Fairfax School Health Aide Allegedly Stole Student’s Adderall

by Asra Q. Nomani

FAIRFAX, Va. –  On Friday, May 27, local father Brett Byrnes, a former military officer, dashed over to his second grade daughter’s elementary school, Greenbriar East Elementary School. The school nurse had just called to say she was out of his second-grade daughter’s dosage of Adderall, a prescription drug used to treat ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Weeks earlier, he had counted out the pills with the school health aide, Jennifer Carpenter, to make sure there was enough medicine to last through the last day of the school year, Friday, June 10. For nine months, since October, the Byrnes parents had been writing back-and-forth with Carpenter, telling her their daughter was reporting that she wasn’t getting her medicine regularly.

She kept reassuring them everything was fine, just hectic with her “kiddos.”

What they uncovered – by being caring, diligent, persistent parents who questioned the system –  is that Carpenter had been allegedly stealing their daughter’s Adderall – a stimulant –  and giving her Claritin, an over-the-counter medication used for allergies.

It was as much a shock to them, as it is to read.

And their daughter wasn’t alone: under the eye of school officials at their otherwise lovely local neighborhood school, where the mascot is the Roadrunner, Carpenter had allegedly stolen medicine from six other children.

It’s any parent’s nightmare: you trust the school system, and even its healthcare providers endanger the safety and wellbeing of your child.

That Friday, within hours of Byrnes’ discovery, county health officials filed a police report with Fairfax County Police Department, and the police opened an investigation, case number 20221470199, with a detective from the Major Crimes Bureau assigned to the case. Fairfax County Child Protective Services also opened an investigation and interviewed students affected by the alleged theft the following week.

But almost two weeks later, Fairfax County Public Schools hasn’t yet notified school or school district parents of this alleged serious crime. And parents of students notified aren’t satisfied with the lack of transparency on the investigation, details of any audits the school completed over the year, or solutions. I learned about this case from a parent.

“It’s truly criminal that medicine has been stolen from children. This is a systemic problem,” Byrne said to me.

‘Covering up’

The mother of  a fourth grader, 10, whose Ritalin, also used for ADHD, was allegedly stolen, told me: “They can’t even find the audit documentation. It seems the school is covering up their failures.”

This case is important because it reflects the growing frustration of parents trying to advocate for the wellbeing and safety of their children, only to be dismissed, demonized as engaging in “domestic terrorism,” and even handcuffed. In Uvalde, Tex., police pepper-sprayed and handcuffed parents who were demanding action to save their children from a gunman. In neighboring Loudoun County, Va., a father, Scott Smith, was arrested after he learned his daughter had been anally raped in the girl’s restroom of her school.

Even a school district the size of Fairfax County – with a $3 billion budget – can’t get it right, raising questions about the sweeping plans for “social and emotional” intervention they seek to roll out for children. At Independent Women’s Network, where I just joined as a senior fellow in the practice of journalism, I heard from parents about this failure, and — when the system fails America’s children — we’ve got to band together to ask the tough questions and hold officials accountable. That’s what we’re aiming to help parents do at Independent Women’s Network. (Join us for free.)

That’s how I ended up outside Greenbriar East Elementary School, a lovely school in a bucolic neighborhood. I have been a parent advocate in Fairfax County for two years, and this case broke my heart for the vulnerability of children exploited.

Asked why the school system hasn’t notified school or school district parents, Fairfax County Public Schools spokeswoman Helen Lloyd directed questions to the Fairfax County Health Department. The Fairfax County Police Department said it could not respond to a public records request because the case is an open investigation. Carpenter had an out-of-office response (from 2019) on her official school email address. She couldn’t be reached at various phone numbers listed in the area for her name; a woman at one phone number hung up the phone on me when I explained why I was calling.

Tuesday evening, Robin Wallin, director of the Fairfax County Health Department’s school health division, issued a statement, via a spokeswoman: “It came to the Health Department’s attention on Friday, May 27 that there was a discrepancy in a medication for a student at Greenbriar East Elementary School. The Health Department responded immediately and began an internal investigation. A report was made to the Fairfax County Police Department that evening and the investigation is ongoing. The Health Department notified parents and guardians of the seven affected students immediately upon determining the scope of the problem. The employee was placed on administrative leave, with the Health Department moving to terminate their employment with the county.”

