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Family Vacation: Disney World

We have finally gotten Internet service restored to our condo here in Orlando, so I can drop in from afar and observe how the Rebellion is faring. Thanks to EMR for keeping the blog alive — and especially for giving Pat McSweeney’s legal victory the attention it was due.

Although the overt purpose of the Bacon family trip to Disney World is to ride a bunch of hurl-inducing rides, listen to live performances of Disney tunes we’ve already heard a zillion times, engorge ourselves on fried food and open up our pockets to giant vacuum cleaners calibrated to suck out every dollar bill, dime, nickel and penny, my secret agenda is to study human settlement patterns.

Here’s my verdict: Orlando is a mess. If you ever visit Disney, stay on the Disney property. You do not want to contend with Florida-style dysfunctional human settlement patterns. Frankly, I have seen little edifying enough here in Orlando to write about.

But the good news is, we stopped in Savannah, Ga., on the way down — and Savannah is an urban jewel. I will have a lot to say about Savannah later on.

Indeed, if we ever head down this way again, I am determined to stay in Savannah and let the rest of the family down drive down to Orlando without me. As long as my wife can tune into National Public Radio and the kids have movies to watch, no one will even notice I’m not in the car. Somewhere around St. Augustine, someone will go, “Hey, what happened to Dad? Who’s going to pump the gas?” But it will be too late. I’ll be strolling around the city that inspired “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.”


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