Fairfax’s Un-Affordable Housing Program

by Arthur Purves

If you live in Fairfax County and are over 50, you may have received from the county a five-page 120-question survey to “…inform the county’s … Future Aging Plan.” Here’s the Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance Future Aging Plan: stop taxing us out of our homes.

For 20 years, county supervisors have been increasing real estate taxes three times faster than household income. Real estate taxes are the supervisors’ “Unaffordable Housing Program.” The supervisors do have an “Affordable Housing Program,” but with a waiting list so long that they’re afraid to disclose it. Their Unaffordable Housing Program, however, has no waiting list: Homeowners get a tax hike July 28.

Assessments increased almost 10%. Many people think that if assessments increase, real estate taxes must increase, too. This is false. Supervisors can prevent a tax hike by lowering the tax rate 10 cents. However, if they keep the rate unchanged, they get an extra $250 million. That’s a quarter of billion dollars.

The supervisors want that money to give 37,000 county and school employees 6% and 7% raises, because of “recruitment and retention issues.” For the past two decades the average raises for all county and school employees have been higher than inflation. Most employees would probably lose pay and benefits if they went to the private sector.

Except for police, the supervisors have provided no data about retention. What’s the impact of mask and vaccine mandates? Administrivia? Or, in the schools, student behavior? What’s the impact of the anti-police rhetoric?

What do our taxes buy us?

A county administration that cannot attract business: commercial real estate tax revenues are stagnant.

A school system that, because of its flawed reading and arithmetic curriculum, provides no upward mobility for low-income children and mediocre achievement for whites.

A school system that uses history to attack the Constitution. As Governor Youngkin has repeatedly said, we need to teach honest history. But the goal of CRT is to dissolve the Senate, end the electoral college, and become a pure democracy. Pure democracy leads to tyranny. Vladimir Putin was elected president by a 71% majority. Hitler and Mussolini’s parties won popular elections. Is that what we want from our taxes?

To prevent a tax increase the supervisors can lower the real estate rate by 10 cents. We predict they’ll lower it by only 5 cents.

The supervisors have provided no evidence to back up their claim that recruitment and retention justify a quarter of a billion dollars of raises. Until they do, the Taxpayers Alliance recommends that the supervisors lower the tax rate 10 cents.

Also, union contributions to supervisor political campaigns are a conflict of interest, as unions sit on both sides of the bargaining table. We therefore recommend an end to union contributions to supervisor political campaigns.

Arthur G. Purves is president of the Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance.

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45 responses to “Fairfax’s Un-Affordable Housing Program”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    There is a remedy for your complaints–the ballot box.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Or the moving van…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Or facts…

      2. tmtfairfax Avatar

        Indeed, the movers are loading our things on the van as I type.

        Fairfax County’s biggest problem is that it tries to be all things to all people. It never takes a look at defunding what doesn’t work or finding serious efficiencies. It maintains two supplemental pension plans but cannot afford raises to attract and keep young teachers and public safety employees. Library and park budgets, most especially park maintenance, are wanting.

        Ever increasing property taxes make housing less affordable. They regularly increase much faster than increases in residents’ incomes. And we have a larger percentage of lower income workers than we did 20 years ago. Uncontrolled spending makes housing less affordable for many people.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          But I bet you made bang when you sold your place, eh…?? The suburbs are always in a state of flux… people moving in… people moving out…. Property values appreciate because of jobs and schools… taxes tend to be high… pretty much everything in a nutshell…

          1. tmtfairfax Avatar

            Bigger house in NC. First look at tax bill will be around 50-60% of Fairfax County and that covers two local governments. County and town.

            Assuming we get the high end of the range, our realtor suggests, our appreciation since 2008 will be about 27% but our taxes increased from 2008 to 2021 (the new tax rate for 2022 hasn’t been set yet) was 68%. Our house is not cheap, but it is far from the top brackets.

            There is no way that services provided by the County, including schools, population growth or inflation justifies the increase in taxes. And keep in mind that tax increases for lower-priced townhouses and condos likely jumped by a much higher percentage on average.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Fairfax and Loudoun price is all about Proximity. When Arlington became tapped out it just spider’ out as the Fed and the never ending list of lobbyist has grown.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Isn’t Prince Williams real estate tax rate the same or higher?

        2. I am happy for you that you are finally able to move to a better place. I enjoy reading your contributions to Bacons Rebellion and I wish you all the best.