‘Diverting’ medicine

While parents districtwide don’t know about this scandal, school officials have known for days. At 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, the second grader’s parents got a letter from Dr. Gloria Addo-Ayensu, the Fairfax County Health Director, notifying them that health department officials had learned there was a “discrepancy in medication” because a health department employee had been “diverting” medication “belonging to students.”

They were told their daughter’s medication “was part of this diversion,” and then a shocker: “…we have reason to believe that the employee may have on occasion given your child a generic over the counter [sic] antihistamine in lieu of her prescribed medication.”

Addo-Ayensu wrote:

Based on the information we have learned about the employee’s behavior and actions, we have placed the employee on administrative leave and are moving to terminate their employment with the county. We will continue to look carefully at the documentation and other information to gain further understanding about this situation. I am so sorry that this has happened, and I want to reassure you that we will do everything in our power to ensure that this kind of situation does not happen again. Keeping our students healthy and safe is a priority of the health department.

Forwarding the letter, Wallin wrote: I am so very sorry that this happened.”

The second-grader’s rocky school year was now making sense to the Byrnes. Two weeks earlier, her mother told the principal in an email that they were considering holding their daughter back because she was falling behind in school.

The system had failed.

Across the country, including Fairfax County, Va., school policies cover how to secure and maintain prescription medications that students take while at school. Health aides and nurses keep medication in a drug locker that can only be opened by certain school employees who administer the prescriptions to students. To be a health aide, you have to have a high school degree or equivalent, and they are paid about the rate of bus drivers; a sign outside the school advertises a driver’s salary at $22.91 per hour.

The euphemism of drug “diversion” is a problem nationally. In 2018, a nurse at Station Camp High School in Sumner County, Tenn., was charged with three counts of theft for stealing 82 medication doses from at least three students, but The Tennessean reported in August 2019 that “her case wasn’t widely known until it was revealed in public records obtained by the Tennessean.”

In October 2019, a nurse at Barber Middle School in Cobb County, Ga., was fired after she stole 209 pills used to treat ADHD from 10 students. A dad told WSB-TV that his son said, “My medication was different. It was pink and white versus the normal color I usually take.”

In March 2020, a former school clinic aide at Clover Hill Elementary School in Chesterfield County, Va., was sentenced to five years in prison, convicted of felony child neglect, two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, petty larceny and possession of a controlled substance. A Chesterfield Circuit Judge sentenced her to 18 years in prison with 13 years suspended.

Back in Fairfax County last week, the Byrnes haven’t been getting answers.

Pharmacy meetups and new ‘protocols’

In a message least week, Wallin wrote that the Fairfax County Health Department “will cover the cost for up to a two-week supply of medication for your student to ensure that your student has the medication they need to finish the school year.” She said that the agency could reimburse the costs or “we can meet you at the pharmacy to use our agency credit card to pay for the medication.”

She noted: “I am also available to vouch for the need for the additional medication if your prescribing physician or pharmacy has questions about this.”

Last week, Byrnes asked the principal and county health officials for four straightforward items: completion of the investigation, outcomes and reasoning, future processes, intentions to disseminate details and findings on the matter to the wider district and/or county.

Yesterday, parents got a sketch with a plan for more supervision in the future, but it doesn’t explain what went wrong or address all the issues Byrnes asked about.

In an email to “Parents,” Wallin wrote:

I wanted to let you know that the Fairfax County Police Department and Child Protective Services have active investigations into the diversion of medication that affected your student. We do not have any additional information about these investigations to share with you currently.

