Fairfax County and Protection of Supreme Court Justices Revisited

Courtesy of Fairfax County

by James C. Sherlock

In response to the adjacent exhortation by Fairfax County from its home page, I am speaking up.

Defend the homes of the Supreme Court Justices who live in your county.

I offer breaking news to many who only read and watch progressive media, including the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.

Justice Kavanaugh and his family were the targets of an assassination attempt at their home in Montgomery County early Wednesday morning.

Going out on a limb, that may portend a “gun tragedy” in Fairfax County. Though not solicited in the banner request, I also report that there may prove to be a person or persons holding such weapons.

I hope I have not gone too far.

The assassin was planning to die at the scene — he took a cab to the house. Yet he was deterred by the presence of two U.S. Marshals at the house. Good thing there were not four assassins in that cab instead of one.

He was carrying a gun, ammunition, a knife, pepper spray, a screwdriver, zip ties, hammer and other gear when he was arrested by Montgomery County Police Department.

So how, you wonder, in the current threat environment did he get to step out of a taxi in front of a Supreme Court Justice’s house between one and two in the morning armed with that bag of tricks?

Answer: the Montgomery County Police were not there. They arrived at the scene because the assassin called them to come and get him. First-rate police work.

Montgomery County had declined to protect a Supreme Court Justice under direct personal threat.

Just like Fairfax County.

I’d say the assassination attempt has been in all the papers, but in the liberal print media you would have had to particularly persistent to find it.

Wednesday mid-morning I checked The New York Times, The Washington Post and LA Times. Each had the story but printed a brief sketch of what happened buried deep in both the online and print editions.

You would have seen a less than a one-minute accounting on the PBS Evening News at the 14:31 mark on Wednesday night. Halfway through the show. Nearly all of it was sung in praise of the Justice Department.

CBS Evening News provided a good report halfway through the show. NBC Nightly News a very short report on the B block.

ABC, more than halfway through its World News Tonight, got the story wrong. Disney’s ABC reported erroneously that the Montgomery County Police “were on security detail.” They were not.

That was the only mention of the Montgomery County Police in any of those MSM TV news reports.

These reports were all aired 18 hours after the event.

Seems the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice threatened to step on their narrative. Didn’t happen. All of the MSM evening news reports led with nearly identical and very lengthy stories about six new gun laws in the House and the clear need for each of them.

None of them ran this clip of remarks by Senator Schumer with their assassination attempt reports. It must have been considered irrelevant.

The “protestors” were back in front of the Kavanaugh family home Wednesday night with bullhorns and drums. Montgomery County police, of the fool-me-once persuasion, were there that night. But no arrests were made even though such activities violate federal law.

Imagine if the victim had been Justice Sotomayor.

A working example of joint federal/local cooperation. Bank robbery is a federal crime because banks are organized under federal laws, regulated by federal officials and are members of the Federal Reserve.

Fairfax County Police know the feds will take the lead, but they do not turn away because of that fact. They patrol the streets on which banks are located, look for intelligence about potential bank robberies, watch for suspicious activity, try to prevent robberies, and arrest bank robbers.

Armed bank robbery carries a maximum federal sentence of 25 years in prison. This includes making threats, using any weapon during a robbery, and even using toy weapons during a robbery. Prison sentences usually begin at around 10 years in prison and will reach 25 years for a standard armed bank robbery charge. Priors and aggravating circumstances kick those sentences higher.

While armed robbery including robbery of banks is also a crime under Virginia law, it is at most a Class 3 felony — five to 20 years. Bank robbery using a weapon other than a firearm is a state Class 5 felony – one to ten years.

More importantly right now, the state crime would need to be prosecuted in Fairfax County courts by Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano, a George Soros man.

Fairfax County and protection of justices. I think it the right time to check back with a column I posted here on May 13.  See “Fairfax County Declines Assistance in Protecting Supreme Court Justices as Unconstitutional.”

The County said that setting up a perimeter as formally requested by Governor Youngkin would be unconstitutional.