          Will you be keeping in touch with BR at your new location or do you need to purge your life of all things Virginia?

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        we get them down in Fredericksburg. They sell their NoVa house for big bucks, spend 1/2 on a new house and pocket the other half! Trouble is, they drive like NoVa folks do…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Now, what difference how they drive when all the faster they can go is 10 MPH?

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            You’ve been on Route 3 in Spotsyltucky, I take it?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            several times a week, yes. And 208 also, know that one?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh, no. They have strategies for that….. 😉

            and whoa to you if you do not keep watch on your passenger side mirror… and/or
            allow more than a few feet between you and the car in front with NoVa guy moving up on the right – looking to cut……

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            What, driving on the sidewalk or the shoulder? Err, wait…this is Virginia…most roads don’t have those.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well no. NoVa drivers don’t know what ‘stay in your lane” means… or don’t care…
            If you look to allow a little safety distance for the car in front, they will abuse you in a heartbeat.

          6. how_it_works Avatar

            If it makes you feel better to claim that NoVA drivers are any worse than any other drivers, so be it.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            we didn’t used to have that problem down this way but I was used to it when I went to Nova. Now, we have become NoVa with respect to driving behaviors. QED.

          8. how_it_works Avatar

            Did it ever occur to you that maybe the problem is actually caused by building a bunch of houses without concurrent upgrades to the roads?

            Of course not, you’re a Virginian.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            how do you “upgrade” roads that have existing residential and commercial development on both sides – not only in Virginia?

            But within Va – whether NoVa or Fred – the difference is the WAY that Nova drivers drive. They are aggressive and opportunistic and abuse those who don’t drive as aggressively as them. wise butts they are. It’s how they’re raised! 😉

          10. DJRippert Avatar

            I have bad news for you, Larry … Fredricksburg is NoVa.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            almost….yes… too many have moved down here and royally crapped up the place….

          12. how_it_works Avatar

            What, driving on the sidewalk or the shoulder? Err, wait…this is Virginia…most roads don’t have those.

          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            When I was 16 I drove to Long Island to visit my aunt and uncle. Never mind the fact that NY didn’t recognize Va drivers licenses for under 18, one other BIG difference is they had right turn on red and we didn’t.

            I stop in the right lane at a red light with my turn signal on and never got an opportunity to turn. Half dozen cars went on the shoulder around me and before I could go, the light turned red again.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            I try to give extra deference to cars with out of state plates, older folks, etc but I don’t think too many others do and when I’m in another place, some will see my out-of-state plate and provide some latitude but others are just your typical butts… and give no quarter.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Now, what difference how they drive when all the faster they can go is 10 MPH?

    2. The ballot box : The cause of, and solution to, all of Fairfax County’s problems…

  2. Moderate Avatar

    I am not from Fairfax, but my experience with college students who come from Fairfax indicates that they are among the best prepared, that they have access to resources and opportunities that others can only dream of. What evidence is there to back up the statements about the reading and math program and the history? They don’t represent what I’ve experienced by working with college students who come from Fairfax.

    This reads like a culture battle. It appears to not be backed up by data. We are just tearing communities and the state apart when we perpetuate information like this without justification. Maybe there is justification, but not being from Fairfax, I’ve not seen it.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “It appears to not be backed up by data.”

      What more data do you need than is contained in Mr. Purves’ graph? Real estate taxes are rising much faster than either family income or inflation.

      I am from Fairfax County. I graduated from FCPS. While the schools were good (I graduated in 1977) and remain pretty good they are not increasing in quality by any measure I have ever seen. So, why do taxes have to increase at 3X inflation to maintain (at best) a level of education that has existed for decades?

      1. Moderate Avatar

        I see that the taxes are going up. What I don’t see is data proving that the schools are bad, are teaching the wrong things, etc. I don’t know that most of the tax dollars go to schools.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Yes. Move or vote or both. Consider eliminating the Dillon Rule to permit more local government autonomy to create solutions and respond to the needs of residents. Axes ground by taxpayer grievers like Grover Norquist rarely consider the social and political factors facing jurisdictions. It’s as bad as being beholden to the General Assembly for authority to change a street name.

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      When Virginia last adopted a new constitution (c. 1970), the leaders of the constitutional convention went to leaders of local government asking whether they would like the Dillon Rule weakened or even eliminated. The response was “no.” They liked the protection against residents’ complaints provided by the Dillon Rule. I’ve heard many elected officials over the years justify doing or not doing something because of the Dillon Rule.

