company of any of the following Virginia Congress members — Bobby Scott of Newport News, Gerald Connolly of Fairfax, Jennifer McClellan of Richmond, Jennifer Wexton of Leesburg or Don Beyer of Alexandria — invite them to take a drive with you down Virginia Beach Boulevard.

Make sure you stop at the intersection of the Boulevard and Kings Grant Road.

Urge them get out of the car and pause at the faded makeshift memorial for Tessa Tranchant and Ali Kunhardt. On the night of March 30, 2007 these two teenagers were killed by a drunken illegal named Alfredo Ramos. He plowed his car at high speed into the rear of the car where they sat, waiting for the light to change.

Tessa was 16. Ali was 17. They were best friends.

Ramos was a Mexican who entered the country illegally and amassed not one, but two alcohol-related charges, including a DUI, before the inevitable happened: he killed two innocent Americans.

If Ramos had been deported after his first DUI, those precious girls would still be alive.

Back to these five far-left congressional radicals. Yesterday they voted against a bill that would boot illegals from the country after their FIRST DUI. The measure is called the Protect Our Country From DUIs Act.

Democrats are so dang compassionate, aren’t they?

Fifty-nine sane Democrats joined all Republicans in Congress to pass the life-saving measure 274-150.

By the way, Ramos is serving 24 years of a 40-year prison term. When he’s released, this killer is supposed to be deported. Should he sneak back into the U.S. and get caught, he’s back in the big house to serve the remaining 16 years. Unless a Biden clone pardons him.

His case is not an isolated one. There are literally hundreds of dead Americans who were mown down by drunken illegals. When Donald Trump was elected, he called their survivors “Angel families” and invited them to appear with him at campaign appearances.

He needs to revive that visual.

Yes, I know that most DUI fatalities are caused by American citizens. We’re stuck with these hairbags. We shouldn’t be stuck with drunken illegal aliens.

I covered the tragic deaths of Tessa and Ali in 2007. 

I think of these girls — frozen in time at 16 and 17 – every time I pass that intersection.

Someone needs to load Scott, Beyer, Connolly, McClellan and Weston into a van and take them on a field trip.

They need to look into the eyes of the parents of these dead girls and explain why they think illegals should get second and third chances to kill Americans.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited. 

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13 responses to “Five Far-Left Virginia Democrats Vote Not to Deport Illegals with DUIs”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    On behalf of right thinking Northern Virginians, I apologize for Connelley, Wexton, and Beyer.

    They are an embarrassment.

    I’m counting the days until I can join the exodus of taxpaying Americans out of Northern Virginia.

    1. I have to claim responsibility for Connolly and Beyer too. I’ve even met the former in person, twice. Seemed like a nice fella when he was on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Little did I know…

  2. We do need to import more drunk drivers and police attackers….. the border is working just fine

    1. We do need to import more drunk drivers and police attackers…

      Yes. We need them to do the jobs our home-grown miscreants are too busy to do…

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Good old born and bred ‘Mericans exhibit a higher criminal rate than do immigrants.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Irrelevant. Every crime committed by a person in the United States illegally is a preventable crime.

        One crime committed by an illegal alien is one crime too many.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Irrelevant. Every crime committed by a person in the United States illegally is a preventable crime.

        One crime committed by an illegal alien is one crime too many.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          You know that increasing the number of immigrants drives down crime rates. Why do you want higher crime rates…??

          1. Will that happen by not charging them with their crimes?

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Nope, it is just the nature of immigrants…. more law abiding per capita than good old born and bred ‘Mericans…

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Nope, it is just the nature of immigrants…. more law abiding per capita than good old born and bred ‘Mericans…

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Scapegoater’s gotta scapegoat…

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