She added:

I do want to follow up and share some of the strategies that we will be integrating into our management of medications in FCPS to help prevent a similar situation in the future. We have created a new form in triplicate that parents and the School Health Aide, Public Health Nurse or designated school staff member will sign on receipt of new medication and refills. Included in this form is a two-person count of the medication received and a notation on when a refill will be needed. This form will be signed by the parent and staff member. A copy will be provided to the principal and another to the parent. The original copy will be attached to the medication log of the student and kept as part of the student’s health record. We will begin using this form during Summer School. We also will be requiring parents to bring in medication in the original bottle, ensuring that the description of the medication on the medication container is the same as the contents of the container. Additionally, next school year, for controlled substances we will be increasing the number of audits of the medication on hand to a weekly review by the Public Health Nurse. After a medication error (including documentation errors, late doses, or missed doses) is identified, the Public Health Nurse will notify parents and will develop a plan with the School Health Aide and the school administrator and check in at least weekly until process consistently meets protocol.

But back to Thursday, June 2. Byrnes asked Wallin what additional health screening the county would provide or recommend for the children impacted.

The next morning, at 7:01 a.m., Wallin replied: “We would recommend that if you have concerns you speak to your child’s doctor.”

The Byrnes had already gone to the pediatrician once, saying their daughter’s medicine didn’t seem to be working. Later that morning, the girl’s mother wrote to Wallin: “You will not wash your hands of this considering it was your employee and your department’s lack of adherence to protocols that results in my child being drugged repeatedly over the course of a school year.”

In September, Carpenter worked out a protocol with the Byrnes to get their daughter her medicine around 11:40 a.m., the health aide saying she had set an alarm on her phone to remind her to find their daughter. Carpenter also confirmed in an email that “you all can drop off up to 30 days’ supply of medication and it will remain here in a lock box, with the box being kept in a locked file cabinet.” Carpenter added: “Protocol states we must double lock controlled substances. We do weekly medication counts and log everyday when she comes to take her medication.

‘Civil rights violation’

The safety issues raised here are very serious about the failure to protect children with disabilities who are supposed to have safeguards in place under federal and state laws.

Told about this case at Greenbriar East Elementary School, Callie Oettinger, editor of SpecialEducationAction.com and parent of students in Fairfax County Public Schools, said, “This is horrifying – and it’s not surprising. Fairfax County Public Schools has a history of noncompliance with federal and/or state regulations, providing false information, and failing to meet the needs of students who have individualized education plans or 504 plans,” which are protections under Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. “FCPS leadership’s forte is egregious oversite [sic] failures instead of education,” she said.

“FCPS is being investigated by the U.S. Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights due to its actions and inactions during COVID. I hope the Office of Civil Rights will launch a county-wide investigation into FCPS’s failure to have safeguards in place that ensure children’s special needs are always addressed in full,” she added.

“Since denying access to medicine results in denying access to education, this is a civil rights violation,” she said.

‘The kiddos’

By late September, the second grader had reported to her mother that she had not taken her medicine at school. On Sept. 29, 2021, at 12:10 p.m., her mother wrote to Carpenter expressing concern. At 12:43 p.m., Carpenter wrote back, “She received today by the way. I’ve got my timer set on my cell phone. Apologies again!”

The next day, Sept. 30, 2021, though, the mom had to ask Carpenter again if her daughter got her medication. “She told me she forgot to take it again.”

Carpenter reassured her: “Yes she took it. It was a chaotic shift among the kiddos with changing classes and specials. I had to fish her out so to speak. Gonna grab her again at 11:40!”

Like many parents, the mom attempted to be good-spirited: “I trust that she’ll get it daily now, thanks for your extra effort with her, I do appreciate it!”

But Oct. 1, 2021, it was the same confusing dynamic. That day, at 11:47 a.m., Carpenter wrote, “Just gave it to her. Yes it can be hard to remember stuff at times!” That evening, at 7 p.m., the mom wrote to Carpenter, attaching a photo of her daughter: “She swears up and down that she hasn’t taken it this week! This is who you’re giving it to, right?”

Carpenter responded, “Yes!! We do name and birthday checks everyday!” She said she’d send confirmation next time with a photo.

The mom answered, again trying to avoid being “that mom” raising issues: “She swears she hasn’t been receiving it but maybe it’s just hectic.”

On Oct. 4, 2021, at 11:55 a.m., Carpenter sent the mom an email with the subject line: “Hello! 11:41AM med time!”

The lesson of this nightmare is that vigilance matters. Never apologize for  asking questions and advocating for your children.

