FIRE to VMI: Hands Off the Independent Student Newspaper

by James A. Bacon

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has asked the Virginia Military Institute to refrain from pressuring an independent student newspaper, The Cadet, to change its editorial stances.

“Cadet staff have faced interference from VMI leadership, including pressure to make the paper’s content more flattering to the Institute, suppression of its distribution, and demands that the student staff stop working with alumni on publication efforts,” wrote Anne Marie Tamburro and Mike Hiestand with FIRE, a national organization that focuses on campus free speech issues, in FIRE Letter to VMI.

“VMI’s cumulative acts seeking to bend the paper to administrative pressure and interfering with its staff’s activities squarely contradict the Institute’s obligations under the First Amendment, which demands that VMI respect the editorial independence of The Cadet,” FIRE said.

VMI spokesman Bill Wyatt said that FIRE did not fact-check the allegations with VMI contained in the letter before sending it. “They’re taking Bob Morris’ word as gospel,” he said, referring to VMI alumnus Bob Morris, who advises the newspaper and heads the foundation that supports it financially. VMI is working on a response, he added.

Correction: The original version of this story said that FIRE did not fact-check the allegations in the story. It has been corrected to say that FIRE did not fact-check with VMI.

The FIRE letter comes at a tumultuous time for the administration of Superintendent Cedric T. Wins, who has been enacting sweeping changes to the culture of the military institute in the wake of charges of “relentless racism” by The Washington Post and findings of racism by an outside study commissioned by former Governor Ralph Northam. VMI has distanced itself from its Confederate heritage, made changes to the Honor Code drum-out ceremony,  and implemented Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training. Dissenting alumni have campaigned to roll back reforms they believe threaten the integrity of the Honor Code, Rat Line, and other traditions that define the VMI experience.

Against this backdrop of controversy, first-year enrollment at VMI plummeted by 25% this year. At a Board of Visitors meeting Tuesday, Wins blamed a trend of falling college enrollment nationally, a “VMI brand reputation tarnished in various media outlets,” and “ideological differences among a divided alumni base.”

The Cadet operated as a student-run newspaper at VMI from 1907 until 2016. A group of students and alumni revived The Cadet in 2021, publishing at least two editions each month with support from The Cadet Foundation, a nonprofit corporation created to support The Cadet. The foundation is headed by Bob Morris, a retired army colonel who has played an active role in combating what he considers the libeling of the Institute. According to FIRE, “the newspaper’s student staff members hold exclusive editorial control over the decisions and content of the paper.”

The VMI Alumni Agencies have openly disavowed the newspaper. In a May 2021 statement, the organization charged that “a single alumnus was the driving force behind this publication.” It also stated (in bold face), “The Cadet newspaper is in no way affiliated with or authorized by the Virginia Military Institute, the Corps of Cadets, or the VMI Alumni Agencies.”

Most Cadet articles focus on student activities, but a few articles have been critical of the VMI administration. The administration has pushed back aggressively. States the FIRE letter:

The Cadet has on several occasions faced intimidation from VMI administrators to publish content more flattering to the college. On July 2o, 2o21, several Cadet staff and alumnus mentor Colonel Bob Morris met with you (Commandant Bogart) to present a plan for The Cadet’s operations for the upcoming academic year. During this meeting, you voiced disapproval of the paper’s content, including a survey on faculty wearing military uniforms, and asked the paper not to report anything that would challenge Washington Post journalist Ian Shapira’s coverage of racism and sexual assault at VMI. You also recommended the paper report on initiatives implemented by your office and suggested doing so would boost the paper’s circulation. Further communication with VMI administrators suggested that requested administrative support for the paper’s distribution would be available only if The Cadet were to publish content that “aligns with VMI’s initiatives.”

This spring, Cadet editors faced pressure to publish an op-ed from the VMI administration refuting an article the paper ran about the Institute’s counseling center. Following criticism from administrators about the piece, Cadet editors maintained the reporting in the paper was accurate but entertained the option of publishing VMI”s response. On April 28, Colonel Bill Wyatt, VMI Director of Communications & Marketing, emailed The Cadet’s then-editor-in-chief James Mansfield urging him to publish the op-ed in full. … [Wyatt] suggested the reporters were acting unethically, even invoking a recent suicide, to pressure The Cadet to publish VMI’s statement. …

The FIRE letter also cites multiple instances in which VMI staff interfered with the distribution of the student newspaper, including one in which copies of the newspaper were removed from a location in front of the barracks after a graduation ceremony and placed in a box of discarded books.

