The Business of Healthcare

by James C. Sherlock

Virginia in 2018 both expanded Medicaid and increased Medicaid reimbursement rates.  

Those changes orchestrated by Virginia hospitals took effect in 2019 and resulted in a major financial windfall to those same hospitals.

I have compared the 2018 and 2019 Hospitals Operating and Total Margins spreadsheets published by the state through its contractor They provide detailed financial performance information for every hospital in Virginia. The 105 hospitals in 2019 included acute care, rural critical access hospitals, children’s, psychiatric, rehabilitation and sub-acute hospitals.

We will see that when the Medicaid changes kicked in in 2019, Virginia’s wealthy urban hospital systems got richer.  

But we will also see that those same changes rescued the rural hospitals from barely breaking even in 2018 and enabled them as a class to book extraordinary profits in 2019.

We will ask at the end of the discussion whether the state-provided outsized profitability of Virginia’s untaxed non-profit hospital systems may warrant a re-examination of their tax exemptions.

We will look first at nationwide community hospital performance and then at Virginia’s 105 hospitals of all types. You can view the hospital-by-hospital breakdown of revenues, operating profits, and operating margins here. 

The Virginia hospitals we will assess first together and then by class to see what differences Medicaid changes made to their financial performances.

Nationwide community hospital financial performance

From Modern Healthcare, we learn

“U.S. hospitals together generated more than $100 billion in profit in 2019, almost 23% more than in the prior year, according to a new American Hospital Association report. The more than 5,100 community hospitals operating in 2019 produced an aggregate total margin of 8.8%, up from 7.6% in 2018, when they drew $83.5 billion in profit.”

By community hospitals, Modern Healthcare means acute care and critical access hospitals. You will see that those same classes of hospitals in Virginia easily beat the national averages for financial performance.

Virginia hospitals financial performance

Virginia’s 105 hospitals of all classes. Virginia hospitals of all types together in 2018 booked $22.32 billion in operating revenue and $1.83 billion in operating income for a total operating margin of 8.2%, roughly three times the operating margin of the average U.S. hospital in 2018. Profits totaled $1.92 billion.

In 2019, after the effects of Medicaid expansion and the rate increases kicked in, Operating revenue increased nearly $2 billion and operating income increased $500 million to produce an overall operating margin of 9.6%. Profits were $2.57 billion, a 34% increase from the previous year.

Community hospitals – urban – acute care and children’s. When we sort the lists for the 60 urban acute and two urban children’s hospitals and delete the others, we see that in 2018 the operating revenue was $20.98 billion, the operating income was $1.82 billion for an operating margin of 8.7% and the profit $1.86 billion. 

The next year, 2019, those same urban hospitals had combined operating revenues of $23.56 billion and operating income of $2.35 billion for a combined operating margin of 10% and profits of 2.58 billion.

Community Hospitals – rural – acute care and critical access. Rural hospitals were clearly rescued by the Medicaid expansion and higher Medicaid payments. Critical access hospitals are acute care facilities as well but are really rural.  

When we break out just the rural acute care and critical access hospitals from the larger list, we see that in 2019 they too had a great year as well, especially those that were components of systems anchored by urban hospitals.  

Virginia’s 21 rural hospitals had 2019 operating revenues of $1.05 billion with operating income of $100 million for a combined operating margin of 9.6%.  

In 2018, that same group of hospitals, 15 acute and 6 critical care, had a combined operating margin of 0.8%, with twelve of them suffering negative margins.

Probing deeper into the 2019 numbers, only two of 21 rural hospitals, Bath County Community Hospital and Buchanan General Hospital, were unaffiliated.  Bath County Hospital had an operating margin of negative 26.2%, up from negative 37% in 2018. Buchanan General’s 2019 operating margin was negative 3.6%, unchanged from 2018.  

The key to rural hospital profitability was size.  

Thirteen of the 21 rural hospitals had operating revenue above $40 million. All but one of them had a positive operating margin. The largest by revenue, not-for-profit Ballad Health’s Lonesome Pine Mt. View Hospital in Big Stone Gap, had an operating margin of 22.7%, up from 7.3% in 2018.

Of the eight rural hospitals with operating revenue below $40 million in 2019, seven of them had negative operating margins.

