Fairfax County Bars Maggie, 9, and Max, 7, from School

by Asra Nomani

Brave mama bear Carrie Lukas walked two of her cubs, fourth grader, Maggie, 9, and first grader Max, 7, up to the front doors of Forestville Elementary School here in Fairfax County, Va., for another day at school, but an interim assistant principal barred the two young children entry into the school, citing the school district’s mandatory mask policy.

The refusal of educational services raises legal issues for new Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and Attorney General Jason Miyares because of state law that protects the right of children in the Commonwealth of Virginia to receive educational services and a new executive order by Youngkin allowing parents the right to choose if their children wear masks at school.

An officious security official for the school district and a community relations official for the school district, both dispatched to the school over the mask issue, tangled with a local reporter (and local father) whom they demanded stand on the nearby sidewalk. Later, school officials called Fairfax County Police and squad cars arrived, the school district posting a tweet that the police were called on the journalist, not the mother and her children.

The issue of course is that many parents want the right to exercise their rights under Youngkin’s executive order and Carrie is one of those mothers, but the school district is blocking the exercise of that right, in fact now suing the governor to enforce their mask requirement.

The school is one that I know well.

Forestville Elementary School is home of the Cardinals, set off Route 7, not far from a 7-11 and the scenic Potomac River. While my son didn’t go to Forestville Elementary School for his education, attending nearby Great Falls Elementary School, he played basketball in its gym, ran the bases on the baseball diamonds outside the school and cast his first vote on Election Day when the school turned into a polling place.

What Maggie and Max experienced Tuesday was a civics lesson like no other.

They saw their mother overcome her own personal fears to stand up for a principle in which she believes: parental choice. These young ones transcended their own uncertainties about what their friends would think of them to stand up for their right to attend school without their faces covered.

“Let kids breathe,” Maggie said, holding a handmade sign with the same message.

At the nearby IHop afterwards, as Maggie and Max ate the “Funny Face” chocolate pancake special, I showed them a photo of the 12 school board members who make decisions at Fairfax County Public Schools and asked them, “Do you know what the word ‘constituent’ means?’”

They smiled and shook their heads no.

“It means you!” I said. “You are constituents!”

I explained to them that it’s taken many of us adults many years to understand who makes policies about public schools, and they were ahead of many adults on that learning curve. I showed them the photo of the board member, Elaine Tholen, from the Dranesville District, who represents them. Write to her, I suggested. Call her. Let her hear from you.

Their mother is a parent like most parents, engaged, active and kind. Whatever your position on masks and education policy, we can all agree that our society is best served when our citizenry — from adults to children — are engaged.

In this case, a brave mama bear asserted her right to parental choice. And we should all stand with Carrie and her cubs, Maggie and Max. And get them back to school — so they can flash their own funny faces.

Asra Nomani is the Vice President for Strategy and Investigations at Parents Defending Education. This column is republished with permission from her Substack newsletter, Asra Investigates.

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112 responses to “Fairfax County Bars Maggie, 9, and Max, 7, from School”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    You knew that shoe would be next to drop….

  2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Police cruisers sent for reporters. Children sent home, paperwork to follow. I have been too kind to Dean Braband.

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    At some point, everyone needs to grow up and quit being scared and quit screwing kids over because the so-called adults are scared, inordinately.
    UVA is following the CDC. The CDC prints out studies that support its narrative and ignore things it doesn’t like. Here is the CDC’s mask rationale – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.html
    You can believe it if you want, even though there are now dozens and dozens of studies showing they don’t work. All of the studies presume they are worn properly, not touched, etc, and I’m sorry – the virus particles can get through. MAYBE, they reduce particles going out, but at what cost? Is re-breathing infected air more likely to make you sicker? And NO ONE, and you know this is true, wears them properly and doesn’t touch them. It is theater.
    Particularly since kids are not at risk and are unlikely to infect anyone.
    Meanwhile, we see IQ drops, psychological problems, depression, self abuse, etc.
    This is about raw power by tyrants and nothing else. Evil people. Making the kids suffer for their benefit – John 3:16 in reverse…

    1. VaPragamtist Avatar

      Given the politicization of COVID, it’s important to look at studies on the efficacy of face masks pre-COVID. Anything else has too much potential to be tainted with bias.