Now, the Byrnes go to school personally every day to give their daughter her medicine.

Asra Nomani is a senior contributor at The Federalist and a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Network. This column has been republished with permission from Asra Investigates.

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40 responses to “Fairfax School Health Aide Allegedly Stole Student’s Adderall”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    It will be interesting to see:

    1) The results of the investigation by Fairfax County Police Department.
    2) The reaction/actions of Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano if evidence of criminal wrongdoing is uncovered during the investigation.

    Theft of controlled substances aside, Loratadine, the active ingredient in Claritin, is a Schedule 4 drug which means it is a felony in Virginia (Code of Virginia Section 18.2-255) for an adult to give it to a minor without prescription or parental authorization.

  2. WayneS Avatar

    It will be interesting to see:

    1) The results of the investigation by Fairfax County Police Department.
    2) The reaction/actions of Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano if evidence of criminal wrongdoing is uncovered during the investigation.

    Theft of controlled substances aside, Loratadine, the active ingredient in Claritin, is a Schedule 4 drug which means it is a felony in Virginia (Code of Virginia Section 18.2-255) for an adult to give it to a minor without prescription or parental authorization.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    How did the system fail? As soon as the school system because aware of the situation, it called in the Dept. of Health and the police. This is a serious situation and I feel sorry for the child, but this is no different than a hospital aide or nursing home aide stealing patients’ medications and substituting over the counter medications. The school principal or assistant principal cannot monitor the daily actions of every employee.

    Nomani seems determined to crucify the Fairfax or Loudoun school system for anything that goes wrong. Why does Bacon’s Rebellion give this platform for her crusade?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes. It’s what Nomani does apparently.

      over and over in BR, it seems to me that anecdotal things that take place are blown up into “the system fails’ hyperbole when, in fact, the system actually did work in terms of being recognized and reported and actions taken.

      somehow the fact that something wrong took place even if it was/is not the norm for all schools – it signifies a “failure”.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Nomani seems determined to crucify the Fairfax or Loudoun school system for anything that goes wrong. Why does Bacon’s Rebellion give this platform for her crusade?”

      The same reason they allow you to use the platform.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Because it’s uh, er, um, policy?

    4. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      “Why does Bacon’s Rebellion give this platform for her crusade?”


    5. WayneS Avatar

      Children. You feel sorry for the children, right?. The medications of at least seven kids were “diverted”.

      As for blaming the entire school system, I agree with you that they cannot be held responsible for the actions of this rogue employee – at least until/unless FCPS administrators grossly mismanage the situation, try to sweep it under the rug, and/or it is discovered that drug thefts by school employees are more widespread than just one school.

      Adderall is methamphetamine. The illegal “diversion” (read: theft) of large quantities of the drug is a serious matter. As is giving unprescribed drugs to school children.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Children? Varmits, like prairie dogs, AR-15 fodder.

        1. WayneS Avatar


          Not only have I never shot a person with one of my AR-15s, I’ve never shot a prairie dog with one of my AR-15s. In fact, with just a few exceptions, I have never used any type of firearm to shoot any squirrel, rabbit, groundhog, beaver, deer, bear, bobcat, raccoon, chipmunk, or any other animal.

          I killed a deer with a 12-gauge shotgun when I was about 17 years old, but I derived no pleasure from the act so I have not repeated it.

          Oh, and I will shoot large rats if/when I see them. Also, I once shot a copperhead snake in the face with a .22 revolver, but it was getting ready to bite me.

          But what has that got to do with some a$$hat stealing methamphetamine from children, anyway?

          1. WayneS Avatar

            The reporter is ignorant, stupid, lying, and/or is not really from Minnesota.

            Despite the fact that I do not hunt, I do know that the .223 round, and the AR-15 rifle, are very well suited for hunting animals the size of prairie dogs and groundhogs. Tens of thousands of them are used for that purpose every hunting season.

            But thanks for the reminder of the utter inanity of CNN’s pundits.

          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I imagine they’d be good for Yote & Fox hunting too.

