Fear and Loathing in Harrisonburg

by Joe Fitzgerald

Fifteen months ago, I wrote the following about last year’s Harrisonburg City Council elections:

We need people, independent or party, who value pragmatism over ideology. And we need people who know the difference between pragmatism and cynicism, and the difference between opportunity and opportunism. This would be the year for people who are concerned, in the words of an ancient Greek poet, about what is right and good for their city, and are willing to sacrifice the time, treasure, and energy to work for those concerns.

The Harrisonburg Democratic Committee reacted by kicking me off a database I’d been using to help candidates for 20 years, and continued a nomination process marked by two deeply flawed caucuses. The year ended with a council dominated by ideological opportunists. (The reference to the database is thrown in to highlight absurdity; you get it or you don’t.)

Next year three out of five City Council members will be on the ballot. Mayor Reed, elected eight years ago as “Everywoman,” has since grown to become the moral center of the council. The other two are a man with the personal behavior of a person half his age and a woman who, in the immortal words of Jed Bartlett, has turned being un-engaged into a Zen-like thing.

In that same West Wing scene, Bartlett says, “We should have a great debate. We owe it to everyone.” Wouldn’t it be pretty to think so?

There is a class of people in the city, from the serious to the absurdist, who have managed to keep up with or remain engaged in local politics even with the diminution of local journalism. Many would probably like to see that great debate about the city’s future. Right now they’re asking questions like “What are the Democrats going to do?” and “Will the Republicans run anybody?”

The follow-up questions might include “Which Democrats?” The 300 or so people who thought they were participating in legitimate caucuses last year? The 13,000 or so who’ll vote for the Democratic nominee for president? The two dozen who show up for a committee meeting? It’s hard to say.

“Which Republicans?” The committee that hasn’t nominated a successful city council candidate since 2014? The 7,000 or so who’ll vote for the Republican nominee next year, even if it’s Trump? Maybe the ones going door to door saying School Board members are grooming children?

Just as local journalism has shrunk, so have the local parties. When people wonder what the party committees will do, they’re like the joke about the man falling from a cliff who grabs a thin branch and prays, “Is there anybody up there?” When a voice from the mist says to have faith and let go of the branch, the man asks, “Is there anybody else up there?”

The catch in local politics is there’s nobody else up there. Thomas Edsall writing in The New York Times tells us, “there is something else hurting cities besides those well-known phenomena that we don’t talk about enough: the erosion of the local establishment and the loss of civic and corporate elites.” Here as elsewhere, “elites” has become a term of derision for some, to the extent that elitism has joined the other “isms” thrown around in dismissive and derisive terms. The idea that somebody somewhere can’t be better than someone else at something is part of giving us the government we deserve.

Somebody somewhere in Harrisonburg needs to think about the future of the city in terms of pragmatic, workable solutions to worsening problems, and about leadership driven not by ideology and opportunism but by civic duty.

Joe Fitzgerald is a former mayor of Harrisonburg.

Republished with permission from Still Not Sleeping.

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23 responses to “Fear and Loathing in Harrisonburg”

  1. “Somebody somewhere in Harrisonburg needs to think about the future of the city in terms of pragmatic, workable solutions to worsening problems, and about leadership driven not by ideology and opportunism but by civic duty.”

    Then run for office yourself. Or maybe that’s what the article is leading up to.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      He has already put in his time. He was mayor several years ago.

      1. I am aware, as it says that at the end of each and every article authored by him on BR. Just sounded like he was setting the foundation for another run.

        If my research is correct, he’s only 67. That’s middle age for politicians these days.

    2. Joseph Fitzgerald Avatar
      Joseph Fitzgerald

      Call me Sherman.

      1. Okay. Thanks for the reply.

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Wonderful article. The situation in Harrisonburg is not unique. The amount of information available about local politics, never plentiful, is less than ever. I had to find a sample ballot on the internet to learn that there is a contest in my district for a seat on the Board of Supervisors. The Richmond Times-Dispatch had an article in June about the primaries, but no follow-up on who won and who is running. There were articles on the local public radio and a local county newspaper about a recent candidate forum on environmental issues. Other than that, nothing. As far as a public debate among candidates about the future direction of Henrico, forget it.