A lot of you read it. It drew 99 comments.

The Fairfax County claim of unconstitutionality was challenged in the column. I will challenge it again here.

Separately, there are federal and state laws on the books for decades against the demonstrations that have been taking place in Virginia. The federal law is very specific and on point in prohibiting those demonstrations. It has withstood judicial review since 1950.

Yet Fairfax County, rejecting a request from the Governor, has refused to establish a perimeter.

Baconsrebellion.com commenters from the left. To save them some time with this column, I will review some of the comments on the May 13 column from some of our regulars.

Dick Hall-Sizemore admonished:

First of all, the code section you cited is federal law. Local police do not enforce federal law.

I responded:

They do so every single day. That is why there are federal, state, local joint task forces.

He failed to comment on the state law I cited that also bans such demonstrations.

Mr. Hall-Sizemore again:

The U.S. Supreme Court in Indianapolis v. Edmond (531 U.S. 32) held that when their “primary purpose is indistinguishable from the general interest in crime control, the checkpoints violate the Fourth Amendment.”

Good to know.  That decision stated:

Police must have the “usual requirement of individualized suspicion where [they] seek to employ a checkpoint primarily for the ordinary enterprise of investigating crimes”.

Mr. Hall-Sizemore added, to make his point:

What “specific” threats have there been?

There had at that time already been specific threats against the Supreme Court justices whose home addresses had been published online by anti-abortion radicals.

But the job of being an apologist for the inexcusable sometimes requires such denials.

In a much more directly related case, 1988’s Frisby v. Schultz, the Supreme Court upheld a local Wisconsin ordinance that barred picketing “before or about any residence or dwelling.”

That ordinance was passed to address anti-abortion protesters who had been picketing outside the home of an abortion provider.

Mr. Hall-Sizemore again.

I doubt if either side wants to see people arrested.

Guess again.

Nancy Naive, after reliably attempting to make the issue about Justice Thomas and race, contributed:

Many state and local police in many states do not work with, oh say, ICE.

So the U.S. Marshals Service has now reached ICE status in the left’s pantheon of deplorables. The FBI, busy investigating parents who protest progressive policies at school board meetings, has not yet crossed that threshold.

Hope that saves some space in the comments section.

What to do? Fairfax County must cooperate with the Marshals Service in shutting down illegal demonstrations at the Justices’ residents.

They must also establish the perimeters so that no assassins can, let’s say theoretically, take a cab to a Justice’s home at 1 o’clock in the morning with guns and a bag full of Molotov cocktails.

Maybe that credible and specific threat thing is established now.

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45 responses to “Fairfax County and Protection of Supreme Court Justices Revisited”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    Imagine if the victim had been Justice Sotomayor.

    If Justice Sotomayor had been the victim of the attempted assassination, the WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc. would be providing 24-hour per day coverage until at least July 4.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      November 4.

  2. LesGabriel Avatar

    Since VA state law is involved, why are the VA state police not setting up perimeters?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      As I wrote in the original piece, the state police are significantly understaffed and in any event are not responsible for local streets.

      If the subtext is that you think local police should not enforce state laws, consider that there are no local laws in Virginia. What exactly should local police do?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        It’s as if local police should do what the FBI and US Marshalls, do… but it’s a made-up issue by folks on the right – as usual.

      2. LesGabriel Avatar

        I had no subtext that local police should not enforce state law. However, if they refuse to do so, then the responsibility seems to fall squarely on the state. I believe they have the authority to do so even on “local” streets. If state police are understaffed and underfunded to carry out their responsibilities, then that is a problem to be ironed out during budget processes.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Not that they “should” but the “can”. If Youngkin thinks it important enough, he can enforce the law he thinks are being broken and protect the justice to boot. He is not doing it because the protests are peaceful and protected by the 1st and he knows it.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I believe I wrote about the Marshals. They are already doing their part.

      What exactly has that to do with Fairfax County playing its two roles: arresting protestors in front of the home in violation of state law and setting up perimeters on local streets as requested by the Governor?