          3. WayneS Avatar


            In fact, if the coyote problem in my area continues to get worse I may have to reluctantly set aside my aversion to killing and take a couple of them down.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            This whole debate about the AR-15 platform is rather just old at this point.

            The first rifle I hunted with was an open sight .222 bolt action with a 5 round internal mag. It’s a good thing I never saw a deer to harvest, because unless I hit it perfect it would’ve just wounded it.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And the Senator who hunts prarie dogs with an AR-15? Really? Now pigs. Bit different. And there are pros who do that. Seen it.

          6. WayneS Avatar

            Yes. That rifle is well suited for prairie dog hunting.

            And you aren’t required to empty the magazine at everything you aim at, you know… 😉

            Also, the standard AR-15 will not “vaporize” a prairie dogs as claimed by one of the idiots in that video. To repeat something I have said several times before: As “high-powered rifle” rounds go, the .223 is actually pretty low-powered. You obviously don’t want to get shot by one, but a .270, .308, .30-06, 7 mm magnum, etc. will do a LOT more damage.

            Here’s a link to a table of ballistic characteristics of various rifle rounds. If you feel like delving into it, compare the muzzle energy and energy at 200 yards of the .223 to some of the other popular round (like the ones I listed above).


          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I killed a squirrel when I was 13. 3 feet, 12 guage. He was injured. There was a stump. He jumped out. Long story. My brother held up his smoking carcass by the tail. I cried. Never killed anything again, although I did go dove hunting once afterward.

            I strongly recommend dove hunting. You get to shoot your gun and are happy. You also miss and the dove is happy. Like a 1-iron, even God can’t hit a dove.

            I was commenting on the Senator’s remark.

          8. WayneS Avatar

            The only problem with doves is that even if you do happen to hit one by chance, they yield just two tiny pieces of meat about the size of silver dollars.

            Not worth the effort – best to just make sure every shot is a miss, and enjoy your time outdoors.

          9. WayneS Avatar

            The only problem with doves is that even if you do happen to hit one by chance, they yield just two tiny pieces of meat about the size of silver dollars.

            Not worth the effort – best to just make sure every shot is a miss, and enjoy your time outdoors.

          10. Lefty665 Avatar

            Skeet hunting is good too, although there is even less to eat than with doves. They don’t coo as nicely either.

    6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Because Conservatives are anti-public schools (even though they benefit greatly from them). It’s their (political) platform.

  4. C Nesbit Avatar
    C Nesbit

    Unfortunately bureaucracies, government and private sector, despise transparency and too often close ranks to protect those on the inside in situations involving incompetence, malfeasance, and even criminal activity. This problem is particularly acute in self policing professions (law, law enforcement, medicine, education) or institutions where people higher up in the management hierarchy can arbitrarily fire “complainers” and leverage severance payments to force contracts requiring silence. How often is malpractice uncovered and punished by medial boards or the local bar associations? How often are mediocre teachers identified by school administrators and removed? How many “leaders” of institutions actually put in place effective controls to identify misbehavior and take effective action at the first indication of a problem? In too many cases the reward systems in place, throughout our society, encourage looking away, particularly when doing the right thing may cost you future promotions or even your job.

    We unfortunately are reaping the rewards of a society in which the shared concepts of morality and behavior have been erased and replaced with shifting situational standards or even different standards of behavior based on group identity deemed deserving of special consideration. When society has situational standards, or standards are enforced selectively, it is not surprising we are experiencing high rates of crime and lack of trust in institutions supposed to protect the vulnerable.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Sometimes, the names are changed to protect the innocent… and those who have not be charged, who are being investgated, or who were set up by some off-the-wall nutsack.

    2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      The key is expecting checks and balances to occur. Who did those monthly drug counts? If it was the same person as the nurse who stole the medication, shame on the system.

      How much more can public school systems take before they are crushed? Fairfax also offers two alternative schools for children with significant disabilities that are degenerative in nature and life threatening. I visited both. Within the walls at the Key and Kilmer Centers were the most caring educators and nurses I have ever witnessed.

    3. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      The key is expecting checks and balances to occur. Who did those monthly drug counts? If it was the same person as the nurse who stole the medication, shame on the system.