      Here’s a study from 2016:

      “We were unable to show any association between compliance and infection and this could be explained by lack of protective efficacy of either cloth or medical masks. Our previous RCTs of face masks failed to show efficacy of medical masks and potential harm from cloth masks (MacIntyre et al., 2011, 2013, 2015).”

      Chughtai, A. A., Seale, H., Dung, T. C., Hayen, A., Rahman, B., & Raina MacIntyre, C. (2016). Compliance with the use of medical and cloth masks among healthcare workers in Vietnam. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 60(5), 619-630.

      They cite:

      MacIntyre CR Wang Q Cauchemez S et al. . (2011) A cluster randomized clinical trial comparing fit-tested and non-fit-tested N95 respirators to medical masks to prevent respiratory virus infection in health care workers. Influenza Other Respir Virus; 5: 170–9.

      MacIntyre CR Wang Q Seale H et al. . (2013) A randomized clinical trial of three options for N95 respirators and medical masks in health workers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 187960–6.

      MacIntyre CR Seale H Dung TC et al. . (2015) A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared to medical masks in healthcare workers. BMJ Open; 5: e006577.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        And now the CDC has invented something called “SUPER IMMUNITY”
        Super immunity, able to scare Covid with a single glance, create spike proteins in a single bound…
        A bogus new category to justify boosting unti the SCIENCE! proves they lied about that, too.
        Do you know how to acquire “Super Immunity”? Get Covid and be vaxed before or after surviving Covid. (And come on “surviving”? How about “being inconvenienced for a few days” “feeling fatigued”) Super immunity requires natural immunity. And while the CDC says the shot on top of it is better, I predict that is wrong. A benefit of not enough time to show that the mRNA spike manipulation has “costs” we don’t know about yet. Here is the CDC study UVA cites for boosting kids by January 14 and it had nothing to do with Youngkin being inaugurated on the 15th – https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/vaccine-induced-immunity.html

      2. Don’t forget the 6-foot social distancing mandate to make us completely safe both indoors and outside! Think of the lives saved by this science!!!!!!

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          Probably more than you could count but not that you seem to care.

          1. Merchantseamen Avatar

            If you are jabbed and I am not, why do you care? If you are jabbed and wear a mask. Why do you care if I am mask free? If you are jabbed and wear a mask and still frighted then stay home.

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            Many say that it is a pandemic of the un-vaccinated. I can simply choose not to be around folks who are not jabbed and not wearing a mask which does not mean staying at home. It merely means avoiding indoor confined spaces as restaurants are seeing many people doing. Unfortunately, children are not able to do so in school settings and must rely upon the schools to keep them safe from the unjabbed and unmasked which you seem to be acknowledging are a potential problem.

          3. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Children are not susceptible to the virus. In 2019 0ver 900 kids died from the flue. Less than one is the current count form covid. Correct me if I am wrong. Lots of these deaths are from ongoing diseases or they call them comorbidity Cancers, Heart Disease. Obesity is much more of a problem I think than the covid. A long term killer that anything like the flue or covid attaches and kills you. This goes for the obese generation of kids. Mom and Dad fill them with fast food chips and sodas. They are overweight before 4th grade. Anyway the CDC has announced that all the deaths over the past 2 years are over inflated. Even the narcissist Dr. Mengele The Elf agreed. A campaign of fear. Another v”variant has surfaced and they are yelling about another booster. The variant does not even have a name. But the hand wringers are had wringing.

          4. VaNavVet Avatar

            You are wrong as almost one million children have been inflected with positive tests and thousands have died. Who is to say that they would have done so due to the underlying conditions without the impact of Covid. The point was that public school is compulsory and that most students can not merely choose to stay home as you recommended.

          5. Merchantseamen Avatar

            No. I recommended YOU stay home. Appears you do not follow the science. You live in fear. Both my grandchildren and one niece all tested positive to “omicron”. One is 6 the other two are 3. One had a low grade temp. All had sniffles. Did not slow them down one minute. The group I am close to their children or grandchildren were affected the same. Quit following the media. Think for yourself. Find the facts for yourself. Don’t forget to FOLLOW THE MONEY! You are entitled to facts but not your own facts. See you on the Bacon. Have a good day.

          6. VaNavVet Avatar

            Glad to hear that your grandchildren only had mild cases and I will pray that they suffer no long term effects. I would rather not have my grandchildren exposed to something that the world knows so little about in the long term. Assessing the risks and acting accordingly is not living in fear. Personally I do not feel a need to follow your recommendation but I will continue to avoid confined indoor spaces with people of unknown vaccination status. Not all children are as lucky as those that you are close to. We had the daughter of one of the teachers in our district die of covid and she is now suing the school.

