Fed-Up Parents Sue Loudoun County School Board

by Donny Ferguson

A liberal school board in suburban Washington, D.C., is now being sued in federal court over an “Action Plan to Combat Systemic Racism” that reports children to officials for any speech that deviates from approved liberal ideology – even at home or after school.

Represented by the Liberty Justice Center, several Loudoun County parents filed a federal lawsuit against the Loudoun School Board for “denying their students equal treatment and violating their right to free speech,” the Center reports.

“The parents say the children will be discriminated against for simply expressing their opinion, or worse, for the color of their skin,” the Center notes.

The school previously made national headlines for covering up two in-school rapes and transferring the alleged offender without notifying parents, as well as a scheme in which a group of liberal activists, including a School Board member, stalked and monitored parents who criticized the board’s liberal direction – including efforts to have critics fired from their jobs and a discussion of whether to hire hackers to break into critics’ email accounts.

In June 2020, Loudoun County Public Schools announced what they called an “Action Plan to Combat Systemic Racism.”

The plan created what was called a “Student Equity Ambassador” scheme, in which students were urged to monitor the speech of their fellow students and report to school officials any speech or action that deviated from radical leftist teachings on race, gender, and sexual orientation.

Students were urged to report speech of other children to “ambassadors,” even if it occurred after school or off-campus.  Originally, white students were not eligible to be named “ambassadors.”

“Not only are Loudoun school leaders telling students what they can and can’t say, they are imposing controversial political views on students and punishing those who don’t agree,” said Daniel Suhr, senior attorney at the Liberty Justice Center. “Loudoun County’s policies are extreme and divisive. Every student has a right to express his or her views and to engage in a respectful, robust conversation about real issues without fear of retribution.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of  The Republican Standard. It first appeared in American Liberty News.

Republished here with permission from The Republican Standard. 

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21 responses to “Fed-Up Parents Sue Loudoun County School Board”

  1. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    Must have been disappointing to all of those white kids that grew up with the dream of becoming a Student Equity Ambassador.

    1. That’s some mighty good snark, sir. I commend you.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        pretty low hanging fruit… 😉 but yes

  2. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    Stalin and Mao would be very proud of Loudoun County Public Schools

    1. Just wait till they issue students a “Little Red Book”.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If it makes it so far, it will be interesting to watch Roberts contort himself into a pretzel should he decide to affirm the parent’s position.

    1. Why? And I’m being serious here. What has he done or said or written which would run counter to determining that this policy is unconstitutional?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        To the best of my knowledge (not exactly encyclopedic) Roberts has come down 4-square on the side of schools and school boards to monitor and discipline “disruptive behaviors and speech” both on and off school property when the school is involved, e.g., promoting drug usage, hate speech, even suggestive 2nd Amendment stuff like tee shirts “Kill ‘em all, let God sort it out”.

        The one exception was a narrow decision involving an online profanity ladened tirade about the school by a cheerleader and he sided with the girl that profanity is protected. Funny given the F-UVa girl. Roberts would have clearly sided with the student and not, oh say, a BoV member with a paint scraper.

        1. Thanks.

          Disruptive behavior is one thing but I am disappointed in him if he came down against students’ free speech- especially off school property.

          By the way, “Kill ‘em all, let God sort it out” tee-shirts may be worn by some pro-2nd amendment people, but the shirts themselves are not a pro-2nd amendment statement. Most of the people I’ve seen wearing shirts like that can best be described as “Chairborne Rangers”.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s the first thing that came to mind. It’s was gun oriented, especially if it has an AK on it.

            But no, the SCOTUS has come down on “free speech” in K-12 and often. Remember, the schools (for better or worse) are surrogates when the kids are on campus, and the things like anti-bullying carry to online because it often involves their other charges, e.g., fights at the bus stops too.

          2. I do understand, and can be convinced to support, some restrictions on the free speech of K-12 children at school. I am less likely to support such restrictions when they are away from school.

            Also, I think free speech restrictions should be lessened as kids transition from elementary to middle to high school – as they grow closer and closer to being adults.

            I don’t consider any kind of bullying to be a free speech issue. Harassing and threatening others should be illegal no matter what age a person is.

            Finally, I have no problem classifying “at the bus stop” a subset of “at school”. In fact, from personal experience, I know it was considered as such when I was in the seventh grade.

          3. My recollection is that they were popular with Marines during the Viet Nam unpleasantness. There was also a Lt. Calley version, but that was a different message, less favoring war crimes.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Another Loudoun County FAIL.

    If you go to any little league football game and listen to how Black teammates speak to each other you are going to hear the N-word. A lot. Would the Loudoun student ambassadors report that? What if a White kid said the same thing to a Black teammate? What if he said it to a White teammate?

    It sounds like it’s about time to get the Don’t Loudoun Fairfax bumper stickers ready.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      “It sounds like it’s about time to get the Don’t Loudoun Fairfax bumper stickers ready.”

      Too late for that. At best, the November elections will produce a few squeaky wheels of dissent.

    2. It sounds like it’s about time to get the Don’t Loudoun Fairfax bumper stickers ready.

      I see what you did there.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Are you asking why white kids can’t use the N-word like black kids can?

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    I assume they haven’t had to ban 1984 or Animal Farm from the school libraries because the people who run the schools would not DARE stock them, wouldn’t let any child read them and recognize the world in which they now live….

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I think only Ayn is banned here… jk, I can assure you all are available to those interested….

  6. Students were urged to report speech of other children to “ambassadors,” even if it occurred after school or off-campus.

    One need only read Orlando Figes’ book The Whisperers to know what happens when government follows that path.

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    A new Loudoun County private school opened this week. Instantly filled to the 500 student capacity. I wonder why?

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