In a meeting with Cadet staff, VMI General Counsel Patrick O’Leary “largely refused to acknowledge the paper as student-run, instead erroneously maintaining it was an alumni-run paper,” states the FIRE letter. “O’Leary later doubled down on this assertion in an October 26, 2021 letter to Cadet Foundation Secretary Debora Hansen, in which he said VMI’s administration would not recognize The Cadet as it currently operates.”

FIRE continued: “A capper came on February 3, 2022, when VMI’s Office of the Chief of Staff denied on the Institute’s website that The Cadet, as of 2021, was a continuation of the historical paper and accused it of being alumni-run.”

“The influence VMI has exerted over The Cadet with regard to its distribution, content, and operations reflects a serious intrusion on the the newspaper’s independence,” FIRE said. “While your administration has stated its intention is not to control the content of The Cadet, the current pattern of unconstitutional overreach into the paper’s dealings demonstrates otherwise.”

The letter calls upon VMI to provide the same “support and accommodations” due other student groups, and to refrain from “unduly pressuring” The Cadet to alter its editorial content.

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26 responses to “FIRE to VMI: Hands Off the Independent Student Newspaper”

  1. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    How ironical. BR constantly talks about the “honor” at VMI and now it seems the admin types are dictating coverage al la Stalin.And these people want to mold future military and other leaders to protect “American” values?

    1. I generally agree with you, but as M. Purdy points out, the issue is more with ‘who’ and ‘why’ than the ‘what’. There was a cadet newspaper when I was there about 10yrs ago and no one in admin had an issue with it. The problem with the new paper is that it was created by a cantankerous alum upset at the changes to attack the school and its new leaders, he’s basically using the cadets as a cover to criticize the school.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Does that include lying, cheating, stealing or just tolerating one who does? Maybe misrepresentation and innuendo doesn’t count?

    2. I generally agree with you, but as M. Purdy points out, the issue is more with ‘who’ and ‘why’ than the ‘what’. There was a cadet newspaper when I was there about 10yrs ago and no one in admin had an issue with it. The problem with the new paper is that it was created by a cantankerous alum upset at the changes to attack the school and its new leaders, he’s basically using the cadets as a cover to criticize the school.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    It seems like Superintendent Cedric T. Wins wants a more liberal, open school but he and his administration don’t want the “baggage” that comes with it, namely a free press. For example, ” … and asked the paper not to report anything that would challenge Washington Post journalist Ian Shapira’s coverage of racism and sexual assault at VMI.”

    Heaven forbid anybody criticize Shapira. I guess he’s the new source of all truth at the new, woke, floundering ( first-year enrollment at VMI plummeted by 25% this year) VMI.

    Sounds like Wins is just another legacy of the Northam Administration that needs to be undone.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I plan to send the Cadet newspaper a donation. I spoke with Bob Morris this afternoon. He seems to be a reasonable and passionate alum. The hardships that the editorial staff has to endure have not deterred the students. I admire their dedication and perseverance.

  4. You may also want to mention that the guy who resurrected the paper and today spoke at the BOV meeting about the FIRE letter is also the guy suing the school for improper award of its DEI contract. He’s also the guy who sued the state for improper award of the investigation contract a couple years back. Seems like relevant context as to the merit of his claims.

    1. William Respess Avatar
      William Respess

      I fail to see the relevance of the fact that a mentor to the “Cadet” newspaper spoke about the claims made by FIRE is significant to whether those claims are legitimate. FIRE had a national reputation and following; comes to the defense of students and student organizations whose constitutional rights are violated; and does no business with the mentor. Why would it risk its reputation by pursing a bogus claim concerning the newspaper.
      According to the article in the Roanoke Star, concerning the lawsuit brought by a company owned by Col. Morris, the suit is abou wholesale violations of Virginia procurement policy with respect to a VMI contract his company was seeking to win. Isn’t it even more likely that VMI was pursuing an attack on the newspaper to punish Col. Morris for assistance he was providing the newspaper during the early days of its resurrection. Just a thought for those who try to see both sides of an issue before following their prejudices.