          7. Merchantseamen Avatar

            But you trust this poison jab? Really? Unknown long term effects to children? Not from the wuflu but from the jab!! When the whole board of Pfizer has never taken the first jab much less any “boosters”. What does that tell you? They had all this set up in 2019. Dr. Menegle The Elf was on that stage with these CEO’S talking about a “vaccine that will have to be forced on the people” “We need to blow the system up” . Right on the stage. Right on camera.

          8. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Just Released

            Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released data
            indicating that children who received the COVID-19 jabs have suffered a
            death rate 54 times greater than that of their un-jabbed counterparts.

            In December, the ONS published age-standardized data on the mortality
            rates of individuals in 5-year age sets in Britain, grouped by their
            “vaccination” status for the COVID-19 shots. The data accounts for the
            period from January 1 to October 31, 2021.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    News Flash! Mom uses kids for 15 minutes of fame! Story at 11.

  5. Wait, shouldn’t the FCPS leftists mobilized social workers from Hollins with a feminist studies degree – not armed agents of ‘the man’?

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Made me laugh!

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    “With Biden in the White House, the CDC has promised to “follow the science” in its COVID policies. Yet the circumstances around the Arizona study seem to show the opposite. Dubious research has been cited after the fact, without transparency, in support of existing agency guidance.”

    Liberals aren’t following the science, they are following the politics. Liberal lemmings..


    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      The Arizona study seems to be quite flawed on many levels. I’ve tried to follow public health guidance, but bogus science is bogus science. Where’s the rag that says Democracy Dies in Darkness?

  7. killerhertz Avatar

    I hope these morons keep up the fight on keeping kids in masks. WE already know they are wrong on the science so it only makes the government school complex look even more backwards.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Out of almost 84,000 Loudoun County Public School kids a whole 100 students showed up with no masks on Monday. Something like 3/4 of students support mandating masks in schools.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      And they are the spawn of terrified idiots…
      Parents must work for CDC FDA EPA and all the other useless bureaucracies…maybe even the FBI.
      So you’re scared of 100 kids without masks? But not tranny rapists? Oh, and CRT does not exist but how dare you ban it!

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Students, at least those in K-8, don’t have the wherewithal to have an opinion other than those of their parents.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        They do have the wherewithal to be bullied. And their brains have not sufficiently developed to assess risk-reward. That ability is the basic rationale of the differences in law between children and adults.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          That’s why there are metal detectors at schools.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar


      not exactly 52%

      Virginia ain’t Florida nor Texas.

      Youngkin in Governor of a purple state.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “White moves its pawn to D4.”

    5. DJRippert Avatar

      Then that 75% of students should show up to school in masks. By the end of the week it will be less than 50% of the students wearing masks.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I think you miss the distinction that 75% approve mask mandates to keep their schools open and safe. The key word is mandate.

  9. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    I keep asking, what do the people who work in schools say? If they are okay with the masks being optional, then so be the Governor’s Order.

    If I am a teacher, age 26, just married and looking forward to having children, I might be a little upset that someone isn’t taking my health seriously.

    On the other hand, I wouldn’t want to be a teacher telling kids to put on masks properly all day. Can you imagine what a middle schooler would do if I asked him to pull up his mask? I can. I’ve taught middle schoolers. It would make good entertainment.

    Nor would I like to be a kid who has asthma and be told to wear a mask.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      Age 26 is an extremely miniscule hospitalization and death rate. What does looking forward to having kids mean in relation to COVID?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        A 63-year old in January of 2020 is dying today listed as a dead 65+.

        Just don’t vaccinate. Time will take care of the age bracket.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I think most people who are such strong advocates for mask have had zero interaction with children nor were they a large aspect of raising them.

      You’re not getting a 2 year old to wear a mask, you’re not even going to get an effective mask that fits someone of that size. When 3/4 of the adult population can’t correctly wear them, it’s also laughable.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        There is no evidence that advocates for masking in schools have had zero interaction with children. In fact, it is most likely just the opposite. Schools want to keep their students and staff safe which is what the Gov also says that he wants to do. Both are acting in good faith but may differ in approach.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Sure there is evidence, if you think you’re going to get a toddler to wear a mask you’ve never interacted with one. You can get adults to wear them properly and not touch their faces every 30 seconds.