      My source is the late Vince Callahan, who was both a member of the constitutional convention and a long-time state delegate.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Vince Callahan was a great Delegate. I was sad to see him retire and sadder yet to hear of his death.

        1970 was 52 years ago. More than half a century. Perhaps the Virginia Constitution needs to be revisited. After all, the current constitution is the seventh in the history of the state. I think it’s time for #8.

        The 1971 constitution was a reaction to the Jim Crow inspired 1902 constitution. The federal government simply wouldn’t allow the kinds of absurdities contained in the 1902 constitution. However, many of the basic concepts of the Byrd Machine were alive and well when the 1971 constitution was written – including a strict adherence to Dillon’s Rule. Now, 52 years later, I think that most, but not all, aspects of the Byrd Machine have fallen out of favor.

        It’s time for Virginia to write its eighth state constitution.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          so… do you want MORE autonomy for NoVa and it’s tax-raising elected? 😉

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Yes, because I believe that’s what the majority of people in NoVa want – even if I don’t agree. Given the ability for white collar job holders to work remotely I suspect the worthies in Fairfax County government are in for a shock as time rolls on. I only hope that the current trends stay in place long enough for me to sell my house in NoVa when my youngest son graduates from high school in about 2 1/2 years. Once that happens – I am joining TMT in making an exit.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Okay, but isn’t the claim that these folks largely do not pay attention to increasing taxes and/or hold the local elected accountable and that’s why we need Richmond to ride herd on them with Dillon and other new bills involving restricting local taxation options?

            Wait, you’re leaving too? NoVa is no longer for you even though you’ve lived there your whole life and you want more autonomy for them?

            Name your reasons, if you will!

            TMT headed to NC – I’m betting after he is there, he’ll see more clearly whether it really is greener pastures or not…

            And you’d be headed to where?

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    so this how you know this is not just about taxes:

    ” A school system that uses history to attack the Constitution. As Governor Youngkin has repeatedly said, we need to teach honest history. But the goal of CRT is to dissolve the Senate, end the electoral college, and become a pure democracy. Pure democracy leads to tyranny. Vladimir Putin was elected president by a 71% majority. Hitler and Mussolini’s parties won popular elections. Is that what we want from our taxes?”

    more grievance blather… ugh…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      If the additional taxes are being used to fund things like CRT then it is relevant. The real question is why taxes are rising three times faster than inflation and three tikes faster than incomes. What is the money being spent on? Where are the results? The point about CRT was just one possible explanation of where the extra money is being spent.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        no…. it was and is a grievance conflation that is typical here in BR from conservative types sometimes.

        it’s something like; ” oh that awful CRT stuff AND high taxes too AND virtue signaling, and leftists…. blah blah blah…

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        extra money for CRT? got some facts or is it more right-wing what-a-bout-ism? The claim is that taxes KEEP going up – that they’ve been going up prior and continue, and CRT is a more recent thing that IMHO is recast White Supremacy to keep the truth about our history suppressed and only allow white-washed history that is not ‘inherently divisive”. IOW – there are TWO sides to slavery – everyone and their dog was doing it so not really just bad on us…. and of course, teaching what we did after we “freed” the slaves – makes white kids feel bad about THEIR ancestors. And gawd forbid that we still have vestiges of racism in our criminal justice system as well as downstream impacts of generations of blacks whose own ancestors were not allowed education, jobs, fair justice, etc.

        It costs about the same to teach history – no matter what you teach – so not really a big budget isssue anyhow except for the partisans who want to make it so.

        Bottom- line – there IS a ballot box – for BOTH budget AND CRT and we actually do see that they both seem to work at the state level – AND at the local level in many parts of RoVa including where I live that now has a 4-3 conservative school board that fired the superintendent without cause and is encouraging others to leave if they’re not on board with their viewpoint. So the ballot box DOES work and it’s sounds really bad to say that while the ballot box “works” all around the state but not in NoVa – well jeeze….

  5. Super Brain Avatar
    Super Brain

    Chesterfield is working hard to be like Fairfax.

    1. In what regard?

      All of the above?

      1. Super Brain Avatar
        Super Brain

        Henrico should rename Short Pump as little Fairfax.

  6. When I finally moved from the ‘Occupied Territories’ and after selling my Centreville house — I had to pay a ‘Commuter Tax’ of several thousand dollars at closing….. I was leaving [not moving in] and no longer commuting in that hell hole…..WTF?

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