Extensive Plagiarism Alleged for UVA PhD Dissertation

by James A. Bacon

Natalie J. Perry, who now leads a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program at UCLA, plagiarized long passages in her PhD dissertation at UVA, allege Luke Rosiak and Christopher F. Rufo in The Daily Wire.

In describing the plagiarism in Perry’s dissertation, “Faculty Perceptions of Diversity at a Highly Selective Research-Intensive University,” Rosiak and Rufo write:

An analysis of the paper found it ridden with the worst sort of plagiarism, reproducing large swaths of text directly from several other authors, without citations. The scale of the plagiarism suggests that Perry lacks both ethics and competence and raises questions about academic programs that push DEI.

Perry’s dissertation lifted passages from ten other papers. In key portions of her text, she copied almost every paragraph from other sources without attribution. She fails even to mention at least four of the ten plagiarized papers anywhere in her dissertation.

The article says Perry earned her PhD in 2014. Her official biography states that she holds a degree in “higher education” from UVA. The School of Education and Human Development website indicates that the school offers a PhD in Higher Education.

“A legitimate academic field never would have found this dissertation plausible,” Rosiak and Rufo write. Speaking of UVA, Harvard, and UCLA Medical School, they add, “These institutions have dramatically lowered expectations for favored groups and pushed a cohort of ‘scholars’ through the system without enforcing basic standards of academic integrity.”

Implications: How many other advanced dissertations offered by the Education School were marred by plagiarism of this sort? Is this case an outlier or a symptom of a larger corruption in which academic standards were suspended for demographically favored groups?

Perry was awarded her degree in 2014. Assuming the charges are verified, have standards continued to erode at UVA as political pressure has intensified to increase the number of degrees granted “under-represented ” minorities?

Does UVA have a process for revoking a degree if plagiarism can be proven? Many universities do. UVA’s research integrity page says the following:

Integrity in scholarship and teaching is a fundamental value upon which UVA is founded. The university’s Research Integrity Program provides the policy outlining the ethical expectations for, and responsibilities of, its research community, and the procedures for investigating research misconduct allegations.

A “research integrity officer,” Dave Hudson, manages “Allegations of Misconduct in Research within the UVA community.” The University uses “a plagiarism detection software application” to check for duplication and missing citations.

I have emailed Hudson and UVA spokesperson Brian Coy the following:

Mr. Hudson,

Perhaps you have been alerted to an article in The Daily Caller by Luke Rosiak and Christopher Rufo presenting detailed evidence that Natalie Perry, who earned a PhD in higher education from UVA in 2014, committed extensive plagiarism in her PhD dissertation. See: Research (virginia.edu)

My questions are these:

Will you (or someone else at UVA) investigate the veracity of these charges?

If plagiarism is proven, what are the potential consequences? Can UVA revoke the PhD?

What is the process by which that determination is made, and who makes it?

Best regards,

Jim Bacon

I will report back whatever I hear.

James A. Bacon is executive director of The Jefferson Council. This column has been republished with permission from the Jefferson Council blog.

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52 responses to “Extensive Plagiarism Alleged for UVA PhD Dissertation”

  1. Rafaelo Avatar

    Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized much of his PhD dissertation. Boston University decided (after his death) not to revoke his doctorate.

    U Va is likely to do the same, in the case of this “Dr.” Perry.

    At U Va lying, cheating, or stealing used to mean instant explusion. Now it gets you a doctorate?

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      From the article I read linked below, they concluded that there was still significant original material in his dissertations, plus he had no ability to defend himself.


  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    UVa. should investigate this allegation thoroughly. If it is found that Perry plagarized in her dissertation, the university should rescind the doctorate degree and dismiss Perry from her position at the university. Furthermore, the members of her dissertation committee, including her advisor, should be sanctioned. Those faculty members should have a sufficient understanding of the field covered in the dissertation to have recognized passages lifted from other sources. This type of academic cheating should not be tolerated. Furthermore, there is a honor code that all students, including graduate students, are subjet to and that code condemns plagarism. https://honor.virginia.edu/academic-fraud

    1. Rafaelo Avatar

      U Va could rescind the doctorate (won’t), but UCLA has to fire its own employee (won’t either).

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      In a sane world, you would be correct. Unfortunately at UVA the Honor System is, at best, on life support. A generation raised on “my truth” and a system so perverse in incentives the profs choose to self control instead of getting in the Kafkaesque process…
      And of course you have the basic administrative/bureaucratic desire to cover up…

    3. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      “This type of academic cheating should not be tolerated.”