          Do mask help, yes they can in certain instances when worn correctly and handled correctly. Should they be mandatory, no.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Psst, you missed the 2-year old in K12 reference. Duct tape.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive VaNavVet • 34 minutes ago
            Psst, you missed the 2-year old in K12 reference. Duct tape.”

            The difference between a 2 year old and a 4 year old in listening or attention is none. Clearly you weren’t involved in your daughters upbringing.

            Oh and try, it would be funny.

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            Not in all cases as my 4 year old grandson attends pre-school 5 days a week in a mask with no problems. He is very attentive both there and at home. He can work independently and asks very thoughtful questions. I am sure that the same holds true for many girls.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “VaNavVet 8 minutes ago
            Not in all cases as my 4 year old grandson attends pre-school 5 days a week in a mask with no problems. He is very attentive both there and at home. He can work independently and asks very thoughtful questions. I am sure that the same holds true for many girls.”

            “Not in all cases as my 4 year old grandson attends pre-school 5 days a week in a mask with no problems.”

            A statement that you cannot in any form of confidence make as you’re not in your grandson’s class. Everything else you stated is irrelevant and doesn’t preclude the child from acting like a child (which is what my statement is).

            Neither a 4 year old or a 2 year old has any inclination to listen unless they wish to listen. Heck, teenagers don’t listen unless they want to listen.

          4. VaNavVet Avatar

            The classroom has a video feed for the parents. I have also observed him wearing a mask in other settings. Granted he may indeed act like a child at times as that is what he is. BTW there seems to be plenty of acting like a child herein these days.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “VaNavVet Matt Adams • 7 minutes ago
            The classroom has a video feed for the parents. I have also observed him wearing a mask in other settings. Granted he may indeed act like a child at times as that is what he is. BTW there seems to be plenty of acting like a child herein these days.”

            So you’ve observed him every waking second he was in school? No you haven’t and to indicate otherwise is nothing but your own biased opinion. Children are children and by your own admission so.

            If that was a dig at me directly, I’m so hurt (that’s sarcasm BTW). However, you’re chummy with 3 individuals who act like toddlers daily and refuse even in the facts of cold hard facts to admit they are wrong.

          6. VaNavVet Avatar

            I did not indicate that I had observed him “every waking second” as that would clearly not be possible. To even suggest that is quite strange. I do try to strike a middle ground on BR and do appreciate your tone of late. Civil discussions are always more meaningful.

          7. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “VaNavVet Matt Adams • 23 minutes ago
            I did not indicate that I had observed him “every waking second” as that would clearly not be possible. To even suggest that is quite strange. I do try to strike a middle ground on BR and do appreciate your tone of late. Civil discussions are always more meaningful.”

            I only return what is given. If someone is civil to me, I will in turn be civil to them. Elsewise, you act like a troll, you’ll be treated like such.

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Considering a father who exhibits the behavior of a 12-year old, not hard to believe you’d think that a 4-year old is developmentally the same as a 2-year old.

          9. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Clearly you were looking in the mirror when making such a statement, because despite your own beliefs it’s perfectly applicable to you.



            Even the CDC says you were a deadbeat dad.

          10. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            So, exactly where on the Spectrum are you?

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive 6 minutes ago
            So, exactly where on the Spectrum are you?”

            Oh look we are backing to insinuating I have a mental handicap. It’s so cute when you do that, I mean it’s bigoted as all get out but it’s cute.

          12. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Developmental. You pointed to a developmental spectrum. What did you think? RF.

          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive 16 hours ago
            Developmental. You pointed to a developmental spectrum. What did you think? RF.”

            Clearly you’re unaware of what the developmental spectrum is as that be where you find mental handicaps.

            So again, you’re insinuating that I’m mentally handicapped, again being the bigot you’ve always been.

          14. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Insinuating? Pfft! Clearly stating.

          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive Matt Adams • an hour ago • edited
            Insinuating? Pfft! Clearly stating.”

            Well you’re a troll, so your opinion on pretty much anything is taken with a grain of salt, especially math considering the frequency in which you f’ it up.

          16. Merchantseamen Avatar

            Matt don’t forget there is a few on here who mouth off on every subject. They are the “experts”. Just ask them they will tell you. They can’t help themselves to try and boss everyone around.

