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Fifteen Months Later and Still No Answers on the Bijan Ghaisar Killing

[youtube]463 days.

 November 17, 2017 was the date that U.S. Park Police gunned down / assassinated Bijan Ghaisar on a street in Fairfax County. That was 463 days ago.  n all that time there has been no comment from the U.S. Park Police or the FBI (assigned to investigate the case) regarding this killing.

477 days. That was the total amount of time that elapsed between the discovery of the bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson / Ronald Goldman and the verdict in the OJ Simpson case.

Coverup. Unlike the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman the killing of Bijan Ghaisar was recorded on two Fairfax County Police Department dash cameras. Unlike the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, the killing of Bijan Ghaisar was witnessed by two Fairfax County police officers who did not fire any shots at Ghaisar. It is inconceivable that the Ghaisar investigation should have taken this long considering the amount of unimpeachable evidence involved. It seems clear that when the federal government (FBI / DoJ) investigates the federal government (U.S. Park Police) time is a weapon used in the hope that the public will forget and outrage will subside.

Unaccountable. Politicians from State Senator Scott Surovell, D-Fairfax, to US Representative Don Beyer, D-8th, to U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, have demanded answers from the Park Police and the FBI. Those demands have been pointedly ignored. The bureaucrats of the deep state see no reason to answer to the duly elected representatives of the people.

Adding insult to injury. In an effort to keep the memory of Bijan Ghaisar in the minds of citizens, Ghaisar’s family put up a small sign memorializing the killing of Bijan. The sign was posted on private property near the scene of the killing with the property owner’s permission. That sign was stolen. A larger sign was then erected and chained to the property.  That sign was also stolen.

— Don Rippert



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