      If I were Doctor Perry, I would expect that, as long as my politics were correct, I could get away with some pretty aggressive plagiarism. Wonder where she got that idea…

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Aught to be a matter of recourse for all dissertations. Takes milliseconds to compare against huge databases of papers.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Why do I suspect this is true of more theses or dissertations than anybody dares imagine? Outside a pure research degree, with true experimentation at the core, it’s all words on paper. And most experiments are building on something previous. Piled higher and deeper indeed. (Sour grapes from a baccalaureate.) 🙂

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    There has been software on the market for years that checks papers for plagiarism (although, I don’t know what was available in 2014).

    I’d ask UVa another question:

    Do you check critical papers such as PhD dissertations for plagiarism now?

    UVa (and other well regarded institutions of higher learning) might consider a plagiarism safe harbor. Admit that you plagiarized one or more of your key research papers and you can retract it, redo it, and resubmit it. Fail to admit plagiarism and get caught – you’re gone!

    Liberals decry the anti-intellectualism on the right. How much intellectualism in today’s hallways of higher learning is just the academic version of stolen valor?

    1. Rafaelo Avatar

      With deference, reliance on software instead of well-read faculty on a PhD committee familiar enough with the literature to spot plagiarism, may be part of the problem.

      A PhD examination these days may just be a ritual, going through the motions.

      The key question on a PhD is “what is the original contribution to knowledge?”

      I recall attending one U Va PhD examination in which the candidate was asked exactly that, in so many words. His flustered response:

      “I guess there isn’t one.”

      He got his PhD.

      Richard Rorty, nationally celebrated exponent of pragmatism, was on that examination committee (he left U Va not long after). Abrogating standards: triumph of the pragmatic.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        That is extremely disheartening to hear.

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        “An analysis of the paper found it ridden with the worst sort of plagiarism, reproducing large swaths of text directly from several other authors, without citations. The scale of the plagiarism suggests that Perry lacks both ethics and competence and raises questions about academic programs that push DEI.”

        Hard to imagine that software would not have found that.

        I agree with your point on creating “new knowledge” but plagiarism at scale is sort of the “food and water” level of the academic equivalent of Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      There was some good software available in 2005. I can only imagine it was much better 8, 9 years later.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I would have run it on my own work just to be sure.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It didn’t exist back then, and still doesn’t work on stone tablets.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Transliteration: [DIS TÚG-su ‘DADAG’ U4-MES-sú GID.DA-(MES]
            Translation: If he cleans his garments, his days will be long

            2024 Adaptation:, This dude is filthy! It’ll take all day at the car wash to clean him.

            Hey wait! I’ve seen that before. It was in the Odyssey. Damn! Homer plagiarized!

  6. Color me surprised…… another elite lying, cheating, and plagiarizing …. and the ‘flagship’ institution accepting it … how do they find time for Jew Hatred.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      You are pretty quick to form an opinion. Have you read the Rufo article and examined the evidence?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That was a rhetorical question, right?

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore


          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh. I just figured that you rightfully guessed…

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “ Christopher F. Rufo ”. Repeat trick. Remember the “Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’”? This is his third “plagiarism” shout, and the first two didn’t work either.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Didn’t work as in the fellow Leftists refused to do the right thing…cuz…solidarity! Still a plagiarist, even if not punished.

  8. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Jim, I wish that you had waited to write this blog. Although you do state that the plagiarism is alleged in the Daily Caller article, the rest of your blog is slanted toward guilt. Allegations are just that until they are confirmed or denied.
    Who are the writers of the Daily Caller article? What is their motivation?
    You have asked important questions of Mr. Hudson. Did Messrs Russia and Ruffo? If not, why not? I think that this blog would have more impact if he was given time to act and respond.
    Remember, innocent until proven guilty.

    1. Rafaelo Avatar

      In Mr. Bacon’s defense, the Rufo and Rosiak article quotes the plagiarized dissertation text and next to it the identical text stolen from the original. Not just an allegation. The corpus delicti. Latin for “the body of the crime.” Not necessarily a corpse, just undeniable facts showing there’s been a crime. Though a corpse will do and I would say this particular PhD Ms. Perry’s academic credibility is dead.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        It’s too bad your point wasn’t made by Jim.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          JAB did link the Daily Wire story
          that he identified he was reporting from. The attribution and the link are adjacent in the short lede. A single click would have gotten you both the original allegation that he cited and the evidence for it.

