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Eye-Glazing Unless You Read Between the Lines

Norm Leahy calls Jeff Schapiro’s Richmond Times-Dispatch column this morning “eye-glazing.” It’s all about Joan S. Dent, retiring executive director of the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA).

Maybe, because I’m a state employee myself, I actually found it interesting, especially reading between the lines.

First of all, out of 112,000 state employees, only 18,000 are members of the organization “that lobbies the General Assembly and executive branch on behalf of state workers.”

Second, salary seems to be the only issue for Ms. Dent.

Third, and perhaps most important, kind words from Ms. Dent only seem to go toward Democratic governors.

Two and three contribute mightily to number one, in my estimation, and that’s one big problem with the VGEA.

Sometime in the coming months gubernatorial candidates will address state employee “issues” in a bid to woo the state workforce’s votes. When I get back from vacation, I’m going to make some suggestions about what the candidates should offer taxpayers and state employees. Hint: salary isn’t at the top of list.

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