          17. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Nancy Naive VaNavVet • 34 minutes ago
            Psst, you missed the 2-year old in K12 reference. Duct tape.”

            The difference between a 2 year old and a 4 year old in listening or attention is none. Clearly you weren’t involved in your daughters upbringing.

            Oh and try, it would be funny.

      2. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

        and 3/4 of the adult population have the maturity of children

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          Very, very true.

  10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Carrie Lucas should report this to Youngkin’s hot line.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      I’ve been passing that and the VDOE law that they can use to have the teachers’ license yanked.

  11. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Carrie Lucas should report this to Youngkin’s hot line.

  12. LarrytheG Avatar

    Heard a rumor that a LOT of folks are going to be making calls to that hot line over “divisive” Youngkin policies…. 😉

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “Okay, listen up. Your first assignment is to write a 5-page essay on the question, ‘Is an EO that forbids the teaching of divisive concepts divisive?’”

      “I’m calling the Tip Line.”

  13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Hecklers at LCPS meeting last night shouted down the first speaker, a student school board rep speaking in favor of mask mandates for her school. Showed them to be the bullies they clearly are….

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Division by x over the field of the Reals is defined as multiplication by the multiplicative inverse of x.”

    “I’m calling the Tip Line.”

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      CRT tip for the governor’s tipline … they’re bulky and the high pitched hum is annoying and our kids deserved flatscreens in 2022… 😂🤣😂😂

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        Nobody is going to hear the flyback transformer whine from any VGA or better CRT monitor. It’s 31.5KHz or higher, based on the horizontal sync frequency.

        You would hear it from a CRT TV, possibly, since they use a 15.734KHz horizontal sync frequency.

        Even then, I only noticed it on old TV sets, newer ones from say the early 90s on don’t seem to have the whine.

  15. LarrytheG Avatar

    Is it true that state employees of Virginia still have to wear masks?

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      Yep. Masks required in executive branch offices for employees and visitors.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Mishegoss. No?

  16. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Worst case scenario, this disease doesn’t ever “go away”. It becomes a reaper of the unvaxxed. Thirty, unvaxxed, healthy and it’s a cold. Three years later, too many Friday nights, too much sugar in the coffee, and the liver enzymes counts are a little out of whack, and the next “cold” is the last cold.

    So, don’t vax and send your little delivery units to school unmasked to make a pickup. Bon appetite!

  17. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Da Komrade Kiddy. Call Party Tip Line if your teacher says anythink anti-white.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      heckfire, if a teacher mentions slavery at all , it’s “divisive”. Anyone wondering how Youngkin and the GOP would govern , we got the answer,, yep.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        WH 2024, if Trump is at Sing Sing.

        I wonder if there will be Equal Outcome if the calling kid is a minority?

    2. PassTheBuckBureaucrat Avatar

      Then there’s the VDH tattletale hotline, best used to harass your competitors and employers. Which is not unlike the VaABC tattletale line used for the same purpose, and evangelicals on benders looking to pass the blame

  18. VaNavVet Avatar

    Just because citizens are engaged doesn’t mean that their point of view is the correct one.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Ditto for politicians.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Probably less so,… or more so, whichever results in being less correct but more sure.

    2. tmtfairfax Avatar

      And the sh*t-@ss media.

  19. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Parents Defending Education claims to be a national grassroots organization, not for profit. Its website offers no physical location for identification. Yet, here, we are rewarded with the screed of the organization’s VP for Strategy and Investigations. Pardon my old-fashioned skepticism – screeding by any other name remains a screed – ideology at work to influence political outcomes.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Joe Rogan transcript available on request.

    2. tmtfairfax Avatar

      Sort of like the daily screed of the MSM.

      I’d like someone in the public health field to address the article in the Atlantic and the criticisms of the “Arizona study.”

  20. Dwayne Lunsford Avatar
    Dwayne Lunsford

    Sadly, this will probably have to play out in the courts in order to be settled for good. The Repubs still don’t get it. The left takes no prisoners. They need to step up and play hardball too. If the rogue school districts don’t comply with an Executive order, then the Executive’s Ed. Dept. should just pull their certification until they do, or the courts rule. Otherwise the State Constitution and Code mean nothing.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      The left takes no prisoners and the Rightists are already saying that Black women are not intelligent enough to be on the US Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the rest of the country is looking at Virginia and shaking its head with the proverbial Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Wow. Racist much?
        I do not know any “Rightist” who says black women are not intelligent enough to be on the US Supreme Court. They may say it is racists, because it is, to consider the main qualifications for a Supreme Court nominee to have darker skin and a uterus. Sounds like maybe a little racist and a little sexist. And of course, no Leftists back in the day attacked Clarence Thomas as an affirmative action pick, did they? Hypocrites. And thanks for all the down votes VaNavVet. I guess Troll, Nancy and Larry Why the SCIENCE! guy weren’t enough lowering discourse. BR must be gaining traction!

