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Fast and Furious

The Fast and the Furious, starring Vin Diesel as Sean Connaughton, Paul Walker as Tony Kinn and Jordana Brewster as Thelma Drake.

by James A. Bacon

The public-private partnership deals are coming fast and furious. The McDonnell administration announced a new one today, a $940 million agreement in principle with Fluor-Transurban to build, operate and maintain a 29-mile HOT/HOV lane project on Interstate 95 from the Springfield Bypass to Stafford County.

“With HOT lanes on both the Beltway and I-95, we will create a region-wide network of managed lanes that will enable travelers to get to and from some of Virginia’s most employment centers and military sites,” said Transportation Secretary Sean T. Connaughton in a prepared statement.

Highlights of the project include:

The project will generate revenue by charging single-occupancy vehicles for using the HOT lane; traffic volume will be regulated to ensure minimum travel speeds. The price will vary according by time of day, fluctuating with demand.

The commonwealth will contribute $97 million to the project. Fluor-Transurban will pay for the rest. The consortium will have a 73-year franchise.

The statement provided no details on what toll rates are expected. Connaughton undoubtedly will provide details in a media briefing this afternoon, but I will be on the road to Norfolk, where I will attend the Virginia Transportation Conference tomorrow. Although I-95 HOT lanes are not on the schedule of events, I would be surprised if the topic doesn’t come up for discussion.

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