      1. The fact that **you** fail to see the relevance doesn’t mean that it’s not relevant. Bob Morris is accused of having editorial control, at least partially, over the paper. Having myself submitted an opinion to the paper and being told to “talk to Bob Morris,” it seems like there may be some possible validity to that claim. The paper has also been criticizing DEI implementation and various other aspects of the current administration, which Bob himself has also made on his website. Bob is also suing the school via CAI due to an alleged procurement violation, though his own website touting the lawsuit makes substantially the same arguments as the paper about DEI. Coincidence? COI? No idea, but let readers decide about that potential by disclosing these details.

        1. William Respess Avatar
          William Respess

          When I replied to Mr. Purdy’s initial comment, I tried to avoid ad hominem attacks. I didn’t even use the word “you.” I did that partly in the hope that, if my comment drew disagreement, it would be thoughtfully rebutted. Not unsurprisingly, that was a futile effort. Without going into all of the assertions Mr. Purdy makes in both of his contributions regarding the involvement of Col. Morris, I asked the simple question why an organization like FIRE, an organization with a national reputation for integrity far exceeding that of persons who seek a moment of attention in this forum by attacking the motives of a person who comments on these pages rather than responding to the substance of his or her thoughts, would put its (FIRE’s) reputation at risk by slavishly adopting a scenario painted by the corrupt Col. Morris described by Mr. Purdy. Regrettably, Mr. Purdy didn’t or couldn’t take the time to consider the central point of my comment. i.e. the question I asked. More likely, he couldn’t summon a substantive response. At any rate, I shall continue to wait for a thoughtful response to my question. And. if necessary. I am willing to absorb all of the invective that the proponent can muster in order to get that response if that is the catalyst necessary for the respondent to be moved to engage in a dialogue.

          1. What ad hominem? You said “I fail to see…” and I said, just because “you fail to see…” doesn’t mean it’s not relevant. That’s not an attack, that’s a statement that you’re applying the wrong standard (yourself as opposed to the reader). FIRE is a third party organization that sent a threatening letter to VMI. They were not witnesses to the events. They’ve “taken the case” (so to speak) from The Cadet. The Cadet Foundation is registered in Bob Morris’ name. He’s the person who spoke today at the BOV meeting about the FIRE letter. He’s also suing the school via CAI. If you were a finder of fact, would these facts to be relevant to evaluating the legitimacy of The Cadet’s accusation, as made by FIRE? The obvious answer is yes. It’s relevant. It speaks to potential conflicts of interest and ulterior motives, probative value w/r/t the validity of the claims. Would you not agree, in your lawyerly judgment?

          2. William Respess Avatar
            William Respess

            You still didn’t answer my question. But you are right that FIRE did not witness in person the events relating to the constitutional claim. What caused you to conclude that eyewitness testimony is all the evidence there is. Demeanor, documents maybe, reputation for credibility, etc.?

          3. No no, that wasn’t my point. My point is that FIRE has to take someone’s word for it, i.e. Bob Morris and the cadets who work for The Cadet. If you can show bias, ulterior motives, conflicts of interest as to their accusations, those have probative value. Hence, Bob’s ties to other litigation against the school and his avowed stance on ending DEI at the school are relevant facts. They should have been included in this post in fact.

          4. sal vitale Avatar

            At VMI someone’s word was golden unless you were tarnished by the goings on the dis honorable court activities and cadets of the mid to late 90’s . You were there weren’t you? So why isn’t an alumnus word acceptable to you ?

          5. VMI’s honor system is an irrelevant standard to journalism or a court. If FIRE decides to sue, expect to be cross-examined with the facts that were omitted in the post brought up in court. I don’t know who’s got the better case, but I do know that there were relevant facts missing from this post.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well of course. What use are facts to a good BR bashing of the VMI (or UVa) administration?

            It’s too bad I can’t scrub my display (CRT?) with Pepsodent before reading one of these articles.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            But, you don’t know.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    We DO KNOW that the following is true? ” States the FIRE letter:

    The Cadet has on several occasions faced intimidation from VMI administrators to publish content more flattering to the college. On July 2o, 2o21, several Cadet staff and alumnus mentor Colonel Bob Morris met with you (Commandant Bogart) to present a plan for The Cadet’s operations for the upcoming academic year. During this meeting, you voiced disapproval of the paper’s content, including a survey on faculty wearing military uniforms, and asked the paper not to report anything that would challenge Washington Post journalist Ian Shapira’s coverage of racism and sexual assault at VMI.”