          JAB did a very good job of identifying the work of others he was reporting on, and he provided easy access to the source. Perry failed to do either of those things in her dissertation. The contrast is profound.

          JAB deserves an atta boy for doing it right, not carping at him because you were unwilling to even click a mouse to become informed.

          1. William O'Keefe Avatar
            William O’Keefe

            Lefty, for once I have to agree with you. I simply overlooked the link. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Tks. Sorry I was a little testy with you:) All’s well that ends well.*

            *Shakespeare, W. First Folio 1623

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “In Mr. Bacon’s defense, the Rufo and Rosiak article quotes the plagiarized dissertation text and next to it the identical text stolen from the original.”

        And the claims made by the articles were independently verified by JAB before he leveled his verdict? I have no way of knowing if anything in that article is actually accurate. William is correct, report on the allegations but reserve the judgement until after the investigation (or at least confirm the “facts” independently if you want to “report” out a verdict).

  9. Marty Chapman Avatar
    Marty Chapman

    If punctuality, personal responsibility, professional dress and appearance, and honor are mere manifestations of the white, male, hetero, power structure, it seems likely that plagiarism by any member of an oppressed group must be tolerated. As we know “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

  10. Lefty665 Avatar

    Nice job of putting a point on the issue and ensuring that UVa cannot just ignore it. It will be interesting to see both what response you get and how UVa publicly reacts.

    The additional questions raised by other commenters about why the dissertation committee was not cognizant of extensive plagiarism, current practices, and if current practices are more effective at identifying plagiarism are also relevant. Those questions go to the core of UVa’s academic competence.

    We are finding that the nation and academic community would have been better served if the I in DIE had been Integrity. It also effectively frames the danger if Equity masquerades as achievement and prevails over ability.

  11. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Why do I suspect this is true of more theses or dissertations than anybody dares imagine? Outside a pure research degree, with true experimentation at the core, it’s all words on paper. And most experiments are building on something previous. Piled higher and deeper indeed. (Sour grapes from a baccalaureate.) 🙂

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      True, most things are derivative. The issue is integrity, acknowledging when your words on paper* are really someone else’s words, not words copied from someone else and falsely presented as your own.

      *Haner, S BR 4/23/24 “it’s all words on paper”

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Universities may need a “safe harbor” for existing PhD’s to admit their plagiarism and move on.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “Why do I suspect this is true of more theses or dissertations than anybody dares imagine?”

      See “faulty generalization”…

  12. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    “How many other advanced dissertations offered by the Education School were marred by plagiarism of this sort?”

    Who cares? It’s the Education School, folks. Not a serious school, like the engineering school or the Darden School (business) or the medical school.

    It is good business sense for UVA to create easy academic programs that progressive students will pay for, with our money. (Taxpayer-subsidized federal student loans, that is). UVA has to meet payroll and pay the electric bill, just like the rest of us.

    Everyone on Grounds knew who the real students were and who the grifters were.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      I notice you didn’t rightfully include the Law School in the list of the serious, but Business?

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, while in the E school my son complained all the time about the folks in the College of Arts and Crafts….His father with a liberal arts BA just held his tongue…

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Truth will out… as it did with Mr. Bhattacharyya, eh?

    And on the stand in NYC, David Pecker admitted under oath that the National Enquirer made up a story linking Ted Cruz’ father to the assassination of JFK….

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Which has what to do with what? Besides indicating your own TDS and celebrating banana republic lawfare? Again, which indicates your own moral glass house. None so blind…

    2. Just like Crocked Hillary and Steele….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Right. Things get “made up” and faked.

        A truth punishes the guilty, a lie the innocent and the believers.

    3. David Pecker admitted under oath that the National Enquirer made up a story linking Ted Cruz’ father to the assassination of JFK….

      To me, all that did was damage his credibility as a witness.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The thing about criminal trials, most of the witnesses are criminals. Criminals don’t involve good people in their criminal behavior for good reason.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          You channeling Ed Meese?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            No. My one experience. Murder. The witnesses were all charged with other crimes.

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Wayne. National Enquirer. What credibility?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Now, now, Steve. The NE broke a really big story once. Can’t remember what or when, but there was that once.

        2. Fair enough. Which raises the questions as to why the prosecutor thinks this guy can be particularly damaging to Trump.

  14. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    It is RACIST to notice plagiarism commuted by people belonging to a protected group.
    You should all be ashamed!
    You are not authorized to use AI to check Joe Biden’s college papers for plagiarism.

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