        1. John Harvie Avatar
          John Harvie

          How droll…

          Great post. Short and sweet.

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          Trump vowed to name a woman to the court which he did so he must have been sexist. Sorry Walter but I tend to react to your writing style which can be hard for me to follow. It does, at least for me, obscure the logic quite often or so it seems. Unfortunately, there are many groups that will never accept that a Black woman belongs on the Supreme Court. Black women have long been on the bottom of the pecking list.

      2. …and the Rightists are already saying that Black women are not intelligent enough to be on the US Supreme Court.

        Name one, please.

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          Several white supremacist groups are saying so while others are merely using a dog whistle by trying to indicate that skin color is the only or even the main characteristic. All of this before the nominee has even been named. Is this how Gov Youngkin should be judged on fulfilling his campaign promises? It sure appears like his “snitch line” is turning out to be an unforced error on the Gov’s part. I am not saying that Walter S. is using a dog whistle in his post on this issue. He does not appreciate that skin color is only one of many criteria. I do not feel that he believes that a Black woman should not be on the Court.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “VaNavVet WayneS • a few seconds ago
            Several white supremacist groups are saying so while others are merely using a dog whistle by trying to indicate that skin color is the only or even the main characteristic. All of this before the nominee has even been named. Is this how Gov Youngkin should be judged on fulfilling his campaign promises? It sure appears like his “snitch line” is turning out to be an unforced error on the Gov’s part.”

            White supremacist groups don’t represent anyone outside of those with their racist and bigoted views.

            What does it have to do with Gov. Yongkin?

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            Biden is getting criticized for fulfilling a campaign promise just as Youngkin is doing and Youngkin is also on the receiving end. Point is that neither is getting a fair shake on social media. Even herein some will criticize one but not the other.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “VaNavVet Matt Adams • 16 hours ago • edited
            Biden is getting criticized for fulfilling a campaign promise just as Youngkin is doing and Youngkin is also on the receiving end. Point is that neither is getting a fair shake on social media. Even herein some will criticize one but not the other.”

            You’ve now moved the goalposts. First you claimed a specific groups was degenerating a potential unnamed SCOTUS pick, when confronted you deflected. As is what you’re doing now. There is no tangent to which you can come back to Youngkin from where you started.

            While a BIPOC women to SCOTUS would be a wonderful thing, just as POTUS Biden did with his VP pick, he’s making less of the criteria about credentials and more about identity. Thereby possibly short changing who should get the job.

          4. VaNavVet Avatar

            No he made it very clear that his first criteria would be high qualification and only at the end did he say that BTW it would be a Black woman. If there were no highly qualified Black women then none would be nominated nor confirmed by the Senate, but that of course is not the case. Check out the Babylon Bee’s posted list of potential nominees “taken verbatim from Biden’s list”. Like so many rightists they attempt to hide their bigotry with supposed “humor” but their total lack of respect for Black women clearly shows. The list includes Queen Latifa, Aunt Jemima, Mrs. Butterworth, Whoopi Goldberg, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, and Rachel Dolezal. Also thrown in for cover are these red herrings Peter Dinkage, Greta Thunberg, Hunter Biden, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin. Bablylon Bee must be on the right side of the MSM.

  21. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You’re up early James. Silly to delete that which is repeated in the next comment.

  22. VaNavVet Avatar

    Anyone think that it was odd that Asra Nomani just happened to be at the IHOP when the mama bear and cubs were eating. Seems like perhaps mama bear Carrie was recruited for the photo op and got breakfast to boot.