    That “meeting” happened more than a year ago and do we have any real way to confirm what FREE is alleging in terms of specific words or who said them?

    1. I don’t think we know. It’s an allegation that the other side will dispute.

  6. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    It’s a big deal when FIRE gets involved. Might want to link this story to the top page for a day or two.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hey! All for freewheeling student publications, in all schools, and the staff should never face censorsip/censure. HOWEVER as a student publication, they are obliged to publish an unedited rebuttal from the administration. Failure to do so is then open to discipline. The school gets the last word. We wait with baited breath.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Actually, not a bad editorial policy. The administration should be able to present their views.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The Cadet operated as a student-run newspaper at VMI from 1907 until 2016. A group of students and alumni revived The Cadet in 2021, publishing at least two editions each month with support from The Cadet Foundation, a nonprofit corporation created to support The Cadet. The foundation is headed by Bob Morris, a retired army colonel who has played an active role in combating what he considers the libeling of the Institute. According to FIRE, “the newspaper’s student staff members hold exclusive editorial control over the decisions and content of the paper.””

    You all smelling that too…?

    1. He was just on the right-wing john reid show this AM throwing more bombs at VMI’s administration. He’s clearly upset.

  9. Jake Spivey Avatar
    Jake Spivey

    I wrote for The Cadet, early 80s. We skewered everybody back then. The Supt, the Commandants (both of them, who later became my close friends), the Deputy Commandant (a lot; who was our guest of honor at our 25th reunion), faculty, staff, coaches, you name it. We found lots to write about, talked it over endlessly “is this too harsh, unfair, etc.” and then spent late nights writing and piecing copy together for Friday’s issue.
    Kurt Iversen was our Editor-in-Chief and he had our back. RIP Kurt.
    We were a fun-loving, ingeniously creative bunch. We were witty and clever. Alas, we weren’t quite the UVA Pep Band (70s & 80s era; those guys and gals ROCKED!) but, in print we were darn close. And ya’ know what? Everyone loved it. Stories or cartoons, it didn’t matter. The Superintendent, both Commandants, LTC Wilcockson (Dep. Cmdnt), even the professors we mocked (because they had their quirks, but were fair, honest, diligent, and demanding that we know and understand the material they were teaching us). They all “got it”.
    It’s a college newspaper with a circulation of what, maybe, maybe!, a few thousand printed issues and online subscriptions combined. No one is setting the journalistic world on fire (pun) in Lexington, VA.
    My BR, the Supt. and the current Cmdnt, who were both cadets in the timeframe I describe, need to reflect on that.
    As “Brandon” says, “Come on man!”

    PS: Mornings with John Reid is not “right-wing.” If Democrat politicians and liberal-progressive individuals don’t want to do on air interviews that’s not Reid’s fault and does not make his show “right-wing.” FYI – Ian Shapira did an interview with Reid, way back when. I thought it balanced and even-keeled. Reid podcasts all his interviews so I know it can be researched and listened to.
    I will submit that Reid does frequently cut his interviews short (wastes a lot on introduction time). Morris sounded (to me) less angry, and more like someone trying to talk/explain about a lot of information in a very small interview timeframe.
    (And Reid was in Iceland. It might have been better if they both had been in the studio.)

    1. Jake, I share your admiration for The Cadet. It was a really cool and important institution on Post. Some of my happiest memories are hanging out in the newspaper offices away from any administrative oversight. And yes, Iverson was one of the absolute best, RIP. The current admin. would do well to tread lightly with the new Cadet for all sorts of reasons, including the First Amendment. However, being “sanctioned” by the school with permits and the like is a different matter, esp. if (as its alleged) the Cadet is a vector for one group of alumni’s criticism of the current administration. (Mind you, there are a lot of FA concerns there as well…)

      As for John Reid, he’s certainly right wing. He’s not totally unfair w/r/t other points of view (though at times, he ventures in that direction), but this is a guy who said he’d rather hire a Klansman than a DEI professional (I wonder how his hiring search is going….) He encourages Youngkin to fire everyone appointed by the last administration in higher education–a great recipe for totally politicizing our colleges and universities. He harangues endlessly on white victimhood and Trump’s innocence. In any event, he’s part of *this* echo chamber, and it’s a relatively small one. If the efforts at roll back the tide at VMI get traction here and on John Reid, I can assure you that it’s doing just the opposite outside of that bubble.

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