      You are going to respond “State Police”. As I wrote in the earlier post, there are not enough of them. They do not patrol local streets in any event.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I think the Feds are responsible for SCOTUS, no ? Just like they are for other Federal folks like the Cabinet ?

        This is just another made-up controversy by the right.. IMHO.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Speaking of your opinion, you promised to abstain from commenting on my posts. Did that promise have an expiration date?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep. it was never for forever and you’ve demonstrated a ‘need” since you are whacking on Sizemore with far right foolishness.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Got it. You could not stand it.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar


          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            A pinky promise. Now my comment sections will be 40 comments longer.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            only if you deserve it.

          6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock


          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            good enough. besides, some of it is hardly worth commenting on anyhow…. but then you get out over your skiis and start expressing your “disappointment” in their positions.

          8. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock


          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            want more? geeze…. and whining… too!

          10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Got it. You could not stand it.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        The 1st trumps state law. Youngkin know it. It is not about too few troopers. You know it and we know it. You just want peaceful protestors exercising their rights to be arrested. It is a Conservative thing…

  3. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

    It isn’t that easy to follow the thread, but if anyone is suggesting that local law enforcement has no role to play in protecting federal officials, that is just ludicrous. Everyone has seen President Kennedy’s motorcade in downtown Dallas. Just who do you think is riding those motorcycles? The local Dallas police is your answer.

    Tennessee is 550 miles wide, and that’s just I-40/81. Add another 400 miles for I-59 and I-65 and their spurs. There are 1,000 state troopers on the state payroll, far too few to provide law enforcement more than a mile away from the exit ramps. That Virginia state troopers would be able to provide security at the homes of the federal judges is highly doubtful. Local law enforcement, exercising its jurisdiction on local streets, would play a key role.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I keep thinking back to the late 1960s, specifically 1969, when we had a glut of engineers.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The man was apprehended by U.S. Marshals before he go onto Kavanaugh’s property. The Fairfax County Police Department has said that it is providing extra staffing. What more do you want?

    You would probably say secure perimeters. What does that mean? Every car traveling the public streets in the area gets stopped and searched? For how long should these secure perimeters be maintained?

    By the way, the digital edition of the story appeared in the Washington Post at 10:10 a.m. I vaguely remember it being on the “front page”.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      It was not, Dick. I subscribe to both the WP and the NYT, and the story never made the first page of the scroll.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Dick Hall-Sizemore • 3 minutes ago • edited
      The man was apprehended by U.S. Marshals before he go onto Kavanaugh’s property. The Fairfax County Police Department has said that it is providing extra staffing. What more do you want?

      You would probably say secure perimeters. What does that mean? Every car traveling the public streets in the area gets stopped and searched? For how long should these secure perimeters be maintained?”

      Till Politicians stop making statements that are inflammatory and inciting people to harass Justices in addition to stopping people from publishing their personal addresses. On this very blog you had a plethora of those whom you agree with, who thought it was okay to protest at the Justice Home’s. You did this, now reap the whirlwind.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I never said that it was OK to protest at their homes.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          BS. You can’t rewrite your history nor can you indicate you condemned it, as you did not.

          You made a blanket statement about not agreeing with it, but dropped a bit.

          “I don’t agree with the demonstrations and picketing at the Justices’ houses. Anyone has, dare I say it, the right of privacy in their homes. Also, such demonstrations also disturb the whole neighborhood.

          That being said, what “specific” threats have there been?

          To put the shoe on the other foot, would you favor the police establishing a “secure perimeter” around an abortion clinic to prevent harassment and threats against staff and those seeking an abortion? What about a secure perimeter around the home of a doctor who performs abortions if there are demonstrations at his house?”

          So you can drop the the act.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I did, and it is…

        3. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          “I never said that it was OK to protest at their homes.”

          But many leading Democrats have—Chuck Schumer, Jen Psaki, Maxine Waters, to name three off the top of my head.