If we remove the eight smallest from the list, the combined 2019 operating margin of the thirteen rural hospitals with operating revenue between $40 million and $105 million was an astounding 14.2%.

Psychiatric Hospitals. The picture is not nearly so rosy in most of Virginia’s eight psychiatric hospitals.  

Combined performance in 2019 was $172 million in operating revenue, $2.5 million in operating income for a combined operating margin of 1.4%. 

The largest, HCA’s Dominion Hospital in Falls Church, had an operating margin of 19.7%. The second largest, Universal Health Service’s Poplar Springs Hospital in Petersburg, had an operating margin of negative 29.6%. Four were profitable. Four weren’t.

Rehabilitation Hospitals. Eight of Virginia’s nine rehabilitation hospitals were profitable. Encompass Health Corporation, which runs six of the nine, was profitable in each and had a combined 2019 operating margin of 13.1%.

Sub-acute Hospitals. Of the state’s six sub-acute hospitals, only two made money. Those were the two largest.

Bottom line

So, the 2018 combination of Medicaid expansion and Medicaid rate increases worked so well as a financial boost to Virginia hospitals that at the end of 2019 most of them were awash in money.  

The richest urban systems got richer. But there is no doubt that the changes appear to have erased concerns for the viability of most of Virginia’s rural hospitals.  

Finally, the Virginia hospital universe is dominated by regional monopoly non-profits. The monopolies were granted by the state, as were the Medicaid changes.

The General Assembly may wish next to examine the state and local tax exemptions of the most profitable “not-for-profit” hospital systems to determine the tradeoff between: 

  • leaving them state and local tax free and hoping they contribute proportionally to community health as an offset. Some do, some don’t; and 
  • taxing them and using those proceeds to both reimburse to the communities that host them for the real costs to providing services to the hospitals and to improve community health directly.

Either way, it is a combination of state COPN decisions and taxpayer money that pads the bottom lines and lines the pockets of the senior executives of these self-declared “public charities,” some of it in bonuses triggered by the profitability increases that were in turn voted for by the General Assembly.

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15 responses to “Medicaid and Medicaid Rate Increases Boost Virginia Hospital Profitability”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Not my field of expertise without doing some research, but I’m not sure the General Assembly could take away income tax exemptions offered to non-profits that get that recognition from the Internal Revenue Service or federal law. It certainly couldn’t/shouldn’t do that for just one class of non-profit service provider, the hospitals. What about private higher ed? As a rule, state taxes are based first on federal rules and definitions.

    I would also add that improving the financial status of struggling hospitals was an argument for expanding the Medicaid reimbursements. It was the stated goal. The real headline would have been finding out that after they did it, the hospitals were still losing money or barely breaking even.

    To my mind the issue has always been what are those entities allowed to do with the excess revenue if it is not either taxed or dispersed as dividends. An interesting before and after comparison would be executive compensation. Did that shoot up after the changes? Did admin spending explode? What have they done with the money?

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Good compilation of data. Jim Bacon is right–it would be easier to follow in a spreadsheet or Word table.

    I assume by “operating income”, you mean net income after expenses or “profit.”

    I have long been skeptical of the claim by hospitals that they were hurting financially. One could drive around Richmond and frequently see new hospitals building new, or adding onto, medical office buildings. Then there were the fancy new hospitals, such as Bon Secours’ St. Francis in far western Chesterfield and its Memorial Regional Hospital in Hanover.

    The good news in your numbers is the increased viability of rural hospitals.

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Not my field of expertise without doing some research, but I’m not sure the General Assembly could take away income tax exemptions offered to non-profits that get that recognition from the Internal Revenue Service or federal law. It certainly couldn’t/shouldn’t do that for just one class of non-profit service provider, the hospitals. What about private higher ed? As a rule, state taxes are based first on federal rules and definitions.

    I would also add that improving the financial status of struggling hospitals was an argument for expanding the Medicaid reimbursements. It was the stated goal. The real headline would have been finding out that after they did it, the hospitals were still losing money or barely breaking even.

    To my mind the issue has always been what are those entities allowed to do with the excess revenue if it is not either taxed or dispersed as dividends. An interesting before and after comparison would be executive compensation. Did that shoot up after the changes? Did admin spending explode? What have they done with the money?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      The state adheres to federal tax exempt rulings but it is not bound to do so.