      How much more can public school systems take before they are crushed? Fairfax also offers two alternative schools for children with significant disabilities that are degenerative in nature and life threatening. I visited both. Within the walls at the Key and Kilmer Centers were the most caring educators and nurses I have ever witnessed.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Hmmm, so Matt’s still here. I thought he ate a pack of Mentos, drank a Coke, and exploded.

  6. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    My mother was recently in a rehab facility after an operation for a broken hip. One day a nurse forgot to give her the prescribed painkiller. The nursing facility fired the nurse on the spot because missing a dose of medication could be fatal to some patients. There was also the possibility that it would be possible for the nurse to divert the painkiller.

    Schoolchildren deserve the same protection.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Totally agree but what happened does not mean the nursing facility itself was a “failure” or for that matter nursing facilities in general are “failures”.

      That’s what some Conservatives like Nomani are peddling these days about public education, and other institutions.

      One incident where one teacher might have said something about CRT and it’s “PROOF” that schools ARE teaching CRT.

      or… an increase in disciplinary cases is “proof” that schools are descending into anarchy and chaos.

      This is what passes for Conservative “thought” these days sometimes.

  7. This just in…. Biden declines to sign executive order creating a national registry of bad teachers to protect our children

    1. WayneS Avatar

      But he heartily supports a nationwide database of bad cops…

      To be fair, though, the perp in this story is not a teacher.

  8. WayneS Avatar

    It will be interesting to see:

    1) The results of the investigation by Fairfax County Police Department.
    2) The reaction/actions of Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano if evidence of criminal wrongdoing is uncovered during the investigation.

    Theft of controlled substances aside, Loratadine, the active ingredient in Claritin, is a Schedule 4 drug which means it is a felony in Virginia (Code of Virginia Section 18.2-255) for an adult to give it to a minor without prescription or parental authorization.

  9. VaPragamtist Avatar

    I’m curious how the parents/school confirmed the nurse was stealing medication. Good on them for their persistence.

  10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I don’t know this seems like small change to me. I would like to see Ms. Nomani weigh on some bigger issues. Why are teens getting shot in Fairfax County? 15 year old in Annandale. Out of the hospital but no arrests.

  11. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    It does seem a little early to conclude that a cover up is underway and there will be no formal charges. If the schools had to notify every parent of incidents in every school, nothing else would get done. But boy, the school system has made a deadly enemy in his lady. Hell hath no fury like a Tiger Mom scorned….

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    After a day of dealing with parents hopped up on BR opinions, probably needed ’em more than the kid.


  13. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Good to see I’m not alone with skeptical regard for this author’s motivations and reporting. Feels like something Denmarkian. Time will tell.

  14. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    I dealt with Fairfax County Public Schools, both as a resident and a parent for a good 30 years. I found it, as an institution, to be the most dishonest organization with which I’ve ever dealt. I’m not addressing teachers, but the leadership and staff. As an institution, FCPS will say or do anything to avoid accountability or any requirement to change its operations from what it wants to do.

    For example, after receiving criticism about proposed budget items and financial results, FCPS regularly changed how it displayed budget or financial reporting items, making it harder for the public to address concerns or raise issues. Similarly, when faced with objections to high numbers of non-teaching staff by category, FCPS often changed the titles of these positions from year to year. Likewise, FCPS would regularly claim that certain expenditures or positions were required by the SOQ despite no mention of those expenditures or positions in the SOQ. The School Board regularly refused to examine nearby Virginia school divisions’ formulas for calculating cash proffer targets for schools, preferring to claim that the BoS forbade the Schools from doing this. Yet, the School Board never could point to any action or vote of the Supervisors.

    Irrespective of one’s political or economic beliefs, this is simply wrong. Reputable institutions simply don’t do this. And needless to say, the company that claims Democracy Dies in Darkness never addressed the issue.

  15. Merchantseamen Avatar

    “Even a school district the size of Fairfax County – with a $3 billion
    budget – can’t get it right, raising questions about the sweeping plans
    for “social and emotional” intervention they seek to roll out for
    children.” Just like government…to big. Swamped in its own morass and policies.

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