          Where are the Democrats condemning RuthSentUs’s call to protest at Justice Barrett’s church, and her kids’ elementary school. If I was a leader of RuthSentUs, I’d comfortably put out calls like that, because I’d expect the Democrats and MSM to look the other way. Oh sure, they wouldn’t publicly support me—-but they wouldn’t forcefully condemn me, either.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not to mention, the guy called 911 asking for psychiatric help. That’s the only reason they knew he was there.

      What a wild country we are. Suggest you may kill a SCOTUS justice and you’re immediately arrested, but actually try to have your own Vice President killed and bupkis.

      1. NN, I do give you credit: Your capacity for sweeping the indefensible under the rug is unsurpassed.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Me? You’re the Trumper.

          The ONLY redeeming quality in the GOP is that when autocratic parties do eventually gain control, they purge their own first, usually quite bloodily.

    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      He was apprehended by the Montgomery County Police, not the Marshals. They responded to a call from the would-be assassin.

      The MSM at work.

    5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      He want citizens peacefully exercising their 1st amendment rights to be arrested… very Trumpian this one…

      1. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        Does “peacefully exercising their 1st amendment rights” extend to RuthSentUs’ call to protest at Justice Barrett’s church, and her kids’ elementary schools?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          The 1st amendment extends to all peaceful protests… end of story…

  6. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “Seems the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice threatened to step on their narrative. Didn’t happen.”

    It pains me to say it, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the majority of staffers at the WaPo, NPR and DC-area MSM outlets would have been pleased if the would-be assassin had succeeded.

    That’s the obvious conclusion—or at the very least a plausible possibility—from the evidence Mr. Sherlock laid out above. Does the DC-area MSM sound upset over what happened to Justice Kavanaugh? Or Justice Barrett? No.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      methinks you might be projecting here… The US Marshalls are in charge of security for SCOTUS – why does Sherlock ASSUME they “need help” and at the same time ASSUME the Va SP lack resources to help AND that the Fairfax Police should step in no matter whether the US Marshalls need them or not?

      The whole thing is really just another ginned up culture war idiocy – IMHO.

      1. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        And methinks you’re avoiding the obvious fact that the left is ginning up rage and directing it at the families of federal officials—and the element in our society that’s supposed to “hold everyone to account”—our media—has clearly chosen sides.

        IMHO the left is deliberately creating mayhem and undermining our institutions. And, what’s worse, it no longer bothers to even keep up appearances.


  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Fairfax County must cooperate with the Marshals Service in shutting down illegal demonstrations at the Justices’ residents.”

    This was not a “protestor”. I say again, if Youngkin wishes to arrest protestors for violating the law, he can send in the state troopers. He doesn’t because he knows it would violate the 1st.

  8. CrazyJD Avatar

    I’m b-a-a-ack. Violators of the principles of logical argument, as well as those who post obscure and virtually meaningless content, may now flee the jurisdiction.

    When I worked for Arlington County Police many years ago, two justices lived in the northern edge of the county near the Fairfax line. We routinely had a car circulating that neighborhood around the clock. At the end of the Supreme Court term (June), when potentially controversial decisions would be handed down, we had at least one car parked on the streets where they lived. There was never any US Marshall involved, unless specifically called for by the Court or the Justice Department.

    Important to distinguish between the Supreme Court’s Marshall, who has his own Supreme Court Police, and the US Marshall Service, which provides security to all the federal courts, more or less acting like a Virginia sheriff does (court bailiff, serving warrants), though in the history of the US Marshall Service, it has had any number of duties assigned to it, including enforcing civilian court orders (See, e.g., court-ordered registration of James Meredith at U. Miss)

    In this case, the Justice Department ordered the use of the US Marshall service to aid in protecting justices.

    What’s interesting is why Justice Kavanaugh ever decided in the first place to live in the People’s Republic of Maryland, especially Montgomery County, where he might not, shall we say, gain the good graces of the comrades there. 😉

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