    1. “The situation in Harrisonburg is not unique. The amount of information available about local politics, never plentiful, is less than ever.”

      I do think there’s a need for local reporting, particularly election related issues and candidates. I would love to find a reliable source that isn’t solely hard left or hard right. (BR is helpful but not comprehensive.)

      Richmond Times-Dispatch has itself been dispatched to parts unknown in this regard.

  3. Fear and Loathing in Harrisonburg?

    Mr. Fitzgerald, are you, perchance, thinking about running for office on the “Freak Power” ticket?

    1. Joseph Fitzgerald Avatar
      Joseph Fitzgerald

      Bacon’s headline, not mine.

      1. In that case you might not know what I was referring to.

        1. Joseph Fitzgerald Avatar
          Joseph Fitzgerald

          I speak Gonzo.

          1. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”

            from The Proud Highway, by HST

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    We still have largely non-partisan elections in Fredericksburg. And Spotsylvania has shifted from a more partisan BOS to a less partisan one with 3 fairly partisan GOP types leaving and getting replaced by less partisan individuals. Our school board was taken over by some fairly partisan types last election but this election may well dislodge some and in turn, the Conservative majority. We’ll see. The county votes GOP on State and Federal elections.

    1. So, conservatives are partisan, but leftist wing nuts are just fine. Got it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        what leftist wingnuts? Not on the BOS and not on the SB… it’s in the minds of the far right folks.. who NOW look at the SAME folks who have been on the BOS and SB for years and NOW call them “left wingnuts”. Talk about revising history!

        1. My comment was a response to your comment, not about anyone serving in office of either party.

          You decry partisanship, with a comment that is 100 percent partisan.

          1. Maybe you don’t understand.

            You are being partisan when you take any position that “progressives” disagree with.
            Only when you are in 100% lock-step with “progressive” positions, will you be considered non-partisan…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. It’s PARTISAN when people who have been elected to the school board and doing their work for years is now accused of “grooming” and such when they’re not doing anything different than they have been and it was not “grooming” to begin with.

            accusing people of wrong behavior when they’re not doing it and never have is partisan.

          3. accusing people of wrong behavior when they’re not doing it and never have is partisan.

            If you truly believe that, then how in the world can you defend “bias reporting systems”?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            do you think there is no legitimacy at all to noting bullying and other behaviors? The Rolling Stones guy? Wrong to “report” his words and then take action against him?’

          5. do you think there is no legitimacy at all to noting bullying and other behaviors?

            Dear Mr. All-or-Nothing:

            First, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a private entity. They can do whatever the heck they want.

            Second, I have no problem making efforts and adopting policies aimed at stopping bullying and harassment. But have you read any of these “bias reporting system” policies?

            For example: the Va Tech bias reporting policy does mention the possibility that the accused person might not be guilty.

            A situation in which a person is the victim of a false accusation, and a list of procedures for dealing with that situation, should be fully addressed in the policy.

            It is not even mentioned.

            If you think that is okay then you and I are just going to have to agree to disagree.

          6. do you think there is no legitimacy at all to noting bullying and other behaviors?

            Dear Mr. All-or-Nothing:

            First, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a private entity. They can do whatever the heck they want.

            Second, I have no problem making efforts and adopting policies aimed at stopping bullying and harassment. But have you read any of these “bias reporting system” policies?

            For example: the Va Tech bias reporting policy does mention the possibility that the accused person might not be guilty.

            A situation in which a person is the victim of a false accusation, and a list of procedures for dealing with that situation, should be fully addressed in the policy.

            It is not even mentioned.

            If you think that is okay then you and I are just going to have to agree to disagree.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            both sides can be partisan , they are not necessarily partisan if they are just doing their jobs even if the other side claims otherwise – which is partisan.

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