  23. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I know Larry won’t count this because it is from a source he doesn’t read, but besides masks not working, here is an example of the costs…

    Maybe Larry will accept Reason – https://reason.com/2022/01/28/why-cant-the-cdc-admit-there-is-no-solid-evidence-to-support-universal-masking-in-schools/…but I doubt it.
    It’s a religion or a virtue signal…a cult.
    I was in Food Lion yesterday, trying to kill people without a mask on. A masked lady had just checked out and sat there waiting until a Dad, unmasked, and two kids, one unmasked could get their cart straight to shop – oh, the horror! She could have walked by two unmasked people and been exposed for two seconds!
    Society has been greatly damaged by the Covidiocy. Life has risks. Quit being scared.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I believe sources that do not have a reputation for lies and misinformation AND are consistent with other credentialed/authoritative sources.

      The evidence on masks is clear. They do work but are not 100% effective.

      Life DOES have risks, no question, but being stupid about them is not necessary or warranted.

      What some don’t seem to understand is that it’s not one thing. It’s proximity as well as environment around and duration of contact and how many people in close proximity.

      For the doubters, it’s like arguing that airbags and seat belts are not effective because they can’t and won’t protect you from every conceivable scenario and it’s PROVEN that people STILL die despite seat belts and air bags – i.e. the proverbial idiocy of “risk” that you can’t get away from – always there so seat belts/air bags are “useless”.

      This is what we’re dealing with – with the skeptics.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Larry – nice deflection, as usual. No one is talking about seat belts. I am talking about masks. And you clearly didn’t read about the costs of masks on kids. Besides not working, they are actually harmful. Quit defending your “team,” which thinks you can pick your sex and follow the data. Look at the VAERS data, look at the “cases,” look at the SCIENCE! and find a new religion besides Covidiocy and its high priest of gain of function, Dr. St. Fau(x)ci.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          No deflection at all. We’re talking about risk.

          And no I’m NOT “defending my team” unless you want to implicate scientists and governments around the world.

          It’s a conspiracy for you right?

          The VAPRs data thing is more disinformation guy… you troting out ancient canards … that are proven to be lies.

          What you call “science” is the stuff you read that clearly is not “science” but instead disinformation and misinformation promoted by folks like you.

          It’s wakadoodle.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            VAERS is disinformation? Then why do we have it? What has been proven lies?
            Larry – skepticism is scientific. You believe in scientism as a religion. Not the scientific process.
            Masks don’t work. They are a totem, a religious icon. Even if they had some positive effect possible, it is outweighed by the costs inflicted on children.
            And you are defending your team. It’s all you do. And usually with nothing worthwhile.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            VASPARs itself is not disinformation, but the way it is being used for the skeptics totally is, no question.

            VAPars reports events. What they actually mean or not requires analysis. But the skeptics are not interest in that at all.. l just whatever they can promote that suits their idiocy.

            “Science” is not one or two studies or individuals, it’s a consensus of a majority of people who do have the background and knowledge – specific to epidemiology.

            What I do not believe in is the wacadoodles version of reality that basically focuses on information that they believe supports their beliefs – no matter what the rest of science is saying.

            Around the world, science supports masking. It’s actually not a “liberal” or “conservative” thing at all – that’s just in the minds of the narrow-mindedl who really don’t want to understand the full context.

            According to the wacadoodles, masks are not needed – tell the surgeons who operate that or your dentist or a wide variety of medical personnel not to mention most of the world’s epidemiologists.

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So the world is flat according to Larry cuz consensus!
            Not science. By the way, if you are going to insult me instead of honest debate, the proper spelling is wackadoodle. Also, using data from the government is lies? So why have VAERS? And you know it is statistically underreported, right? According to prior CDC analysis? And 10,000 deaths reported versus 223 as a previous high? Oh, all right wing science denying Trump supporters…Right. Facts are stubborn things, Larry. Cling to your religion, but it’s a false one…
            Masks don’t work. Masks harm kids. The Mom is right.

        2. VaNavVet Avatar

          Talk about deflection. What do trans-sexuals have to do with masks? I will refrain from a down vote on this one pending your reply.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Trans has to do with cult belief as opposed to science. Sorry you couldn’t make the connection. The masking has impeded the oxygen to your brain. Now you’re hurting yourself!

          2. VaNavVet Avatar

            Sorry Walt but not worth a reply other than this.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      So you are upset that a masked woman chose to give an unmasked Dad with kids some space in the grocery store..?! WTF is wrong with you people?!

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I am pointing out irrational fear.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          Mention mass formation psychosis and trigger eric

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Is this angry mom story the lead story?
        Can you see this one?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Yes, it is. No, can’t see that one. Thanks for the link. Wish I coujj lol d get off angry mom page…!!

  24. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    This blog is stuck on this article…

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