      Improving the status of financially troubled rural hospitals was the right thing to do. But, nothing in any constitution requires the state to give the same tax breaks to all parties who declare themselves not-for-profit.

      The state can and should examine whether it is getting its money’s worth, and if these giant urban not-for-profits paid taxes some individual hospitals would be paying north of $50 million a year each like some of the for-profit HCA hospitals do.

      As for executive compensation, Howard Kern, the CEO and an ex-officio Director of Sentara, received $1.5 million in bonus and incentive compensation in 2018, almost as much as his base compensation in a total $5.75 million package.

      Sentara’s explanation to the IRS in their 2018 Form 990 for why he and other executives were paid so so much in 2018 was because they hired a consultant to “COMPARE SENTARA’S PERFORMANCE TO 32 NOT-FOR-PROFIT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS BASED ON NET REVENUE GROWTH, OPERATING MARGIN, VARIOUS CLINICAL QUALITY METRICS AND PATIENT SATISFACTION OVERALL.”

      So you can see from Sentara’s own words that Sentara executives are incentivized to increase revenue and operating margin (which multiplied together equal profit) for that not-for-profit public charity.

      They boosted 2019 financial results shown above by successfully lobbying for Medicaid expansion and rate increases in 2018. See how that works?

      There is not yet public access to Sentara’s 2019 Form 990, but it is reasonable to expect that compensation for Kern and his C suite executives went up again.

  4. It’s apparent that urban health care profited greatly, and that not all rural health care was stabilized, let alone rescued, by this infusion of cash. What if anything can be done to improve the delivery of health care in rural areas without simultaneously boosting urban health profit margins?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Sure. Tax the currently tax exempt urban hospitals with state-granted monopolies and move some of the money to rural hospitals.

  5. The medical/surgical and critical care services were moved from Mountain View Hospital to Lonesome Pine Hospital in 2019 as part of Ballad Health’s consolidation of services to cut expenses. Mountain View was repurposed as a nursing home, skilled nursing facility and inpatient rehab.

  6. Jim, thanks for doing this reporting. Once upon a time, print media used to publish this data. I guess they don’t have the editorial hole or resources to do so anymore.

    I would suggest that you provide your summary results — revenue, operating profit, and profit margins for 2018 and 2019 — on a spreadsheet, which I will post on the blog. Readers should know the profitability of hospitals in their communities so they ask the nonprofits among them what they’re doing in exchange for the tax breaks they receive.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock


  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Good compilation of data. Jim Bacon is right–it would be easier to follow in a spreadsheet or Word table.

    I assume by “operating income”, you mean net income after expenses or “profit.”

    I have long been skeptical of the claim by hospitals that they were hurting financially. One could drive around Richmond and frequently see new hospitals building new, or adding onto, medical office buildings. Then there were the fancy new hospitals, such as Bon Secours’ St. Francis in far western Chesterfield and its Memorial Regional Hospital in Hanover.

    The good news in your numbers is the increased viability of rural hospitals.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I posted the spreadsheet in the Media section. You can see it there. I think Jim will make it available to all. It answers your technical questions with notes in the header row.

      Operating income is total operating revenue minus total operating expenses.

      What for-profit companies label as profit is reported by non-profit companies as “Revenue and Gains in Excess of Expenses and Losses”. I use the term profit for all of these companies because that is what it is.

      1. The spreadsheet now can be downloaded from Jim’s post. The link appears right after the jump.

  8. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    “nothing in any constitution requires the state to give the same tax breaks to all parties…” Not going to look it up right now, but yes sir, tax uniformity is indeed enshrined in the state constitution and it usually takes an amendment approved by the voters to treat special classes special ways. The state’s tax exemptions when granted deal with state taxes – mainly property and sales and use.

    Your expectations about what the state could do here prudently is unrealistic. But it might be able to use regulatory authority to make sure the excess funds are spent in a beneficial manner and didn’t just enrich admin, staff, etc.

    1. sherlockj Avatar

      This encouraged me to write a column Mar 21 to answer you.

  9. […] yesterday wrote a  column that disclosed 34% increases in the 2019 profitability of Virginia hospitals that were generated […]

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